Thank you. I looked in my manuel as well, even that exact page but no information. Now I can be on time again. Good video.👍
@LoveTheEighties8 күн бұрын
I'm glad he's better and you took him out of the hospital to love him at home. Sending healing and good vibrations to you and the family
@marleigh919411 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!
@SisterPerkieDot16 күн бұрын
Helped me and "The Yukon" 😊❤
@Saladandfruitbowl21 күн бұрын
Thank you , couldnt see the little buttons .
@bevyh121 күн бұрын
@@Saladandfruitbowl we didn’t see the little buttons either so I figured that it might be a good idea to do this video and when the first one didn’t turn out that great according to some people and they couldn’t see it very well. I decided to do a second one.
@tylerhack641725 күн бұрын
thank you! very helpful been an hour behind for years lol
@DeniseCestmoi-y6eАй бұрын
I see all the discussion about this being a very dilute mixture but in fact the original pure Zote bar was designed for hand washing in which the hands rubbing the fabric on a washboard provide the friction that activates the cleaning power. Detergents loosen the dirt without the need for so much friction. I think if you take that into account and maybe go for five gallons per bar instead of ten gallons it would be good. I am new to this but that is what I am doing. (I actually do most of my laundry by hand in a washtub on my patio. It took a while to develop a good routine but now it is a very enjoyable part of my week.)
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
Hopefully the concentrated version will not be too thick to get it out of a gallon size vinegar bottle. The spout of a vinegar botle is narrow and much care needs to be taken to dissolve the soap well enough so that it won't thicken in a blob in the bottle and then won't mix together as you shake the bottle. How do I know ? It happened to me. I took the bottle upstairs in a warm sunroom and let the sun warm the solution enough so that I could shake it up and pour it out. I use 2 cups for a large load of clothes.
@DeniseCestmoi-y6eАй бұрын
Yes, that happened to me in using my hand-soap dispensers.
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
@ setting the gelled soap in a container of hot water should also thin the soap solution
@Gia-jp9crАй бұрын
TYSM !!!
@Donnyjt-t5oАй бұрын
F this video! It give you no vital info. Must be a trumpite
@wattz6268Ай бұрын
Life saver
@darlenewatts7488Ай бұрын
My washer door just clicks and will not work
@darlenewatts7488Ай бұрын
I should have said it doesn’t wash can it be reset
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
@@darlenewatts7488 Yes It can be reset but I do not remember how to do it. I will try to find my book and get back with you if I find the book. Not sure if you pull the plug first and then reset your wash load or not.
@esmeraldacano2292Ай бұрын
Thank you for the video . Yesterday as I was washing I heard my washing machine going crazy unblanced after it stopped I notice the Lid light green I went to push pause it was still green after awhile the light went off and I was able to open the lid and I didn't have it on the Precise setting I had it on the High setting .Why would the lid lock when unblanced it should stay unlock so you can open and reagrrage the clothes.
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
The lid lock is a big headache. The lid lock also takes it time after the load is completely done and stopped to release the lid lock. I suspect it is at least 1 minute after the cycle stops before the lid lock releases the lid. Someone got a pretty penny for creating such a nusiance.
@ChafalotaАй бұрын
Thank You for the video but I think you guys should use that soap to wash your shoes. They are very dirty🙂🙂
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
One thing for sure you won't see us in clean shoes. It is pretty well an impossible feat to have clean shoes around here. There are always dirty jobs that turns our shoes unsightly.
@sandstream96Ай бұрын
Sparky ❤😊 Trump won! 🎉 ☺️🇺🇸❤🇸🇪
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
Sorry I missed your comment. Happened to see 2 on the shoes and clicked on it. Oh happy day !!!!
