Mike a fifth-generation westerner, grew up in the wilderness of Wyoming. In the early 1960s, exploring the backcountry and wildernesses of the West with his father, Gordon Eastman, a legendary wildlife photographer, guide, and hunter. This lifestyle gave him insight into the behavior of the western big game. By the age of 25, he had become an accomplished outdoorsman, wilderness guide, and wildlife photographer. His outdoor experience stretched from the Northern Rockies and Arctic of Canada through the high country of the West to the wilds of Tanzania, Mongolia, China, and South America.
In 1987, Mike founded Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal. In 1999 Mike filmed, edited, and produced, the long-running popular western big game hunting shows Eastman Hunting TV on the Outdoor channel. Mike went on to pen four hunting books. Hunting High Country Mule Deer, has sold over 51,000 copies, making him a bestselling author.
Contact Mike at
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