@LesleyPlant-i5p Күн бұрын
Thank you so helpful
@WuWeiWisdom 15 сағат бұрын
Hi Lesley, You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found it helpful. Keep embracing the wisdom and insight shared. If you’d like to connect more with our community, feel free to join us here: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/. Kind Regards, David
@loooveismusic8 Күн бұрын
I don't like how he constantly interrupts her! Why are we even here, trying to educate people, of you're going to tell an hsp person not to feel. That's the complete opposite of what that person is. 30:10 he's telling her don't give me feelings. Why do you want to absorb everything around you. Well, it's not that us hsp people want to be like that. We just are. I'm going to try and be patient and listen to this whole video, but I don't like what he did there. To me it feels like he doing what all non hsp people do. Just tell you to not feel like that and not be like that.
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your patience in listening to the video. I understand your concern. My intention is not to dismiss or invalidate anyone's experiences but rather to help us understand that, as HSP individuals, we don’t have to be governed by our sensitivity. His focus is on cultivating balance and finding ways to not be overwhelmed by external energies or emotions, so we can live more freely and authentically. It’s not about suppressing who we are but rather empowering ourselves to respond differently and more constructively. I hope you’ll continue watching and find value in the perspective offered. If you have more questions or thoughts, feel free to share them with us. Kind Regards, David P.S. You’re welcome to join our supportive community: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@amandabunten2401 Күн бұрын
David it there a meditation to calm your nervous system from hormonal imbalance?
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your question. While meditation can be a wonderful tool for calming the mind and body, it’s essential to address the root cause of any imbalance holistically. A practice focused on deep, mindful breathing and grounding techniques can help settle the Shen spirit and bring a sense of calmness. I often recommends practices like Qigong or guided meditations that focus on centering the energy and releasing tension. It’s also beneficial to explore the beliefs and thoughts contributing to the imbalance, as these can often play a role in how our body responds. Consistency and patience with these practices will bring the best results. Feel free to join our community if you’d like more guidance: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/ Kind Regards, David
@sandrasimon9264 Күн бұрын
Thank you again! I am sharing your videos. ❤🙏
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, thank you so much for your kind words and support! We’re grateful that you’re sharing the teachings-it means a lot to us. Every share helps spread these messages to those who might benefit from them. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please feel free to reach out. We’re here for you! Kind Regards, David
@sandrasimon9264 Күн бұрын
Thank you David and Alex! My inner child sometimes talks to me and sometimes screams! Trying to calm her. Sitting with her helps. p.s. We love your accent!
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience! It’s wonderful that you’re taking the time to connect with your inner child. Sitting with her and acknowledging her voice is a powerful way to bring acceptance and understanding to those unresolved beliefs. Remember, it’s about offering her reassurance and guidance, just as you would with a real child, so she can feel safe and calm. And thank you for the compliment on the accent-we’re glad you enjoy it! If you ever need more support, we’re here to help. Kind Regards, David P.S. Feel free to join our community for more discussions and support: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@gaudinwhite8482 Күн бұрын
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, you’re very welcome! I’m glad the content resonated with you. If you have any questions or thoughts to share, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you. Kind Regards, David
@billknoche9228 2 күн бұрын
Come back and into reality.
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your comment. If you have any specific thoughts or questions, feel free to share them. We’re here to discuss and learn together. Kind Regards, David
@AriesSlagv 2 күн бұрын
@WuWeiWisdom Күн бұрын
Hi, bedankt voor je donatie! We waarderen je steun enorm. Als je zin hebt om deel te nemen aan onze gemeenschap en met anderen te praten over de Wu Wei-leringen, ben je van harte welkom: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/. Kind Regards, David
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
I just noticed this ... I got the notification of a Short from 4 hrs. on this full video from THREE yrs. ago. Why? Who sent you? hahahahahaha This should not even have happened, but it did, so why??
