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Top 10 Survivor Underdogs
@Cornfield09 3 сағат бұрын
Angelina Jolie will be nominated for a Raspberry Award for Worst Actress. Terrible performance.
@Cornfield09 3 сағат бұрын
I wanted to like this yet I couldn't. Maria Callas, La Divina, La Callas was an Exceptional Talent and deserved more than a "Fake telling of her last week of life". This type of film making is Lazy. Lazy in the way of None of it is True therefore B.S.. So exactly what is the point? History is intact, solid, Recorded. Making Crap up because the Director/Writer can't be bothered to do actual research and deliver an Honest Portrayal of an Incredible woman of Immense talent is so Lazy and Disrespectful. This is why the Film Industry is Failing. No Truth. Especially when covering History. Epic Fail. Angelina Jolie gave a meh performance. I actually laughed out loud at the beginning scene, bad lyp synching, especially that lip quiver. This Movie is Crap. Watch "Maria by Callas" if your Truly interested in her and Truth because it's in her own words.... Not Made Up B.S..
@luiscarlosgurgeldoamaral7855 8 сағат бұрын
Democracy came back here in Brazil only in 1989. In few words: our democracy is still a baby.
@luiscarlosgurgeldoamaral7855 8 сағат бұрын
You just forgot to contextualize: it was the brazilian dictatorship of the 70s.
@KarlyPerkins 15 сағат бұрын
Love you commenting about movies being so sexless these days. It drives me crazy.
@augustoperes7333 18 сағат бұрын
My favorit movie of 2024
@PedroSilvahf 21 сағат бұрын
For sure is the movie with more vw beetles i ever saw
@sanjumitra1 Күн бұрын
Can you do your survivor 50 dream cast? Love your videos btw!!!!
@thedylpicklemovienetwork Күн бұрын
@@sanjumitra1 Thank you! Yes, there is a video coming where I’ll share the survivor 50 poll results from y’all and then share my ideal season. Stay tuned
@sanjumitra1 Күн бұрын
My winner picks : S38 : Kelley Wentworth (Not the worst one but obviously not the best) S39 : Kellee Kim (Honestly she could have won) S40 : Adam Klein (Such a FUN Character, not even mad he didn't win) S41 : Erika Casupanan (YESSS) S42 : Maryanne Oketch (YES, I WAS TWO IN A ROW, although my runner up was Zach W lol) S43 : Sami Layadi (yeah, not the worst one) S44 : Carson Garrett (This was still a really good pick, he played a hell of a game) S45 : Kellie Nalbandian (There was SO much hype around her) S46 : Morriah Grayson (....who?) S47 : Sam Phalen (It was Sierra initially but I listened to Sam's podcast, and I just really liked him and changed it to him.) Edit : The first season i watched live was Edge of Extinction but I began from Millenials vs Gen X. So, I do believe I had picked Michaela for Game Changers and Laurel Johnson for Ghost Island. I think I had picked Jessica in HvHvH.....completely blank on who if at all I picked for DvG lol
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
I do really like Whitey in 8 Crazy Nights even though people hate the voice I’m sorry. That movie definitely has some terrible parts but I’ve always enjoyed this tiny basketball ref
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Yeah Sean Astin’s character in 50 First Dates is fun
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Bobby Boucher’s Mama would be a solid supporting pick too
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Andy Samberg and all the other supporting characters in Hotel Transylvania are great too
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
The Dracula “I don’t say blah blah blah” is one of my favorite gifs to use and such a great character from Sandler’s voice acting and just how angular Tartakovsky animates his movement
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
I’m not sure what scene I would go with but Big Daddy is always good to represent so I would go with the Race to beat the McDonald’s breakfast cut off and the meltdown that follows
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Yeah Juancho Hernangomez is really impressive first time actor in Hustle agree
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Yes Dylan never watch a PTA movie when you’re tired and can’t focus on it lol
@thedylpicklemovienetwork Күн бұрын
@@commentatoringnerd3079 LOL! If it played that successfully the first time, I can’t wait to see what a rewatch does
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Uncut Gems came up a few times. I’m not sure if I would have picked him but an intriguing supporting character in it would be Kevin Garnett playing “himself” as the gem buyer
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
More than just a cameo he’s a whole character and he’s damn good in the movie
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Miss Vicki Vallencourt would have been my leading lady very high up. Iconic also given how many times he says her full name in the movie Faruzia Balk is one of my favorite parts in it.
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Okay so my prop would have been the Hockey Stick as his putter in Happy Gilmore
@thedylpicklemovienetwork Күн бұрын
@@commentatoringnerd3079 I was shocked it didn’t get picked up
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Punch Drunk Love is solid pick from his drama side
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Yeah Airplane scene in Wedding Singer is iconic
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Billy Idol makes it almost as much as the song
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Yeah Chubs waving in the sky with the alligator is great
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
The Hannukah song is great of course agree
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Happy Gilmore is my favorite Sandler character too. Love golf and it’s hilarious
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Ooo Mavis good pick. I am ashamed I didn’t think of Hotel Transylvania before Jonathan brought it up
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Interesting on the run on Props in the 1st Round. I agree with theory to wait on Sandler characters. Two of the Drew Barrymore leading ladies being the first two makes sense but I have a different one that always comes to mind when I think of Sandler leading ladies… I’ll see if you guys pick her
@commentatoringnerd3079 2 күн бұрын
Also would have picked a completely different prop that early given the run.
