@SomeGuy712x Күн бұрын
100% Orange Moon!
@SomeGuy712x 5 күн бұрын
(0:27) Yeah, so don't worry about any donkeys that fell into death juice or received an "unsatisfactory" mark on their official testing records. They're perfectly okay. :P (0:48) Also, if the DANMAKU room doesn't screw you up, maybe you can get all five donkadons in one run. (I called them "donkadons" because Yoshi is called a donkey in this level.) (1:09) Yeah, I think your voice is more distinct now. (1:31) Unfortunately, this is as far as a yellow Yoshi can go, because Chuck here forces him to run out of bounds. (Also, if you try to enter at midpoint with yellow Yoshi, the Chuck in the "LEFT!" room will force you to lose him there.) (1:36) Oh, hello. Gee, I wonder why that one turn block holds a coin instead of being the regular spinny version...? (Oops, I didn't take into account the fact that the player could be replaying the level with a cape when I hid that, and of course the cape makes it much easier to discover.) (1:46) Seems you didn't even notice the potential significance of that one block holding a coin instead of being spinny. Also, you didn't need to reset the room, as your cape could open the Yoshi block there easily. (2:06) Cape flight mini-shortcut FTW. (2:43) KOOPARADE room time, where the first moon is located. (2:49) King combo (11 hits)! (2:58) Actually, you don't need to leave any Koopas intact, as the blue P-switch can be your "weapon of choice" here. (3:12) Yep. Also, it's neat that your score landed exactly at 300000 there. (3:22) Push! Silver P-switch get! (3:33) Welp, this isn't gonna be a full donkadon run unless you reset the room. (3:35) Oops. Rewinds FTW. (Perhaps I should've made the leftmost mushrom platform tile nonsolid there.) (3:43) First MOON get! And, undernom. :P (4:01) Nope, this is officially not a full donkadon run now. (4:23) Welp, that's "unsatisfactory". (5:05) LOL, that brief zoom out. (5:12) Now for the ZWEE room, which is where you can access the second moon from. (5:33) "I HOPE YOU WIN!" (5:37) "七 一 二 x" (712x). Also, this layout is mostly copy-pasted from one of the bonus rooms of my recent A.U.T.O.M.A.T.I.C. level. (6:13) Not hitting those ? blocks? (6:19) Oops. That pipe functions the same as the one under the midway gate, taking you to the second half of the level if you're riding Yoshi. If you dismounted Yoshi first, or you enter the door there, you get reset to the middle of the "七 一 二 x" layout, where there'll be another Yoshi present for you in the left ? block that you didn't hit at 6:13. (6:59) Wrong. You need Yoshi in order to do a donkey jump up to the moon. (7:12-7:18) Bingo! Nailed it! Second MOON get! (8:04) Ah, okay. It's fine to do that. (9:09) Restarting from midpoint with a cape now... OR NOT!!! You didn't actually hit the midway gate when you first got to the ZWEE room! Whoops! (9:20) "One eternity later..." :P ...Okay, NOW you're at the second half with a cape. Also, I see you got every donkadon on the way back here this time. (9:32) Welp, not nearly enough room to build up running speed here. (11:59) LOL, nice one. (13:32) Oh, no! You entered the pipe while ducking... So, this is something I discovered just a few days ago, and it's a glaring issue that went unnoticed because I tend to give out power ups like candy in this level. If you enter ANY vertical exit pipe without Yoshi while you're small Mario, or while ducking as big Mario, you erroneously get sent to the next area as if you were riding Yoshi. That is not supposed to happen, and is very unfortunate for the main gimmick of my level. I know what I did wrong and how I can easily fix it as well, but it's already a couple weeks too late... (13:52) Yeah, if you're big Mario and not ducking, you reset the area as intended. (15:13) Magnifying glass time again. :P (17:19) Yep, that's death juice that you need the vine to nom. (18:38) Yeah, it's technically possible to bring