NOTE: 有跟站務人員確認過買倫敦牛津的點到點來回車票可以中途下車到Bicester Village購物,但因為有閘門需要刷票,如果刷不過的話可以請站務人員幫忙,此外用TrainPAL購票,來回時要記得要上對同一家運營公司的火車。 Note: I confirmed with the station staff that if you buy a point-to-point round-trip ticket between London and Oxford, you can get off midway at Bicester Village for shopping. However, since there are gates where you need to scan your ticket, if it doesn't work, you can ask the station staff for help. Also, if you purchase tickets using TrainPAL, remember to board trains operated by the same company on your return trip.
十分感謝您的留言,很高興我的影片有所幫助。我個人不太建議住在車站附近,那附近比較亂,而且離大部分景區較遠(雖然都走得到),我去的時候是住在Place Masséna附近的飯店,走到大部分的景點都很方便,走到車站也不遠,尼斯的大眾運輸系統還蠻不錯的,整體而言比巴黎乾淨很多,所以關於交通其實不用太擔心。至於飯店還是民宿,這個可能偏向個人習慣吧,我當初是住在The Deck Hotel by HappyCulture,雖然小但整體而言還不錯,是一家連鎖的精品旅館,我個人比較偏好飯店,因為有24小時服務台之類的,比起AIRBNB,有什麼需求比較方便。我有一系列的南法影片,基本上除了跨城市以外,所有的景點都是用走的走到的