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
Do you know about mind control drugs? Do you know about BlackRock? They are the dark government and they ..... are 3 and 5 blocks away from me. To me, they are the worst of the worst and they're in my neighborhood. I was literally given a place to live that was where THEY wanted me. It's a long story, but 13 is Ophiuchus, which is my sign, and my mom created a 13 with a son from one man and 3 from the other, and other things that tie me to 13 and 666, which is said to be good, not bad. Point is, we're all either the descendants of the fallen angels or one of them. Tim and I were born 201 days apart. They say Lucifer was NOT Satan, but there's another angel said to be even more dangerous than Satan, but he's not evil, so I only heard of him a cpl days ago, but the story HAS been Satan fell and then 200 fell, that's 201. Ophiuchus is the serpent bearer and does appear like Abraxus, which is really just symbology for a trinity molecule, hahahahahaha. Oh, my gosh. I have received probably more than enough signs that it's true, but I simply can't face it. It just makes me cry. I don't want to be somebody that was made to have this pressure. It's not right. And "reparenting" ...... my goodness, I just find it evil that I have to do that as well. Why need anybody? Why not just keep to myself til I die? I just do not need massive responsibilities while I have NOTHING in my life. It means that my life is not about me. It means that I am being made to do this and that it's expected of me. Tim Hogan said there is a spell that can free a person from the reincarnation loop that Thoth seemingly created or had. It's possible that Jesus was Thoth. I can't handle all this big what-if stuff. Part of me feels it's true and I just ... who could know how to handle this? I LOVE tarot and apparently, Thoth created it. I always believed in magic and shapeshifting and the kiss of Judas texts that were found that are in the JP Morgan museum says Jesus was a shapeshifter. Several Scottish ggp's were said to have been as well, also very powerful witches, and then a werewolf sorcerer, Vseslav Bryachislavich and so on. And it's real. And apparently I'm powerful. I feel like nothing. I look like Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, King Melchizedek, another cpl Indian ppl, few of them. I look like Apollo and Hercules. My mom and I look like Mary of Magdal and Mona Lisa and apparently Mona Lisa was Mary of Magdal. That's how Tim Hogan portrayed her in a recent video that that's who it was. I can't afford hypnosis. I get no help from therapists now so I don't go. I have a psychiatrist and an appt. in 9 hrs., but it's once a cpl months and I was off meds but went back on the ones for anxiety just so I could get some sleep because I wake thinking about things. I was lucid dreaming every single night for many months. I woke saying "no, that's not right" and was literally rewriting my dream. I didn't know that was possible and it was strange. I had a red-orange human figure appear in my apt. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, but someone either remote viewed me or astral projected into my home. I've been told numerous times by the psychics that ppl want to kill me, that they want what I have and want to clone me and so on. I told Americans on Biden's FB Page that he is a clone and then he dropped out of the race. I told them you know who I am. People don't really fight me and if they do, I let them see why they shouldn't and then they shut up. People are SHOCKED. Hogan said they've had the remains of Jesus and Mary and John the Baptist and kids she had with both men the whole time. My paternal haplogroup is only registered to 53 ppl in the world on the world's largest site. I just don't need this stuff. NOBODY reacts when I post about all my troubles that this is just kicking my life into overdrive of freaking out because wth?! I'm upset. It feels extremely unfair. Hogan said it gender, not sex, gender doesn't matter and it doesn't matter who you were in a past life. It matters who I am, not who I have been in every life since the first and Idk who or what I am. I am definitely a person with at least 5 chromosomes of mysterious DNA. What do I do???? Take accountability, huh? You tell me how where it can actually apply to extreme extreme situations and I'll try. I have no hope. I'm barely hanging on. I feel a sense of positivity that turning 54 will be a pivotal age and it's an important important Judaic number. It's also a 9, which is my life path number, the one with traits of 1-8 as well as 9. 555 and 666 are in my SS #. I felt cursed but it's kind of like Zodiac Man (in a numerological way I can't explain) and Ophiuchus Man, which is the same, and it's also Jesus in many paintings, just by "coincidence". I've been so so upset and freaked out over the past months that I've threatened the life of Hogan many times. He gets it and has said nothing. I'm afraid and I AM a victim and I'm pretty sure I've been murdered quite a few times. I need help and I have none.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
BTW, your like counter is at 433 this whole time I've blathered on. 4+3+3=10 which is a 1, which is the god path. See how this is just up my butt?? I am so desperate to escape.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
Clearly, I ran into you tonight for a reason, but I am a lost case. This is just too too too much.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
What is worse is that I resemble different depictions of Jesus as an adult and a child. One image of the holy family looks like my father and mother and me. It's too much to handle. My h.s. person somehow looked like me in a photo I never noticed before. Our mom's resemble each other. My grandma and his look like Saint Anna. I shapeshifted on FB Live and had vertical pupils. In a photo, my hazel central heterochromia, something that is so rare that I'm in one of the most rare categories of roughly 24 million ppl out of over 8 billion who was born male with central heterochromia. Another thing that's bad is a painting I saw of the creation story of mankind with what appears to be a large shield, only it's got a black center and a "amber" and green edged "pupil". It's literally hazel central heterochromia and on top of that I'm 6'8", so I am a giant who is in the top 1-3% tallest ppl ever on record. I want normal and I want it now.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
Instead of saying I need to be accountable, which I just will never accept, you could say you must be proactive in your healing, regardless of what you have been through, or you simply will not heal. I still don't like it, but it isn't harsh either and it doesn't come across as unfair at all. The other was is ACCUSATORY in its presentation from my perspective, and that's okay for me to feel that way. I am a severe case and I have no help and there is none coming. I've reached out to experts MANY MANY times and no one is willing to speak with me. What would YOU do??
