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@LRS80526 3 жыл бұрын
Liberalism is a mental disease
@brodelnaz 3 жыл бұрын
It's the best when non white people try to tell white people what it's like to be white and how to act.
@sincerelyalana5895 3 жыл бұрын
It's the best when that's what white people have been doing to non-white people throughout history. Go off though The video was made for white people who are actually open to learning about being an ally. If you don't wanna be an ally just say so...
@richardeshom4985 3 жыл бұрын
@@sincerelyalana5895 I am sorry, but I kind of agree with @Ray Lanza. Being white myself, I also despise the actions of radical militant white supremacists. Supremacists of any kind all demonstrate the same fault, which is blatant racism. Whether racism be anti-white, anti-black, anti-semitic, anti-hispanic, or anti-oriental, it does not matter; racism is racism. Please understand and promote the more truthful, non-racist response that "All lives matter". This agrees with the tenet that black lives matter; but it does not suggest that any particular lives matter more than others. It does, however, suggest that black supremacy is not the answer to white supremacy. Teach your children accurately that black lives matter, but completely - that black lives matter only because black lives are human lives, and all human lives matter. When it comes to supremacy, ALL SIDES ARE WRONG! (and there are more than just two!) Taking any side just picks a fight with all opposing viewpoints. Don't be any kind of supremacist. I would suggest that the ability to financially assist children with college education is a family (or class) issue, rather than a racism issue. If you can't afford it, then there is no decision to make, but otherwise: Don't deny your children a higher education on the basis that it would make you a racist. That's just not true. Regarding "white fragility"? This is my first encounter with the term. I have no reason to apologize for being white, nor do I defend white supremacists. My experience is that Afro-Americans have a distinctly different history and subculture than Caucasian-Americans. That simply means that we are unfamiliar with each other. This video proves that, because your description of the life white people in America does not match my experience at all. You have made in this video some accusations that I find inaccurate. You accuse white people of building systems of injustice, division, and exploitation, yet you do not want to assimilate into European-American culture, because you would have to give up your language, food, music, and - did I hear you say "gang rituals"? I resent that you state that white people have been "taught to scapegoat people of color". I will merely state that, in my case anyway, this is a blatant falsehood. If you are attempting to befriend me with this video, then telling me falsely that I have been taught some vague, undefined, malicious racist behavior is not the way to do it. Reply if you are really interested in learning about what my white person's life has been like.
@rgvb18 4 жыл бұрын
this made my heart happy <3
@xxally208 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I was confused a bit with this topic and your explanations were clear enough for me to understand :)
@rachelgonzales1578 5 жыл бұрын