@grantbartlett8261 18 сағат бұрын
Its too late, we've all already fallen of the edge of cliff, just waiting to hit the bottom.
@tobewithyouhoo Күн бұрын
If every couple has just one child or less, we can reduce the human population from 8 billion to 2 billion in just two generations. This is not about selective breeding but about fairness for all living creatures on the planet and therefore also our own survival. From now onwards. This is easy, doesn't cost anything and most of all, not polluting. It's a small sacrifice for the survival of our species.
@ricardomurillo5205 2 күн бұрын
We are now part of the native tribe that will be extinct.
@Nanas935 2 күн бұрын
My son shared this with me. We’re always discussing climate change, especially with Elections going on I hear them bring up climate , is a tearjerker when I got from it. The most is to enjoy this beautiful planet while we can.
@majorgunn 3 күн бұрын
Tough intro and well done... you have put yourself on the hottest's of seats, still enjoy hearing you calling us all out!
@Redstar-f4e 4 күн бұрын
Religion creates the biggest fear of all time. 'Believe or ELSE!' Not sorry, I'm not that gullible.
@tls410 4 күн бұрын
Roughly how much time do we have to live "comfortably"?
@johnchester7476 5 күн бұрын
Stupid is as stupid does !
@johnchester7476 5 күн бұрын
George Carlin also said the near future will see the planet become a smelly,smoking pile of shit,I'm 70 years old the children & grandchilden,that I never had are thanking me right now !!!!!
@CarolSamuels-k7l 5 күн бұрын
I am unconcerned for myself at 65 yo, but I grieve for the young ones. Many millions, billions of people are going to die in agony. I believe it whether it is the extinction of the human species or not. You did end your documentary in a lovely way, full of love.
@stevenbigbee1766 6 күн бұрын
Well we don't live in an indigenous accomodating world. That thread was opposing to what the others were sharing. Just another fearful route to temporary diversion. Avoidance of logic. Fact. Humans have never exprienced the magnitude of horrors that us fast arriving. Myself I blame nothing, no ones and not me eithet. Logic sats I belong to a failed experiment. In spite of beauties humans on earth create little and big horrors since all time. This is just the eclipse of human failing. Weather extremes food shirtiges myriad of comforts falling away do not spook me. It is the people that scare me.
@HicksYvette-l8e 6 күн бұрын
Young Amy Harris Brenda Wilson Amy
@globalwarming382 7 күн бұрын
Here is one part of a solution. Every woman that agrees to no children they get a free pass to immigrate
@JanaTeague-r3c 8 күн бұрын
Hernandez William Brown William Davis John
@DanHeckerson 9 күн бұрын
Billionaires will never go where we need to. Rebellions are the only way to turn anything toward the Creator.
@chetisanhart3457 14 күн бұрын
The earth has been far warmer than this on several occasions for long periods of time. False alarm.
@aegaeon117 14 күн бұрын
We're building as the world begins to collapse. We've forsaken all our dignity, morality and decency for the dollar. We are a failed species.
@claudiaskorniewska184 14 күн бұрын
Man you’re all drinking that koolaid huh 😂
@seanhewitt603 14 күн бұрын
All this destruction is a direct result of the invention of fences, railings and walls. This gave our not yet stupid ancestors some breathing space, where they didn't have to worry about lions, bison or high cliffs. This was also the beginning of the end. Those same fences, railings and walls also protect the stupid ones from said lions, bison and high cliffs... It allowed them to reach the breeding age and spread their dumb around... Fast forward to today, voila!!, Canaduh is a thing now...
@rd22.rd22 17 күн бұрын
The truth is Europe pollutes more than US. But somehow US should cut its energy and go 100% green. Absolute nonsense.
@erikcamarena3622 18 күн бұрын
Go ahead. Believe your green pice of paper, will supersede, my reality Who will give you obedience ti your green piece of paper, vs my green paper? Wtf Do it.,
@psikeyhackr6914 18 күн бұрын
*GDP is Grossly Distorted Propaganda* Adam Smith wrote "read, write and account" multiple times in Wealth of Nations. But why hasn't accounting/finance been mandatory in high schools for Gen-Z? Why not for their parents? Why not for their grandparents? Instead we have had 70 years of television brainwashed consumerism. Did John Maynard Keynes ever see a television commercial for automobiles? Try finding an economist who talks about the depreciation of durable consumer goods. But Karl Marx used the word 'depreciation' 35 times in the first two volumes of his major work. Thomas Sowell did not use the word a single time in his book, *Basic Economics.* Planned obsolescence consumerism is a high technology form of slavery.