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
The bit at 16 mins. in where you're discussing the client who felt unloved by his mum .... he was put in this life to learn how to love himself and not need outside sources. I may have that in my garbage life plan as well, but I am NOT interested in the HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY weight they've placed on me. I can't function and get out of this crap. It's far too much. I was watching all sorts of videos in 2022 and had to unsubscribe from all the channels because wth does it all mean?????? WHY was it being shown to me??? I get HEAVY synchronicities. It's MULTIPLE every day. Idk what they mean. When I was doing genealogy one night, after all the unsubscribing, I came to the home page on here to look for a musical video from an artist that might show up. The first video I saw said "Has God kept you separate from humanity for a reason?" NOBODY needs this weight on them, nobody. It's WRONG. I get that it's his life lesson. I just don' t care for it. From my perspective, this whole 3D world is VERY VERY DIRTY POOL and I am not happy at all. I am EXREMELY pissed about it. If it wasn't for me swallowing and forgetting (not usually by choice) all of my past traumas (which some are there, but the circumstances they came from are forgotten) ............ you understand I'm saying the body didn't forget the trauma, just the moments where I got them. I can't do anything about that. I see angel numbers terrible frequently and I am on edge. I have contemplated jumping off my balcony so many times. It's just wrong how they're doing me. It's extremely unfair to have ppl comment on what I need to know when they don't even have the slightest clue what it feels like to be in it, AND to be told you're basically Jesus. I'd rather be dead right now. You just don't understand. It's not normal. I've wanted normal all my life and I'm not allowed. Do you even remotely know what that feels like? No, because YOU think I'm simply creating this and not taking responsibility. That's... you can't get colder than that.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
"They" are FORCING me to love myself and to do this and that. I can't. I WILL NOT be the love I get. I need it from someone because I'm at the end of my life and haven't had ANY. It's not human. It's not normal and it's not okay with me. NO ONE would be able to just get over it by making a happy life for themselves and accepting that God has a better plan for me. THIS IS MY DAMN LIFE and MY SOUL, so WHERE does ANYONE get off butting in?
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
In my opinion, I'm a severe case, and there IS no help. Because SO MUCH was put on me, it's just far too much for me to be able to do anything with it. I am stuck and I can't see any relief. I'm just being ordered around by total strangers EVERYWHERE all the time that I agreed to this and that I need to do all this stuff. No, I really don't. I deserve better than this and I'm just stuck with do this, do that. No. Either they help me or they don't. I am not budging. They know me. I've talked to them my whole life, like at 7 when I was suicidal. My Sunday school teacher raped me. If it weren't for the Catholic church and the Templars lying to humanity, church would not have existed, only they seeded religion in by allowing it to be a thing when it's a lie and they know it's a lie, but we now have Chrislam, and apparently have since 2022. "Leaders of World Religious Traditions" I believe is what it's called, is a CONGRESS, a PARLIAMENT of religion, where they make religious law for humanity. NO. That is not okay with me. In the U.S., church is separate from state, only it's not if the "world leaders" are deciding what's going to happen. NO ONE gave them the right to do that, yet that's exactly what they're doing. The "twin flame" has far far too many similarities with me, such as 4 rare birth chart markers, like a yodh ... the name of God yodh, yeah. My name means "who is like Elohim" "angelic messenger of God" and "stone", as in temple of the rock. It was my intended name until I came out a boy, which I HATE, and was then having to be named Timothy Christopher, which means honored by God and Christ bearer. The GM of the Templars is Timothy Hogan. The h.s. person is Tim Regan. There's a triad of weirdness, just with that. Tim R's birthday is on Ascension Day, which is "39 days after Easter". There is NO SUCH THING as a coincidence, but you keep telling yourself that I have been irresponsible. I am dying in this life and I want nothing more than to be out of it because nothing good is coming, only the gigantic parade of psychics I've listened to heavily ALL of 2024 say I am HIGHLY HIGHLY favored, powerful beyond belief, I have amazingly powerful energy, which I've had strangers write me to tell me you know you're a multi-dimensional being, right? It just makes me cry and laugh for different reasons at different times, but who needs this crap? Reality just took a massive sht down my back and I'm just ..... on hold. I'm angry, severely, and I'm upset. I want a way out of this, and those things are giving me the impression that they're gonna force me to transform into some other person and I'm not willing to just give myself up entirely to be a new thing for reasons of which I am not even privy to. NO ONE would do these things, NO ONE except ppl who have faith and I have never been given any reasons to, even when I asked for one and one came. They sent me a sign about Atum of Egypt. I don't want that and I don't feel like I have any choice in the matter. What would YOU do? I want to die. I just want to be allowed to rest in peace and not be this thing. I know I'm this thing, but it's foreign to me. I was memory wiped continually throughout my life. I'm left in the dark with things, but I'm the light of the universe. This has to stop soon.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
My "spirit" does NOT define me. I don't even care about spirituality at this point, not at all. It's been such a gigantic burden to hear about all of this stuff in my 50s during a LONELY life where I'm being now pushed to do soul work. THIS LIFE IS NOT WORTH IT. THE SPIRIT IS NOT WORTH IT. I needed help from "them" that only came in synchronicities and it's like wth am I supposed to do about anything??????? WTH do all of you people want???????? For me to be okay, probably. The only problem with that is that I just don't know how to get any better in that respect. I'm told to change my habits. Look, I think most of the ppl in my family hate me. I did nothing to virtually any of them. A few are extremely hateful, more than a few, so I don't have them in my life. I love tarot and believed I should listen for signs and what resonates, but I'd hear he's not the one and he is the one and you have to have union with this person, it's very important for the planet .......... and hearing that from MANY different psychics. This is NOT normal and I do not care for it. I am in hate with the veil, the lies, the weight put on me and nothing is letting up