@lootbox9071 Сағат бұрын
The king did a similar thing didn't he? Meaning it is entirely possible and cost effective, the council in charge just wanna make people's eyes suffer
@Kimberly-cx9uv 2 сағат бұрын
betterhelp is a scam
@mohammadalomran5709 2 сағат бұрын
What are the best books that will help me understand more about Renaissance or about traditional architecture?
@SnowMacaco 3 сағат бұрын
@NadaCakar 4 сағат бұрын
Those ugly lego cubes that are being built everywhere are soo ugly...
@larrypage6635 4 сағат бұрын
For context, there are many temples in Tamil Nadu (India) that stands for more than a thousand years and still accessible. Houses and forts aged hundreds of years. Some of the marvelous architectures build by ancient Tamil kings - 1. Thanjai periya Kovil 2. Kallanai 3. Kudaivarai Kovil and so on... Sad reality is currently Government and politicians are busy whith filling their pockets 😅
@jd-cornelius-777 5 сағат бұрын
What's interesting is how the poor architectural choice is an aesthetic manifestation of the same underlying principles as many other terrible ideas that are making society worse, and coming out of the university, such as everyone is fundamentally the same, men and women are the same, values are subjective, hierarchy is bad, everyone must be equal even if it means we have to slow down those who excel, etc. It seems to all be somehow or another an outgrowth of a fundamental rejection of the intrinsic order of Reality, in the name of creating whatever reality any individual wants, i.e., crypto-Luciferianism, attempting to "kill God" by rejecting any recognition of the intrinsic, intelligent order of nature, in order to become a false creator, constructing things arbitrarily with the assertion that the natural order itself is arbitrary, rather than working WITH those principles, as in classical architecture, and other systems in other domains of life that were more aligned with the intrinsic order, hierarchy, and beauty of Creation. So basically, surprisingly enough, it's kinda the devil (archetypally).
@GC-pj6no 6 сағат бұрын
Its very interesting to me how in the first worlds things are cycling back to the classics, but in here at the third world we are just starting to take a knee deep taste test of bridging modern architecture and elaborating it to our contexts. When i entered uni, i never got to be magnetized by the appeal of modern architecture. I love history so imagine my wilted interest when i couldnt find a common ground to appreciate modern innovation that i barely see around me.
@joaodecarvalho7012 6 сағат бұрын
How were we so blind?
@JoaquinArizaga-m7b 6 сағат бұрын
There are so many issues with how the information is shown here that I really dont know where to start from. Just throwing some out: -why should three guys making facebook pages be relevant to a discussion in architecture that has been going on since the beggining of the century? - as the name of this channel suggest, the video shows only the aestethic value/variable of architecture. Its much more complex than that. How would you make and open plan office space using traditional construction methods? As an example of many. -uprising, revolution. Clic bait words that just dont relate to any of this. Revoultions imply much more than a couple of narrow minded people giving likes on Facebook/instagram. -architecture as a form of art should follow old principles? Ok, then why is music, painting, sculpture moving foward while learning from the past? If your answer is "older was better" then you are just living in nostalgia and it seems the future is not for you. I could keep going but its already too long. To close, its a valid discussion to have but dont let get fooled by well produced content and some scripted monologues. None of the speakers even stated what they do for a living. Or everyone can now be a voice about subjects they barely understand? Sadly, I think we can.
@MsBridgesSocial 9 сағат бұрын
A course? YES!
@tutacat 11 сағат бұрын
If it is the norm, it is not experimentation
@MavArchT 11 сағат бұрын
While I can see you have a facade of peaceful banter with current architectural education you are creating a villain of "new". Even today in school and in practice there is the understanding that anything an architect will do today will consist of "new" whether that is design, construction, or materials. While schools do need to teach about how things were done focusing to much on the past takes time away from how things are done today and prepare them for how things are going to be done in the future. In school many times if you designed something with an older style or basis the critique was more on how faithful you were to the style. In architecture historically speaking you rarely have a time of old designs coming back, and if they do its usually changed so much that its still given a new title. This all being said as well in professional practice most clients cant afford to build something that has an older aesthetic. Those details and materials are not cheap. Most projects have those elements stripped away due to budget rather than designers creating "bland designs" by solely the designers choice.