@roberthaldeman5312Ай бұрын
Thank you
@alanrobinson-r8bАй бұрын
How many full size towels are you supposed to put into a GE top loading washing machine
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
@@alanrobinson-r8b I loosely pack the drum with towels, hand towels,wash cloths, Dish towels and dish cloths and balance the large towels on either side evenly so the drum won’t be out of balance. Have no idea how many towels I do at a time. I just eye ball the amount for a load
@RareplymouthАй бұрын
😂 LP reminds me of my dad. Beautiful garden. ❤
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
Although the shasta daisies are late bloomers, they are amazing when they start blooming. lp is unique and rough around the edges but we are trying to smooth things out. Love your comment !!!
@Radicalforchrist84Ай бұрын
I love this song. Im glad your husband doing better. God bless both of you
@bevyh1Ай бұрын
I love the old hymns too. Thank you so much for your well wishes.
@PavedOverPotholesАй бұрын
@jessiepaulie12 ай бұрын
Great video it's so good to see you posted something hope you and your family are doing well and your husband
@bevyh12 ай бұрын
Life is one big hurdle after another. Appreciate you and your comment so much. Can't help myself, I just have to say it again. I love the name Jessie as that was my wonderful grandad's name.
@kukumaku69752 ай бұрын
It's a very weak concentration of soap. It looks like jello, not because it's ultra concentrated, but because it's an animal collagen. Doesn't make it s potency stronger.
@bevyh12 ай бұрын
@@kukumaku6975 😔
@teliciatripp36352 ай бұрын
I used 2 bars of zote soap so should I pour half in another 5 gallon and add water?
@bevyh12 ай бұрын
Stir well before dividing into two buckets. If you don't dilute the mixture it would be so concentrated it may be too thick to pour out of the plastic bottles. Also the water needs to be hot enough and stirred long enough to completely dissolve mixture.
@teliciatripp36352 ай бұрын
@bevyh1 Thank you I will do that today.
@pegasis00662 ай бұрын
They become redder but not riper
@bevyh12 ай бұрын
I enjoy the redder taste
@TheTruth-l8z2 ай бұрын
Calk the seems on t111 where metal meets woods and will last alil longer,good job
@bevyh12 ай бұрын
@@TheTruth-l8z great idea. Thanks
@TheTruth-l8z2 ай бұрын
I could slap that door up in 1 day and my woman wouldn't say anything about oh great job babe,that was fast. New age women aint shit,wish they all were like her
@jk124282 ай бұрын
You 2 are just TOO CUTE💛🌟‼️
@adamstronges2 ай бұрын
I wonder what this videos about
@elizabethracenet2 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!! I couldn’t find those buttons for the life of me lol
@goldsbywashington35092 ай бұрын
RATCHET STRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!
@bevyh12 ай бұрын
All right then.
@lindayorty1923 ай бұрын
Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.
@MohamedAbdulkader-cu1lj3 ай бұрын
15 dollar? 2.8 here in somalia for A gallon which is appr 3.7 Litres (By Google)
@Britney_spork3 ай бұрын
so silly but my family has had that same exact hot water bottle in our house for like 20 years. cool to recognize that same red floral pattern haha.
@DavidBergquist-i9w3 ай бұрын
I would have helped it
@richardwang4743 ай бұрын
Hey thanks man this really helped. I was embarrassingly confused on what the 1 to 100 was lol 😆
@Bowhunters6go8xz6x3 ай бұрын
Those look like Blow flies, that possum must have sores in its skin and the flies are likely laying eggs.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
I did not see any sores but they could have been fresh out of the nest. They seemed alert for tiny babies and acted like they were foraging or checking out the back yard.
@TheMantis19683 ай бұрын
It's a type of Blow Fly which is noted by the metallic green color. Their mouth parts are for slurping up liquids not biting, so they aren't eating fleas off the Opossum. It could be sick and thus attracting the flies. You did the right thing and leave wild animals alone. Thanks for the video.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
@@TheMantis1968 thanks so much for the info. I was shocked to see all those flies. I don’t see well and I thought they looked like black bugs or beetles but my husband said flies too. Humans are tortured by gnats, flies, mosquitoes and ticks to name a few so we can relate to this little opossum.
