What Is Sin || Dennis Priebe
Overexposed || Dr. Eric Walsh
Greatest Of All || Dwayne Lemon
Total Commitment || Pavel Goia
What Is Grace || Pavel Goia
Жыл бұрын
Come Out Of Her || Hector Quinones
Seeing The Miracle || David Shin
Climate Change || John Lomacang
@beatricepineda5923 16 сағат бұрын
Basically this form of “meditation’ is a modern form of Lectio Divina, a Spiritual Formation discipline. He is teaching Ignatian Spirituality. It sounds so innocent but it is very believer centered and subjective. Notice how these forms of meditation and Scripture reading are absent from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. Bible reading is simple and Spirit led and doesn’t follow any man’s mode or prescription.
@WhoGitDaBiscuit Күн бұрын
Jesus is Lord! 🇮🇱🇺🇸
@alexandrakaraboukoukis931 4 күн бұрын
The Devil 😢
@ann7318 5 күн бұрын
I just tried to share this on fb and they won't allow it. shame on fb. God bless and keep Dr Veith and his family.
@lusciousthunder832 6 күн бұрын
Where do the sources come from that Mohammed's first wife was a Catholic nun? Oh, I can't find anything about her cousin. They were in a Christian sect, but not the Roman Catholic Church.
@1stMikeWhite 6 күн бұрын
Lord God all mighty, help me to keep the Law!
@marie6519 7 күн бұрын
Amen!! We serve a Mighty God with Him all things are possible. No Fear!!!
@reneeubry9065 8 күн бұрын
We have had religious persecution of Seventh Day Adventists in the South in the USA. We had people who were put on chain gangs. I my family we found that we had a female when was accused and tried and executed as a witch in the witch trials in Salem Mass. Later after she was dead they decided she was falsely convicted when it was too later. I also had a family member who was defended by the Religious Liberty department of the SDA Church be cause of Sabbath. My husband told his new employer that he could work on Sabbath but that first Friday they still put him on the list to work that next day, a Sabbath. He ended up quitting that day and it was during a very bad time in Oregon so we moved on.
@samcotting5538 8 күн бұрын
Great job Walter ❤ thanks a lot
@claraperedo6038 8 күн бұрын
Praise God for His protecting over you Pastor Vine
@julegate 8 күн бұрын
Thank you. What is the next video in the series titled? The two videos I have watched have been very helpful.
@DaLoneVoice 9 күн бұрын
Donald Trump is 100% against the Liberal World Order or Deep State. Trump is 100% ON THE POPES SIDE! JESUIT SCHOOL EDUCATED!
@stoneyq4259 12 күн бұрын
You can see how few people want to hear this. Itching ears...
@johnnytangent2849 14 күн бұрын
33:28 The quote regarding "Spiritual Israel" does not appear to be in b, 3, chap. 5. or anywhere in Ecclesiastical History. The phrase "spiritual seed" does not appear anywhere. B3, chap 5 does say: "But the people of the church in Jerusalem had been commanded by a revelation, vouchsafed to approved men there before the war, to leave the city and to dwell in a certain town of Perea called Pella.¹⁰ " note 10 says, "Pella was a town situated beyond the Jordan, in the north of Perea, within the dominions of Herod Agrippa II. The surrounding population was chiefly Gentile. See Pliny V. 18, and Josephus, B. J. III. 3. 3, and I. 4. 8. Epiphanius (De pond. et mens. 15) also records this flight of the Christians to Pella." From "Church History of Eusebius: ALL 10 Books in One Volume: The Early Christianity: From A.D. 1-324" by Eusebius. Read more on Everand: www.everand.com/book/412287488 Was this quote attributed to Eusebius from another work not sited. Is that what the (1) indicates in your slide? Is there another 10 volume work of Eusebius? Please explain.
@johnnytangent2849 14 күн бұрын
It appears that my copy of Eusebius's work is a more modern, and perhaps less accurate, than the one Veith quotes from.
@beatricepineda5923 15 күн бұрын
People be very careful with Conrad vine. He actually is teaching a very subtle form of spiritual formation that most agonist are not able to detect.