so I've said screw it. You want to make it hard, I'll make it hard for you. You want to push all this garbage on me, then YOU deal with whatever it is I'm here to do that I don't even think I may even want to do, but again ....... it is NEVER about me. Why not? Oh, it's about me in ways that I'm not interested in. Life changed and I am not ok with how it turned out. Idk how to advance and I am SICK TO DEATH that there is no movement, just sitting here waiting. I think I've been told Idk how many times that I'm going to be altered to look different physically. I've been told I'm going to be having kids so many times I wish I had a dollar for every time. I can't have kids. I definitely can't give birth. I've had a HORRIBLE time in my transition with my insurance provider, so I still have a white beard I have to shave every day and my breasts barely developed past a 42B for a 6'8" person and more, but it's like "they" want me to stay the way I am ......... and I am ANGRY about it. You ppl don't understand, my life is controlled as controlled can get w/o me being in someone's custody. The GM LITERALLY followed me around to TWO states that I lived in. One city was Elgin, Illinois and the other was Fishers, Indiana. There is NO reason that that should have happened, except what I've eluded to already. I do not need coaching. I need divine intervention and I am NOT praying for it. I am NOT begging for it. I told "them" massive amts. of hateful words because I am SICK of this crap and I want out of it. Nope, I am theirs, so THEY will have to do their damage to make me not me, because THEY ....... ROYALLY SCREWED ME UP .... and you are NEVER going to convince me that it's my responsibility to fix myself. I would HATE you for that.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
How do WE create the emotions when actions are taken against us that are HORRIBLE? You REALLY think that. I think that's sick. You see, I get ZERO relief. I get no love. I have no friends. My father will not speak to me because he thinks I'm the devil and my brother who had his way with me and used to hit me told me he'd commit me if he had to, because of the things I talk about openly on my FB. I created that feeling in myself? I wasn't the one who said those things. You people understand that we have feelings, right? And that we naturally react, right? WHY are WE then tasked with fixing problems we didn't even ask for? Ohhhhhh riiiiight, we signed contracts for such things to take place, and it's not fair of me to start getting stuck on my feelings .... because I ............. created them. Riiiiiiiiiiiight. That's not evil at all, hmm. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am getting NOTHING that is GOOD in my life, but ppl like YOU TWO believe that I'm very lucky because of all the garbage that I have been hit with and that I am going through. I think I was made trans by the C.I.A.'s patented tech that has been proven by them to have the capability to reverse a person's gender polarity. I think that's pretty heinous and I think what I'm hearing from you ......... it's just awful. I'm being "inappropriate" .......... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Other people" were NEVER there for me. I've literally had FAR TOO MUCH shoved down my throat in life, and all I hear is take responsibility. YOU ALL LOVE to take a position in other ppl's lives to say such nasty things to victims. What you don't understand is that I did NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH IT. I can't make it any better, but I'm continually TOLD that I need to stop with these feelings. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???????? ANY of you ppl in this world? ALSO ........ my mom was given anesthesia THREE TIMES during my birth. WHO puts a woman to sleep when she's giving birth? NOBODY. I was born with severe memory loss problems and cognitive dysfunction ....... it's long-term and permanent ........... but YOU people are telling me that it's my responsibility to get over ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of this stuff ..... when I get NO relief, like real love from someone else. NOOOOOO ... no, I have to get over things before I can have it, so I've been told countless times. I think God is the worst thing ever created. I've been pushed dangerously close to suicide since I was SEVEN YEARS OLD. NOBODY needs you to tell them they're irresponsible for not being able to get over their own grief. I sure can't get any help from anyone else. The people who hurt me the worst WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME. What you're saying is evil. I will never forgive it either.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
I'm getting no relief. Nothing good is happening to me in my life. It's so empty. I'm being told I need to coddle my inner child, love myself more and more and do this and do that, do meditation, which is have a lot of trouble with, and even yoga, like that's anybody's business, and then there's the kundalini b.s. I just cannot see myself doing these things and I REALLY RESENT the feeling that I've been crapped on my ENTIRE LIFE TO THIS DAY and I am being tasked with being bigger than the mountain of trouble that has kept hitting me the whole time. I feel helpless. I live on SS disability. I am a HSP and DO NOT like crowds or putting up with situations that lead to uncomfortable situations, but I can't trust "them", so I keep to myself. I WILL NOT be forced into things. I WANT TO HEAL, but I have had to do it myself because my therapists just don't understand enough and really can't do anything for me. It's really just been this ..... thing where I seem like I've healed and gotten over things and can move forward, but there's always someone telling me I need to this or that and I came here for a huge huge reason and all this garbage. I went from being a nobody a few yrs. ago to over 95% royal DNA from like EVERYWHERE and then there's the evil Freemason and Templar crap .... they have our secrets and refuse to spill them. The Grand Master is a cousin and he said that it's time to wake humanity, but he's doing it on a timetable. I'm not ok with that. I keep being put into situations where I don't have control. That is unacceptable This is MY life, yet I can have NOTHING because "they" have set it up how THEY want it. The GM said that certain descendants of, I guess the holy grail bloodline, that we'll each have a "right to rule for something like 8 yrs" he said. I got NO details on that, just breadcrumbing. I gave him quotes from ppl HE respects that literally say we should be told the truth and not toyed with. They are playing God and .... WHEN have YOU ever heard of a monarch who is only allowed 8 yrs. to rule? WHY are THEY having ANY say in it at all? GREAT QUESTION, but I don't seem to get an answer, because I'm not allowed. I will NOT comply to a reality where I am TOLD what to do and what I can and can't do and when to do them and how I need to live my life ... journal, do yoga, spoil yourself, do this, do that. FOR WHAT PURPOSE????? WTH does it matter to ANYONE???