@FullChick-h4l 18 күн бұрын
Perez Margaret Clark Robert Robinson Kimberly
@kenhiett5266 22 күн бұрын
Bjorn Lomborg's: False Alarm This book is a much more accurate representation of what we're facing.
@helloworldliberationforall 24 күн бұрын
Go plant based
@JohnKevinSwint 26 күн бұрын
I once believed this out of faith in the authority and integrity of experts, ignorant of political and financial agendas. As a Nature lover, tree planter and solar tradesman from the late '70's, I'd say it all harmonized with my spiritual beliefs too. Then i noticed that not a single doomsday prediction over 40 years came true; that elites, politicians and academics benefited hugey theough public funding and tax schemes, all while the masses are being bankrupted by artificial scarcity raising prices massively. Believe nothing I've just written but if you do believe in truth you will seek knowledge of climate science yourself.
@gailsmith9064 28 күн бұрын
It starts at home! My parents never taught me anything about food or environment or even how to just live with what we need as opposed to what we want. So when I had my children I was only able to scrape the surface of what I was feeling about how we live. Now at 62 I have educated myself more and try to have conversations with my family but life is so stressful for them they can’t take anymore. It feels like a whole we can’t get out of. All I can do is have the gentle conversations as much as possible and change how I live to show them there can be options
@CSheri2 29 күн бұрын
So the Elites rape & trash the Earth resources and they are pushing the “little debt enslaved people” into a "Behavioral sink" by stressing resources through the Cloward-Piven Strategy & The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan…while genocide-injecting us with “Who the hell knows what’s in it and they didn’t want us to know for 75 yearrs”) and how it’s going to effect the next 7 generations. Rachael Carson ( American marine biologist, writer, and conservationist) did try to warn us in her book “Silent Spring”.
@beyondearth6418 29 күн бұрын
The truth is we're all screwed. The only way for them to keep order is to herd us. Think about it.
@phil20_20 Ай бұрын
Chin up!
@angh18 27 күн бұрын
Smile it's just a phase of the ego, contemplating the concept of time and mortality.
@StressRUs Ай бұрын
Update and correction: it takes 144 BTUs to melt one pound of ice and 720 million tons of Greenland ice are melting daily, 30M per hour. We are mindlessly burning 9 billion tons of coal per year and 100 million barrels of oil per day, which, along with the trapped heat from the Greenhouse effect, is adding the heat equivalent of 20 Hiroshima yield nuclear bomb blasts PER SECOND, 1,400,000 per day, where each one releases 63 trillion BTUs. I was understandably pissed off 11 and 12 months ago. Is this the world you want to bring another innocent life into, to join the 65 million being born today, when average global temps (C3S) are increasing 0.20 degC annually, so 1 degC every 5 yrs.? The pessimism honestly expressed here is courageous and accurate.
@philiphema2678 Ай бұрын
As a fluent English speaker I find it interesting when other (presumably) fluent speakers confuse "brought" and "bought" and "pressure" and "pressurize". Peculiarly, the first example it seems British people exhibit this confusion and the latter, American.
@donfowler5117 Ай бұрын
I've been watching sea levels rise for the last 60+ years... WHERES THE ACTUAL PROOF ITS RISING!!!!!!. NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! water still is at the same level on shores, bridge footings etc.. yes it changes due to weather patterns yet it remains the same.. I call bs
@ethephious Ай бұрын
No! , biggest mistake was allowing it to set foot arise
@beyonder7817 Ай бұрын
i was hoping a documentry with some data, i know about the subjective part
@Eric-dz1we Ай бұрын
Guilty , we all are . There's no going back. Everyone I saw in this video using, wearing petroleum products and enjoying 😉 there cars ect. Just live Consciously and don't drive like a asshole
@williamelam1657 Ай бұрын
The cause is a lack of love for our fellow human. We have followed in the way of Cain.the word Cain means to Get. To take instead of Give. It's the basic human motivation.