Yoshi up that way, but probably isn't really worth the effort. It's much better to just do the race as normal. (19:53) Pfft... Well, you did it. You managed to take Yoshi through the "M" path. :P (19:59) Here's the NOM NOM room, where the third moon is found. Yeah, you were just wasting your time checking for moons in the other rooms of the second half so far. (20:40) Bingo! Now just do that on the other side. However, there is a hidden feather in the lower-left corner below the screen on this side, which you collected at 20:44. (22:11-22:15) Success! Third MOON get! (23:20, 24:50) Yeah, that's not supposed to work that way... I'm still facepalming and kicking myself over not realizing that mistake beforehand... (23:23) Since you've already finished DANMAKU before, the P-switches revealed by the checkpoint 1-up are already present, so you immediately have "easy modo" here. (23:58) P-push! (24:42) All donkadons get! (25:00) Yeah, I already know... Dagnabbit... (25:43) No, you got all three regular moons in the level, and there are no moons in the GOAL area. (27:22) Unfortunately, that switch palace message only appears when you press the big yellow button of doom™. :P ...I probably should've added a message box to that room as well so you could still read the message again if you wanted. (27:31) So, is that "Yes" choice a joke? Or does it have actual meaning? That's for you to figure out... maybe. :P
@markvd1008 5 күн бұрын
4:01, 9:09 Well, it managed to make that mistake redundant now, but part of me realized after the fact. 13:32 What exactly is the issue? Does it have something to do with the screen boundary alignment? 20:40 Looking at it, I see it's like the reverse version of that Yoshi springboard grab!
@SomeGuy712x 5 күн бұрын
@@markvd1008 (13:32) Quite simply... I placed the lip of the vertical pipes one tile too high in relation to the subscreen boundary. I compared with where I had placed the pipes when I used this trick in Hide and Seek Items, as well as in The Goal Tape Heist. It's unfortunate that it actually still worked except while small/ducking in this case, because that led me to falsely believe that I had them positioned properly. Had I figured this out before the deadline, I know how I could've easily fixed them-- Just move all objects, sprites, and secondary entrances in the vertical sublevels down by one tile, and make a couple of adjustments to the "BYE, YOSHI" sublevel.
@SomeGuy712x 8 күн бұрын
Alright, resuming at the start of the DANMAKU room at 28:11. (28:33) Yeah, burning the Hammer Bro. is a good start. So, resetting the room until you land that hit is perfectly fine. (28:39) Toasty! (28:46) Okay, seeing that happen, I should've adjusted things to make it less likely for the player to accidentally enter the door there. Simply lowering the blue-topped turnip column by 1 tile would do the trick. (28:59) After burning the AFHB, taking flight with the blue shell is the next logical step, but I wonder whether it's really the ideal play... (29:13) Welp... I knew I should've lowered the difficulty of this room even further. So, in version 1.0, there were three Pitching Chucks on the far right. In v1.1, I changed one of them into a Clapping Chuck, so there are only two Pitching Chucks now. I really should have removed one more of them, and maybe made some other tweaks so this room would not be as much of a difficulty spike. I have a feeling that if anything is going to majorly hinder my level's score, it's gonna be this DANMAKU room right here. (29:42) It's honestly up to the player to decide how to do things. Also, I think the yellow shell is the most useless, as its fart power isn't really able to hit much here, so it's best used as a regular projectile, as if it was a green shell. (30:13) BARF! Another thing I should've done is use the 1-up checkpoint here as a way for a player to quickly get back to this room if they should die. Instead, I used