@abbeyhall4624 12 сағат бұрын
@oteliogarcia1562 15 сағат бұрын
the Allies had flak, too, you know? they shot German bombers, fighters, and even V-1 flying bombs. Germans had 88's, the Allies had 90 mm's and larger caliber AA guns, like the British 3.7 inch or 94mm. you're just contributing to perpetuating the supposed superiority of the losing side.
@patricknoveski6409 16 сағат бұрын
The Stug is just so Bad ass looking. Low, sleak lines. Check out Aussie Armorments to watch them resurrect one.
@rprojectstory 17 сағат бұрын
Selama Perang Dunia II, meriam Flak Jerman menjadi pertahanan utama melawan pesawat Sekutu. Dengan kemampuan menembak tinggi dan penggunaan peluru yang dirancang untuk meledak di ketinggian tertentu, Flak menyebabkan kerusakan signifikan pada misi pengeboman. Selain fisik, Flak juga menimbulkan dampak psikologis pada awak pesawat, meningkatkan stres dan trauma. Sorotan: 00:03 Selama Perang Dunia II, meriam Flak Jerman berfungsi sebagai pertahanan utama terhadap pesawat Sekutu, melindungi kota-kota dari serangan udara. Meriam ini efektif dalam menembakkan peluru yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan signifikan pada pesawat. -Meriam Flak memiliki kemampuan menembak hingga 25 peluru per menit, menjadikannya senjata yang mematikan bagi pesawat musuh. Ini menunjukkan efektivitas artileri dalam perang udara. -Peluru antipeluru dirancang untuk meledak pada ketinggian tertentu, menciptakan efek ledakan yang mematikan bagi pesawat. Ini mirip dengan granat yang ditembakkan ke udara. -Dua jenis peluru digunakan, yaitu peluru tumbukan yang meledak saat mengenai target dan peluru berjangka waktu yang meledak setelah jangka waktu tertentu. Ini meningkatkan fleksibilitas sistem pertahanan. 02:28 Senjata anti-pesawat mengandalkan fragmentasi untuk mencapai efek yang diinginkan, meningkatkan kemungkinan kerusakan pada pesawat dengan meledak pada jarak dekat. Sistem canggih seperti Kommandogerät meningkatkan akurasi penembakan dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor. -Sekering jarak yang diperkenalkan oleh Sekutu meningkatkan tingkat mematikan tembakan anti-pesawat dengan meledak pada jarak dekat, menghasilkan efek yang lebih efektif. -Bahan peledak berkekuatan tinggi pada peluru menghasilkan asap hitam yang membantu pilot Sekutu mengukur jarak tembakan sebelum melakukan serangan. -Kommandogerät, sistem komputer analog yang diperkenalkan sejak 1925, memungkinkan penembakan yang akurat dengan mengoreksi ketidaksesuaian dan menyelaraskan semua senjata. 05:03 Kru Flak menggunakan berbagai metode untuk melacak dan menargetkan pesawat musuh, termasuk radar dan instrumen optik, untuk meningkatkan akurasi serangan. Mereka menciptakan pola ledakan peluru untuk menyulitkan pesawat musuh dalam bernavigasi. -Penggunaan radar dan instrumen optik sangat penting dalam menentukan kecepatan dan arah pesawat musuh. Ini membantu kru Flak untuk mengarahkan tembakan secara lebih efektif. -Selama malam, radar digunakan untuk memandu kru lampu pencari ke target, sedangkan siang hari menggunakan sistem pengendalian kebakaran optik. Ini meningkatkan efektivitas serangan secara keseluruhan. -Jerman membangun Hochbunker sebagai struktur pertahanan yang dilengkapi artileri antipesawat. Ini memberikan perlindungan tambahan terhadap serangan udara dan meningkatkan daya serang Flak. 07:16 Kru Flak Jerman menggunakan senjata antipesawat kaliber 88 mm yang efektif dalam menjaga target dari serangan udara. Mereka memperhitungkan waktu tunda suara dan mengatur tembakan secara salvo untuk meningkatkan akurasi. -Senjata kaliber 88 mm dapat melontarkan proyektil hingga 20.000 kaki, berpotensi melumpuhkan pesawat dalam radius ledakan 30 yard. Ini menunjukkan kemampuan tinggi dalam pertahanan udara. -Unit Flak Jerman mengalami penguatan dengan memperbesar ukuran baterai menjadi delapan senjata, meningkatkan daya tembak dan efektivitas dalam melawan pesawat musuh. -Jerman telah mengerahkan lebih dari 15.000 senjata antipeluru, membentuk sabuk pertahanan yang luas dan tebal, memperkuat perlindungan terhadap kawasan industri penting selama Perang Dunia II. 09:40 Dengan meningkatnya serangan antipeluru selama Perang Dunia II, pesawat pengebom Sekutu menjadi sangat rentan dan menghadapi risiko tinggi selama misi. Teknik penghindaran yang digunakan oleh kru pesawat menjadi semakin tidak efektif seiring berjalannya waktu. -Pertahanan antipeluru yang kuat di pabrik kimia Leuna menyebabkan kerugian besar bagi pesawat pengebom B-17 dalam serangan pada tahun 1944. Ini menunjukkan tantangan yang dihadapi selama misi pengeboman. -Flak berperan dalam mengurangi akurasi pengeboman dengan memaksa pesawat melepaskan muatan dari ketinggian yang lebih tinggi. Ini menambah tingkat kesulitan bagi kru pesawat pengebom. -Dampak psikologis terhadap awak pesawat pengebom termasuk gejala stres dan trauma. Ini menunjukkan bahwa bahaya tidak hanya bersifat fisik tetapi juga mental bagi para kru.
