Wow. Cloud Programming world cup video....i've been waiting six weeks for my shade license. What i got...two fishing is my Life videos, and now a world cup vid. What a great company....😂
Maybe, you should ask your lost customers, want they want to see. And should communicate. One like in one month. Shame on you, forum8
@mariekoutnever2 жыл бұрын
Nice App, great UI, but a crazy pricing system. Only Subscription. One year with shade3D is the same price, how maya LT for three years. And i don´t say anything about blender. :-) Come on guys, be realistic. No community, a terrible homepage, Content Marketplace looks like retro. Once again, be realistic.
Today's English Expression [[예문]] There are two sides to every story. Let's bring him in and ask for an explanation before we jump to any conclusions. ♥★- 과학•기술은 나의 신이며 나는 과학•기술을 신봉한다. -★♥ 과학•기술은 인류를 어마어마하게 윤택하게 하고 있다. 예컨데, 마이클 패러데이(Machael Faraday)의 모터의 발명으로 온갖 관련 발명품이 우리를 윤택하게 하고 있다. 전기면도기, 전동바리깡, 냉장고, 에어컨, 선풍기, 환풍기, 전동드릴, 전동드라이버, 전동브레이커, 다이아몬드 코어 천공기, Slurry Wall Machine(지중연속벽기계), 전기자동차 等等 数えれば切りがない。科学•技術 万歳 万歳 万歳!