the 1-up checkpoint for something different, which can technically make the room easier, but you need to have reached the right side of the room at least once first. Man, I wish I could go back in time to before the deadline and tweak this room some more. (30:35) Heh, block clone FTW. (31:47) Well, that was rushing recklessly forward, though you at least saw the right side of the room now, along with Moonface's cameo appearance. :P (33:42) Whoa, what caused the screen to vibrate there? Anyway, yep, that ? block gives a Cape Feather, which could be of use. (33:46, 36:32) Post-mortem gulp. :P (36:27) At that point, you should've prioritized the reset door over your reserve flower, because you can farm flowers easily enough by just resetting the room multiple times. (36:35) Yeah, practice this room all you want. (36:41) What's the name of that music track? (38:29) Reached the 1-up checkpoint, which results in a couple of helpful additions to the start of the room from now on, even if you die. But, then you went back in time to before you triggered it. (39:00) Hitting the clear blocks up there kills the invisible Sumo Bro. and "turns off" that lightning generator. (42:36) Yep, the second ? block here contains a star. If you can manage to grab that, you can easily rampage over the Chucks and stuff. (44:43) Chipmunk time. But, is it really "chipmunk" if the audio pitch is unchanged? :P (46:06) Pfft... I saw that accidental door entry. (46:20) Back to DANMAKU. (47:17-47:26) Cape Feather get! (48:00) Star get (and its "new" music FTW). (48:03) No, don't rewind, dood! Just use the pipe to reset the room! Argh, you would've seen what the 1-up checkpoint trigger would've added to the start of the room... (49:28) Thank you! Now, as a reward for at least triggering the 1-up checkpoint, have a silver P-switch that gets rid of the Lava Lotus, and a blue P-switch that dunks the Chucks in the death juice! (50:02) Hey there, Future-Mark. How's it going? :P (51:01) LOL, nice one. You weren't supposed to dunk yourself in the death juice too. (51:47) Finally, DANMAKU is complete! Once again, I wish I could go back in time to make it more reasonable... (51:49) There are many valid ways to do the room, and making use of the P-switches is one of them, so it's perfectly fine. (52:04) Fun fact: In v1.1, I added a Yoshi here, thinking I was fixing the potential issue of the level becoming unwinnable if they lost Yoshi here, but I had forgotten that I had already placed this Yoshi block here, so that was never an issue in the first place. So, in v1.2, I removed that redundant Yoshi, as the ? block containing Yoshi is sufficient. (52:25) This little gimmick to end off the level is pretty neat. Fun fact: I first tried this gimmick with falling gray platforms, but they didn't really work. But then I thought of turn block bridges, and they do indeed work for this trick. (53:05) Yep, as the terrain tiles say, you gotta JUMP there. (53:10) Fun fact: I added that wall on the left there in v1.2, to make sure you couldn't possibly lose Yoshi at the point where there are no more reset doors, even though Yoshi isn't required anymore at this point. (53:15) LOL, and then you lose him at the goal anyway. But, for the purposes of the "escort mission", you still got him to the end, so... YOU WIN! (55:01) Yellow donkey get! (55:18) Unfortunately, 0 moons were grabbed... for now. (55:56) Darn DANMAKU room... (56:07) Yeah, be sure to check Donkey House and seeing what the message there says while you're riding a Yoshi next time.
@markvd1008 8 күн бұрын
33:42 Likely the lag accompanied by the invisible Sumo Bros. stomping. 36:27 Yeah, I already realized that in hindsight. 36:41 OcularNebula - Stay Inside Me, the music that Geometry Dash used abridged for practice mode. 53:15 Yeah, I wanted to finish the level with 712 seconds.
@SomeGuy712x 7 күн бұрын
@@markvd1008 (33:42) Oh, right. (36:41) Okay. (53:15) Nice.