@xsanez_ 11 сағат бұрын
commenting for algorithm
@matimatiz 12 сағат бұрын
I just want beautiful and comfortable buildings instead of gray uglyness and hostile architecture. I dont care the details.
@rosariomartinez820 15 сағат бұрын
Let me tell you my story: I spent one year in Pforzheim, which I found to be a horrible ugly « cheap modern » town. No charm, nothing. Ugly. Years after that I went to the US and by chance I happened to meet an old lady who was originally from Pforzheim! She was German and fell in love with a Russian soldier during WW2. They decided to escape (very hard…) and after going first to Latin America ended up in the US… he was apparently an engineering student and I guess very smart… well, the thing is that I somehow said that unfortunately I did not find Pforzheim a beautiful town… she told me that it had been a very nice town before the war… and she wanted to show me some old pictures of the original city… oh, my God… that was a complete different place from what I had known… At the time, I remember we thought it would be really nice if the old buildings could be rebuilt… I find this is a very, very good idea… These 60s style « cheap modern » buildings are horrible ! I hope I can one day come back to Pforzheim and see it as it was before the war… The lady probably died years ago…
@KuroKusoge 17 сағат бұрын
Would be good to show how successful the town is with the some interviews with poundbury locals. Was weird seeing the town empty? I suspect you used old clips of the town and that’s not how it is now??
@adelb7897 19 сағат бұрын
We DESPERATELY need architects like them for Toronto. Our city is full of some of the ugliest architecture out there...
@pplgotsuchrandomusernames 22 сағат бұрын
I'm so happy I'm not alone in this idea that i don't like modern buildings. I actually will start architecture school soon and I remember going back to when I was interviewed by two proffessors from there, I told them how much i love classical architecture and how modern one is boring sort of (said in nicer words dw) but one of them corrected me saying that not all modern designs are boring or sum, i don't even remember what he said, because it felt like i was hit by his words. Not because they impacted me in a good way, but because I realised they don't really care about old architecture. This video actually, reminded me of this moment and how it shows that they have been ''brainwashed'' as such, and it makes me sad to think i won't be designing anything beautiful, but all ''sustainable and modern ''. I also hope my university has some classes to teach that.
@kiribati9393 23 сағат бұрын
Architecture school are not broken, style is just a facade, architecutre is way more complexe, architects have no power now, realtors, construction company have the power. You're missing your point, the city are the way they are , not because of architects, but because of the people investing in them, why doing a elaborate facade if you don't make more bucks selling it ?
@rbalse Күн бұрын
Those in power in Australia are hell-bent of cramming more people into our major cities, sprawling out with car-centric new suburbs and replacing older suburbs with modernist, soulless high rise apartment blocks. We should instead be building new small cities like this close to existing regional centres and along existing transport corridors. Most people would prefer to see copies of good traditional European architecture rather than modernist blocks of concrete and glass that have no vernaucular references and no appeal.
@justinschreiner2352 Күн бұрын
Beach sand is to warn down and round to use in modern concrete. You need it to use sand with sand that isn't smooth and can get stuck with the mix.
@mynameisnobody5295 Күн бұрын
But, does it have a public transport such as busses and a train station to reduce the need to have a car? If the new town grows it would need public transit such as buses and a train station. Otherwise it would end up like all towns people being dependant to their car. This would then means that motorways being build taking away the charracter brining in dirt, noise and polution. Every town end up this way as long as we are dependant on cars. You can reduce the polution with electric cars but it still takes up space where houses could be instead of a car park. Humanity has been conditioned to think a car is the ultimate of freedom. To me it feels like a control system where most people on;y use their car to go to work or for some pleasure. Most of the time the car is just sitting around ticking money for a parking spot. In the UK we created the train yet we are one of the worse countries that have train services. In my town we use to have five train stations we now have just two. Then their was the Hugh speed rail which people complain about yet want more large highways being build. This has hurt those in the North of England. Mobility is one of the most important things for people for freedon of movement and must be improved.
@0th_Law Күн бұрын
It's honestly amusing when you look at things in context, just how short the lifespan of "Modern Urban Design" really was.
