Yes I know. I needed your HP higher for this fight. I can change you back anytime now. I did give you Rubiss's Sword.
@GameGamesGaming-tc8ur26 күн бұрын
Can't wait until SE sues the every loving shit out of this idiot.
@AnnisharkАй бұрын
why do i miss your streams :(
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Different timezones. Always nice to see you when you do pop in.
@rassputtonАй бұрын
100% honest and comprehensive reviews, with great points on mythos, nostalgia, and gameplay! well said, sir! Some of my favorites in there, too. Zelda, DK64... gold!
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Thanks Russ. Even tough the N64 is not my favorite console it has some great games. Thanks for the comment
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
2:33:59 love that reaction!! But, hey, to be completely honest. At least you figured out you. Figured out you have to destroy the chopper much faster than dummy me did. I kept thinking i'd taken a wrong turn somewhere. So at least 2 or 3 times i'd reset the game & reload my last password. Until i had eliminated any other possible path!! LOL @ my 80s self! Anyway, Congrats on completing yet another classic game. Well, ""Classic" for me, having played it back then.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Oh yeah! The helicopter. It took me a while to realize what had to do. Oh wow you reloaded your password. That is funny thinking you went the wrong way. I do stuff like that all the time then it finally dons on me what Ineed to do and it is like "oh yeah it so simple now" In the moment of playing a game I sometimes forget to do the simple thing sometimes. In the back of your mind you are like "Oh man if I mess this up am I going to have a continue"? How far back am I going to be put> Will the healing items respawn? Stuff like that. Good job on figuring it out and beating this game and thank you very much.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
55:26I Agree DQ11 is the best in the series IMO. And one of the best RPGs in general. Great Characters, Music, Story. Erik, Sylvando, Veronica, I mean I've been a Dragon Quest/ Dragon Warrior fan since 1989. But 11 is still the best. That said, makes me wonder how they'll top it moving forward with DQ12??
@igotkingsАй бұрын
I know you have been a Dragon Quest for a long time too, so it is always nice to hear from you about Dragon Quest. Glad you think so highly of it too. I really wish more people would play it.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
50:52 Never played an Octopath Traveler game. Or even thought to. But now, since the new DQ3 HD/2D remake is out. Now i do wanna play those games. How many Octopath Traveller games are there?? Which one is best in your opinion??
@igotkingsАй бұрын
The Octopath games are great, but after playing them I am exhausted. There is a lot of grinding to do in them. More than Dragon Quest for me. The super bosses are exhausting. I only ever beat the first Octopath's Super boss I did not feel like going through that again for Octopath II. The music is some of the best ever for any game The graphics and individual stories are superb. The battle system is really fun and strategic. If you get a chance to play it, give it a shot. I think you would like it.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings well, Octopath 2 does have a free demo to try out. Part 1 does not however. BUT, both games are on the Switch eShop. So Someday, someday.... Like the Dragon Quest Builders games. Which i've heard are also good. Just gotta wait till they go on sale again. Since they are all $60 each normally priced. Which i don't mind paying. For a good game. It's just that, at that price. I can only afford to get 1 game at a time. Not like when i was younger & could spend an entire paycheck on games. LOL Bills suck seriously though, sometime in the next few months i'll get those games, No other games at the moment i'm really interested in buying, so
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
What?? No Richard today, to complain throughout the entire friggen video?? LOL KEKW. I mean i get it, he hates this game. that's fine. There is no game that everyone will like. So why's he even watching the stream then?? So he can be the childish/immature little troll heckler the whole time??? GA GA GOO GOO Richard. I mean tbf there's games i don't like, like DQ9. Or just downright HATE/DESPISE like toilet princess (and everyone's fav companion character shitna) But i won't even waste my time watching someone stream or play. That crappy excuse of a "game" either. I have better things to do with my time. Like run to the bathroom & puke. At just the mere thought of playing it (Richard's puke emotes Here) Sorry Richard BTW, If you happen to read this comment. But Damn dude, WTF?? Why even Watch then if you hate the game. Just to whine??? Anyway, it's not just him. It's like all those imbecile little losers on KZbin. That'll click on a music video of a song they don't like. Or by a band they hate. Just to act like Richard in the comment section. F**K You & Grow up assholes. If you don't like it go the fuck away & watch something you do like shithead LOL Sorry but it pisses me off more than i can begin to explain. Troll syndrome i guess. ANYWAY THAT SAID CONGRATS ON BEATING THIS GAME THE EXPECTED WAY & NOT COPPING OUT WITH THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER TRICK
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