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
I LITERALLY have ppl treat me like I am affecting THEM by me not living up to some CRAZY expectations Yes, that really happens to me. It's like asking for harsh punishment, truly.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
If I say I believe in the twin flame eschatological theme of "Jesus and the twelve", and that I am one of them, and that it has been immeasurably irritating and hyper-personal and NONE of "their" business, yet I've had love withheld from me and now told I'll be a teacher of the New World. WHO ASKED ME?????????????? If they want me to comply, they'll fill me in. I am NOT playing games, tolerating ppl who say HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE things to me. If I say it's really got a hold on me, a person from h.s. that just won't even leave my psychic tarot readings, and who is in virtually every single one I find randomly, often too many times when I purposely try to make it not be about romantic love ....... and that it just won't let up?? Me wanting to push it away when I've already tried to talk to him and there's NO WAY that it's anyone else, but he won't talk at all and has even called the cops on me twice ..... ughk ........ I wrote him a love letter at 16, his mom found it in his jeans and tried to get me expelled. The entire school of 2,000 students found out about it and it was mortifying and so private and my one brother needed to get it off his chest at that time that he witnessed the abuse when it happened and was afraid to say something, so he did it during a HELLISH time for me. I was sent to a therapist. He was pedophile. If anywhere I go, ppl may give me dirty looks or DARE to get nasty with me because they believe it's socially acceptable ............. you think I should take that and accept responsibility for any of that??? Do you think it's MY fault how I react? I'm SICK of being put in HORRIBLE situations and being kept alone and lonely on this course of personal work, after the sht show I've been dealt?? So many of you ppl do. I believe that ppl who feel such VILE thoughts will get what they deserve for feeling such things. It's actually kind of evil.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
I've had FAR FAR FAR TOO MANY shoves that I have the soul of Jesus. I just can't take that. I don't deserve to have that put on me. It just isn't fair. I feel like somebody's slave and I just don't roll like that.
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
I think you can safely assume that you have lost ALL respect I may have had for you and that I would never listen to you .... if my life depended on it. People who say such things are wicked and heartless and generally just nosing in where no one has invited them to be. It's RUDE as hell.
@WuWeiWisdom 2 күн бұрын
Hi Michelle, Thank you for sharing your perspective. It’s understandable to feel strongly when something doesn’t resonate with you. Our intention is always to offer guidance that can help others find their own path to clarity and balance, but everyone’s journey is unique. If this message or our teachings don’t align with you, that’s perfectly okay. Wishing you all the best on your journey. Kind Regards, David
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
What "they want" for me. That's what you said. They don't give a crap about what I WANT. You people are just hysterical. I do not have a god. I do not answer to anyone. I am not owned. I wanted to be loved by someone not myself, who meant it. I'll be 54 in Dec. and still never been loved, and that is not just my opinion, it's a fact. I'm also transgender and probably this way due to the C.I.A. or "them". Either way, I'm PISSED, but YOU probably think I need to take accountability for it in some way. Don't you?
@TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 2 күн бұрын
Here's the thing ... I have been told NUMEROUS TIMES ALL YEAR LONG "you agreed to this". If I don't know it, the NO ONE ELSE can either. I DO NOT CARE what ANYONE says, that is NO ONE'S business to go there with ANYONE else. In fact, it is APPALLING AND DISGUSTING, for one. I was starting to be used for sex at least by 4 and it ended at 12. Now, what you are saying, along with many other ppl who have NO Fn right to speak on the matter AT ALL, are telling me that I need to take accountability and responsibility and stop living in victim mentality. WHO made that ANYONE'S business? I'd like to know that. It was NEVER ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS, for two. Do YOU know what years of just sexual abuse is like? Do you know what being ridiculed and belittled and treated like you're not even equal to anyone else feels like? Ok, the answers are ALL a "no". How do I know that? I know it. Am I wrong? Of course not. So WHY are you on here telling ppl they need to stop accepting that they've been victimized and to take responsibility for what happened? People who say such things wind up under 6 feet of dirt far more than people realize, so what I'd like to know is who gave you these words to spew out at others? Who gave you the thoughts and feelings that WE are to do work to take responsibility for things out of our control back then that we never got fully healed from, or other situations where there was NO closure, and we're left with the pieces ......... and ppl like YOU say, in so many words, to "clean it up". I can't think of a worse kind of person, but that's just my personal opinion as a repeated rape victim. Oh wait .... I can't say I was a victim ..... hmmm .... because that affects you people in some way that I'm being insensitive to. That must be it. I'm being PUSHED and FORCED to heal MYSELF by unknown forces and ppl butting into my business, interfering in how I handle me and my problems. Does ANYBODY do that to YOU? I don't think they do. Is that simply because you don't have issues and no one needs to "put you in your place"? I'm TOLD regularly by psychics that I need to get rid of any addictions and do this and do that. WHO THE HELL GAVE ANY OF YOU ANYWHERE the right to tell any of us what the hell we need to do? I don't think you understand that it's just not your place, or anyone else's what any of us do. The words "take accountability" following the "fill-in-the-blank" topic that we just can't seem to get over in our personal lives, and essentially get over whatever is eating at us that maybe we've just dealt with and don't want to bother with anymore, because we got through it and we just want to be okay and don't want to HAVE to return to it to do a damn thing about it. No, we don't seem to be able to do that, so I'm just curious when it was that ppl got so damn bold that they DARE to have the GAWL to say such things to ppl have may have had severe traumas. I'd like to know, did you have a role in me being here? Are you someone I am supposed to answer to? No, you are correct, you're not. I am NOT grateful for your words. I believe that they make you look REALLY BAD, but that's just my opinion. You're respected and I'm really not, so what YOU think should go on MUST be how it should go, because it doesn't seem like I have a right to not be bothered by ppl telling me wtf I need to and not to do. That's pretty damn bold. It's ARROGANT and nobody asked for that crap.
