@deborahvaughan5231 6 сағат бұрын
So interesting that they built these and then they cover them up on purpose how interesting I would love to know about these people. Quite amazing
@mariussmook8030 2 күн бұрын
Great presentation. 👍
@sahiawolkenm684 2 күн бұрын
Hello, I'm EA Locum Kane from warhammer 40k, reality shifted and time traveled to setup FREEMÆSON guild, showgun8, and lulzsec All samurai (sam ur ai) are powered by relic ai from 1991 provided by ibm. Plez likey mi commentino if appericatinno
@NatalieWaisanen-i3j 5 күн бұрын
I really appreciate your efforts! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
@mariussmook8030 12 күн бұрын
Is there a copy of this video that does not include the distracting background music/noise?
@EpicEras-o1v 8 күн бұрын
@EpicEras-o1v 8 күн бұрын
@mariussmook8030 2 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@Hedwig-w7c 14 күн бұрын
Simple. Invasions from nomads and other animals who even killed a man who told the earth is not flat, and crusaded a good person.
@SallyWilliams 16 күн бұрын
Why can't you produce an info video without annoying music. JUST SPEAK !!!
@EpicEras-o1v 8 күн бұрын
@mikerosy6924 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for insightful video 🎉. Question: is this AI generated voice narrator?
@fcnation1537 18 күн бұрын
The Roman Empire didn’t fall until the 15th century
@zachberman9785 21 күн бұрын
We did not come out of Africa. Absurd. Lucy had pig bones too.
@DOORHANGING 21 күн бұрын
Why do we have to have so much noise in the background I can’t hear the narrator. Please stop producing programs which have a grinding noise in the background or any noise.
@EpicEras-o1v 8 күн бұрын
@b8888whale 23 күн бұрын
And what did we invent it for? Fkn contracts and taxes and debts / IOUs 😂
@GT-eo2to 23 күн бұрын
@arzuschonberger2848 24 күн бұрын
VEEEE ŞİMDİ Plastikten su içiyoruz!!!!!!!!!!!! Ne ilerleme ama?! Sırf plastikçiler para kazansın, zenginler çalışmadan sudan, havadan zengin olsun diye!!!!!!!!
@2024.choice 26 күн бұрын
They wonder how they move those big massive stones they claimed the Egyptians had hundreds of people pull these stones with ropes over mountains upper ramp got them in position and put them in place my question is where did they get all the food and how did they prepare three meals a day for thousands and thousands of workers 7 days a week 365 days a year for 20 years and could you imagine how long the line was for the porta potty
@LaughLore-r1q Ай бұрын
@farisafifi8719 Ай бұрын
It's introduce by Al-Khwarizmi, a mathematician which born in Khwarizm, today's Khiva south of the Aral Sea
@krisg6939 Ай бұрын
Anyone else catching the crab walking horse😭
@SusanParker-v5h Ай бұрын
Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
@CM-th2oe Ай бұрын
China's Belt and Road initiative is an attempt to Burden the target country with massive Debt to gain control of and exploit land, and natural resources.😠😠😡😡🤬🤬🤬
@damian-d7l Ай бұрын
Appreciate the detailed breakdown! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
@Коняшкина Ай бұрын
Thanks for the breakdown! I need some advice: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
@MaCherie-c5y Ай бұрын
@RichardTaylor-p5z Ай бұрын
You're doing a fantastic job! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?
@wis6007 Ай бұрын
@TheQuantumWave Ай бұрын
Cultures share, spread, and borrow. It's been that way since the day the second culture came into existence. They do not and never have appropriated.
@thenecessaryevil2634 Ай бұрын
Thing is by percentage very few people died in Pompeii. Between 76-92% of the population evacuated right before or during the early stages of the eruption. Out of 10-20000 only 1200-2000 who had no means to leave were still there when Vesuvius blew.
