@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
DIMENSIONS Lili The Underworld, the Netherworld, a place most cannot see Where people from the past exist, their time our future now When mystery of stranger things, appear we are perplexed Visits from the other side who knows what will be next? But it's not new, the ancients knew, the evidence abounds Lines of pyramids, we cross, they cross, it's all in knowing how. Within our minds if we explore, the portals as they're known The doors will open wide, some find them just by chance And venture through lost for all time, they cannot leave the trance But others from one side or both who learn the way to pass Can travel and return again, a new world, future, past What's to be gained? reward or peril we cannot just stay still We've gained the gift, we can't refuse our destiny at last. A strange new world, we learn to speak the tongues all spoken there Some we meet who've traveled too, we find we can converse We learn from them, they learn from us and so our minds expand To learning Nature's deepest truths within our Universe And when we find the travelers lost, we show the long way back Lead them to the portal's door and then they leave our hand But most have chosen not to leave, they've found their promised land. The Spirits help us find the doors, we're joined within our heart They travel with us to the door and bid us to depart We're home again but where is home when different worlds entice? I love them both, there must be more I crave for more, more worlds, more joy, more time When we return we find that time for us has all stood still But we have learned from lifetimes there and now we all must share The gifts we all have taken back, our minds, our hearts fulfilled. They call us Witches, evil beings, they'd hang us all today We don't hurt them, they would kill us if they could Wizened Spirits, they'd burn and torture, slay But if they ask we'd teach them all the secrets of the worlds The potions for their health, their own Gods will not share Now who is evil when their book, not one word does impart One recipe, one herb, one potion, one word for broken hearts. Blessed be.
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
SOPHIE - Lili You know you don’t belong to us he said unto the child We found you poorly in the swamp deep within the mire Your eyes bright red by moonlight, grey blue before the fire We knew that you were different, a difference deep and wild And we were drawn by deepest love this pen cannot explain No thoughts could ever pass our minds of fleeing from the pain. - The pain of one so young and cold we took from death’s dark claws As you grew within our hovel, submissive, bright and smart A child, a girl with deep black curls, brown skin without a flaw We loved you more as time passed by and death called once again To take the man that you called Pa. You never shed a tear You watched the Moon, you understood as Nature made its claim. - I noticed then you hardly slept, in silent meditation deep Things would move before your stare, you never suffered ills You would sing verse you weren’t taught, draw creatures from their sleep And they would sing along with you, nightbirds, raccoons and frogs Until an orchestra of sound rose up so beautiful to hear Surprising to myself as well, I never suffered fear. - But when you grew past childhood, when blood began to flow You ventured nightly through the woods following the song That seemed to spring from all the trees, song I didn’t know When young men came along to call, they froze at your red eyes And went away not to return, then rumors began to grow Fear from all the Villagers, the stories, hate and cries. - One bright morning we were taken by a tap upon our door Standing there all dressed in brown, four girls of Sophie’s age They came inside and took her hand, outside a man on horse She knew them all, they took a draught, then all sat on the floor A chant began, rose to a scream, the sound was tempest worse They took her then, she bade Goodbye, her happiness I saw. - I live alone, shunned by all, inside my mind I know When Moonlight falls and nightbirds sing I feel that I am blessed She’s watching o’er my life and trials, she brings the sun and snow And as I age I feel her here when chairs and tables move A whisper low, a song I hear, the plaintive call of her pet crow. Blessed be.
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
THE LOST AND BESOTTED - Lili Full moon tonight, would you like to play? Come with me to the woods tonight We’ll take a drop of the Witches brew soaked in Mandrake root. Oh yes The marsh and bog won’t slow us down, the moon will show the meadow bright You’ll lay with me on the wet dew grass, the Spirits all will bless The love will flow like a torrent fast, the coupling goes on for ages We’ll last all night, through the laughter joy, until the morning light. - You’ll become besotted, deep in love, but I’ve stolen your true Spirit It was nothing but a night of love and now I own your soul There’ll be many more I’ll take along, they’ll all become my slaves They’ll procure the sweet young flesh, the blood to fill our bowl And when the number counts to ten, the first three all will die I’ll take three more to the meadow deep, slaves we will control. - They can’t resist the lure of sex and then we share our blood Oh pretty please my handsome man you don’t know what’s in store The Coven takes, the Coven gives, and you will give your life Hypnosis deep and potions strong, Succumb to Satan’s whore Chained far in the forest now confusion fills your mind Go steal the young when we demand, this is the Sabbats lore. - And when we’ve finished with your soul you’ll sink into the mire Replaced with others young and strong who cry to do our bidding There’s forests deep all through the land and secrets very dire People lost might wander through, lost forever or just hidden We’ll keep them lost till Sabbats time and then they’ll join our throng The wine the Blood, the Water, Life. Be lost or come, belong. Blessed be.
