The Assyrians - Empire of Iron
21 күн бұрын
@kevinsysyn4487 2 күн бұрын
I think there is an important omission in this analytical study of the slavery issue which was paramount to all of the American wars, the Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War/Texas and the Civil War.... and that omission is....Slave-breeding ..... or the main business of the elite wealthy of the Antebellum south...the banning of slavery by the western empires. The banning of slavery in England 1772, the British Empire 1807 and the global banning of the African slave trade into the United States 1808, created the most lucrative slave business of all...buying and selling slaves. Supply and demand. Where was the supply? In the American Revolution and the the War of 1812 the British military emancipated any slaves who came under their control, a direct threat to the institution of slavery despite what any American might have thought. This ban led to the necessity of domestic slave breeding which became the lifeblood of the institution of slavery. The expansion ban into the territories was the tipping point leading to the Civil War and ultimate emancipation. The "big business" by 1860 was slave-breeding, not agriculture, especially in Virginia Maryland etc the wealthiest oldest slave states. Expansion to Texas and the territories, which Lincoln forbid in his campaign, would have increased greatly the demand for slaves and of course the price/profit of domestically bred slaves would have skyrocketed. Hence Texas, annexed to the USA at great cost of blood and treasure in 1846, a meer decade later seceded and betrayed the country. The wealthy slave-breeders, the political power hou$e of the CSA and DC gov't were the instigators of the Civil War, Britain chief among customers for USA agricultural products were expanding production throughout their empire via a different form of slavery... indenture. Slave breeding was the main catalyst of secession and extinction of slavery.
@ewingtaylor5487 3 күн бұрын
Why no image of the Solutrean Point? Also, the continual repetitious background music is annoying in the extreme. Rate informational content as only moderately accurate. Sorry.
@VividBullox 4 күн бұрын
North 02 thinks that you’re a… Fill in the blank
Seee, the solution is simplehere: You. Leave. Them. Alone.
@gottabitch 5 күн бұрын
Also the north had done built their cities with slaves had their economy booming because of slaves. Once they was done with their slaves they seen the southern states doing the same as them seen that the southern states was growning faster then theirs so they had to do something about that. The lies tought in school is crazy slavery was a way of life for the north until their economies was built. So yeah hypocrisy in the north learn your history when did slavery start in America? What was the first 13 colonies ok then slavery didn't start in the south but the north. You yankees as they said back then knew if the south had industries like y'all, y'all would have never had won. The south had no industry like the north but was still winning for the most part slavery would've ended in the south the same way it slowly died in the north. You can travel the country now and, see the lies being told the north build roads to separate the whites from the blacks the north burnt down black wall street because black folks started to have power in the north you yankees didn't like that wanna try to make the south look racist while hiding the norths racism. Yeah the south had bad apples ever race had bad apples 6% of southern had slaves. The north when slavery was booming more then 50% or northerns had slaves so who is really the racist?
@gottabitch 5 күн бұрын
The fort was on southern land so yeah they fired the first shot.
@tina-mariecrocker5687 5 күн бұрын
It looks beautiful there❤
@tina-mariecrocker5687 5 күн бұрын
The British took them as an experiment? Let them be; human beings are not lab rats
@tina-mariecrocker5687 5 күн бұрын
Let them be❤
@user-earthandfire 5 күн бұрын
just weak at editing. at least show relevant images in relation to the narrative... would be great to see solutrean points when discussing them. very bot like vibes from this video
@noahway13 5 күн бұрын
Just weak ai writing. 1
@LEONRIMES 5 күн бұрын
and the photos don't always correspond to ice age Europe.... not to mention some tools that looked to be of
@user-earthandfire 5 күн бұрын
@DustinHawke 6 күн бұрын
I want a serious TV series based in this time or even earlier. I'd like one where Neanderthals are still alive. I don't want no magic, superpowers, etc. Just everyday life, but filled with action, adventure, funny moments and romance. Focus on one tribe, but also have others that they trade with, including women for wives. Have a few Neanderthal tribes that somewhat coexist with the modern humans, but there are some altercations and territorial disputes.
@endlessroads9936 6 күн бұрын
Any pwrson with a brain in his head would the holes in most of this shit.