@SomeGuy712x 8 күн бұрын
(0:51) Good luck finding all yes moons. :P (1:16) Yep, it's 15.txt from the old Addmusic set. (1:30) "Donkadons", not "dagadons". (1:46) Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with that glitchy extra panel there. The only changes I made to the sprites in that room were adding an invisible block sprite on the corner above the exit, and adding the side exit sprite. (3:58) LOL, I never thought of "pigeon Yoshi" with that sound effect. (4:48) Yeah, I'm not sure how to make the letter "B" look very nice with those tiles. (5:31) Welp, first time resetting a room that you hadn't actually failed yet. (7:44) Time for the KOOPARADE! (7:50) Aw, you didn't opt to burninate the lot. (8:19) "New" P-switch music FTW. :P (9:04) Portal reference FTW. (9:27) All doors are resets in this level. Did you intend to reset there? Or did you mistakenly think that was progress? (10:06) Welp, first death, along with an "unsatisfactory" mark on your record. :P (10:08) Yeah, the gray bushes there say "FAIL". (10:51) Using that pipe as a reset causes most of the Kooparade to be moving to the right upon restarting the room instead of left. Also, carrying the shell in there caused it to be kicked where it's overlapping that pipe when the room reloaded, which had the side effect of messing with the sound effects this time. (11:09) Yep, and I had intentionally "ignored" that moon in my first episode of my level. (11:38) Hey there, hidden note block. You're gonna have to be a bit more clever there. (12:03) What's that additional tune that started playing there? (12:41) You could've opened that block there to get another ? Yoshi without having to reset the room. (13:00) Alright, you bopped the Hammer Bro. there, so why'd you reset the room again? (13:20) Were you absolutely 100% on the mindset that you NEEDED to fry the AFHB? Because that's only one of a few different valid ways to deal with the guy. Bopping him from below like you did at 13:00 also works just fine. And, you could've also tried kicking the shell at him too. (13:33) Welcome to DEATH JUICE. May I take your order? :P (13:49) Awesome, completed DEATH JUICE on the first try. (13:57) It's supposed to be "ZWEE!", but I can see how it looks like "2WEE!". (14:35) Bingo! Solved this puzzle on the first try. (14:40) Zwee! (14:52) Yep, there is indeed stuff up there! (15:09) You should've just held down as you were spitting out the shell there, so that Yoshi would easily stomp it, instead of you taking unnecessary damage from the shell in its kicked state. (15:32) "VLDC14" (16:11) Alright, time for the second half of the level! (16:58) Interesting how you killed all those enemies over there. (18:05) It is possible to get Chuck to fall into that gap, but kinda tricky. You're actually intended to have Chuck go all the way to the right side of the room, then come back left. (19:34) Pfft... You accidentally somehow got Chuck to fall into that gap alright. Well, more power to you, I guess! (20:29) Here's a BS (Broadcast Satellaview) Zelda 1 reference. (20:51) Yeah, this is the place where I wanted to make the Sumo Bros. invisible. (20:56) UMM!!! What happened to that turn block bridge? Why'd it pull a Houdini? That's news to me! (20:59) And, it wasn't merely a graphical glitch where you could still stand on it. It really did just disappear. Oh, actually, it looks like it teleported to the right side of the screen there. How'd that even happen? I obviously call shenanigans on that one. (21:17) Yeah, did you previously not think that turn blocks could kill Lava Lotuses? (21:32) Yep, you did the room as intended this time. (22:42) Okay, no teleporting turn block bridge shenanigans this time. (23:17) Not getting that flower? (23:39) I don't know why, but even though Yoshi clearly went out of bounds at the start of this room, this block still always produces a 1-up the first time. It isn't until you reset the room that it properly produces a Yoshi. (23:55) Of course, I rigged the message to make a mention of this oddity when you do reset the room. I made use of the sprite limit to cause this message to be different the second time this room loads, when you no longer already have a Yoshi. (24:12) Yep! This is indeed the exact same sublevel and the exact same room. So, including all of the stacked display message sprites, there are exactly 20 sprites placed in this room, but when you first enter with Yoshi, I arranged things so that one of the display message sprites fails to spawn, resulting in a different message. (24:58) Yeah, the blue shell isn't strictly required, but it helps. (25:06) Oof, sounds like you should remap one of your controls then to avoid that issue. (25:56) Race start! Fun fact: Initially, I had you running into a Koopa to get Yoshi to run here, but the race was way too tight for the player to barely win, so I put a Lava Lotus there instead, as its pollen causes Yoshi to run more slowly. (26:08) And, you won the race by a huge margin! Nice! (26:17) That ? block up there is a multi-coin block, meant to distract the player during the race. :P (26:20) Instead, it had the unintended effect of making you want to reset the room unnecessarily. D'oh! (26:42) It's rather impressive when a distraction succeeds at its job after it had already failed. :P (27:29) This room's sort of a callback to Eating Block Story. (27:51) I've never heard an ATM that sounds like that before. (28:09) Nice, made it into the pipe before it got fully eaten. Fitting that you enter the DANMAKU room just about exactly halfway into this video. I'm gonna take a break and resume watching from there at 28:11 later.
