@FunkyMunkey00_ 3 ай бұрын
@lilpunk2241 4 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, this is Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking ass One time for your motherfucking mind, we represent the 313 You know what I'm saying, 'cause they don't know shit about this For the 9-6 Ayo, my pen and paper 'cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin', a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin' necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Bust it, I let the beat commence, so I can beat the sense in your elite defense I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal One thought in my cerebral is deeper than a Jeep full of people MCs are feeble, I came to cause some pandemonium Battle a band of phony MC's and stand the lonely one Imitator, Intimidator, Stimulator, Simulator of data, Eliminator There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus Fuck around and catch all of the venereal diseases My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces My accapella releases plastic masterpieces through telekinesis That eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Man I got evidence, I'm never dense and I been clever ever since My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O So I'm assumin' all responsibility 'Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MC's Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler No one is specialer, my skill is intergalactical I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical I'd rather let a tactical, tactful, track tickle your fancy In fact, I can't see, or can't imagine A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching This is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam Plus the man who never had a plan B Be all you can be, 'cause once you make an instant hit I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite
@WorldWithYegor 9 ай бұрын
Ручка с бумагой создаёт реакцию Билет даёт на акцию, закрой глаза почувствуй релаксацию Носом дыши, медленно вдыхай а ёу И вам в новинку это словно омикрон, аккордион Здесь не играет, это ментальное что-то Рентабильно, четко я не боюсь Не Бога не черта, словно речовка На шею скуке ведь ты на деле пиздец Мой флоу телекинез, на твоем теле рубец я эквилибрист ты в эклере глист Ты читаешь тык пык, так сяк с бухты барахты, баран ты попутал карты но я спрошу как ты? Моя жизнь нарды твоя жизнь нары, я выбираю нарты, ты выгибаешь костыль, но мои парты тебя садят за парту, ты обножаешь простынь Я обожаю пастель, пасту, и выполняю госты, парень не простынь, со мной тягаться не варик- брось ты, бесконечен я И мы с вами сейчас окунемся в релаксацию, отменим санкции, нам запрещающие расслабляться И если вы устали, так отпустите ситуацию Представьте - всё хорошо- и так и будет братцы, расслабьтесь Дальше Мы с вами в космосе, там просто всё в невесомости летим, я силу лопасти постиг Но двигатель везёт на стык На стык разных галактик, на стык разных миров, нас манит чёрная дыра, навстречу астероид Мгновение, взрыв и он нас не тронет Использовал я идеально тут бластер - дрозд Даже мастей Йода мне руку пожал Включил ему свой трек и крикнул в рубку- Пожар!ведь Мой рэп рентабельно четко Твой рэп ректальные свечи Мой рэп ментально залечит Живет не тайно а вечно Поэт детально изучит Прочтёт внимательно, звучно И скажет браво, везучий Читает здраво, не скучно И мы с вами Мой текст в зале поэзии считается нифритом Твой текст не попадает не в сердце и не в ритм Ты на пьедестале? не ври там нет места тебе ты просто тембель и бро учи иврит. Ты рэпер как большой лебовски я рэпер как биг л ты красотка новодворская, я красотка Мэри джей Ты рыжий как Лилит, я рыжий как Рон Экспериамус, Авада Кедавра, Люций Патрон Ус, и ты застыл в ступоре, у кого тексты круче могу заключить хоть 200 хоть сто пари Я выхожу на новый уровень- ты до сих пор тупее Тупее даже тупого угла и носишь портупею Ты пони, я нарангазет Ты рядовой, я минимум на ранг повыше И мои панчлайны сто лет к ряду вызывают в головах мс что-то непонятное но твой рэп просто блеяние в микро для рэпа оскорбление ты на микро фоне макро рэпер Просто тлен и я Развею по ветру его
@NinjaRabbott Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@InFamXYT Жыл бұрын
After listening to this I just realized it's like an even better version of the remix
@WorldWithYegor Жыл бұрын
Ручка с бумагой создаёт реакцию Билет даёт на акцию, закрой глаза почувствуй релаксацию Носом дыши, медленно вдыхай а ёу И вам в новинку это словно омикрон, аккордион Здесь не играет, это ментальное что-то Рентабильно, четко я не боюсь Не Бога не черта, словно речовка На шею скуке ведь ты на деле пиздец Мой флоу телекинез, на твоем теле рубец я эквилибрист ты в эклере глист Ты читаешь тык пык, так сяк с бухты барахты, баран ты попутал карты но я спрошу как ты? Моя жизнь нарды твоя жизнь нары, я выбираю нарты, ты выгибаешь костыль, но мои парты тебя садят за парту, ты обножаешь простынь Я обожаю пастель, пасту, и выполняю госты, парень не простынь, со мной тягаться не варик- брось ты, бесконечен я И мы с вами сейчас окунемся в релаксацию, отменим санкции, нам запрещающие расслабляться И если вы устали, так отпустите ситуацию Представьте - всё хорошо- и так и будет братцы, расслабьтесь Дальше Мы с вами в космосе, там просто всё в невесомости летим, я силу лопасти постиг Но двигатель везёт на стык На стык разных галактик, на стык разных миров, просты наши движения преодолеем мы и страх и ров Мы вновь на планете Земля Лежим под пальмами Под Баобабами , Нам говорят что так делать нельзя Но это наша стезя Здесь я ваших не взял Здесь о важных вещах Письмо даже писал Итог даже десна