@kbell1418 2 күн бұрын
Thank you. I can see my faulty belief of constantly checking over and ruminating on what I have said to look for evidence that I am not able to be a perfect person. I hope to build more confidence in myself as this is just my belief, not that of others
@WuWeiWisdom 2 күн бұрын
Hi, You’ve made a wonderful realization here! Recognising this pattern is a crucial step towards changing it. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, but about embracing your true Shen spirit and trusting in yourself. Others see you through their own beliefs, so focus on building inner confidence and acceptance, and you’ll naturally radiate that to those around you. Keep going-you’re doing great! Kind Regards, David facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@EnlightenmentQueenElisheBA 3 күн бұрын
Good morning David I have lived in the now so much of my life we call it going with the flow I do understand living that way give you a sense of false reality and a hopeless life that leads to great despair the inner child love to live in the now because it stays in it's comfort zone. I refuse to live in a make belief world that was created by others and my Inner child hood trauma living in the now is living in your truth of who you are and understanding what you need to bring love, peace and harmony in my life and Knowing my SheIn and your teachings have help me in my inner child Black Beauty to bring that one's of my now which is my life full of my SheIn and there directions your are such a great Therapist David and spiritual leader Thanks David.🎉 ❤❤
@WuWeiWisdom 2 күн бұрын
Hi, Good morning! Your insights are profound and beautifully expressed. It’s true that living in the now is about being fully present and authentic, not escaping into illusions or past conditioning. Embracing your Shen spirit and staying true to your path allows you to experience life with clarity and purpose. I’m so glad to hear that the teachings are helping you connect with your true self and bring harmony into your life. Thank you for your kind words, and keep nurturing that wonderful energy within you! Kind Regards, David
@iamaliveyoucantstopnow 3 күн бұрын
A couple speaking about love addiction! Not unusual 😂
@WuWeiWisdom 2 күн бұрын
@iamaliveyoucantstopnow 3 күн бұрын
A couple speaking about love addiction. Not unusual 😅
@ispeedclips4u 3 күн бұрын
Can I follow this wu wei teaching even if my religion is different?
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your question. Yes, absolutely! Wu Wei Wisdom is about understanding and aligning with your authentic Shen spirit. It’s not tied to any specific religion and can complement any belief system by helping you connect more deeply with your own values and truth. Kind Regards, David
@ispeedclips4u 3 күн бұрын
@@WuWeiWisdom thank you and congratulations for 100k subscribe family 😊❤️
@jujumulligan43 3 күн бұрын
Amazing how much wisdom you disclosed in only a few minutes! " Change your thoughts and you change the world". Imagine...we have the tools in the palm of our hands. Thank you so much for this gem. ❤❤❤
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your lovely comment! It’s true-our thoughts have incredible power. By shifting our perspective and staying aligned with our Shen spirit, we can transform our lives. I’m so glad the teachings resonated with you. Kind Regards, David
@RudyRotor 3 күн бұрын
OMG I have just realised a core thought/belief. "I am a prisoner". Now I need to find out why my IC believes that ❤️👍
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing your realization! Understanding these core beliefs is an important first step. Now, gently explore why your inner child holds onto this belief and how it might be impacting your life. Remember, awareness and self-compassion are key in resolving such issues. Kind Regards, David
@RudyRotor 3 күн бұрын
Whoa..... "The 3am mind"...! I need to know more
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your interest! The “3am mind” refers to those restless thoughts and worries that often arise in the quiet of the night. It’s when unresolved issues and anxieties surface, as our busy daily distractions fade away. By understanding and addressing these thoughts, we can find more peace and clarity. There are many resources on our channel that dive deeper into this topic. Kind Regards, David
@Rick40years 3 күн бұрын
My story exactly.
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing. It’s amazing how these teachings resonate so deeply with many of us. Remember, by understanding and resolving these shared challenges, we can all move closer to living in harmony with our true Shen spirit. Kind Regards, David
@johnfauss1562 4 күн бұрын
That was awesome. Thank you.