@markvd1008 8 күн бұрын
1:30 Oh, that's not what it actually means? 5:30 Maybe I thought I couldn't get back there. 12:03 Discord Ringtone. 15:09 I was, but it did it anyway. 21:17 Never thought a spin jump turn block break would do it as well. 24:58 How? I can't even jump up there with Yoshi, can I? 25:06 Unfortunately, it's hardcoded into the emulator the AlT+A. And I wish I shouldn't have to change my control scheme keys since I'm used to it for almost 10 years? 26:20 And the muscle memory just can't help but go in the door even when I mentally tell myself to not do that. 27:51 Maybe I meant terminal.
@SomeGuy712x 7 күн бұрын
@@markvd1008 (5:30) You could easily do so with the springboard. (12:03) Ah, okay. (15:09) Doesn't work if you're jumping. You can only "down spit" while standing on the ground. (24:58) It's a 5-tile running jump from the arrow sign's platform. It is rather tricky, so eating the blue shell is easier. (25:06) Darn you, hardcoded command input! (27:51) Okay.
@markvd1008 Ай бұрын
I did this SMW level layout back in summer of 2022.
@SomeGuy712x Ай бұрын
@MM_TEAM2-fs2uh Ай бұрын
Does i work on mobile?
@markvd1008 2 ай бұрын
Initial Recording (Without Game Audio): kzbin.info/www/bejne/pmq6g3ijbL5lb6c
@markvd1008 2 ай бұрын
Link to the .WAV file re-creations: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/611glrcmwdd08p70ujhed/Todd-Edward-Curious-Synth-Pop-Re-Creation.zip?rlkey=karfg70025wyd6aml0088hd22&dl=0
@johncook-bo4kd 3 ай бұрын
how do i enable it? please, help me
@thunder6889 2 ай бұрын
Just download it and make sure to disable Vertical Sync and Tps bypass if your using mega hack Hope this Helps!!!!
@johncook-bo4kd 2 ай бұрын
@@thunder6889 using geode
@johncook-bo4kd 2 ай бұрын
@@thunder6889 im on geode
@mysticalgd5175 2 ай бұрын
​@@thunder6889i dont have the extra button on main menu and i have megahack installed
@Herbieherbie693 2 ай бұрын
@@thunder6889so you just download it?.?.?
@jorem_yt 3 ай бұрын
The only comment in this video
@jorem_yt 3 ай бұрын
The only comment in this video
@louietownsend8619 3 ай бұрын
😆 'PromoSM'
@SomeGuy712x 3 ай бұрын
Pretty neat little auto level. And, it's silly how you got that column of glitchy graphics at 0:07 when you were jutted to the right there.
@TheGoomba98 3 ай бұрын
Isn't that costume supposed to be Snow White rather than Alice?
@markvd1008 3 ай бұрын
Alice is named after the music artist.
@TheGoomba98 3 ай бұрын
@@markvd1008 I'm just wondering - what made you decide to do this build with Suguri Ver. 2, rather than Nanako (whose Tricked Out costume looks an awful lot like Lewis Carrol's Alice)?
@SuperWiiBros08 3 ай бұрын
is not playing Busted Bayou but instead some random dubstep song from newgrounds
@markvd1008 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's a NONG song.