@ernadarlington9651 18 күн бұрын
Explain to me how an aborted child can be returned to you when Christ come. As far as i know it is not full formed as yet
@sharonmcgillivray2119 12 күн бұрын
Then you don't understand the power of God.
@Crabtree1844 18 күн бұрын
Praise be to the Angel of the covenant who lent His manservant His arm to cross over. O may He carry you through every test and trial until you see the promised land, Dr. Conrad. You are a bastion of faith. Amen
@markanthony3275 20 күн бұрын
This guy rambles along about nothing.
@dougsammons2228 21 күн бұрын
Ecclesiastes 12 verse's 13, Let us hear the conclusion of the matter,it is the whole duty of Mankind to keep the commandments of God. This video was an attempt to fraud the word of God, and give more credit to the Roman Catholic Church s As the authority, stating only it is heavenly,,, this is totally incorrect, for, according to the Bible,,, all of mankind is in heaven already,,, the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church is a GRAVEN image of false gods and the worship of false gods, paganism,,,,it is most definitely the abomination that maketh desolate because,by it you can't find God's day of rest,,, for every day of the week of the calendar is dedicated to a false god, like,,, Sun,,,day, the Sun as if it was a god,,,,etc.,,,, Jesus, which is the subject of this video, slightly hidden,,even though there was the Julius Caesar calendar,that fulfilled Daniel 7 vs 25,,,,man shall think to change time and law God's reckoning of time and law, Jesus never mentioned not the name of a single day of said calendar, and the Bible confirms this,,,which shows that God has nothing to do with man inventing a false system of false worship. In fact, the Bible is written in God's reckoning of time, which is different from the calendar , because by God's reckoning of time,, is perfect,whereas the calendar is not,in math the calendar always has fractions when God's reckoning of time,never has fractions when figuring out your age,,,for instance, the Bible says that Adam is was nine hundred and thirty years old and he died,,,,,the math is,930x365, gives you the number of days Adam lived then died,, divided by 29,as found in ISAIAH 66 vs 23, gives the number of months to his death, will have a fraction,,,divide them by twelve equals 945,plus fraction of another year,,,,not biblically sound math,,,,,,now, doing the same math using God's reckoning of time,,, twelve times Isaiah 66 vs 23 equals one of God's years of 348, day's,,,repeat the same math and the result will be that Adam was 930, years old when he died,,,no fractions,and this Math proved the Bible is one hundred percent accurate.
@SaveTheBees 21 күн бұрын
God bless you and Sonica! And Clash of Minds!! These messages continue to build my knowledge and faith in the word of God. Thank you Pastor Veith!!🙏
@3angels.Rev.14 22 күн бұрын
Glory to God alone
@kensmith8152 22 күн бұрын
This video was produced almost 10 years ago and so much of this has come to pass! The Vatican had pressured the European Union to take in Muslim refugees and now they’ve totally caused anarchy throughout Europe. The Vatican through George Soros brought a migration of people from south and Central America to our borders and influenced the democrats to take them all in, thus undermining America’s economy!
@soniasangma9827 24 күн бұрын
Beautiful testimony
@pieinher67 25 күн бұрын
I've seen some wicked dishonesty in my 60 years but this whole temple racket backed by Trump - the f.mason king - wins the prize.
@3angels.Rev.14 26 күн бұрын
Glory to God alone
@TheArchangel46 29 күн бұрын
18 people= 3x6= 666
@reggy6837 Ай бұрын
Bless you for this documentairy Jesus is the way the only way
@anitacronyn Ай бұрын
Thank you Walter Veith. May God bless you and keep you. In Jesus Holy Name.
@mikeoz4803 Ай бұрын
I discovered Walter a few weeks ago & his video's have changed my perspective on the Bible & most so called religions & denominations!!
@jaimecurtis 11 күн бұрын
I've seen his lecture on Freemasons & Illuminati it was so good I can't get enough of his work God bless
@donnellmiller-x1c Ай бұрын
Walter I greet you in peace. These jews that you are talking about are NOT of the Israel of Yah. They are Khazarians and have no roots in the Covenant Promise. REVELATION 2:9;3:9! The prophecy concerning Israel is NOT about them. They are hyjackers, as is ALL denominational beliefs. Even the SDA! Your teachings are enlightening but You are off concerning the TRUE ISRAEL
@mariacanares7907 Ай бұрын
This is a very sensitive topic, that would ignite the enemies anger.