4:26:20 Agreed, Not to mention I like that this game is different from the first game. As Much as i LOVE Zelda1. I liked that the sequel wasn't just a carbon copy of it. Like Castlevania into CV2: Simon's Quest or Super Mario Bros into SMB2. Not just copies of the OG game. Unless you're talking about the DLC of the 80s. Shamelessly & criminally so, packaged as a sequel. Cough cough hack hack (gag reflex sets in) the lost levels aka SMB2 Japan. Anyways, Wait-a-minute, 4:26:40 Ocarina of time started out as a remake of this game, Never heard that before.But that would explain the similarities. Dark Link & Names like Darunia, Ruto, Rauru, Saria & Nabooru However, 4:28:52 BoTw may be different from the then recent zelda games like TP & SS. But... in actuality it's merely/simply a much, much (much times 1,00,000) needed return to the series Open World origins/Roots. Zelda 1 re-imagined with all the enhancements of video gaming since 1985/86 implimented into it. A MUCH bigger world map. Since games had gotten bigger since 1986. But yeah BoTw is different from then recent. Which is what i love about it. Throwing the so-called "Zelda formual" right into the garbage where it belongs, IMO Zelda isn't supposed to be linear. F**K Toilet Princess & Kiss my A** skyward Shite!! Zelda is open exploration from day 1. With the NES OG!! LOL Eat S**T midna, you waste of video game history you. Same to you Fi (Fi Fi Fo Dum) Sorry My friend i know you disagree on this one. And that's perfectly ok, honestly. No 2 people are gonna agree on everything. Just not gonna happen. But for me where the changes in zelda went wrong was bring linearity into it in the first place. and establishing that so-called "formula" to begin with. Daring to turn the massive open world (well LOL massive for the 80s NES era anyway) into a linear mockage. I like when companies change things up. But Not all change is good. And the so-called Zelda formula went on far too long, imo. Before they finally threw it away, with the solid gold gem BoTW.. Hallelujah Hallelujah Praise be the devs I mean, i've mentioned before how & why linear Zelda is not for me. TBF, there were Some good games there DON'T GET ME WRONG my friend, Link's awakening. Minish Cap, oracle of Ages & Seasons, And of course....(drumroll please)Ocarina of Time (By far, without question/without doubt or hesitation. Thee #1 Greatest video game of all time/for all time, imo), Anyway since we have been over this before already. I'll end my repeated rant on that subject here & now. Just suffice to say i friggen LOVE, LOVE, (LOVE times infinity) Botw for bringing the open world exploration elements back to Zelda. Love it love it love it Again Hallelujah Hallelujah Praise be to the Breath Of The Wild staff of developers!!!!!
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
I've said it before but it bears repeating. So Nice to see someone else who likes & defends this game. I always have. Even did a Playthrough for my KZbin gaming channel. But anyway, that said, (@3:38:15) I agree, having lives & losing your EXP on Game Over is pointless. And just makes the game unfairly difficult. That and fix the starting points. Is another common gripe i hear alot. And agree with completely. Always starting over after game over. Back at the starting point, North Castle is annoying. Especially late game when you have SO FAR to go to get back to where you were I feel like IF, IF they ever did remake this game. Removing/fixing those aspects. More people would like the game too. It was an 80s game thing with the extra lives, As you mentioned. So many games back then had 1-ups LOL. Zelda 1 was one of the few exceptions, as of 1988. So it's not surprising that in a game that tried to be a 2d platformer. Like many other games of the day. It would have extra lives mechanic. Sure by 1989/90, Games Like Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy. Or even games like Legacy of the Wizard did not have "lives" But Mario, Mega-Man, Castlevania, Contra, etc... etc... did As for the Manual, yeah I remember that. The Backstory into the So-Called ""Legend of Zelda". Princess Zelda of 100 years ago, i think. is Put under a sleep spell. Link (from the 1st game, now 7 years older) Has to revive her. I Miss Manuals like that these days. As I've mentioned before. I mean i guess it's better these days. Most of those old manuals & Guides can be found via online scans. That don't fade out or fall apart LOL. Like printed manuals & magazines did after too many times reading them. At least for me. But that said. There is something to be said for those old manuals like the OG Final Fantasy one (as I've said before). That detailed, back when there was no internet yet But all things considered i still say. As much as I personally love this game. Always have / always will. It is, IMO the Zelda game that most needs a remake. Before any other in the series. Of course most of the older games already have had a remake (or 2 in Link's Awakening case). So this game And the OG Zelda. Are among the few that haven't been remade yet. Of Course, From what I've heard/read numerous times is that Oracle of seasons started out in Development as a Zelda 1 remake. Which would explain some of the re-ocurring bosses .Aquamentus, Gleeok & Dodongo. and lastly, 36:14 That part about the Ladies restoring link's health. In every town you visit & the ""oooooh what are they doing in there"" Gag is so old. I always tell people It's NOT WHAT YOU'RE THINKING"" Get your mind out of the gutter will ya!! If Sex was what they had in mind for that scenario, As I always point out. If sex was the intent there. It wouldn't even be in the North American version of the game. Not with the Strict policies Nintendo had in those days. To keep their games all ages rated. Those scenes would've been replaced with the usual Zelda game Fairy Fountains for health recovery
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Yeah I am with you Greg in defending this game. Those of us who love know how good it is. That does not mean that there is not some crappy things in it.Yes, the lives and losing exp and starting way back at the palace is the thing that I would fix the most. I will say thogh that part of me does like the thrill of just getting through a palace on your last life with little health. I agree, they definitely would get rid of the lives and restarting at the palace if they remade it. Game players today would not deal with that like we did. I am with you I miss manuals. It is great to have the internet and pull up a PDF of any NES game. That is convenient. I truly believe that eventually Nintendo will remake Zelda 1 and 2. I am not familiar enough with the oracle games. I only played them once. I forgot that Aquamentus, Gleeok & Dodongo where in it. Yeah, it is an old joke, I never thought it was sexually. Thanks for commenting greg