@SuperWiiBros08 3 ай бұрын
@@markvd1008 idk what NONG is, I almost never played Geometry Dash edit: ok I looked it up, it works now, thanks
@TouchingDisplay 4 ай бұрын
How to enable my sun flare light sun flare light is not showing to me I tried can you give me in your game Global as a copy 🔗🥺🙂
@songultunali2672 4 ай бұрын
ı love that . 😊 ❤ 😊
@Thexpmaster 4 ай бұрын
@markvd1008 4 ай бұрын
NFS Carbon is going to be coming soon on Wednesday in -March (Between 13th and 27th) when my renovations get finished during that time.- May 15th after my renovations get finished. 5/15/24: NFS Carbon Playthrough is now here! kzbin.info/www/bejne/pnOmoHl8pMt4jbs
@corpsecoder_nw6746 4 ай бұрын
take a shot every time you use the speedbreaker.....jeez are your reactions that bad with sudden traffic and rhinos and spike strips? You're quick in most aspects. Also the speedtrap race was annoying to watch. The sprints were perfect, loved that.
@TazGaming141 4 ай бұрын
Pure nostalgia ✊🏾🔥
@user-bv2ov9fe5t 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the games play it take my back when I play it awesome job my friend ❤👌👍
@hachiroku8677 4 ай бұрын
7 há 20 horas Great video! Other content creators simply cut the free-world exploration of Coal Harbor out of heir full-length game play videos, but u r here to fill that gap! Many thanks.
@theeedwin6947 4 ай бұрын
OMG 20 years later...people still play this game
@xxENDSxTHExROUND 5 ай бұрын
good stuff man!
@pachii_ken9283 5 ай бұрын
where can i download this Amazing Game again?😢😢
@markvd1008 5 ай бұрын
All I can say is search it up with that keyword and hope for the best.
@pachii_ken9283 5 ай бұрын
@@markvd1008 its not available anymore 😭
@Libyan_Bayonetta 5 ай бұрын
@khowangsongthing3983 5 ай бұрын
Razor is so nuub
@ChipBG2003 4 ай бұрын
@blackshortsrulez 5 ай бұрын
@SatriaDirgantara-kf4oq 5 ай бұрын
Driving mode legend
@markvd1008 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I have beaten this game more than once (Between 3-5 times?) during childhood. I used to corner terribly.
@Racing_Game_Merchant 5 ай бұрын
Nice driving dude
@xander2698 5 ай бұрын
@markvd1008 5 ай бұрын
Link to unedited: kzbin.info/www/bejne/r3OVnqSjmbN6hq8
@markvd1008 5 ай бұрын
Link to unedited: kzbin.info/www/bejne/fKWwhp6aeaeJjLs
@markvd1008 5 ай бұрын
Link to unedited: kzbin.info/www/bejne/nZ2ppId_grade5Y
@CLfreak246 6 ай бұрын
That Convergence event threw me for a loop the first time as well. I love it though that I want it as a selectable modifier in Online multiplayer or custom single player.
