往昔所造诸恶业: VÃNG TÍCH SỞ TẠO CHƯ ÁC NGHIỆP 皆由无始贪嗔痴: GIAI DO VÔ THỦY THAM SÂN SI 从身语意之所生 TÒNG THÂN NGỮ Ý CHI SỞ SINH 一切我今皆忏悔。NHẤT THIẾT NGÃ KIM GIAI SÁM HỐI 罪從心起將心懺 心若滅時罪亦亡 心滅罪亡兩俱空 是則名為真懺悔 愿消三障诸烦恼 愿得智慧真明了 普愿灾障悉消除 世世常行菩萨道 愿以此功德 庄严佛净土 上报四重恩 下济三图苦 若有见闻者 悉发菩提心 尽此一报身 同生极乐国
@Chadao115 жыл бұрын
I own two different styles of this brewer. It really does make a perfect cup of Chinese tea, the easy way.
@jkmtennispro16 жыл бұрын
amazing video...... i'm jealous
@superjunior200816 жыл бұрын
i was there!!!! (im serious) she did really well!
@CknSalad17 жыл бұрын
melissa rocks my socks. btw this is albert.
@djtsai200317 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I'll tell the teacher.
@djtsai200317 жыл бұрын
I think you mean Han Xiang Zu. The character is male, but most of the class member are female. These US born kids just tried to act their character for Chinese new year celebration.
@giargo17 жыл бұрын
free southern mongolia
@marytulip17 жыл бұрын
Melissa rocks! What is this art form called? Where did it originate?