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings well yeah every game has some issues. Even the classics like Ocarina of Time or Super Metroid. No such thing as a perfect 10/10 flawless game. 9/10 MAYBE. And yeah gaming opinions have definitely changed since the 80s/90s. I mean for me. Extra lives were part of the experience. With so many game on NES being arcade ports. Or games that could have been played in arcades.. Which i still say. Historically, looking back at it now. is part of the legacy/impact og the OG Zelda game. Showing that Video Games. Could be more than just what we saw in arcades. That game & The OG Metroid which came like a week later. And yeah i imagine Nintendo will remake Zelda 2, someday. I mean they still acknowledge the game exists. They've re-released it digitally how many times in the last 2 decades?? The NES Classic Mini. Wii, WiiU & 3DS Virtual Consoles & now, yet again with the Switch NES Online library. So if Nintendo hates the game as much as some haters say they do. They would not keep reissuing it. It would be another forgotten bit from the 1980s in their minds. As for the oracle games, Ages is one of my fave Zelda games. Seasons is good, just not as good imo. I was gonna say if you want to play them again. They are on the Switch Gameboy online. If you have that membership. But forgot you usually prefer Physical copies/real hardware. Not that's a bad thing. I would too if i had more money & storage space To keep Multiple consoles & a library of games for each.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2j Yeah even games I love I still have things I do not like about them. I know you grew up with the early arcade experience. I was to young for that. I did have a 2600 and it was fun. It was not until the Nintendo came out that I really got into games. The games where so different from the 2600 games I played before. They felt no longer just like a simple highscore game but an adventure with an ending. I never really was one for playing for a highscore. Yeah, I believe we will see something related to Zelda 2 in our lifetime. Either a remake or a side scrolling Zelda adventure. I have only played through the Oracle games once. I remember really having a hard time navigating the world and knowing where to go. Other than that, I do not remember much about them.. I here great things about them and I just did not enjoy them that much. It could be my state of mind at the time I was playing them. I would like to play them again. I do have them still. Who knows how long I will have my physical game collection. I can not see my self getting rid of them but you never know. Life can change at a moments notice sometimes.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings you mention state of mind when playing a game. In relation to your experience with the Oracle Games. I can totally see that being a thing. Because i think that's why i dislike Twilight Princess. Even though most people, You Included. Seem to all Love that game, At the time (2006) i was already getting tired of the companion Characters in Zelda. What with Navi (Who i didn't mind, with her being the first one. In the First 3D Zelda). Tatl, Then Ezlo. Now, yet another Zelda game with yet another companion. I remember cursing loudly at the game (as if that would change anything LOL) "What?? Oh **** Here we ***** Go again, **** That and the linearity. Again I know you'd rather have it that way & that's fine. But for me, with my first Zelda game being the NES OG. I wanted another Zelda game like it. With the possibility to go through it in almost any order. Like that OG Game. And not be tied down by linear story progression. So i just didn't like Twilight Princess as much as i would have otherwise. But Do LOVE Breath of the Wild. For FINALLY being that return to the OG Zelda stye exploration. That i'd wanted for so many years. So yeah i can totally see how frame of mind at the time can affect how we perceive games. But If a Game like TP came out Now. Having played BoTw & ToTk. I'd probably like it more. As For the early 80s & Arcades.. Yeah they were a nice intro to Video Games. Except for you needed a quarter every time. What kid (even then) always has money to play the game?? So alot of times i'd just stand there & look at the demo screens LOL Or grab the controls & act like i was playing the game. Of course then came the Atari 2600. My uncle got it for us as a family gift one year. But no one really liked it. So Mom (after making sure her brother/our uncle wouldn't mind) traded it in for an NES. That's when i truly got into video games. Games i could play at home without quarters. And i think alot of people had that same experience back then. I mean, when ya think about it. So Many of the NES Classics were either direct Arcade Ports, Contra, The Og Mario Bros game (1983). Donkey Kong, Rygar, etc.. etc.. Or they were games that could've been in arcades like Kid Icarus. That again, like i believe i mentioned before. Is the lasting impact of the OG Zelda., Coming out at that time & showing that video games could be more than just arcade style. So many game devs over the remainder of the 80s were inspired by that game
@kazmoole9090Ай бұрын
are you excited about the dq3 remake?
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Oh Yeah, I am enjoying the heck out of it.
@kazmoole9090Ай бұрын
@@igotkings thats super cool. Im gonna pick it up soon too will be my first dq game!!