@SomeGuy712x 6 ай бұрын
(4:32) Yeah, and I decided to stick with Ellie on my attempt. You going with Dark Lulu will make your run more distinct from mine, which is neat. (6:31) Since I went with Ellie, Dark Lulu was one of my opponents. (7:35) Silly hen. (8:20) SMAAAASH!!! There's Convergence in action! (8:37, 8:48) Wow, 12 then 11 for your Dash there. That allowed you to basically lap the board to reach your home that was just behind you. Nice. (8:52) Yeah, it's really cool that this epic music isn't interrupted by normas here. (10:16) Pfft... That Gift Exchange put a Gift Exchange in your hand. (11:23) Oof, that sucks. Tomomo ninja-struck you, and KO'd you from full HP. (12:31) Oh, you fear that the field will change to one that you've modified, right? (Good thing I had returned fields.pak back to its original state before I had started my run.) (12:48) Come on, Tomomo. Give Mark a chance here. (13:04) The boss for this mission is Moss Golem. (13:43) Uh, oh. That's not good. Tomomo is close to winning now. (16:01) It's already chapter 29, so you wouldn't be able to reach your home there before the field changes on chapter 30 anyway. (16:09) BARF!!! So, this match must be aborted then. To be fair, Tomomo was likely to win anyway, but we don't know for sure. (17:50) Start of the second attempt, after the first attempt had to be aborted before a definitive winner could be decided. (20:47) Whoa, that was close, but it worked, and you got your norma. (23:41) Oh, dear... Mio got a trio of BBQs... (25:04) You know Mio has those BBQs, and the CPU may be more than willing to use them, regardless of how many stars you have, so the Drop panel might be better here. (25:23) Huh, she didn't use a Hyper. Yeah, CPUs don't always use Hypers when they have the chance, which could easily throw off your expectations. (I should know. :P) (27:23) Safe self-KO FTW. (28:13) Nice KO on the weakened Ellie. (29:33) Darn, didn't quite make it home before the map change. (30:09) Wait, bad idea! You know Mio's got BBQs! (30:14) And yet, she did not use one. She really could've cooked you good there. (30:31) Hmm... Chance for a potential double KO. (30:44) Clobbered Mio, but then opted not to attack Ellie. Okay, fair enough. (31:16) Uh, oh... Will Mio burninate you this time? (31:18) Oddly, no. The AI is really slacking here, which is certainly to your benefit! (31:40) Mio continues to not activate the cookers that we know she has. (32:00) Whoa, incredibly fortunate placement for you! (32:07) And that's game! Success on your first try that actually counts! And, that's neat how we both won on the Fungus Cave board. (32:19) Yeah, since the first attempt had to be aborted due to a technicality, we don't know who truly would've won it, so it should indeed not count.
@yooboyjayy 7 ай бұрын
@michelvitor7242 7 ай бұрын
Good old times
@aleewhitaker6033 7 ай бұрын
love this
@markvd1008 7 ай бұрын
Links to unedited: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mHaYYaCNoMh-mc0 kzbin.info/www/bejne/e4q8e4OGrLiAncU
@bkkarma178 7 ай бұрын
its a Great game Enjoy
@SomeGuy712x 7 ай бұрын
Ohhh... Banana... I guess this explains all the banana traps I kept seeing in the match we played tonight.
@x-o-vcreations6969 7 ай бұрын
what how
@SomeGuy712x 7 ай бұрын
(59:33) That must be how all the cool kids are driving these days. :P
@markvd1008 7 ай бұрын
Link to unedited version: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z3TVcpWQqdmtrJo (I didn't get to upload this edited one until late last night due to VideoPad having a bad technical issue day again.)
@natemiya 7 ай бұрын
im watching these religiously lmao
@markvd1008 7 ай бұрын
0:04 Wait, what? I thought the wrench was there! That's what the card was meant to show, not Flamethrower. Whoops!
@MultiLegocrazy 7 ай бұрын
try down shifting on sharp turns, it will help you avoid hitting the walls. You dont need to be driving in manual mode to be able to downshift. You can even up shift on automatic so timing it would be great if you want early leads
@markvd1008 7 ай бұрын
That honestly never crossed my mind. (Even if I already knew that for Most Wanted.) Maybe I also need some brake tuning too.
@MultiLegocrazy 7 ай бұрын
@@markvd1008 possibly but overall its a great tactic on all vehicles no matter the upgrades
@markvd1008 7 ай бұрын
@@MultiLegocrazy I have Left SHIFT and CTRL configured for Shift Up and Shift Down, but it wasn't letting me with Auto.
@MultiLegocrazy 7 ай бұрын
@@markvd1008 interesting :/ I'll have to check that out, I probably should have mentioned I only play NFS with controllers no matter the port. but try driving around in manual and see how that goes for you