@1rahmaan Күн бұрын
@kovacskovacs3465 Күн бұрын
Yes, for a smaller country with actual housing demand, where location is great... creating new, beautiful cities will work. Unlike what China did... also, being a "Progressive" does not equal "progress" or being "progressive". The former is just a name. You sort of touch on that. Many Progressive policies are inherently regressive and destructive to the culture within a given country.
@allykhan8594 Күн бұрын
How about using high spec ss314L or even stronger and coated pvc?
@Landekar Күн бұрын
I have seen and you have seen modern iterations of classical, overly proportionate symmetrical design. It sucks
@mynameisnobody5295 Күн бұрын
"Charles has espoused environmental causes for more than half a century. He made his first speech on green issues at the age of 21, warning of the threats from plastic waste and chemicals dumped into rivers and seas, and air pollution from industry, vehicles and planes. At the time, his views were seen as eccentric." Source: Gaurdian. Im not a monarchist but I do have in common cause on better envioraments maybe, I'm a bit eccentric too.
@seancaseo84 Күн бұрын
Good luck trying this in Ireland, it would cost 10 Trillion Eur and be shite
@heinrichh.6369 Күн бұрын
i live in a "tower in the park" concept and i love it. (even though i did not know this term until now) everything i need is close by in Walking distance. it's quit and feels close to nature. The architecture itself may not be the most picturesque, yet i pay only little rent and and have a nice view in the park.
@user-hj7ld4ff7p Күн бұрын
A world designed by drunken frat boys and built down to code to enrich a few.
@user-hj7ld4ff7p Күн бұрын
Nah, we're dead. If we'd wanted better cities we would have built them. The species is auto-necro-philiac. Even the Japanese, who know how to build essentially eternal buildings out of wood without nails or screws, have given up and their houses are meant to last thirty years. It's okay. We don't want to a be species. Who is going to miss us? A few dogs.
@eeveeline2588 Күн бұрын
You are a 21st century hero, I love your channel a lot!!!!! Please never stop doing videos :)
@karencrecco2922 Күн бұрын
How lovely! I would love to live in such a town!
@samuellblake Күн бұрын
Love you guys! Would love to help out!
@Seagaltalk Күн бұрын
Everything has a shelf life
@NimrodTargaryen Күн бұрын
Most modern architecture is functionally cold, with some exceptions without soul
@ju_ul3 Күн бұрын
only works until the 'minorities' (global majority btw) show up and multiply.
@ellie4683 Күн бұрын
Big question: Why is a cube form that a child could draw more fancy that the more difficult beautiful forms of before? Just asking.
@NimrodTargaryen Күн бұрын
Great video… The vibrating animations… are distracting and unsettling… should get rid of those
@Bluesruse Күн бұрын
The Romans had slaves. And normal people didn't live in homes made of concrete. And even if the Pantheon still stands, most Roman concrete buildings don't. And that is due to a different ugly human nature, which is proven true even today, every day, as we speak.
@zavaraninoveuhorky Күн бұрын
Its ironic we live in postmodernist society that in its fundaments despises consumeristic way of life yet everything became 10 times more consumeristic than it was before even during modernism
@thenorthowl2033 Күн бұрын
I would have liked to see the financials and supply cost analysis. How many units were created and for what cost vs other methods.
@ellie4683 Күн бұрын
I hope planners will wake up to see the sense of this. It is so strange that a small number of people simply get to decide that the world has to look hideous and unwelcoming and call that ‘progress’. Old cities look good because people mostly build their own houses and wanted something beautiful to show their neighbors. Now we have to accept living in one man or woman’s ambition.
@herusolares5320 Күн бұрын
I'm curious to see how this town will do in terms of upkeep and demographics.
@wacherwicht1810 Күн бұрын
The 1000 year rei- home.
@user-hm5dt2bd5q Күн бұрын
Strange. Must be Americans problem. I live in reinforced concrete building and it is standing without problems for past 80 years.
@MichelleW72 2 күн бұрын
This was my experience with architecture school. I was so disillusioned I left.
@stanlehmann4523 2 күн бұрын
Sadly its Russian territory now, but Dresden has same fate city - Konigsberg, that also need to be rebuild....