Parse JSON with Rust & Serde
Valve: R belongs in production
S3 Objects and Functions in R
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Making R 300x times faster!
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SLICED! Live Machine Learning
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Creating a t test with R
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@AdrienneMichelson 12 сағат бұрын
Oh wow the version switching is super nice.
@sinan_islam 5 күн бұрын
This project sounds like polars?
@josiahparry 5 күн бұрын
Entirely different! This is not a data frame library. This is about scaling existing plumber APIs using Rust. So if you can write a function in R you can make a REST API, if you can do that, you can deploy it to production as a backend web service or as a serverless function. Or whatever you want! Valve helps make sure that you use all available resources on a container or machine to scale that effectively .
@sinan_islam 5 күн бұрын
I think if Google decided to make TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn commercial, the Python hype will burst.
@joseoscardelgadobautista2105 8 күн бұрын
@Aaqib.. 9 күн бұрын
I havent used R studio myself since i installed Positron, working with R and Python at the same time is just so easy and somehow i feel like it's faster in response and everything.
@MrThessalonikiman1 11 күн бұрын
If someone uses Visual Studio code that runs almost everything, does he need positron or r-studio?
@josiahparry 10 күн бұрын
you can use the command line if you want to i suppose. you don't _need_ VS Code or RStudio, or Positron, or any other editor. They're just nice to play with
@88fjoe 12 күн бұрын
@meryplays8952 13 күн бұрын
Now we need R to become more developer friendly, like Julia. BTW, how is it different from VScodium (or Theia) + R extension?
@asteinmetz 14 күн бұрын
It's worth thinking about the audience for this product. I've been testing it from the viewpoint of a data scientist and, like VS Code, there is a lot going on beyond what I need. I applaud Posit for becoming language agnostic but Positron is very much developer-centric so far. I don't like a workflow that includes dropping into the command line (or Powershell) - this is one thing I think RStudio gets right vs. what Python tools expect from people.
@cmhhansen 15 күн бұрын
I must admit I'm a little confused by this whole positron thing. Im already using vscode for everything besides R. I'd have much rather they contributed a nice R extension for use with vscode. Tbh, I often use vscode for R also when I'm accessing remote machines and can't be assed installing rstudio server, and I find the setup okay...
@wngmv 9 күн бұрын
The way i see it they just want more users. As I'm as R heavy as BASH, with a mind to go into other stuff I'm just gonna stay with base VSC.
@thhaase-soz 16 күн бұрын
what makes this better then VSCode? (or codium what im using)
@brancengregory 16 күн бұрын
"the R installation something something" - felt
@kurokami254 17 күн бұрын
Been getting into rust and trying to up my game as an R user as well, think I'll try this. Also, can't wait to see what you build in the future
@Andrei_WongE 17 күн бұрын
Actually, I do like the R project way of doing stuff...
@josiahparry 17 күн бұрын
its the same thing as an r project without the bloated files
@blaisepascal3905 17 күн бұрын
Amazing tool! But I already use vs code. What are the benefits to move to Positron then?
@davidbudzynski9290 17 күн бұрын
What is the point of making a clone of vs code? They cant keep up with rstudio developennt, so how are they going to keep up with VS Code development and implement patches. The licence itself is also a big turn off. Posit really fell off.
@joshstat8114 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, I've asked this for myself: What's the use of RStudio and the point of making this? I am disappointed and otherwise, I'll be astonished to this one.
@yahyaterzi2814 17 күн бұрын
I was sure that they would release something instead of r-studio. But I wasn't expecting a vs code clone.
@josiahparry 16 күн бұрын
It's not a VS Code "clone". Think of it as opinionated extensions of VS Code OSS that is continaully being synced with its upstream
@davidbudzynski9290 16 күн бұрын
@@josiahparry it is a vs code clone because it's a forked core of vs code. It doesn't have access to vs code packages just like VS codium because MS license does not allow this
@jmoggridge 17 күн бұрын
This is looking pretty awesome, excited to try
@marcosmetalmind 18 күн бұрын
I tested the Positron and I like it. Combine Rstudio, Spyder and Vscode in a single IDE.
@KK-tt5jz 18 күн бұрын
Are you able to take advantage of apple's gpu with positron? thanks
@KK-tt5jz 18 күн бұрын
can't wait to try this, rstudio has been so slow for me lately I am having to build models for Kaggle comps using dataspell that I have to pay out of pocket for.
@commandocringe7557 18 күн бұрын
oh wow i wasn't aware of that. finally r programming coming to the 21st century. the feel of RStudio and the versatility and modernism of VSC combined could be great.