@SirJordanLore3 ай бұрын
sweet lil ones. maybe theyll come back and are near if they need help. best of luck
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
@@SirJordanLore we have a garden across the street so it is a hang out for especially the wonderful beautiful skunks. As far as the opossums not sure were they hang out the most. Will keep looking for them though.
@kittymuimui3 ай бұрын
Aww, Sparky is super cute! 🥰
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
Sparky is surely a one of a kind. He is an in your face turtle and will try to get right face.
@Coelacanth973 ай бұрын
"I wish I would've caught it and taken the bugs off." I wish you did, too. Poor possum is like "A little help here, please?"
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
I do not know if the baby opossum would have been scared and bite and I don't know if the mother would have attacked me or if she was sleeping under the shed when the babies came out. I would think the mother could take off the bugs. If I see them come out from under the shed I will try to help if it still needs help.
@Rareplymouth3 ай бұрын
I feed my Sparky nightcrawlers in her water bowl. It's cleaner and makes it easier for her to get em down. Trust me your Sparky can handle any nightcrawler even with his nubby. Which you did a wonderful job looking after. Helping him recover after getting him medical attention. It amazed me how even as a young turtle Sparky could manhandled any worm with ease. Sure the nightcrawlers slap her in the face trying to wiggle loose. But not a chance. Turtles are awesome hunters. I try to leave bugs and worms living in their habitat to encourage their hunting and get more stimulation. But they are definitely spoiled. Hard boiled eggs with yogurt is still one of her favorites. But my husband's tunamelt is their most favorite treat on rare occasions. 😆 You have a very handsome Sparky there.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
Sparky is majorly wound up today.He has been chasing me around the house. He doesn't like it outside when it rains unless it is a light rain on a hot day. I don't know how he can have so much energy when he eats so little. He has done well on spring water we collect and sunshine and very little food. I thought all turtles would like fruits and veggies but not Sparky. He won't even eat our homegrown tomatoes not even the cherry tomatoes. Sparky did eat one nightcrawler in the water dish. I was so surprised. He had turned against them for years but then started eating them again on his feeding rocks. Thanks for watching and appreciate your kindness. Hugs to your Sparky.
@Rareplymouth3 ай бұрын
@@bevyh1 if you try a freshly hard-boiled egg he might surprise you. My Sheldon wouldn't eat nightcrawlers until very recently. Koopa and Sparky started on red wiggles when they were small. Nightcrawlers are a lot better for them than supper worms. My Shelly always liked the super worms. I still can't get him to eat a horn worm. But Koopa and Sparky will omp up some horn worms. They love crickets but they aren't very nutritious for turtles. I've had little luck with fruit and veggies. Stone fruits seem to work best. Cherries, plums, and nectarines. Occasionally they'll eat some strawberries, blue berries, or watermelon. But they prefer their food wiggling or hopping. I've had a little luck with Zucchini and mushrooms. But not much
@Rareplymouth3 ай бұрын
@@bevyh1 There must be something about the eastern. I have an ornate a three-toe and Sparky is of course my eastern. She gets all wound up but so does Shellbot. However Sparky loves people. She loves going for a ride in the car and going to the pet store to buy nightcrawlers with me. She just loves going anywhere really. But Shelly n Koopa just want to go out in the yard. They are very easy for me and my hubby to handle but they hide around strangers. Especially Koopa. Three-toes are just very shy in general. Which actually makes them the best in captivity. They don't need as much space and are content being left to themselves. I can't keep them in the same habitat now that they are adults. Although Koopa and Sparky can be together for periods of time. Sheldon is a very dominate male. He's like a dog he wants to Hump everything. Koopa tries occasionally with Sparky unsuccessfully. 😆 he's not nearly as aggressive. But Shelly always tries to dominate Koopa. And loves the sight of Sparky. So I keep her safe 😆.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
@@Rareplymouth Will boil some eggs today and try Sparky on a fresh boiled egg that is still warm and see how it goes. Will mash some and leave some unmashed. Sparky is very very very picky. One time he did eat baked haddock and after that he would not eat it again. Sparky does love hornworms. One time he did eat blackberries and he used to like mulberries but he won't eat those anymore. I will try him again on peaches from the farmer but no luck so far. I think I have tried all the things you have mentioned with no luck. He doesn't like red wigglers either. Very difficult with a picky eater.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
@@Rareplymouth Thanks for sharing your experiences with your turtles. The wonderful menu you offer your turtles help other to give a wide variety of fruits and veggies. All we can do is keep trying to get them to eat their fruits and veggies and occasionally even picky eaters will eat something on the menu.