Также места Казахстан, Туркменистан, Таджикистан Я посещаю обязательно, я должен объявить это и ты поверь мне брат Я купил билет и вот лечу поверх тебя Мой рэп рентабельно четко Твой рэп ректальные свечи Мой рэп ментально залечит Живет не тайно а вечно Поэт детально изучит Прочтёт внимательно, звучно И скажет браво, везучий Читает здраво, не скучно И мы с вами Мой слог в зале поэзии считается нифритом Твой текст не попадает не в сердце и не в ритм Ты на пьедестале? не ври там нет места тебе ты просто тембель и бро учи иврит. Ты рэпер как большой лебовски я рэпер как биг л ты красотка новодворская, я красотка Мэри джей Ты рыжий как Лилит, я рыжий как Рон Экспериамус, Авада Кедавра, Люций Патрон Ус, и ты застыл в ступоре, у кого тексты круче могу заключить хоть 200 хоть сто пари Я выхожу на новый уровень- ты до сих пор тупее Тупее даже тупого угла и носишь портупею Ты пони, я нарангазет Ты рядовой, я минимум на ранг повыше И мои панчлайны сто лет к ряду вызывают в головах мс что-то непонятное но твой рэп просто блеяние в микро для рэпа оскорбление
@minervabigmac519 Жыл бұрын
ResumenLetrasVídeosEscuchar Oh yeah, this is Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking ass One time for your mother fucking mind, we represent the 313 You know what I'm saying, cuz they don't know shit about this For the 9-6 Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin, a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Bust it, I let the beat commence so I can beat the sense in your elite defense I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal One thought in my cerebral is deeper then a Jeep full of people MC's are feeble, I came to cause some pandemonium Battle a band of phony MC's and stand the lonely one Imitator, Intimidator, Stimulator, Simulator of data, Eliminator There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus Fuck around and catch all of the venereal diseases My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces My accapella releases plastic masterpieces through telekinesis That eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite Man I got evidence, I'm never dense and I been clever ever since My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O So I'm assumin' all responsibility Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MC's Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler No one is specialer. My skill is intergalactical I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical I'd rather let a tactical, tactful, track tickle your fancy In fact I can't see, or can't imagine A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching This is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam Plus the man who never had a plan B Be all you can be, cause once you make an instant hit I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite
@saint8612 Жыл бұрын
(Verse) 0:22 This moment come and goes, Me and you have common goals, It must be common sense that this scene is comatose, Saint is the very best, yes, I say this again and again, I know I keep going on like how my commas go. (Verse) 0:33 Calm, compose, I said it in my mind, My hands were froze, As I ignite the microphone, And paint a picture like I'm Michaelangelo, I saw the crowd and everybody had their hands all low, Well get to know the artist that you have to know. (Verse) 0:46 You can kill me, but best believe, I'll be back for more, In time they'll know I spit gold, that's Au Natural, They think they clown a stand-up guy, what you have me for, What's this handy for, A tool for when my dogs right at your door. (Verse) 0:57 Y'all got zero net like them park courts for basketball, Really from the city, but they'll know me international, I really got a feeling that I'm the best at this, and way by far, I really won't admit it, but I'll fail in my passion though, I don't have the action planning. (Verse) Making dreams come alive, And every other night, I dream of winning Grammy's, I, Want to show my granny heights, The ones that only I could climb, Make her proud and prove anyone listening, I can be infinite.
@InFamXYT Жыл бұрын
@Maxepo Ай бұрын
@xopistan6827 2 жыл бұрын
@Hideotic 2 жыл бұрын
This version sounds like Tribe
@elliottbarrera6932 2 жыл бұрын
chillin, sippin jack smokin, moving fast gravity fallin, i see bill cypher blunt got me higher than the clouds, got purple eyes and a gold crown run up yo town my hands hold rounds demons prayin for a halo loser vro glow with a dirty faygo i came to the show kick a flow, til the curtains close fallen rose made of gold diamond gliss a new element flow set in like sediment knockin but i can’t let ‘em in so i let em question it cs the poison runnin thru yo veins thinkin like it’s all inside my brain caught up in the day lost up in the night loservro i’m coolin at the mic
@elliottbarrera6932 2 жыл бұрын
my flows cuttin like the gar splittin stuff the blunt, hit uh rush it’ll be a minute smokin pass my limit vro goin wicked i’m viscous ambitious gonna go far back just to get my stars back red white eyes, and my lungs black mind of a sinner crystal lock up my heart in the winter and the nights go by i sat in the dying light made the riots fight the crooked think twice and thru my mind my thoughts intertwine goin out of sight my brain gettin smoked like the shatter make the blunt fatter my words seem to scatter tryna break thru the stone cold ice gem green faces n light blue eyes vro goin wicked cs i’m high like a kite lost up in the rhyme, too stuck in my mind dreamin just to vanish spaceship landin flowin like i planned it took the job and ran it
@snakegaming1424 2 жыл бұрын
Is this beat free?