@felipeaugusto6587 2 күн бұрын
I love this film! I'm a Brazilian and recommend the film! Go watch!
@filipemangueira7950 3 күн бұрын
I am a fan do Fernanda Torres’ work. I think she can switch from comedy to drama with a strong facility. She is a renaissance’s human being, a multitalented artist: writer, producer and very cultivated in every single thing she says and does.
@filipemangueira7950 3 күн бұрын
I watched it this week and I was completely touched for the beauty and softness they achieved telling a story that is so difficult and cruel.
@filipemangueira7950 3 күн бұрын
I watched it this week and I was completely touched for the beauty and softness they achieved telling a story that is so difficult and cruel.
@joaoaugustolandim 4 күн бұрын
Walter "Sales" hahahaha
@thedylpicklemovienetwork 3 күн бұрын
Listen.... LOL (I just looked it up, and will now correct it going forward, I appreciate the heads up haha)
@joaoaugustolandim 3 күн бұрын
@thedylpicklemovienetwork It was just funny 🤣 Don't bother with that. Great content, man.
@thedylpicklemovienetwork 2 күн бұрын
@ haha thanks! I always appreciate corrections and notes btw. Only way to grow! I appreciate it
@marialuizamarcolino4076 4 күн бұрын
Acho que esse filme é diferente de muitos dramas que já vi. Você sente junto com os atores e principalmente com a Fernanda, eu chorei em cada cena, não um choro desesperador que muitas vezes acontece em filmes de dramas, mas um choro contínuo, como se eu conhecesse essa família, Walter conseguiu fazer com que a gente SINTA cada emoção. No final quando Fernanda Montenegro aparece e se comunica com o público apenas com o olhar, vc sente mais ainda, vc percebe cada emoção que ela transmite pelo olhar desde o início da cena e até o final, quando aparece seu marido na TV, vc sente o alívio. E por ser mãe da Fernanda Torres, tenho certeza que ela ensinou como fazer isso para Torres pq em todo filme a gente via a personagem sem derramar uma lágrima, mas era só ver os olhos que a gente sentia a emoção. Isso vai além de atuar, isso é ter uma conexão verdadeira com a personagem
@Leo.Galhardo 4 күн бұрын
The melancholy and the uneasy feeling of powerlessness is a very important part of the time in Brazilian history, the movie starts at the beginning of militar dictatorship (ditadura militar), a very strict extreme right-wing movement in Brazil (planned and endorsed by the USA at the time as a tactical maneuver to get the USSR and the "communists" away from the americas... )... Again, the melancholy and powerlessness that the movie depicted are very real feelings of people who lived and survived the dictatorship, the Brazilian ex-president Dilma Roussef was one of thousands of people who were tortured ate the time... Fernanda Torres was mostly know for her more comedic roles in romcoms in Brasil, like Os Normais and Entre Tapas & Beijos, but she surely had experience with more dramatic roles, and is a force of nature... she's Brasil's most loved nepo baby (her mother Fernanda Montenegro is a legend). I think the movie and crew did a phenomenal job, and a very respectful one too... Brazilian military dictatorship is one of the heaviest topics to tackle, and the movie did it beautifully
@guilhermearanha5676 4 күн бұрын
America, f$%k yeah! Thank you, by the way, for gifting us brazilians with this wonderful REAL story. We would never be able to do it without the influence of CIA in south america, so... Thanks.
@samuraidf 4 күн бұрын
Estamos aqui pela Fernandinha.
@nullcrawler 4 күн бұрын
Needless to say, we are talking abou a military government in the scope of the film. Not the usual one, but what happens after the military coup done by USA in Brazil
@ofilipe 5 күн бұрын
@vagnervarg 5 күн бұрын
I hope people from Academy watch your review and go to the cinemas to watch this movie, and consider voting for them, although the language barrier. Some acting works are so good, that they can transcend the idioms. However, not all voters are open for this consideration.
@MosesGHC 5 күн бұрын
For me as a Brazilian, this movie makes me angry, and anger is strength. Strength to go and fight for what it is right and good for democracy and freedom in Brazil. In these difficult and uncertain times for democracy in the world, this movie is the one entitled to win the Oscar, no one else no other film but this one.
@ernandosantos929 6 күн бұрын
Fernanda Torres ❤🇧🇷
@filipealeexandre5265 6 күн бұрын
@Sistik123 6 күн бұрын
Anthony Head was 43 in the Pilot. looked lot older imo.
@arthurteixeira3935 6 күн бұрын
For me Fernanda Torres has the most beautiful, sensible and incredible work of this award season
@Coco81218 6 күн бұрын
Fernanda Torres’ performance reminded me of Marina de Tavira’s performance in Roma. Both were phenomenal and rooting for her to get an Oscar nomination.
@mateuslaino4755 6 күн бұрын
I'm totally biased, lol. But the film is fantastic.
@leilani319 6 күн бұрын
I watched the film twice back to back yesterday and again for the third time this morning. Jolie's performance was absolutely extraordinary! I dare to say that this film showcases her greatest work to date! No other actress in contention for an Academy Award nomination in the lead actress category comes close to the brilliance of Jolie's flawless performance! 💯🎭🏆
@rozembergbarbosa24 7 күн бұрын