@midnightxhunter 2 ай бұрын
That is good keep it up💙
@wis6007 2 ай бұрын
I like it ❤
@LaughLore-r1q 2 ай бұрын
@filipposxrc1862 2 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? Rome didn’t control anything in the 500s. It became a republic in 509. First significant expansion was at 396BCE
@sayandeb9079 2 ай бұрын
Mongolia laughing at corner😂😂
@YJJUKYUKYUIK 2 ай бұрын
一位研究精神和物质之间关系的畅销书作家在拜读了法轮功创始人李洪志大师的《为什么会有人类》之后,发现自己相信李大师所说的所有内容,尤其是关于人类在地球上的意义问题,即我们在这里是暂时的,目的是为了达到更高的境界。 “李大师的文章帮助所有人了解我们所处的这个世界以及我们生命的神圣意义所在,并指导如何成为一个现在及未来的祥和的生命。”Clare Goldsberry在给英文大纪元的反馈中写道。 法轮功创始人李洪志大师发表《为什么会有人类》。 Goldsberry是英文大纪元的读者,年轻时是基督徒,后来转入对佛教和印度教等东方宗教以及量子力学等科学方面的研究,曾出版过多本有关生死主题的畅销书。 “业力轮报”是“完美正义” 在读了《为什么会有人类》一文后,Goldsberry发现她对其中很多内容都很熟悉。 “我发现这和我自己的信仰体系很相似”,“李大师的文章真的很触动我。”Goldsberry说,而且她很高兴这篇文章在大纪元这样的主流媒体上发表,“如果更多人接触到这种思想,关于什么是生死、事物是如何存在的,为什么宇宙有成、住、坏、灭,这真的很有意义。” Goldsberry说她相信李大师所说的人类正处于“灭”的时期,以及神如何按照自己的样子造了人,特别是“业力轮报”的概念,她认为这是宇宙公平之所在,是“完美的正义”。 作为研究过东西方信仰的人,Goldsberry了解西方宗教信仰者不明白“业力”,“这在东方信仰中是很重要的概念,其实耶稣说的‘当你播种时你会有收获’,基本上讲的是业力,但这经常被人误解。” 她认为,耶稣所说的就是“因果关系”,“所有的行为都会产生结果”。 “就如李大师说的,前世所造福德的多少决定了今生乃至下生的福报。”Goldsberry理解道,“李大师说宇宙是公平的。我认为我们必须记住,业力就是完美的正义,一切都是公平的,也许我们不喜欢,但是这是公平的”,“所谓‘种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆’。” Goldsberry说,作为在基督教文化中长大的人,她也是花了很长时间才理解了“业力”这个概念,于是她理解了自己人生之所以美好,也是自己前世积德的结果。 人们应对李大师的文章敞开心扉 Goldsberry说,基督徒不讲“业力”和“六道轮回”,但这确实真实存在的。她举例说,很多书籍都记录了记得前世的孩子们,也有一些关于人濒死经验的描述。 “我们是永恒的存在,生生世世我们的意识不会消亡,或许我们的身体会死亡和腐烂,但是我们的意识即我们本性的本质永远不会死亡。”Goldsberry说,这个信念对人很重要,可以让人不怕死亡,也可以让人去做善事积累福德。 所以,她认为不同信仰的人应对李大师的文章敞开心扉。 “每个人都有不同的想法和不同的信仰系统,但我认为对这样的事情保持开放态度非常重要,因为你永远不知道什么时候会有东西触动你的心,以一种你从未期望过的方式触动你的心。” Goldsberry曾经信仰过多种基督教,关键时刻都是尊崇内心的神性召唤追求事物的真相,从而获得了现在对世界更加透彻的认识。 她说,“李大师谈到了世界的麻烦的本质,以及我们如何学习在苦难时求得神的帮助。我们每个人内心都有神性,我们的神性使我们能够接触到我们需要知道的事情。” Goldsberry说,她看完李大师的文章后感到了一种“祝福”,“我认为这篇文章传递的信息之一,我也是真的喜欢之处就是,一切都是美好的,我们每天都受到祝福”,但前提是,“我们必须认识到,必须拥抱这一切,把其看作是‘道路’”,“我们所经历的一切会帮助我们在精神上成长,把我们变成一个能看到光明而不是看到黑暗与不幸的生命。” 李大师文章帮我们找到神圣的使命 Goldsberry认识到,李大师讲了积福德的重要性,但是积福德却不是人生的最终意义。 “李大师谈到,从根本上讲,积累福报并不是你想要的最终目标。”Goldsberry说,人们常常不知道自己想要什么,有时候以为知道自己想要什么,但神不会总是给你想要的,它总是会给你所需要的。 而这篇文章“帮助所有人类了解我们所在的这个世界,以及我们的神圣的目的”,Goldsberry说,她认为神“总是会给你灵性成长,以及美好生活所需的东西”。 “李大师的文章,太美好了。”她说,“我很感谢大纪元发表这篇文章。” (新唐人记者Tiffany Meier对此文章有贡献。)
@whoami0x 2 ай бұрын
Interesting ❤
@michaelsathory5980 2 ай бұрын
And all that led us to skibbidi toilet... Smh