@Xycomm 19 сағат бұрын
A soldier that was 18 in 1914 would have been 43/44 in 1939-40 imagine fighting for 4 years against the French in WW1 as a young man just to come back as a Middle Aged man and accomplish in 6 weeks what your army couldn’t do in 4 years…
@bobbates7343 21 сағат бұрын
Seems to me that the Germans and the British would have done well to put all those guns only at the coast line. That way huge flak gun shells could have been used and the people would not be on the ground getting hit by the falling material. The material that did not end up stuck in a plane would have ended up in the water. Also the huge guns could have fired at ships
@VK-zt6sw 23 сағат бұрын
Pretty cool - thank you!
@Jwnorton Күн бұрын
In 1943, the German Army asked for an extended range model, better sights, reach out to 250-300M, and reloadable. Designs progressed, and a model came up and was in testing thru 1944 and early 45 - it was set to start production in March 45, as designed. Both models were captured after the war on the Russian side of the front. In modified form, it went on to become the B-45 launcher, and its big brother the RPG-7
@montegrifo Күн бұрын
There were also the 'Nachtjäger' night fighter planes used to intercept the bomber squadrons and comunicate the positions to the Flak. They flew hiding within the enemy formation.The Nachtjäger had to move out just before the AA guns started firing. My inlaw flew on one of those. He fought the whole war, Stalingrad included, but according to him that was his most nerve-wracking experience by far.
@derekstocker6661 Күн бұрын
Thanks so very much for this well explained and illustrated video. The aircrews who flew these missions were just ordinary guys BUT they had nerves of steel, going on a mission high in the sky every night until rest time or death. Nobody knows what went through their minds daily before a mission and not knowing if they would survive. RIP lads.
@gemmamudd7167 Күн бұрын
The 88 was used in so many roles putting it in tanks i am shocked they did not put one on a bomber
@gemmamudd7167 Күн бұрын
When they let them 88s go you know your in trouble
@sunopakistan6676 Күн бұрын
Siging in Tram Is battle of Egos of Mad Mens Not leaders
@mahsiseua Күн бұрын
made in german? i thought it was soviet because soviet it in red alert
@xmuzel Күн бұрын
The technology back then was impressive
@justin8894 Күн бұрын
@Super_Szn Күн бұрын
Awesome video, thank you! Also great footage bunch of stuff I haven’t seen before
@blueeyes402 Күн бұрын
If you see any G tanks with cannons then the footage is from later in the war. G tanks had no cannon in 1941. There is the official narrative of WW2 and there is the truth. Stalin had over 30 000 tanks 8 million in uniform and the partizans were trained in 1937... Stalin had a lot more then that in 1941... WW2 history is a matrix...
@HorseshitDetectionAgency Күн бұрын
Dogshit robot voice. Remake this video.
@marktercsak9728 2 күн бұрын
The Germans had a range of Anticraft artillery from heavy such as the 12.8 cm , 8.8 cm , 4cm, 2cm etc.
@mirola73 2 күн бұрын
It's so stupid to see the Russians now have not (much) adapted the tactics from their predecessors the Soviets, letting tanks attack unaccompanied..
@Hugmir 2 күн бұрын
10:24 - "merely impossible"? Not "virtually/effectively impossible"?
@peterschoen7409 2 күн бұрын
Stalingrad disastrous was one man to blame was Hitler himself
@matthewbeesley5850 2 күн бұрын
Just imagine if the Germans had US-type radar proximity AA shells. The strategic bombing campaign would have been deeply impacted.
@klestius 2 күн бұрын
Nice video but with some errors.
@damienkendrick1457 2 күн бұрын
Flak in games are so cool. They havr this special charm and pedistool because planes are op bullies and tgese are the humble defenders
@takaof6857 2 күн бұрын
Daun the Nazis!
@infolover_68 2 күн бұрын
It was the engine of the T-43/76 that the difference since added superior speed and distance achieved. But the more advanced T-34/85 made the difference more obvious; logically it was the use of other tanks like the IS-2 and the self-propelled guns ISU class that smashed the Panzerwaffen.
@joechang8696 2 күн бұрын
Everything involves trade-offs. No one set of trades is good for all circumstances. Just be judicious
@rocistone6570 2 күн бұрын
07:20: "Recent Research,," Tell me more and please feel free to post your sources right here for everyone to read.
