A:(弟兄) 上帝賜我們一位同行朋友 牧養帶領我們在真理中追求 一同作門徒一道苦路同舟 願主恩典伴他永久 B:(弟兄) 喜樂時一同歡笑,風雨中一同哭 分享每程繽紛的旅途 一同合聲唱一同讚美主 傳遞生命豐富 常常saves to share,calms and cares 沒對每個高山或低谷 語言文化距離不能隔絕 島嶼因他連成大陸 雲上太陽:(姊妹) 童心常在,眼眸溫柔 隨處舉起禱告雙手 年月更新,如鷹展翅上騰 長空任君傲遊 立志歌:(弟兄) 向標竿直跑,齊心攜手 傳揚福音到寰球 向標竿直跑,齊心攜手 真光何止遍神州 B : (All) 喜樂時一同歡笑,風雨中一同哭 分享每程繽紛的旅途 一同和聲唱一同讚美主 傳遞生命豐富 常常save to share,calm and care 面對高山或低谷 弟兄姊妹同賀生辰快樂 我們可愛的葉牧 A: What a wonderful, special day at this time Wish you a happy birthday let us celebrate; What a beautiful, handsome soul inside you let~us sing this song to give thanks. B: Oh my dear friend! You taught us to share, to re-mem-ber the gift we have from God You not only laugh, but cry with us Support us when we need. Oh my dear friend, you let us be-lieve we may con-quer each and every hurdle. There's not one day we can't feel your en-er-gy, ten thousand reasons to sing praise. Cloud (sisters): Love is kind, we know; love is sweet, we feel, love is pa-tience and without envy, such as how you demonstrated to Doris, who smiles to you in heaven. (Brothers): x2 Spread the gospel, be strong and faithful, for God will be where-ever you go (Together) x2 Oh my dear friend, you taught us to share and re-mem-ber the gift in all of us, how promising it is to walk with God; You have shown us the Spirit in us all Happy birthday my dear Pastor Yap. Show less