@CyberusSuper Күн бұрын
Im 33m and have a 17f friend who i see as a daughter. Everytime i try to warn her of dangers and rusks, she always lash out at me. Women today are like this in general. I'm just glad my gf 35f is nothing like that. In the end we just want to keep the women in our lives safe. Whether they're sisters, daughters, gfs, or wives. We just need them to listen. We know how messed up some guys are.
@martinlevison5325 Күн бұрын
Story 2. Bad news about your rape. It seems you knew or now know the man who did it, because you mention a court case and sole custody. BUT this kid will be a constant reminder of your ordeal and had I been in your shoes, I would have taken the morning after pill. Why didn’t you? Having missed that deadline, I would have terminated at the earliest opportunity. How could you expect your partner to raise this kid? It’s the same as getting an incurable disease from your rapist and expecting your partner to accept catching it from you. What were you thinking?
@martinlevison5325 Күн бұрын
Story 1. I don’t understand why only you were invited to the party and not you and your boyfriend. I would NEVER go to a function my partner was not invited to. Why did you? Now, I’m not into victim blaming, but here goes. He asked you not to go and he explained his reasons. You ignored him, his feelings and his fears and went anyway. To add insult to injury, you drank too much. If you are drunk and then you get into a car and drive. If you then injure someone, you cannot claim to be the victim. It seems that he is right for you, but you are definitely NOT right for him. Too selfish.
@carolynmoore9393 2 күн бұрын
The background music is extremely annoying
@eleanorturner4651 2 күн бұрын
That's wonderful that your sister-in-law is pregnant but you explain the situation from the door so they had a good understanding that this was not a permanent thing!! Also for your sister-in-law to say oh I was going to turn your daughter's room into the nursery and we going to take over your son's room I think that was a bit too far as far as entitlement you're telling me you're not asking me!! And then she has the audacity to say what am I supposed to do I thought you would help me raise the baby and Bee child Care while I go to work??? Your brother can tell everybody including the pope of Rome the FBI and any other numbers add letters!! You're not the a-hole your mother and older brother should take them in if they feel that strongly about it why should you keep a house for another year just so your younger brother and his wife and baby will have a home he married that woman that's his responsibility to house her and his child go on with your life like your children said sell the house downsize travel do whatever you wish as God has blessed you and I tell the whole family and anybody else that so-called upset with me and my husband they can fly a kite to West Hill!!!
@scottjarvis1974 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn't talk to my kids after ,show tge proof then tell them since u like to take sides and not get the real scoop I don't need u .
@pandemicpewpew3296 2 күн бұрын
Men sacrifice happiness for family, Women sacrifice family for happiness.
@noahnewcomer5180 3 күн бұрын
1st story: OPs bf shouldn’t blame himself because he TRIED to stop her from going he KNEW it would be nothing but trouble, he TRIED to protect her. But she wouldn’t listen…
@SadBoys.1996 4 күн бұрын
good im glad the husband cheated.
@TimothySmith-yh4fu 4 күн бұрын
Story 2: never protect cheaters.
@eleethtahgra7182 5 күн бұрын
@thumbnail Make the quoted word permanent. Just be smart about it.
@Captain077 7 күн бұрын
I’m LDS and say it’s good you blocked them.
@jojogobbo8795 7 күн бұрын
(Story 1)If my daughter called me that I’d definitely change my ways 😂 that’s baaaaad
@VroodenTheGreat 7 күн бұрын
@VroodenTheGreat 7 күн бұрын
If you take her back, you're just giving her permission to do it again, in her mind.
@jsmith1291 7 күн бұрын
Story 2: Sure, Dad, OP'll take you in, but you'll have to refund the kidney he gave his half-brother. Oh, you can't refund that? Well, that's too bad, because there's really no other reason for OP to help the family that kicked him out of the house.
@TheHolypoopstick 8 күн бұрын
This pretty much sums up wokeness "I know i crushed your heart but its ok because im gay and if you have a problem with it youre a horrible person!"
@luksvlogs1201 8 күн бұрын
can't help but laugh at her 0 brain cells lol. she got what she asked for
@2muchzen 9 күн бұрын
Delusional people…smdh!
@spaceracer23 9 күн бұрын
Not your fault your mom is a 304.
@holeymcsockpuppet 10 күн бұрын
My girlfriend told me she wanted to play Russian roulette. I tried to warn her not play it. Instead of listening to me, she loaded the revolver with 2 extra bullets and decided to get drunk. Subsequently, she blew half her face off. Now, I know it's not her fault. I'm not victim blaming. It's just that we need a SAFE way to play Russian roulette.
@curiouso0l0ocurious 10 күн бұрын
If I was in the 1st OP's place and discovered that my sibling treated my dad as an atm for her wedding and choose mom's AP, I would defintely also not go to the wedding, never.
@MinisterManDan 11 күн бұрын
The BF has something called “Cassandra’s Guilt.” Cassandra was a character in Greek mythology cursed to see the future but not be believed with her warnings. Every time the BF sees OP struggling he thinks of how he could have warned her differently in a way she would have heeded, blaming himself for how he worded it or what he did to make her not believe him. I agree with that one commenter that this relationship is over, hes just waiting until he feels she’s healthy enough mentally that she doesn’t need him to care for her. That’s another thing, once someone becomes someone you have to nurse, it can be hard to flip the switch back to this is a romantic partner.