@Meatlord693 ай бұрын
Those are clearly flies waiting for it to die so they can feast and lay their eggs. Maybe the opossum is injured and they smell the blood. Or maybe he is just covered in something that the flies really like. Either way, without help and shelter it will 100% perish.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
I have not seen either baby out since then. I will keep looking for them and hopefully I will see them. I do not often see opossums but have seen an adult twice after the babies were out. I figure that was their first day out from the shelter of our shed and they were walking through crab apples. Some of the apples are decaying and does entice flies. They surely were still nursing as they were very tiny. Nature is cruel and it's all about the survival of the fittest.
@gingingerella3 ай бұрын
Great footage. I saw one this summer too for the first time.
@davejoseph56153 ай бұрын
Bugs? I would have said flies.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
My husband called them flies. I thought black bugs then I thought bot flies. I would like to know what they are for sure. I have seen an opossum twice since the babies were out but they must be in hiding now as I'm only seeing an adult opossum.
@JohnRitson783 ай бұрын
Look like common green bottle flies (Lucilia sericata) they are probably looking at laying eggs on it which will hatch out as maggots when its time is up or eat any rotten or dead flesh that is present.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
Yes any injury that a wild animal has can encourage opportunistic parasites.
@DiggerX8X3 ай бұрын
Didn't know there was such a thing.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
@@DiggerX8X the texture of the body is different than the sleek body of a hummingbird. I rarely see them.
@CanIHasThisName3 ай бұрын
They might be eating fleas.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
I actually thought the same thing but I am concerned that they are bot flies. I wish I would have grabbed it and got the bugs off but I thought it would get really upset. I know nothing about a baby opossum as to what they would do if you pick them up. Strangely the other opossum was not getting attacked by the bugs. There may have been something wrong with the one that was getting attack. Really don't know. I hope you are right.
@martyleland72683 ай бұрын
Please tell me there's a happy ending to this video. In part 2, maybe? WTF!
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
We have seen an adult opossum after the sighting of the babies but don't know where the babies went. They could have been living with their mother under the shed. It is a large shed and is shelter for small wildlife like the skunks and opossums. They could have smelled the dropped crab apples all over the ground that caused them to come out from under the shed.
@erinhathaway50923 ай бұрын
What is the point of this video? The baby opossum is super skinny and covered in bugs. It needs help!
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
The point of the video was to share the baby opossums that I had never seen before. When I started the video I didn't realize that the second baby had the bugs on it. They looked very young and tiny. I was hoping that someone may know what kind of bugs they were. If I see them again I will try to get the bugs off even if the baby gets very upset. I believe the babies. most likely went back under the shed with the mother, or the mother could have been out foraging and hid when I went outside.
@willmartin44773 ай бұрын
I thought it was going to be a rescue video. I thought you were going to help it
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
I figure I scared the mother when I went outside and I was glad that I have seen an adult opossum twice since when I usually don't see them and have never seen babies before so I wanted to share the experience of seeing the babies. I suspect many people have not seen baby opossums.
@MuDkipzCHancelLOr3 ай бұрын
They're not bees, they're wasps. They reduce the actual bee population and are considered a pest to agriculture. These hornets do not pollinate. The best thing you can do with most wasps species is remove them. I have worked in pest control for over a decade and have had to explain this to so many people that it now just hurts my brain.
@bevyh13 ай бұрын
They are beneficial for a garden and we have lots and lots of honeybees so we are coexisting with our bee family. We just need to be respectful around the bees of their beautiful home