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@kazmoole9090 Oh wow That is awesome. Welcome to Dragon Quest. I really wish I could experience this game for the first time again. Enjoy, let me know how you like it.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
I played a translated English ROM on a PlayStation 2 emulator called PCSX2. It is easy to find in a search engine. I hope you play it. Great version of a great game. Thanks for commenting.
@vitorwanderleydesaАй бұрын
GG, with more training and time you can try a speedrun.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Thank you very much. I am happy that I learned this game. I always wanted to beat it on Hard. I now not only did that, but did it with no continues and the default 3 lives. I am proud of myself.
@goodeygoodyАй бұрын
How did you play this in English? I really liked the fact that the ps2 version had poly art, but its Japanese only. What software did you download and/or use to play this version of the game?
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Hi, Thank you for commenting. I played on a PlayStation 2 emulator with an English translated ISO. The PlayStation 2 emulator is called "PCSX2" both it and the ISO can be found online with a google search. It does take a little set up but it is nothing to bad and you can find guides on KZbin to help. Overall it ran good on my old PC with integrated graphics.There where some slowdowns but it never was terrible. It has been a while since I played this. I can not find my ISO of the game to fire it up. I hope you can play it sometime. It is a shame we did not get this version. It is really good. I recall I ran into a bug where I was clipped in the floor in dungeon near the end of the game It was the dungeon that you go to save your wife.. it is a well know bug and I was able to fix it. Love the King slime youtube icon by the way, Happy Questing :)
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
1:34:20 Wait-a-Minute, what's wrong with the D-Pad on the switch?? I mean i have a switch Lite so maybe that makes a difference. But i've never had a problem with it. Anyway, Nice to see someone else likes this game besides me. Not a fav Zelda game by far. But certainly unspeakably better than Toilet Princess of skyward shite, i mean sword. in my opinion. No annoying companion like sh**na, i mean midna (gag reflex) or Fi (Fi_Fi Fo- Dum) Sorry my friend, disagree if you will. But IMO, Zelda devs when to know when to quit. That idea worked in Ocarina of Time & Navi. But then you have, Tatl then Ezlo. Then Midna. Then Fii. AAAAGH ENOUGH ALREADY NINTENDO!!! This game has none of that!!!!!!!!! This game isn't as good as BoTw or ToTk. But leagues better than the DS Zelda games. No stylus or blowing into a microphone gag/gimmick needed. Just alot of good ol fashion gaming skill And leveling up helps too LOL and as far as difficulty goes. Sure this is probably the toughest Zelda game, still to this day. BUT in retrospect it's not the hardest NES game. Battletoiads, Ghosts & Goblins, Contra, Ninja Gaiden were all much more difficult than this game
@igotkingsАй бұрын
The switch does not have a D Pad it has 4 separate buttons on the joy-con. I think I was talking about thay. I may have been talking about the Pro controller D pad. The Pro Controller D pad has problems registering the direction you are pushing. So In Super C for example, if you are ducking you have to make sure you are pressing exactly down. If you are off by a little bit you will stand up and that can get you killed. There is a way to fix it by taking the controller apart and using scotch tape but I don't want to do that. I just deal with it or use the SNES switch controller. I think lots of people around my age and your age who played Zelda II as kid enjoy it. It is great. I think some of the people who say bad things about it never really played much of it or gave it a fair shot. I can't remember what I said about Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I do like those games. I could do without Midna, I do Like Fi more but that is only because of the ending part with her. It got to me both times I played through it. Ghosts & Goblins, Contra, Ninja Gaiden. Those games are tough for sure, but they are all about memorizing the levels and enemy placement. Once you do that they become easier. Well, I can not speak for Battletoads. I never made if far in that one. I never really gave it a lot of time. Thanks.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings yep My bad, ignore me LOL i've heard about the joycon issues on the normal model switch, many times. but goofy me, I Keep forgetting about that. Since the lite model doesn't seem to have those issues. and it does have a d-Pad on the bottom left side/corner. So somewhere in my head i'm thinking every switch model is the same ?????? Which is obviously not the case
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings Anyway, controllers aside yeah, many times over the years. i find that people who grew up with the game. Like Zelda 2 alot more. Than newer fans do Who go back & play it. For the first time. Being used to more recent games in the series.I mean i'm sure there are exceptions. But that is usually how it works with that game. Are most 8 bit/NES era games for that matter. I've never played Battletoads, or personally ever really wanted to. I knew someone back then who loved the game. Was always trying to get me to play it. But after seeing how hard the game was. I was always "No way man" LOL. Which is weird looking back now as i type this comment reply. Because i did play a ton of NES Contra (as i mentioned in the other day's stream chat). Ghosts & Goblins & Ninja Gaiden. Which were all really tough games too. I think this was just after finally finishing Ninja Gaiden (Which took a looong time) I just wasn't in the mood at that time. For another tough game like that i guess. Then the new Console SNES (well new console THEN) lol came out and with it came Super Mario world. Funny thing. he didn't finish Battletoads either. Got the then brand new SNES & Mario. And we both started playing it instead. I, on the other hand, Didn't get a SNES, myself. until April 1992. When A Link To The Past came out here. The New Zelda game, i had to play that one myself, and at home. That day i got the SNES console, Link To The Past, Mario World & Final Fantasy 2/4. Was also weird because they were still releasing games on the NES yet too. Dragon Warrior 4 came out here at around that same time too. DQ5 came out in japan in September of that year (1992). But we here in the "West" sadly never got that game until the DS remake in 2009. Which still makes me mad. I would have loved to be able to play that game on my SNES in 1992/93. Would have been great but no... I mean o get it. From Enix' business perspective. The games aren't selling well here. They were probably losing money. In localizing them for us few English fans. But still.... There's also that part of me that is glad the other half of today's Square/Enix, Squaresoft. Was willing to take that chance. I mean where would RPGS be today. If they had stopped bringing their games to America?? No FF4, FF6, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger and/or......(Cough Cough) No Final Fantasy 7
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2j No problem. I have never I have never played a switch lite. I just really really do not like the joycons.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings Fair, I only got the Switch-Lite model because it was like $50-60 cheaper. And since i figured i'd never use it in docked mode. The fact that the Lite was handheld/Portable only didn't bother me
@X2011racerАй бұрын
Are you mad? All of them at once? You're no ordinary hero, are you?