@MrSparkums Ай бұрын
Interesting but he offers precisely 0 evidence the Catholics were involved in the founding of the US.. The fact that Catholics were essentially banned from Public service till the last century, and to a man every signer was a devout Christian, besides 2 Catholics all were Protestant. Not to mention scripture clearly explains nations are established by God, not the EdomitePopes..
@intelligentthinker8085 Ай бұрын
You cannot reform the Bible so a reformed position is irrelevant
@ferraridiamond8852 Ай бұрын
may God the father ..take your lectures of truth to those in the music industry who can then see their desructive messages and change the ways they lead the children to a satanic agenda..designed to seperate them from the gospel the bible and their eternal lfe promised by christ..Amen
@mariacalderon7531 Ай бұрын
Is this lecture in Spanish? Could somebody answer me please
@WhoGitDaBiscuit Күн бұрын
Have you tried using subtitles?
@lorenzo7606 Ай бұрын
All religion is a mental illness.
@LeonsNiccum-lz1ee Ай бұрын
I've been needing this Great sermon!!!
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
This man is not quite truthful. Listeners go to website titled We Woke Now, Synagogue of Satan
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
No U R in the Lion from the tribe of Judah Israelite. Constantine created Christianity. SEE: THE WAY TV documentaries titled Christianity
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
If U believe Yashua Rose from the Dead. No U accept Yashua from the tribe of Judah Israelite Hebrew, he was not Jewish
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
If the sons name is JC then whats the fathers name? This Man is not gonna tell U the other half, African AM are Hebrew from 1 of the 12 tribes
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
Listeners go to website titled: We Woke Now, Synagogue of Satan, the Lion from the tribe of Judah Yashua is the Messiah
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
Listeners see: THE WAY TV documentaries titled Christianity, Constantine evangelized the world, Yashua doesn't dwell in bldgs made by mans hands, Come out of her Yahs PPL
@charlynesimms9451 Ай бұрын
Shout out to True Israel, the 12 scattered around the world. Hear song titled: Strange fruit 🍓 by REAL JUDAH
@mazzvidz Ай бұрын
Sin is lawlessness
@jasoncarey157 Ай бұрын
Yo Proff. You probably don't read these . But everytime I try to share your stuff Facebook won't allow it.. It goes against their standards.
@deebee4314 Ай бұрын
Walter Veith lacks logical thinking: 1. Just because some Jesuit believes the Third Temple is literal, doesn't mean the third temple isn't to be built, 2. He commits the sins of allegory. Symbolize, spiritualize and abstract away physical description things. Third Temple is mentioned in many OT NT scripture, temple even with dimensions and measurement? It's true the Third Temple just as THE BIBLE DESCRIBED!! It will be a Antichrist Temple upon when the AC will desecrate 3-1/2 years in, declare himself as God. This is described in detail, esp in Daniel and Rev. 3. Pre-Tribulation Pre-Millennial Kingdom Rapture doctrine was what Paul talked about in 1&2 Corinthian and Thessalonian; and the 1st-4th century early this bible theology was widely taught. RCC denies Rapture and Tribulation; it's until during Reformation that it's picked up again when people could read the scripture not relying on RCC false doctrine. 4. Walter completely misrepresent dispensationalism. He needs to stop cherry-picking the Scripture. Go to gotquestions dot org and research the truth.
@normanbenjamin9739 Ай бұрын
This person has No Idea of what he is talking about ! but how could he ? He believes Elin white was a great Prophet .
@paulstewart1369 Ай бұрын
Wonderful lesson, , , but spoilt bu each time you moved away from the microphone, your voice faded away and we could not hear you, may of your points were missed?
@Geemackattack-jk5ef Ай бұрын
❤love you sir, love your teachings, I am your student sir, you've made the most sense of all I've heard in my life and I'm 51 and a child of God through his mercies that I am not worthy but will not give up until I'm dead or leave in the rapture