Officer Kidd and K-9 Rocky
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@lynbyn2207 6 жыл бұрын
City of Bedford - Corrupt beyond corrupt This city is not only more corrupt than Dallas, Plano, Mesquite, and Irving combined, they have a nasty, vile, dictator as a “police chief”. Anyway, I was going down Forest Ridge on a dark and rainy day, headed towards Pipeline road. I was in the right lane, as the other traffic was speeding by me so fast, I felt I was stopped in the middle of the road! On top of this, these other drivers did NOT have any headlights on in the dark and rain, and was SPEEDING down a 35mph hour street. All of a sudden *I* get flashing lights and one of their corrupt pigs pulling ME over for “speeding”! I call the Police Chief a day or two later inquiring on how exactly they determine HOW they pick somebody who WAS NOT SPEEDING as a speeder, especially when that officer was sitting there doing NOTHING about these criminal drivers, driving IN THE DARK and IN THE RAIN with NO HEADLIGHTS ON, AND SPEEDING past me like I was stopped in the middle of the road. This police chief got all pissy and nasty and started SCREAMING at me, calling me names, threatening my life, and screaming at me “MY OFFICERS DON’T BREAK THE LAW”!!! Obviously this lunatic had something to hide, as I NEVER said anything about his corrupt little piggies breaking the law!!!! ALL I ASKED, was how they determine how someone who isn’t speeding, IS speeding, when ALL other traffic is “blowing” past them! This psychotic lunatic just kept screaming threats at me and that his officers don’t break the law!!!! By psychological standards, anyone who is defending something that they weren’t faced with or charged with is guilty of those things. Which tells me that the City of Bedford “law enforcement officials” are nothing more than diseased, corrupt criminals. On top of this, some psycho bitch speeding down Harwood SPED SPEEDING through the intersection under the highway there and T-boned me as I was going through the green light there off of the highway access road onto Harwood. In talking with my insurance about this a couple of days later…………. According to the “police” who were not even at the scene when this psycho bitch tried to kill me, herself, and the two little bastards she had in the car with her, *I* ran a red light in front of HER?! I told my insurance people that *I* had the green light going through that intersection and this lunatic bitch came out of nowhere! My insurance people said that the “police” stated that the light was red, not green. How is it they can state something as fact, when they were NOT witness to this? Liars! FRAUDS! CRIMINALS!!! I was NOT letting this go, and I DEMANDED my insurance get an investigation going on this, as I did NOT run a RED light!!! This psycho bitch with kids in her car did! After a week of demanding my insurance company start an investigation, not only into this “accident” but into the corrupt LYING piece of shit pig that told them I ran a red light!!! My insurance woman finally broke down and told me “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but you are wasting your time. The company is not going to investigate anything, because the City of Bedford has a ‘rule’ that anyone with kids in the vehicle is not at fault”. WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!! My insurance woman also told me that it’s useless fighting this, as whatever the officer on the scene states in his report is taken as “gospel”, even if it is lies. So, unless I could afford a high powered law office to sue the city for this, I had no recourse. And on top of THIS…..those kids in the car did NOT have seatbelts on, and the “police” weren’t reporting that, and the only way my insurance company knew that is from the hospital report stated that both of the kids flew into the windshield when this psycho bitch hit me!!! So, there I was…FUCKED OVER by the City of Bedford and their corrupt, LYING, criminal pigs, because this psycho bitch had kids in her car!!!! WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP LOGIC IS THAT?!!! It’s not MY fault this ignorant whore popped out two bastards she OBVIOUSLY had no interest in keep safe, much less following the rules of the road OR the laws!!!!! So there I was, fucked over by lying, cheating, and FRAUDULANT City of Bedford pigs! NO fucking car, because my insurance refused to pay for it, because this psycho bitch trying to murder all of us was in the report as NOT being at fault, JUST because she had those little bastards in the car with her!!!! I lost my job because I could not afford another vehicle to get to and from work. I lost my apartment and was homeless, because these fucking goddamned CORRUPT PIECES OF HUMAN GARBAGE lied to my insurance company about the whole thing. And on top of that, gave me even MORE reason to hate, loathe, and despise the so-called “law”!!