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Ha, well looking back at this I would not do it again. I love the game but there was some tough difficulty spikes. It was satisfying to do though. Who knows if I ever have it in me to do it again. Thanks for commenting.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
54:41 I Strongly disagree, actually. I like the variety in weapons. In most of the Castlevania GBA & DS Games. Not just the stale/moldy old whip everytine. Like the early games in the series.And yes, btw, i know, i know, LOL the vampire Killer" whip is part of the Castlevania timeline/lore. So what, big friggen deal (laugh). Fine, make it be like the Silver/Light Arrows. To fight Ganon in several Zelda games. Only get it in the end of the game & only need it for that last fight. Fine, but let us use swords for the rest of the game. Portrait of Ruin & the other games like it. Get that right imo. But oh well to each their own
@igotkingsАй бұрын
I just like the whip a lot. it feels more like a Castlevania to me. I prefer the classic Castlevania's to the more open Adventure ones. Which is strange, because we where talking about NES Adventure Games like Rambo and Zelda yet I prefer my Castlevania minus that. I still like the exploration Castlevania's Just my heart is always with the more straight forward level based ones. Probably mostly due to nostalgia.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings Fair enough, but for me it's the opposite. I do like the classic games. But prefer Portrait of Ruin & the other metroidvania style games like it. More to them than just the linear based levels. But that's just me
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
This game definitely could have been much better. Not saying it's a great game. But, @2:27:37 that whole "It follows the movie so closely" critique is so old. No offense my friend. But I personally am so tired. Of hearing that one. No one said it has to follow the movie. It's Movie BASED. It's not the movie itself. Or an exact duplicate It only has to have the characters & places from the movie.Again, it's based on the movie, not the actual movie. and BTW For the record. It's not just you. Far From it. so many people. Have shamelessly rehashed that critique on almost every movie based game ever made. I SMELL MOLD
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Hey, I like this game. It does have characters from the movie and I love that the developer took a big swing on a side scrolling adventure game. Not everything works but it was fun once I learned what to do. I believe what I said at 2:27:37 was for comedic effect. I really do not care that it does not follow the movie.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings True, now that you mention it. You were replying to someone in the chat. My bad. And yes i agree, not the best NES game but certainly not the worst either
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
@1:27:57 You're too Kind, LOL.I Don't get it & Frankly don't like it. If people don't like figuring things out on their own & Finding the way through THEMSELVES. They should be forbidden by international law. To even touch (much less play) a video game ever again as long as they shall live on this earth!!!!!!!!. I'm sorry, i know that's harsh. But it's because of them that the rest of us get stuck with this insulting generation of overly coddling/hand holdy games. With obnoxiously patronizing crap like "You Found an ice beam. Use it to freeze enemies" from Metroid: Zero Intellect. Oops, I meant, Zero Mission, LOL Seriously though. WTF, If you actually need(ed) to be told that. Put down the controller now, that is an order.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
I get it though. Sometimes I do not feel like figuring a game out. Sometimes I just want to play something with no resistance. I am glad there are still lots of older games out there I have not played that give me that challenge when I do feel like it.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings True, i guess, variety in gaming. I can see that. But i do miss the day of vague hints & letting you figure it out from there though
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Another one of the few games i owned back then. Since i was always watching Rambo 2 alot on VHS video. Mom got me this on a trip to K-Mart, i think it was. Wasn't even expecting a game that day either LOL So, since i had my own copy of it. I played it alot more than most other games. Which was a good thing. Because between the looping map & grinding for exp. This game took alot longer to finish
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Nice, you owned Rambo. I never played it growing up. I definitely think this game would give you your moneys worth. The map really confused me but it was not so big that it was insurmountable. Nice job finishing it. Another NES adventure platformer I am glad to have played through.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings Wish i could play it again. I mean there's emulators i guess
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2jI hope you can too. Yeah, just fire it up in an emulator if you can.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings Might even make a playthrogh series of it for my Channel. A Shorter game that "Should" only take a a few videos. If i edit out extensive grinding. Like i usually do anyway
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2j Nice, Do it. I am sure, having grown up with it you would get through it better than I did. I left all the grinding and getting lost in mine. It was my first time really giving the game a shot.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
@1:13:51 Metroidvania in retrospect yes, But historically that term didn't exist until symphony of the night in 1997. The term was (IIRC) coined/created to describe that game "A Castlevania game, that Played like Super Metroid" Hence the term Metroidvania. At the time this was just labeled as an Action/Adventure game.