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you found the teachings helpful. Wishing you continued clarity and alignment with your Shen spirit. Kind Regards, David
@larrydean6821 4 күн бұрын
Thank you that helps too!!😅
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your comment! I’m so glad the teachings are supporting you on your journey. Keep aligning with your authentic self. Kind Regards, David
@larrydean6821 4 күн бұрын
Now I feel unpowered listening to you guys discussing taking responsibility for thoughts creating feelings around incorrectly interpreted events! ❤😅 0:38
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing! It’s wonderful to hear that you’re feeling empowered. Recognizing how our thoughts shape our experiences is a powerful step towards taking back control. Keep embracing your true Shen spirit and living in alignment with your own truth. Kind Regards, David
@larrydean6821 Күн бұрын
I like that you insist we start by realizing we create our feelings. Practicing that alone has caused my view of the world to open up, and I see so many other possibilities now. Thank you again.
@scbuddoldschool5313 4 күн бұрын
I love you too so much, I take notes always and I understand that Iam going thru a lot and I always strive for better. I do not know how to figure out why Iam in this way. When in my heart I know Iam a good person. I feel on the other hand Iam not a good person as I should do better.
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your heartfelt comment. It’s clear you have a deep desire to align with your true self. Remember, self-doubt often comes from a misunderstanding of who we truly are. You don’t need to be perfect-simply continue striving to live authentically and resolve those inner conflicts. Your Shen spirit is always guiding you towards balance and peace. Kind Regards, David
@scbuddoldschool5313 4 күн бұрын
I love you too so much, I take notes always and I understand that Iam going thru a lot and I always strive for better. I do not know how to figure out why Iam in this way. When in my heart I know Iam a good person. I feel on the other hand Iam not a good person as I should do better.
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s wonderful that you’re so dedicated to growth. Remember, it’s not about being “good” or “bad,” but about understanding yourself more deeply. Explore those inner beliefs and where they come from. By doing so, you can start resolving the conflicts within and align more with your true Shen spirit. Trust in your journey-you are already doing so well. Kind Regards, David
@akbarkhalaji9196 4 күн бұрын
you really change my life
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad the teachings are making a positive impact on your life. Keep embracing your true self and living in alignment with your Shen spirit. Kind Regards, David
@angeladonohue1738 4 күн бұрын
David and Alex- I love this series. Thank you for your continued guidance!
@WuWeiWisdom 3 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your lovely comment! We’re so glad you’re enjoying the series and finding the guidance helpful. It’s wonderful to have you as part of our community. Keep aligning with your true Shen spirit! Kind Regards, David
@goodee4451 4 күн бұрын
i think he is wrong. procrastination goes deeper then that
@WuWeiWisdom 4 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Procrastination often has deeper roots, like unresolved beliefs or fears. It can be helpful to explore these underlying issues with compassion and understanding. By gaining clarity on what’s truly holding us back, we can take steps towards resolving these obstacles. Kind Regards, David facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@rahuldwivedi9278 5 күн бұрын
13:00 - 15:00 Beautiful 🎉🎉 Great question Alex and equally beautiful Answer ❤
@WuWeiWisdom 4 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your kind words! It’s wonderful to hear that you found the discussion insightful and meaningful. Alex’s question and the response truly captured the essence of Wu Wei wisdom. Kind Regards, David facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@rahuldwivedi9278 5 күн бұрын
Dear Alex and David, somehow week after week, everytime I am struggling with some personal issue, miraculously you come up with a topic that's exactly aimed at resolving the issue and helps me a lot. In fact my inner child intends to listen to you with full trust and feels better every single time. Wish you all the best, and, a successful and prosperous happy journey ahead 💗
@WuWeiWisdom 4 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you so much for your kind message. It’s truly heartwarming to know that the videos are resonating with you and providing support when you need it most. Trusting in the teachings and allowing them to guide you through challenging times is a wonderful approach. We’re grateful to be part of your journey and wish you continued peace and balance. Kind Regards, David facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@RudyRotor 5 күн бұрын
@WuWeiWisdom 4 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for your enthusiastic comment! It’s great to hear that you enjoyed that part of the video. We appreciate your support and are glad the teachings resonated with you. Namaste. Kind Regards, David facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@RudyRotor 5 күн бұрын
For my own reference, 24:10. OMG, Alex is describing me and my inner child..... why was this never taught to me in all my many, many years of psychotherapy?
@WuWeiWisdom 5 күн бұрын
Hi, It's incredible how these insights can resonate so deeply. Often, traditional approaches may not fully address the root causes or provide the clarity we need to understand our Shen spirit and inner child. It’s wonderful that you’re connecting with this wisdom now. If you’d like to explore this further with like-minded individuals, consider joining our free Wu Wei Wisdom community: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/. Kind Regards, David
@androevolutionary 5 күн бұрын
A fantastic reminder. Much needed today! Thank you! 💛
@WuWeiWisdom 5 күн бұрын
Hi, I’m so glad this message came at the right time for you. Keep nurturing your Shen spirit and embracing the journey. If you ever want to connect with others who are on a similar path, feel free to join our free Wu Wei Wisdom community: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/. Kind Regards, David
@TimCCambridge 6 күн бұрын
Hi, thanks for this. I'm reminded again of the quote " If I focus more on MY footwork... I won't have to worry about how others are dancing ".