@debbied9740 Ай бұрын
Ive gotten solar for my ebike. Im learning to slow down. Checking what i buying and consuming. I would like to turn it all off. They make homes that dont even allow that. You either freeze or its so hot you cannot breathe. Start making homes livable without so much energy wasted.
@nigelhughes6096 Ай бұрын
There are 70 billion farm animals on the planet. Surely this is where the over population issue is, water use, grain, soy, land etc?
@yourbuddyunit Ай бұрын
Sadly the world changes, and we have to adapt. Sometimes our fingerprints arent in the crime scene, but the crime is still each of our burden. We got AI, genetic manipulation, fusion and 3D printing. The earth we killed won't come back, but we can change and we can leave. There's a universe and if we try, we can preserve our planet, but not while we rely on the land for energy, food, an shelter. We need to gtfo earth to preserve whats left of the biodiversity of our birthland. With the right tools and tech, Humans can live anywhere, in space or rocks or the surface of the sun. But we can't duplicate this beautiful ball.
@mattdebeer Ай бұрын
As someone who is very sympathetic to the climate movement and donates significant resources to groups like Environmental Defense Fund and World Wildlife Fund, I found this film not persuasive at all. The presenter starts by saying he has no expertise in the field, then proceeds to feature two people who also have no background in sustainability, including a Dharma teacher. If it turns me off, someone sympathetic to the message of the climate crisis, it surely wouldn't convince a climate change sceptic. In fact, I’m afraid it would confirm the view of some conservatives that liberals are just climate alarmists. It was so depressing and demoralizing to watch this movie that I don’t think it was effective in any way. It frankly just came across as weird. Stop ranting and focus on solutions. The climate crisis is real but films like this are only going to push away the people that need to be convinced to take action.
@dral9971 Ай бұрын
We are the ones who maintain capitalism. We are complicit.
@Simon-wk1yk Ай бұрын
Wow ....anyone with kids needs to watch this and take a look at themselves
@meadowking369 Ай бұрын
I think it can go both ways. We have to accept that parts of climate change is unavoidable now. But that's no reason to give up cutting emissions and convince people to change their way of life. We have to avoid the worst, and adapt at the same time. It is very demanding for us, who care for the world so deeply, but it is a burden we must carry... together.
@dharma404_ 2 ай бұрын
While I understand that this doc is supposed to be very touching and all that, what it really comes across as is a bunch of entitled white people coming to terms with how most of the planet has been living and is currently living. WTF have any of you and your parents and colleagues done when it would have mattered? Now your merry-go-round ride is ending because of your insistence that you somehow deserved to keep riding while the lesser children could only sit and watch with empty stomachs and missing parents and family. I see alot of crocodile tears. You'd all get on a jet to Costa Rica or Thailand the minute it got announced that CC/GW has been resolved and BAU can resume. The only thing more sickening than your pathetic hypocrisy is listening to Donald Trump and his sycophantoc rebels. I don't expect that you'll grok this the slightest but rather feel offended.
@guastomike Ай бұрын
It is a remnant of colonialism and the white man's burden to make the world like himself and exploit it at the same time. And so here we are marching off to extinction.
@falseprogress 2 ай бұрын
Anyone who doesn't know the planned scale of "clean energy" sprawl should find the 2050 U.S. map by the Princeton Andlinger Net-Zero America Project. It's unreal that anyone would look forward to all that ruined open space.
@falseprogress 2 ай бұрын
5:40 In what time frame did he say "100 feet" of sea level rise is inevitable? Almost 1,000 years from now is what the official reports have said for that level if nothing radical changes.
@falseprogress 2 ай бұрын
Many are hell bent on making what's left of nature as ugly as possible in the meantime, and they gloat over the gigawatts. I'm referring to "clean energy" wind & solar sprawl (wind is the ugliest). Landscape-change denial is embedded in neo-environmentalism, like climate-change denial is with the far right. Small-footprint nuclear power, fear it or not, offers some hope for the energy situation, at least.
@Ai-he1dp 2 ай бұрын
Humans are what we are, a transient species whos demise will probably come by its own hand, suicidal species and governed so!...the cheapest commodity on earth is a Human life.
@GreenOrangeBlueWhite 2 ай бұрын
Blessings and love from India. Even here there are those who value belonging and connection n those who believe in frenzied busy ness and enterprise. In that sense there are those who belong to the same tribe world over.