@tylordstevenson2 ай бұрын
Good job Brian 👍 I want to play DQ 1,2,3 eventually. I ran into the same over level problem with jobs on DQ 6 on dq7. Nightshade seems intriguing but that fighting stuff is discouraging me.
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Thanks Tylord, Dragon Quest 1-3 are definitely worth playing. I hope sometime you do. Oh no! you ran into the leveling problem in Dragon Quest VII too? Sorry to hear that. Don't let your bad experience with Dragon Quest VII put you off from playing Dragon Quest 1-3 they are much shorter and more brisk. Dragon Quest VII is a whole lot of Dragon Quest for good and bad. :)
@BioPhoenixReviews2 ай бұрын
glad to hear you enjoyed cowboy kid as well. it became an underrated favourite of mine btw the audio from your stream footage was a bit loud when you were talking at times but i understood what your saying
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Yeah, Cowboy kid was fun. Thanks for recommending it. Thanks for letting me know about the Audio. I did noticed it while I was adding the timestamps but I hoped it was not to bad. I have to lower the game audio level next time.
@BioPhoenixReviews2 ай бұрын
@@igotkings no problem and yeah it was just weird hearing your self talk twice at the same time lol
@Majora_TАй бұрын
@@igotkingscan you mute the VOD audio next time you record a Games Beaten?
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@Majora_T Yes I will thanks
@andykishore2 ай бұрын
So you were on a Dragon Warrior marathon.
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Ha Ha, well I guess It was kind of. I just really like Dragon Quest.
@igotnopatience17172 ай бұрын
Nice to see you with hair!
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Thanks, I decided to grow it back.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Lovin' the playthrough so far. But gotta admit @1:44:49 when you say "Hand Holdiness of Metroid"" You must be thinking of Zero Mission or Fusion. Good games but a bit on the coddling side yes. But the NES Og of Metroid1. And the Gameboy OG of Metroid 2 were definitely NOT ""hand-holdy"" Which I love, if i may ad. Love new games & remakes. But hate that they make so many of them. Leaving very little to figure out yourself. I personally miss the NES & SNES era of gaming. "Cryptic" by today's standards sure. But there (at least for me) was something to be said. For finding your own ay through. When the game itself tells you very little.
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Thank you Greg, I am glad you are enjoying it. That means a lot. Yeah, I was talking about Zero Mission. I like it but there is something about Metroid NES that I like better. The fear and dread and the loneliness exploring the world are a big part. I like Zero Mission but prefer the original. I agree I love the vagueness of NES games. It really makes you feel like you accomplished something when you beat them. I do have to wonder why I put up with it in NES games and not modern games as much. I think it is because that is part of some NES games for me.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
@@igotkings Yep, Zero Mission is an ok remake. A good intro for people just getting into the series. But i still prefer the OG as well.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
So Nostalgic, Wish i had kept my copies of the old magazines. Nintendo power or the old Music mags i had back then. Going back & looking at them now could be so cool. But sadly no.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
You are so right. When I look at these magazine nostalgic feelings flood over me of simpler times. I can vividly remember reading certain game magazines as a kid. Where I was, what time of day it was, the weather. Sorry you still do not have your old magazines, but I get it. They take up a ton of space and as we get older we let go of things. I recently moved, and left all my Game magazines and strategy guides back with my parents. I just did not want to lug them around everywhere with me anymore. At least until I have a more permanent residence. I have scans of most of them anyway. The good thing is that there are scans of most of the Nintendo Powers and other game magazines and strategy guides out there. Besides the memories are more important than the magazines anyway. Thanks
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings True, took a long tome to do so. But there was a site that had zoomed in scans of most of those old magazines, guides & in-game packaging manuals i remember. So i went through that site saving those scans on my PC. So now, even if the sites should get closed for some reason., I still have them saved
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Funny, i remember buying this issue of Nintendo Power for the SMb3 reviews/preview. But i do not remember the Final Fantasy section. I don't remember seeing oir hearing about that game until i saw it at the video store for rental. Later that year
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Yeah, If I recall Nintendo Power was running a contest for the release of Final Fantasy. They really pushed it hard. I had a friend that was super interested in Final Fantasy in this issue. Not me, It was not until Dragon Warrior that I got into RPG's I was all about Super Mario Bros. 3 in this issue.