@azmebengraine1437 19 күн бұрын
great videos, very informative, just subbed. ps: increase the editor font size.
@dextrowim 24 күн бұрын
You do know that the java dudes ended this challenge with less than 2 seconds ? :-) But fair is fair, your code is at least understandable...
@vacon04 Ай бұрын
Hey thank you for the video. I saw that you also already have the docker instructions in the package website. I'm hoping to run a simple app with plumber in production in the next few weeks. I was going to just use caddy as a load balancer for multiple plumber instances but I think using Valve should provide better functionality out of the box. Thanks again!
@josiahparry Ай бұрын
Just make sure that your Docker container has enough vCPU to handle multiple threads and ensure that you don't over-allocate them as well! And you can also use a load balancer in front of multiple Valve apps
@vacon04 Ай бұрын
@@josiahparry thanks! I have a cloud instance with 8 vcpus so it should be good. I'm not expecting massive traffic either and the computations that R has to do are very quick. I just want to make the UX as good as possible. I think 4 workers max should be good enough for my purposes. In case more is needed well that's the beauty of your package, I can just reload with more workers and if should be good to go =)
@rafabws Ай бұрын
That was one of the best video tutorials I've seen lately, super informative and easy to follow! I cannot wait to test this out with some different datasets. Thanks for the amazing work!
@jiojio97 Ай бұрын
Hi, i'm trying to implementing the algorithm in java and following the same steps i got the same results, so i guess i'm reimplementing it correctly. The only problem is, if i try to use any lat/long coordinates for example, my home adddress lat/long, got a geohash that is totally far away from the addres used. In fact if i use some online tool the hash generated is totally different and correct.
@josiahparry Ай бұрын
You got the order wrong! Its long lat! Classic mistake. :) longitude is the x axis and latitude is the y axis
@mukulbhave9376 Ай бұрын
super clear ,easy and concise walkthrough. Amazing
@mitchbet Ай бұрын
I'm curious how this works. Is it loading the whole file into memory before doing the aggregation? Or the query planner smart enough that it knows it only needs to load 1 line at a time (and then handles keeps track of the required aggregations accordingly)
@LtdJorge 3 күн бұрын
He run it multiple times, so the OS has cached the file in memory already.
@kamertonaudiophileplayer847 Ай бұрын
It isn't fair.
@manzyzuzajnr3508 Ай бұрын
There a chance to show us how to do species distribution modelling using Biomod2 or SDM package
@NicholasTierney 2 ай бұрын
Great video, Josiah! For benchmarking, just a fun FYI in case you didn't know, you can do `summary(benchmark_obj, relative = TRUE)` and it will compare the two in relative terms, which is neat!
@brentonbills5946 2 ай бұрын
Wish i knew more R 😅. Looks useful for helping out the R community with rust 🙂
@brentonbills5946 2 ай бұрын
Nice library 🎉.
@BrianPondiGeoGeek 2 ай бұрын
Clear explanation.
@superslash7254 2 ай бұрын
What it boils down to is that R is at its core a fully featured programming language. To some degree it will always be inherently unsafe, as will any other programming language, simply because by nature they have to be in order to function. Much like a good quality knife is also able to cut you as well as your dinner. There are some shenanigans at play here, but it still pales in comparison to the likes of Java's Fracturiser hidden in minecraft mods or malicious executables.
@davidbosak7503 2 ай бұрын
This whole thing seems suspicious to me. A contract threat research company sets out to find a way to exploit R, and then, (Wa-La!) finds it! Then advertises it like crazy! And in the write-up they specifically reference the usage of R in the Pharmaceutical industry, and even links to a talk by R/Pharma. This whole thing feels like a set up. Was HiddenLayer contracted to do this? By who? Very suspicious that a *potential* exploit got as much coverage as way more damaging *actual* exploits.
@superslash7254 2 ай бұрын
Especially when the exploit basically boils down to blindly running completely unknown code. This is the coding version of downloading random executables from the internet and running them as administrator. Or to use a physical metaphor it's like saying household appliances are unsafe because someone told you to stick a fork in the socket and you did it. P.s. "Voila". Because the french were so rich they had to use extra letters just to show off.
@joshstat8114 2 ай бұрын
I emailed Hadley and he said, you don't have to update R to 4.4.0. Someone in reddit said, it is no use to update R if you use RDS/RDA files from unknown source. Also, for a follow up question, is it possible to combine C, FORTRAN, C++ and Rust code together in one package? I tried to combine C++ and Rust but failed to debugged my R package but I know there's a certain package that uses C and C++ together (EBImage as an example).
