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Dernière Volonté - Topic
Dernière Volonté is the name under which French musician Geoffroy D writes his own music. Throughout an 'industrial' early period, Geoffroy tended to write a fusion of martial music and dark ambient. Choosing to focus on atmosphere, militaristic rhythms, and historical samples, he left little emphasis to be placed on vocals and melody. However, with the release of his 2003 effort, Les Blessures de l'Ombre, Geoffroy took a new direction, applying his martial style to verse-chorus song structures and pop melodies. In 2008, Geoffroy started an electronic side-project called Position Parallèle which fused together EBM with minimal wave style sounds. This led to a more distinctly synthpop sound being carried over into his work as Dernière Volonté as well. His 2016 album, Prie Pour Moi, shifted his sound toward more neofolk instrumentation with less emphasis on synthesizers. A new Position Parallèle album, titled En Garde à Vue, was released in 2017. Early Dernière Volonté made some references to Nazism in their earliest industrial period, such as in the song Le travail rend libre from the first release.
2 жыл бұрын
Tous les chemins
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En espagne
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Accords perdus
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Je ne respire plus
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L’éclat du crepuscule
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Ce que ca fait
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Je suis venu te dire
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2 жыл бұрын
Mon insolence
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L'eau froide
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Tout à disparu
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Regard camouflage
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Un pas en arrière
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