@GregKoster-o2jАй бұрын
@@igotkings Unlucky me LOL i missed all those contests & giveaways Nintendo Power had back then. Since i never did get a subscription & only saw a few issues personally. IIRC, wasn't it nintendo Power that held the Link To The Past Contest where the winner git his/her name mentioned in a secret room in game?? Chris Houlihan room i think it's referred to as. How awesome would that have been. To have had your name forever mentioned in one of the best games of all-time!!! At least in my opinion it is anyway
@igotkingsАй бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2j Yeah It was the Chris Houlihan room that I never have found. It is a room with a lot of rupees. That would have been awesome indeed. What a brag ha ha.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
I only ever saw a few issues of Nintendo Power back-in-the-day. If the local stores carried it i'd get it, but otherwise. As i'm sure i've said before in stream chats & other Video comments. Back then, most of my extra money was going for Concert Tickets, T-Shirts, Cassette copies of the new albums. Metal Edge Magazine. It was the late 80s-early 90s after all. The Hard Rock/Heavy Metal era (Ratt, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Dokken, etc..) was still going on yet then. Video Games came, if there were no new albums or bands on tour. I'd always rent my games i'd play back then too. Anyway, yeah i did get this issue here, SMB3. Had to see the previews of that game!!! The other issues of Nintendo Power i remember buying back then. Was the Super Mario Bros 3 Strategy Guide & the Final Fantasy one
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
You are a little older than me so you would have been a teen when this came out. listening to Late 80' early 90's music before grunge happened. This was the first issue of Nintendo Power I ever saw. and the Super Mario Bros. 3 strategy guide is something special to me as well. Glad you had a few issues. -Thanks
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
@@igotkings Yeah I was 18 at that time, Just finishing my Senior Year of High School. Graduated June 1990, 35 years ago next summer...geez it's been that long already LOL
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Probably my fav movie based game. Certainly the best on the NES, imo. Got this for Christmas in 1988. A Relative, my aunt, i think it was. Knew how much i liked both NES Games & this movies, so... Being a game i owned, not just rented. I played it ALOT in 1989
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Oh, Nice you actually had it as a kid. Sounds like you had a cool aunt to. I would have loved to have this one growing up. Like you, I loved the movie.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Hey cool, If you don't mind. I'll put a link to these videos on my Dragon Warrior Quest Fan Channel I was gonna upload these myself. But was thinking they'd just get blocked or taken down for copyright issues
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Hey, what-do-ya-know LOL I'm Not the only person who remembers this game. Everyone i've ever mentioned this game to. In the last several years. Has been like huh what's that game?? Even other NES/8-bit era game fans, surprisingly. And even better is that I can also play this again. Got it in some Namco Collection on the Switch
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Yes Greg! I am so happy to hear that you remember this game. One of my favorite NES game. My friend had it and we would play it for a bit but never figured out what to do. It was not until 4 or 5 years ago that I finally sat down read the manual and learned how to play it and what to do and my god what a great game. The music is something I hold dear as well. Nice getting it on The Namco Collection. I hope you play through it. It really is an experience like no other on NES for me. - Thanks
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
@@igotkings I remember i used to rent this game alot in the early 90s. It was confusing. Took me awhile to find my way through to the last Crown or 2. But i had alot of free time back then. Only working 2 or 3 days a week, on average. Good thing about this game Passwords, although i hated how long they could be. It was better for rentals than Battery save games like the NES Original Final Fantasy. Silly me, i tried for several months to complete that game on rentals. Getting some progress made. Then it was time to return it. If I couldn't re-rent it right away. Someone else did. As it was literally a brand new game back then. I'd re-rent it myself. Only to find my save files had been erased, LOL With this game, that wasn't gonna be a problem. But overall I do hate passwords, this was one of the few exceptions
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
OMG, If I were to rate games based purely on Nostalgia & How many times i've replayed them. This would be guaranteed #1 Of All-Time. No doubt about it!!! As I may have said before in Livestream, chats before. This is not only the game that made me a Zelda Fan. But, is the game that literally saved my interest in Video games in general. Spring 1988, Every game i'd played or even heard of was a linear platformer. Mario, Contra, Ghosts & Goblins, Castlevania. Good games. But that style was getting annoyingly redundant. Then just as i was about to give up on video games as repetitive garbage LOL. A friend i knew back then let me play his copy of this game!!! I'm hooked LOL
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Great story, I can see how The Legend of Zelda so important to you. It was something playing NES games then and finding games that really stick with you for your life. I felt similar in that Zelda felt so unique. Although I still love platformeres The NES really was a side scrolling platforming machine and games like Zelda and Dragon Warrior really stood out. Very important games that shape us. - Thanks
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Oh i do still like platformers. It's just that today there's much more variety. Than it seemed back then. At that time it seemed like EVERY game was a platformer. At Least the ones i was playing Or had heard about. But yeah, The Legend of Zelda, was the game EVERYONE had. Talked about at school, Secrets we had found, what levels we had finished, etc, etc... Anyway, i still like Platformers. Been recently playing the first few Mega Man games on that collection. Likewise with Contra & the early Castlevania Games. But it's nice that today. When I'm tired of Platformers. I can switch to an RPG or a Zelda game.
