cRest oR colgAte, dønt woRRy aboüt höw pRess toothpaste, Im uncle "TOM" man, like Im salinG Out, nø fluoride, prescriptions... i 💞 thå four eYeSz...😍🤓🤩 SUBscriptions, aFoot lonG had Her' myWay, thëY call in specialist tô separate Me' from mySiamese, (O🪚N) She' has my`aTTêñTion iListen tô Her' like simon, iBrung Her' eveRywheRe someONE take thiS blankET aWay fRom "LinüS', myMusic haVë Her' intô Me', staY aWay "LucY", {go tô charlie brown} beSidesz myPrincess, iØnly haVë room foR Alicia with thå keYsz, 🎶🎹 🎶...{watch how iGet aRound & iDidnt leave mySeat}...💫🌟💫 {jüSt playinG with w🎨RdSz}...✨💌✨