@WillSmith-wb1wv 6 күн бұрын
AI garbage
@cavemancaveman5190 6 күн бұрын
WARNING Pinhead view sux. NOTICE CAVEMAN has a curious theory that's not original. Bugs skipped extinctions along with everything else. Intrested parties please bring your best herb 😅
@cavemancaveman5190 6 күн бұрын
Serious as coronary failure
@mattgiove 6 күн бұрын
How many times did this ai repeat itself smfh
@chiefbeef1330 6 күн бұрын
I like how Rome is still talked about today. I wanted a vid about this exact subject as well perfect!
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 6 күн бұрын
Hello, thank you for your feedback. Keep following our channel as we will soon have several videos on the topic: Rome.
@AkatoKibami-oh6zy 7 күн бұрын
The attack on the Dacians was so bad that it entirely wiped them off the map. They even renamed Dacia to to what we today know as Romania. Sad but as they say its the victorious who writes the history.
@MasDeLoMismo-x2n 6 күн бұрын
if u don't know pls not say stupid things
@radupislaru8337 6 күн бұрын
History is written by the people that write stuff down.
@AkatoKibami-oh6zy 4 күн бұрын
@@radupislaru8337 And there, lo and behold i created another historic timeline. Follow it. 😆
@elifowler8995 7 күн бұрын
AI waste of time
@randylplampin1326 7 күн бұрын
The United States is the only country in human history that one part of the country was willing to kill the other part over the issue of slavery.
@old_school_hawk 7 күн бұрын
I hate that these AI videos come on my feed. They're so repetitive, and talk to us as though we have IQ's below 100.
@AlBirk-m1p 8 күн бұрын
Propaganda , but for what
@timothymooney4466 8 күн бұрын
The two underlying intuitions compelling secession were 1st It is a State's right to do so if that is in their best interest. Ratification of the Constitution is not perpetual. Each state can go their own way at any time. 2nd There exists an evident distinction among race s and wasp culture was organically predominant, ergo a belief that particular races couldn't ever measure up to the predominant standard. This was just an incomplete understanding of human nature's potential and the eventual establishment of global super power achieved only by unions of numerous contiguous states on all major continents. The greatest blessing to our world is that there is one entire continent made up of only two countries. Our reality could've looked quite different if North America consisted of numerous countries. We had to stay together. God bless Lincoln.
@PiratesRock-dm8mt 8 күн бұрын
Not the first cities. Your whole premise is based on a lie.
@aaronchan2942 9 күн бұрын
Couldn't the South have transitioned to wage slavery like the North was doing and basically what happened during Reconstruction as many slaves went back to work for their owners only to have their pay their wages right back to them? Perhaps this would've avoided the war but either way, we'd still have wage slavery today.
@rudolfhough6226 9 күн бұрын
Go read Zacharia Zitchens 5 Books......then compare that to the academics blind version.....Then take a stand on various issues that is not paid for by propgandists. Its a hell of a lot of work but with some integrity and backbone you will have one of the most rellevant and wonderfull versions in existance. In the process you wil discover why the Bible exists and why humankind should not be without it The Sumerians was wiped out in 2024 BC and it looks like that will be repeated this year....and probably by the same method.
@drblais5193 9 күн бұрын
the south is always the problem just like today the south is still the fucking problem because of the senate and electoral college, states rights is bullshit those southern traitors never defend blue states rights up north or out west
@psikeyhackr6914 9 күн бұрын
What percentage of White men who fought for the Confederacy in the American Civil War did not own slaves? So what exactly were they fighting for? Where is that discussed in history books?
@elijahFree2000 9 күн бұрын
Slave ownership in the Confederacy was quite common. 24% of all household s owned slaves in 1860. Many more leased slaves. The ownership among politicians who promoted secession was far higher.
@psikeyhackr6914 9 күн бұрын
@@elijahFree2000 Households and men would be different numbers but you are still kind of implying that 75% of men fighting for the Confederacy didn't own slaves. So why? What good would winning do them?
@elijahFree2000 9 күн бұрын
@@psikeyhackr6914 Most soldiers in the German Army weren't Nazis. Slaveowners controlled politics in the Confederacy. And the Newspapers. And the Economy.
@61tjackso 9 күн бұрын
You're not entirely wrong... there was a certain percentage of uneducated whites from the south who stood to gain nothing from the war, but were conned into fighting by a bunch of wealthy slave owners. The wealthy elites spun a narrative about how the "big bad federal government" was coming to "put an end to their way of life" and the gullible fools lapped it up. The same gullible fools exist today, they just wear red hats instead of grey coats.