@WuWeiWisdom 5 күн бұрын
Hi, That’s a beautiful reminder! Staying focused on our own path and actions is truly empowering. It’s easy to get distracted by what others are doing, but when we concentrate on our own growth and harmony, everything else tends to fall into place naturally. Thank you for sharing this wisdom! Kind Regards, David
@crookedzebrarecords 6 күн бұрын
Oh the old: "proverbial dangling carrot on the donkey, the always changing goal post." (Two of my personal favorites, ha, obviously w/a pinch of underlying sarcasm :P). That self doubt, proving ourselves to others, desired parental praise, and we all get caught up in the game of earning love, instead of it coming from our Shen. Talk about clouded perspectives from childhood 🤫 We all hold innate value from birth! We all have different genetics/personality types, and the basis for our personalities are all there pre determined just waiting to be developed based on our interactions (we are not totally blank slates, however our experiences shape us). David has mentioned in other videos "there isn't anyone there saying mmmhmmm this infant is valuable, this one isn't." Just based on that concept alone, you would never be able to tell what any given infant is capable of with the future time they have here on earth, hence innate self-worth. Also love that it was mentioned that, sometimes in life, you just have to work harder, study harder at something if you did not do well, it doesn't change self-worth, failures are afterall, how we grow! That's the harsh truth, for some reason, there is this dread to admitting, I didn't work hard enough at it, or I procrastinated too much (myself included from time to time). Perfectionism is really hard, I struggle with it a lot music/construction projects; gotta go back to the CCJ's. Also love that you added the societal pressures, neighbor competitions, parents competing through their children (we do not need to drastically change society, just our perspective, what we really need to be happy. Most of the time it's just the hedonistic treadmill theory, you buy something, you get a temporary buzz, it fades, your baseline happiness returns to what it was before the purchase. We get bombarded constantly by negativity through social media etc! Great video as always! :D
@carolinewallis-newport1068 6 күн бұрын
So helpful, thank you David and Alex ❤️
@WuWeiWisdom 5 күн бұрын
Hi Caroline, Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad the teachings resonate with you. Keep nurturing your Shen spirit and walking your path with awareness. If you'd like to connect with others who are on a similar journey, feel free to join our free Wu Wei Wisdom community: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/. Kind Regards, David
@Jesboogiedn 6 күн бұрын
My son died and I was never able to have children again. I held that grief for 30 years. It made me very sick mentally and physically eventually. I finally was able to mourn after my spiritual awakening several years ago. The pain was immense but a weight was lifted from my heart. I no longer get panic attacks around children under 3. Now I feel deep green light feelings. Now I started working on my inner child and I found your channel. This has helped me immensely. Thank you 🙏
@WuWeiWisdom 5 күн бұрын
Hi, Thank you for sharing your story with us. It’s truly inspiring to hear how you’ve navigated through such profound experiences and found a way to connect with your Shen spirit. It's wonderful to know that the teachings here are supporting you on your journey. If you'd like to share more or connect with others who are also on this path, you’re welcome to join our free Wu Wei Wisdom community: facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/. Sending you strength and peace. Kind Regards, David
@Jesboogiedn 6 күн бұрын
Thank you
@WuWeiWisdom 6 күн бұрын
Hi, You’re very welcome! 😊 If you have any questions or thoughts to share, feel free to reach out. Kind Regards, David
@WuWeiWisdom 6 күн бұрын
VIDEOS TO WATCH NEXT! 👉👉 ▶ Is Your Fearful Inner Child Controlling You? kzbin.info/www/bejne/oqK7lJSgrrV8erMsi=wf6CiO6NjcOcJDDD ▶ How to Control Your Emotional Triggers kzbin.info/www/bejne/mGfVmayrbLx8ibMsi=y8SPST6BJWvEcNco ▶ How to Master Your Emotions kzbin.info/www/bejne/e4LUeHekerdmo6Msi=_sOk33_9iBccrv88 ▶ THE INNER CHILD PLAYLIST kzbin.info/aero/PL9NQ_PWX4zICGLRS1b7q1HSJhZRash5qq ▶ THE GOLDEN THREAD PROCESS PLAYLIST kzbin.info/aero/PL9NQ_PWX4zIAsS_wgdRN7QGBKIk54sbyD ❓ Did you enjoy this video? Post your comments and questions below - we'd LOVE to hear from you! 🌱 Want to work one-to-one with David? ➜ www.wuweiwisdom.com/therapies-for-body-mind/ 🌱 Join our private Facebook Community Support Group ➜ facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/ 🌱 Sign up to receive a RELAXING GUIDED MEDITATION GIFT, plus our weekly newsletter + offers via email ➜ www.wuweiwisdom.com/signup/
@piagalimberti6511 6 күн бұрын
@WuWeiWisdom 6 күн бұрын
Hi, Thank you for your love and support! ❤ If you have any questions or thoughts to share, feel free to reach out. We’re all here to learn and grow together. Kind Regards, David facebook.com/groups/wuweiwisdomcommunity/
@pfrydog 6 күн бұрын
@WuWeiWisdom 6 күн бұрын
Hi, Hello to you too! 😊 If you have any questions or insights you'd like to share, I’m here to help. Kind Regards, David
@beritblomqvist22 6 күн бұрын
Thank you ❤🍀🌸🦋💫 Love to you❤
@WuWeiWisdom 6 күн бұрын
Hi, Thank you for your kind words and loving energy! ❤ Sending you love and positive Shen spirit. 🌸🦋 Kind Regards, David