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
THE ISLE Lili A tropic Isle, idyllic, a cat lay anchored near the shore Double hulled, twin inboard screws, sails furled upon the mast A Sailor and his Lady, babe just on three years, stranded evermore Every day sees them sail, every evening return into the bay Radio calls for help are heard at night but nothing comes to pass Ships and yachts all hear the calls, the legend of the strays. - Rescue missions over time with boats and Navy planes Find nothing on the Island but footprints, turtles, birds A passing yacht might see the cat and sail into the shore To find the hapless trio, desperate, starving, lost for words They’ll beg for passage to get away, far from this cursed Hell But as their story unfolds for hours, there’s some that they don’t tell. - They’ll take their rescuers deep into the Isle To meet the Ijubu, the people and their Gods Who sustain themselves on human flesh that Demons do provide Then they’ll tell of rituals, the drums and dance and song Until hunger made them join the feast, hunger satisfied For they’ve become the Demons, draw food unto the throng. - The Ghostly trio set the crewless craft adrift Another tragedy of the seas, another family and crew lost Adventure on the Ocean, they faced the calms, the storms, the seas Just to be sacrificed to the Beast, they weren’t to know the cost And grieving families pray to their God and hope to be appeased For their loss not understood, a loss Oh Lord unjust. - And then the mournful call is heard, Mayday, yacht is in distress Stranded on a lonely Island, send help or we’ll all die The passing traffic on the sea have heard it once again They’ll send their rescue missions, Sea law says they must comply As the Months go slowly on, a sailing craft passes by the shore Sees a stranded cat and people waving, we cannot just pass by A desperate starving family needs help to flee once more.
@AndyBends 2 ай бұрын
angry woman who is fears commitment.
@jeanmerillesoriano1233 2 ай бұрын
i feel lonely as a cloud
@jeanmerillesoriano1233 2 ай бұрын
@jeanmerillesoriano1233 2 ай бұрын
i like this view
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely beautiful, Rhyme, rhythm and a message for mankind.
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
How would I describe Bukowski? Drab, Dreary, Dismal, Dire, Dull, Dim, Desolate, despairing and Depressing. His drivel isn't poetry, at best it's self serving prose.
@Jabullz 2 ай бұрын
The jealousy is wild with this comment.
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
@@Jabullz Jealousy ? ? my worst poetry is far better than anything Bukowski ever wrote, but I know it's trendy to pretend that you understand his drunken drivel.
@heavyt749 2 ай бұрын
@@Lili-Benovent in your opinion !
@Lili-Benovent 2 ай бұрын
@@heavyt749 Of course it's my opinion, my opinion is that Bukowski was a fraud, he never wrote one piece of poetry in his life, how could anybody class his depressive drivel as poetry? he lived the fake life of a wealthy man pretending he was poor and desperate and that's where his drunken ramblings came from, he had no substance.
@montanahovatter7605 2 ай бұрын
So. You don’t like his poems because he is depressing? I don’t see any real critique here.
@bonniegeesey4508 2 ай бұрын
Don't know any Whitney neither
@Schwabian 3 ай бұрын
No need to fly in first a funeral these days- you can watch it on a video
@chickenporkadob0 4 ай бұрын
@SFYNK 4 ай бұрын
I have written a poem, will you recite that and publish on your channel?
@randomreadingspoetry 4 ай бұрын
oh, wow. i would love to read your poem! you can send it to my email [email protected] and I will try to deliver.. thank you! ❤️
@SFYNK 4 ай бұрын
Keep it up, don't step back because of views.
@randomreadingspoetry 4 ай бұрын
thank you so much for your encouragement. 💐❤️
@adventuresofafirst-timemum9772 4 ай бұрын
@universeschild111 5 ай бұрын
keep going, good to see we both share the same interest yay 🫶🏻
@randomreadingspoetry 5 ай бұрын
thank you! 🧡
@Moonlightvocalcovers 5 ай бұрын
please upload more , It's really good to see.
@randomreadingspoetry 5 ай бұрын
thank you for your encouragement. 🧡 please stay tuned for more.. you can also comment any poem you like to be featured next.
@mayenancho9757 5 ай бұрын
Wow andaming time hahaga
@randomreadingspoetry 5 ай бұрын
😂 passion project for the win💐
@mayenancho9757 5 ай бұрын
@@randomreadingspoetry ano daw di ko naintindihan. English eh! 😂
@chickenporkadob0 5 ай бұрын
@chickenporkadob0 5 ай бұрын
@mayenancho9757 5 ай бұрын
@randomreadingspoetry 5 ай бұрын
thank you for listening! ❤️
@adventuresofafirst-timemum9772 5 ай бұрын
Love this!! Thanks for sharing your readings!
@randomreadingspoetry 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for listening! feel free to comment any poem or poetry that you want me to feature in this channel and i will try my best to deliver.. 💐
@adventuresofafirst-timemum9772 5 ай бұрын
Poetry are Songs without music💖 so maybe bob dylans or more maya angelous!
@randomreadingspoetry 5 ай бұрын
@mayenancho9757 6 ай бұрын
@reenareji3305 6 ай бұрын