@andrewwhipple7162 2 күн бұрын
You keep saying protecting the cities. The US focused on military, factory, or logistics sites. The Brits did night bombing of cities
@yanbaihuzxzxzx 2 күн бұрын
Let war thunder tell it, the IS2 was unstoppable. I used a tiger tank and had to hit the thing in the game 12 times to kill the damn thing.
@Hiro6Red 3 күн бұрын
Unfournate United States of America military can't even match all that ammunition,gave it to Ukraine and Israel..... If they was ever a conflict United States of America extremely unprepared and under manned
@dhowe5180 Күн бұрын
You wish that were true, bot
@phil_yakubchuk 3 күн бұрын
Russians are like Scythians. You can win every single battle, but the war will end in your capital. Beware, learn history in strategic, not in tactical perspectrive.
@jo-ov9vc 3 күн бұрын
The Flak Towers (Berlin, Vienna and Hamburg) did not rely on optical predictors (FuG 40). Each had a second tower called a Leitturm or director tower close by, which was equipped with Wurzburg tracking radar. The firing data from the radar computer was transmitted electrically to the Gefechtsturm or battle tower and was displayed on clock face pointers for the gun layers. The ammunition for the 4 x twin 128mm autoloader guns was given a fuse time setting prior to loading.
@markbarron7935 3 күн бұрын
@Riceball01The king tiger tank was not designed as a offensive tank. You have to go back to the German Strategy of Blitzkrieg. Airpower, find the weak spots and exploit with speed and mobility. So lots of reconnaissance vehicles and backed up with medium sized tanks. However at the time of 'Operation Barbarossa' the Germans had the best tanks in the world. The introduction of the Russian T34 tank at Stalingrad changed everything! The tank totally outclassed anything the Germans had. This is why the Tiger tank was developed to counter the Russian T34. So the Germans fitted the finest gun the 88mm AA or anti tank gun at the time for the Tiger plus additional upgrades. The Tiger was the ultimate tank for the eastern front. The primary role of the tiger was to destroy the T34 at range. Still under development it was used at 'Operation Citadel the battle of Kursk for the first time. It faired better than most tanks but kept breaking down. I believe the Germans had the right tank, it kept your enemy at bay and defiantly prolonged the war on the eastern front and the Russians suffered dearly against this tank. The reputation of the Tiger created Terror for the tank crews on the eastern front. Any other tanks the Russians would have been quickly overrun..
@ysdnsingh 3 күн бұрын
What goes up must come down
@robertmiller2173 3 күн бұрын
I’d like to see the evidence of this! History is written by the victor! My father was a Tank Commander of a Mk 4 Sherman right through Italy. There weren’t that many Firefly’s in Italy and the Stug, Mk IV’s were the dominant Germany tanks probably because of the Roads, Bridges, and Mountains of Italy. My dad said he saw one Tiger! He had a photo of it!
@jss32422 3 күн бұрын
@FactBytes 3 күн бұрын
Thanks to you too!
@seanwatts9215 3 күн бұрын
How boomers in corporate management react to a spelling mistake in an email out of office reply
@Hamzeeeeee7 3 күн бұрын
It's funny that people talk about operation winter storm as failure which actually was an succeeded plan. Even us know the escape and rescue of German 6 army was impossible and the red army was reorganizing their troops to also destroy Army group A by recapturing Rostov and destroy the whole German Army group South(Actually was splitted in A,B). His main plan was to use the army 6 to be the bait to the soviets and rescue Army Group A
@mikecimerian6913 3 күн бұрын
Tank Battles of WW2 - The Firefly Ace that knocked out 5 Panthers with 5 rounds kzbin.info/www/bejne/f6OopZeDoKt0ZpI
@lonestarbug 3 күн бұрын
What is “glassy armor”?
@pantherenoir_redpill9997 3 күн бұрын
TIK said it. All wehraboos keep thinking that the Nazis were very good at defense but the figures ar there. They suffer a lot in the year 1944. BTW, they lost the war.
@bergssprangare 4 күн бұрын
Amazing that you the GErmans never seem to learn..GErmans so called wunderwaffen is burning in Kursk today too..Too heavy, too expensive , over engineered, A total fiasco..But seems as Gemran propaganda is alive and kicking
@simonjones7785 4 күн бұрын
a little like a reverse depth charge
@danielmolinar8669 4 күн бұрын
There’s a lot of wehraboos here
@superwhitt21 4 күн бұрын
88's could shoot 25rpm???
@shadiandrew Күн бұрын
Yea, the trap door its mostly automated and there is a bunch of people constantly carrying shells so its possible.
@ClimateScepticSceptic-ub2rg 4 күн бұрын
Wittmann's Tiger seems to have been an early competitor in the world turret-tossing championships, subsequently so decisively won by the Russian team, with its unbeatable T-72 entries.
@carris9054 4 күн бұрын
Que curiosa es la historia. Si no se hubiese apoyado con las ingentes cantidades de material a esos orcos . Nunca habrían vencido a un ejercito tan excelente como lo fué la Wehrmacht.