@scottys1423 12 күн бұрын
There was another Reddit to YT story a fee years ago like this one where the husband finds out nonebof his 3 or 4 adult kids is his. In that one the wife refused to admit it. A few days later she self deleted.
@user-hk2fc4jv2g 12 күн бұрын
I have seen similar tales to this one on Reddit. It would appear that, in American culture, the rape of a woman is not seen as the serious crime that is is, but as something she 'deserved'. Sickening. Cue the abuse, as none of you have the balls to respect women, or to reply politely.
@scottys1423 12 күн бұрын
Saw a news story about a guy in the UK. He was already divorced when his doc mentioned that his condition (which he already knew about) renders patients sterile. He didnt know that part. He had four adult children. Confronts ex wife and she admits affair but wont reveal who it was.
@taz598 12 күн бұрын
Story1 NTA Honestly sounds like wife only wants to stay married so he will pay for HER transition......you can't change what are sexually attracted too.....he should divorce and move on.
@omgwtfbbqkitty 12 күн бұрын
Best advice I can give to this poor soul is be the best parent you can be and pass on your "dads" legacy of good memories and fatherhood.
@kossettereaditte7552 14 күн бұрын
The second story, OP is just kinda pathetic
@nickbagwell48 14 күн бұрын
Well, i understand he don't want 2nd priority for his wife.
@Pugiron 14 күн бұрын
stupid for getting their careers ruined before alimony
@Reighsin 15 күн бұрын
Oofy doofy Betabuxx deluxe lol sub 5 redditor
@grandparedpill2695 15 күн бұрын
Story number one: son you are dealing with a textbook narcissistic abuser. She keeps pulling you back in, that's called hoovering. She keeps looking for sympathy from other people by destroying your reputation. That again is textbook. Your best bet, is to go NC or no contact unless it is strictly to deal with your sons. There's an application, that you can get and she can put on her phone and that is it that's the only way you should communicate from now on.
@sidhu139 16 күн бұрын
I often get mad while listening to these stories. What's happening to people nowadays? Why are so many people turning into spineless doormats? The OP's fiancee in story 1 got drunk and bad mouthed his family not once but twice, and the guy still comes here and asks, "So, internet strangers, what should I do?"
@tioraytm 17 күн бұрын
He now knows and accepts you don't respect his boundaries and never will for him. OP was happy to destroy her relationship with her BF and he knows it. OP's BF has done his duty in getting her back on her feet and now is done. Even without the SA, I do not think OP is the right girl for her BF. OP sounds like a modern woman that does not for a moment consider her BF's feelings or boundaries. Let him go, he deserves someone better.
@jamespaz322 17 күн бұрын
This is why til death do us part should be law. You get to do this he should get to pull that clause out of y’all agreement. 🤷‍♂️
@briansharp4388 18 күн бұрын
St 1, she/he wants you to PAY for her transition. Do not b3e a sucker
@The0-2DemonKing 18 күн бұрын
This reminds me of a story exactly like this but from the Guy's POV.
@Lollocide 18 күн бұрын
Seeking out a non- binary therapist who started throwing out slurs? Time to call the licencing board over massively inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour!
@EdwardHaren 19 күн бұрын
I gave her my word I'd never leave no matter what, she said don't let me leave.
@EdwardHaren 19 күн бұрын
I am in this same state except she's removed me to forget and not report it in fear of loss of her job or judgement. I would like for her to report it.
@WhiteVastNinja 19 күн бұрын
The fact those 2 pos showed up to the funeral like really...fucking really
@StoryTimeSM-nq2kc 19 күн бұрын
Listening to these stories about families pressuring inheritors makes me want to update my own final wishes. I might include a clause to protect my beneficiaries, stating they cannot gift any part of their inheritance to certain individuals. Have you ever thought about how you would structure your final wishes to protect your loved ones from similar pressures or disputes?
@jeffrydunham1681 20 күн бұрын
Last story she sounds controlling but want to do whatever she wants so let her go cuz shes already left you so kick het out
@jeffrydunham1681 20 күн бұрын
Tell her sistet and her friends that your not into sharing your girlfriend
@jeffrydunham1681 20 күн бұрын
Deal breaker bud she wants security and to screw around. Shes already left you bud so now its time for you to end it since she wont
@seeero9676 20 күн бұрын
What a fucking simp, should have left her right then and there
@grandparedpill2695 20 күн бұрын
Your wedding is a celebration, it is to celebrate the joy and love you have between you and your new bride. Inviting those two would be just toxic. They would bring your celebration to a screeching halt. Tell him they can surrender your son for the day and they can stay home. And tell the rest of your family to go piss up a rope. Are you holding a grudge, most definitely! Is it justified, absolutely! Can you ever trust the scumbag again? Absolutely not. So how can you trust him at your wedding? The answer and short is you can't. Don't let him f*** your day up.
@charlesvanderhoog7056 20 күн бұрын
Actually, if a wife wants to come back after a divorce, you can change the relationship dynamics considerably and put forward your demands, wants and wishes without restraint. i think it is a good place to be in as a negotiator.
@AkshayAradhya 21 күн бұрын
I will never understand why people test their relationship by putting themselves in scenarios that could potentially be bad. A lot of you like to say "Oh yeah I trust my partner" or "I am not insecure about that" and it has nothing to do with trust or being insecure, it has to do with what you are willing to risk. Imagine this, you have the strongest arms and hands in the world, but would you hold a baby over the edge of a balcony just because you trust your hands ? No, because no matter how much you trust your hands ut is simply not worth what you are risking.