@josiahparry 2 ай бұрын
You can use all of them together it just requires extra work on your behalf to make sure they dont conflict with eachother. These tools aren't designed to work out of the box with eachother.
@joshstat8114 2 ай бұрын
@@josiahparry yeah you're right. I tried both C and C++ and in order to be working, you need to call the C code from C++. And yes, it is such a pain.
@skeleton_craftGaming 2 ай бұрын
What is R used for? Like with syntax like that I understand why it is used [That might be the most beautiful code I've ever seen] But for what like what is its practical applications?
@josiahparry 2 ай бұрын
Biomedical research, econometrics, data engineering, machine learning, big geospatial analysis, interactive dashboards, nlp, web scraping, idk whatever you want to do you can do
@superslash7254 2 ай бұрын
R's biggest strength is data engineering. Cleaning, analyzing, and reporting tabular data can be done with a fraction of the code and a fraction of the runtime in R compared to pretty much any other language. Data.table is several times faster than Pandas, and Collapse is even faster still. The nature of the interactive console also makes it incredibly easy to really get hands-on with the data step by step before cementing an optimized pipeline.
@skeleton_craftGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@superslash7254 hmm.. like I said that is some beautiful syntax
@JasonMitchellofcompsci 2 ай бұрын
I don't get how it is a huge vulnerability. When you download code from the internet it can run code. cmd() or similar is a common resource in nearly every programming language. There is nearly no scripted programming language where a downloaded module couldn't do that. I guess it might better let them obfuscate because it is calling it indirectly? In general you should assume all downloaded code can run anything within userland within the same user on the machine. Launching a calculator is just something code can do. Any module in any programming language could probably delete all your files or send them off to some server.
@josiahparry 2 ай бұрын
I think the idea is that these are data formats and you might think you're loading data but actually you're loading a promise to unexecuted code. Then that code is executed instead of being a piece of data already. It feels like a feature not a bug but alas, you shouldn't need to have a binary file to store unexecuted code.
2 ай бұрын
1:26 I can confirm that note LOL
@josiahparry 2 ай бұрын
Can confirm. You smell good.
@vlemvlemvlem3659 2 ай бұрын
I'll be sure to never share this with my legal/sec department. They'd freak out at your blatant use of the R-word (whispers 'risk'). On the other hand, I've been able to take away their dread by filling out copious forms in the past so should they be exposed to your scary talk I know what to do. After all, everyone knows killer-bureaucracy is what truly keeps our corporate networks safe
@josiahparry 2 ай бұрын
LOL!! I love this so much. Yeah....I'm sure they're allowing far scarier things than **manually** inspected R packages from CRAN. And, as always, its not the language that's's the developers. You can allow SQL injections using just about any language / tool out there. It is up to the developer to prevent them.
@rising1underground 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the content. As an R user i don't usually think about this but very informative context!
@josiahparry 2 ай бұрын
@pizzaprosciuttofunghi 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting!
@pizzaprosciuttofunghi 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting!
@spacelem 2 ай бұрын
I do write plenty of for loops in R, but they're typically in places where either the speed really doesn't matter (e.g. `for (i in vars) ggplot(...)`) or where there's no way to vectorise the body (e.g. in stochastic simulations where there's a load of stuff going on and the loop depends on what happened in the previous loop, and I'm not that good at using `reduce()`). Typically I do what's easiest to read, and usually when something can be vectorised, it's easier to read that way anyway. If I need it to be fast, I have Julia, which says for loops are good actually since all the code is JITted, although Julia makes vectorising code trivial with its dot syntax (e.g. `log.(x)`).
@pizzaprosciuttofunghi 2 ай бұрын
This is so cool!
@user-hl1fk6lw8k 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the intuitive tutorial. But I would like to point out that str::len() method counts bytes instead of characters. Non-alphanumerical characters will return inappropriate results, i.e. nchar2("你好世界") (Hello World in Chinese) returns 12 instead of 4. Interestingly, NA values are 2 bytes. One should use str::chars().count() to count at a higher computation cost than str::len().
@vlemvlemvlem3659 2 ай бұрын
I'm currently in an R youtube rabbit hole and this one has been an absolute joy. I tip my fedora to your excellent content, good sir
@zjardynliera-hood5609 2 ай бұрын
same this guy is nuts
@jorgegomezabrante8780 2 ай бұрын
sudo dnf install helix