@drblais5193 9 күн бұрын
thats just something racist traitors care about to deflect from the truth about the fact they fought for slavery and you want fake history taught
@marklandwehr7604 9 күн бұрын
Slavery continues on today Mass incarceration provides slave labor for businesses Today Walmart People are forced to have jobs while in jail and they are paid twenty cents an hour to do work that normally people are paid twenty dollars an hour The Constitution. Says that when you're arrested you can be made into a slave Slavery never ended The war economically continued on with prohibition It was set up to get back at the north that took away their human trafficing The South did not need safe northern liquor because by making the k.K k Revenue Rman He could decide who got the license to produce white lightning Sugar liquor So just remember prohibition.Created a premium on alcohol Alcohol never disappeared It was the temperance movement was taken over by the prohibitionist They weren't going to help dad quit liquor they were going to beat the f out of dad For being a drunk While simultaneously being able to give to their local. Revenue man the ability to Decide Who would be the one that would make the Eliciot business of providing the intoxicance White lightning
@marklandwehr7604 9 күн бұрын
It was the constitution that gave the south a greater amount of authority in the federal government for their 4/5 , a vote for each of their slaves that had no say in government which gave the south a greater say in the federal government
@marklandwehr7604 9 күн бұрын
The South could defend slavery because the Constitution was a compromise between the large Southern slave states in the south and the small northern states.That's what gave the South.The greater amount authority in the federal government
@marklandwehr7604 9 күн бұрын
The abolitionist sent frederick douglas back to africa to create colonies there monrovia liberia They would enact slavery there
@marklandwehr7604 9 күн бұрын
Slavery never ended After the war the south continued to sell labor to the northern plantations You can find one of them is called in cincinnati beach acres My mother bought a slave's cottage on a street in cincinnati called cherry lane I say again the south continued to sell people in slavery to the north White people and black
@marklandwehr7604 9 күн бұрын
Beach acres is in a place called Beach mont
@toussaintchivars9005 9 күн бұрын
Excellent reporting.
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 9 күн бұрын
Hello, thank you for your feedback. Keep following the channel for new Stories of Humanity.
@ralphstern2845 9 күн бұрын
AI sux
@RussellRunk 9 күн бұрын
Well, to start with the first 40 seconds is sorta obvious. I mean yeah, they had a conflict. All this is arm waiving.
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 9 күн бұрын
Hello, thank you for your comment, we are looking to improve with each new story told, keep following our channel for more Stories of Humanity.
@gottabitch 5 күн бұрын
​​@@HistoryinFocus-i7v lol tell your viewers about how the north had built their economy off slavery. How they built the cities with slave labor after everything was said and done slavery slowly was dieing in the north. The south was only doing what the north had did to build their economy. The south was racist the south didn't burn down black wall street the northerners did because black folks started to have power in the north. How the north had the south pay them for their slaves back oh did the northerners rounded them up and, brought them back. 6% of southerns had slaves back when slavery was booming in the north more then half of northerns had slaves. Wanna talk about the racist south while hiding the racist north. SLAVERY DIDN'T START IN THE SOUTH BUDDY BOY!!!!
@88Blazehaze 9 күн бұрын
The whole history of the United corporate states of America has been a grand conspiracy.
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 9 күн бұрын
Hello, thank you for your comment, keep following our channel for more Stories of Humanity.
@touristguy87 10 күн бұрын
A bunch of Southern guys who got upset that Northerners wouldn't promise to return their African Sex-Toys to them if they got loose and were caught in Northern states. The actual war was entirely the result of the fact that Lincoln won the Presidential election of 1960 and the War on Slavery was on. But the underlying issue was the concept of property-rights fully extending to Northern states. But can you really imagine the concept of Whites owning all descendants of their slaves, even if they themselves were the fathers?
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 9 күн бұрын
Hello, we appreciate your enriching comment. Continue following us on other Historical issues for Humanity.
@cheebacheeo 12 күн бұрын
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 11 күн бұрын
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@iphag69 12 күн бұрын
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 12 күн бұрын
Hello, we appreciate your criticism and we will work to improve. Stay tuned for our content.
@davidjames9626 13 күн бұрын
Oh dear..hyping up didactic formulaic gubble of post modern drivel..rubbish......
@HistoryinFocus-i7v 12 күн бұрын
Hello, thank you for your comment. We are working to improve the quality of historical references. I hope you continue watching our content, especially the latest videos.