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2j Yeah I hear you. The NES was very good at scrolling. I will say that a lot of platformers did have adventure elements. Faxanadu, Rambo, Battle of Olympus, Legacy of the Wizard, Castlevania II, Rygar, Zelda II. It seems like there was a time when that type of game was big. Nice, I love all the Mega Man Games on NES. I hope you are enjoying them. There is so much choice today with games. Heck, I am still finding NES games I am experiencing for the first time and loving.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
@@igotkings I Think it's safe to say i've at least heard of almost every NES game. Whether I've played them or not is a different story. Games like 8 eyes. I remember thinking it looked like a castlevania game. But never did get time to play it. Since it came out at basically the same time as SMB3. And since it wasn't a real successful game. It hasn't been ported or remade much over time either. Like Faxanadu, it's kind of forgotten over time
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
@@GregKoster-o2j It is funny, when I started buying NES games again in my 20's I recognized so many of the cartridge art. It is like subconsciously it stuck with me. 8 eyes I played for a bit but never figured out what to do. I need to give it more time. I do remember as a kid thinking it looked like Simons Quest. The box art for Faxanadu always stood out to me growing up.
@GregKoster-o2j2 ай бұрын
Cool, Playing the OG Dragon Warrior!! I still love this game. My first RPG, Played it when it came out here in 1989. The OG Final Fantasy game came out on the NES as well the following Spring/Summer (1990). Further cementing my love for RPGs. But this game is still so Nostalgic for me & not as flawed & buggy as the Original FF game on NES was/is
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
It was my first RPG as well. I got it as a surprise in the mail one day for subscribing to Nintendo Power. I still remember how confused I was playing it for the first time. The only games I played on NES at that point where platformers. It took me a bit to understand what the heck I needed to do. It came with the Explorers handbook, which basically walked you through the game. Looking back now, it is amazing how important this game was to me. I love a lot of game series but if I had to pick a favorite, Dragon Quest would most likely be it. Funny enough, I did not play the first final Fantasy until this year and I still have not played the NES version. I am aware that it does have some bugs. I am so glad that it is special for you as well. Thanks for commenting. good to hear from you.
@ToddLay1002 ай бұрын
THe Mortal Kombat 2 section was my favorite in it,the only problem is the pages were pulled for no reason too. What consoles was shown in that group of pages,and what was shown?
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Well thanks for commenting. I have moved a few times since then and my GamePro's and other Game magazines are back with my mom. Looking at a scan, It looks like it was previewed for Super Nintendo, Genesis, Game Boy and Game Gear. Thanks
@PonderousEclectica43832 ай бұрын
2:10 Listen, do you hear it? It's getting closer...
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Thanks for commenting I forgot about this video
@Deltanumbernine2 ай бұрын
This is sick
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@tylordstevenson2 ай бұрын
GG Brian! You are a maniac!
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
Thank you Tylord. It took much practice to finally be able to beat this.
@joelovett30982 ай бұрын
@@igotkings I bet. I played this back in the day and its rough.
@vitorwanderleydesa2 ай бұрын
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
@igotnopatience17173 ай бұрын
Hey, where have you been streaming lately?
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Hey, Sorry for the late reply. I was really busy for the past 4 month or so. Streaming and Video Games had to take a back seat for a bit.
@HamidAmeri-ud9yq3 ай бұрын
سلام 🎉🎉🎉
@Mr.GoodLooking3 ай бұрын
That very very classic...this game before green baret ...i like this game❤❤❤❤❤
@igotkingsАй бұрын
Glad you enjoy it. I never played the Arcade game before.
@СасаСаса-ш6ь3 ай бұрын
Его заинтересовал rush
@JayeNott3 ай бұрын
I haven't seen this game since I had it when I was a kid ... Thanks for the memories and the video....
@igotkings2 ай бұрын
You're welcome. Glad you found it.
@ХомаЛенивый3 ай бұрын
Музыка в этой игре очень бордрая и красивая. Я даже отдельно нашёл кавер в исполнении симфонического оркестра.
@ElenaPonomareva6663 ай бұрын
suit from THE BLUE OYSTER salad bar
@andykishore3 ай бұрын
I'm surprised to see this on your channel.
@igotkingsАй бұрын
It was from a VHS tape my uncle has and wanted me to convert to DVD for him. I figured I would put it up here. I was born in Johnstown and grew up near there.
@uselessturtlepie40303 ай бұрын
Not your usual content ill say
@igotkings3 ай бұрын
My uncle wanted his VHS tape of this put on a DVD. So I thought I would throw it up here.