@InFamXYT Жыл бұрын
No it's owned by web entertainment
@seshsi9588 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like I’m floating in the air🧍🏾
@zainstreammedia9064 2 жыл бұрын
this is magic. i love you.
@user-tb5io1fr5j 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, this is Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking ass One time for your mother fucking mind, we represent the 313 You know what I'm saying, cuz they don't know shit about this For the 9-6 Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin, a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Bust it, I let the beat commence so I can beat the sense in your elite defense I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal One thought in my cerebral is deeper then a Jeep full of people MC's are feeble, I came to cause some pandemonium Battle a band of phony MC's and stand the lonely one Imitator, Intimidator, Stimulator, Simulator of data, Eliminator There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus Fuck around and catch all of the venereal diseases My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces My accapella releases plastic masterpieces through telekinesis That eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite Man I got evidence, I'm never dense and I been clever ever since My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O So I'm assumin' all responsibility Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MC's Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler No one is specialer. My skill is intergalactical I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical I'd rather let a tactical, tactful, track tickle your fancy In fact I can't see, or can't imagine A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching This is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam Plus the man who never had a plan B Be all you can be, cause once you make an instant hit I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite
@danielarrington1754 2 жыл бұрын
yo I'm sick of this world trying to so /and brothers acting so hard/that rappers words are fictionate/now that you became stars my scars are infinite
@jeremyely2855 2 жыл бұрын
Infinite was released in 1996 .
@mattyjohnston1425 2 жыл бұрын
@oofyboirookie3717 2 жыл бұрын
This sounds better than most songs this day
@tuvshesecret6764 2 жыл бұрын
Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin, a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Bust it, I let the beat commence so I can beat the sense in your elite defense I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal One thought in my cerebral is deeper then a Jeep full of people MC's are feeble, I came to cause some pandemonium Battle a band of phony MC's and stand the lonely one Imitator, Intimidator, Stimulator, Simulator of data, Eliminator There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus Fuck around and catch all of the venereal diseases My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces My accapella releases plastic masterpieces through telekinesis That eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite Man I got evidence, I'm never dense and I been clever ever since My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O So I'm assumin' all responsibility Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MC's Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler No one is specialer. My skill is intergalactical I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical I'd rather let a tactical, tactful, track tickle your fancy In fact I can't see, or can't imagine A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching This is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam Plus the man who never had a plan B Be all you can be, cause once you make an instant hit I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite
@oofyboirookie3717 2 жыл бұрын
@PiotrSzewczykPL 2 жыл бұрын
@u.m.9931 3 жыл бұрын
If eminem ends his career, this would be the perfect way to close it, just the same way it started. We should play this wonder the day Em leaves this world. It's so relaxing, I don't know why I don't come here every time I feel down. It's not sad, motivating, or engaging, but just... chilling
@syahmishen2745 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you... its gonna make me cry
@micaiah. 3 жыл бұрын
thank u
@VincentDoesNotCare 3 жыл бұрын
Whats the sample used
@miconali4273 3 жыл бұрын
2021 🔥🔥🔥
@fastdoozy9211 3 жыл бұрын
@iliyarahman. 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, this is Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking ass One time for your mother fucking mind, we represent the 313 You know what I'm saying, cuz they don't know shit about this For the 9-6 Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin, a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Bust it, I let the beat commence so I can beat the sense in your elite defense I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal One thought in my cerebral is deeper then a Jeep full of people MC's are feeble, I came to cause some pandemonium Battle a band of phony MC's and stand the lonely one Imitator, Intimidator, Stimulator, Simulator of data, Eliminator There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus Fuck around and catch all of the venereal diseases My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces My accapella releases plastic masterpieces through telekinesis That eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite Man I got evidence, I'm never dense and I been clever ever since My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O So I'm assumin' all responsibility Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MC's Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler No one is specialer. My skill is intergalactical I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical I'd rather let a tactical, tactful, track tickle your fancy In fact I can't see, or can't imagine A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching This is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam Plus the man who never had a plan B Be all you can be, cause once you make an instant hit I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite
@dukuo 3 жыл бұрын
anyone knows the og sample?
@whiteprivilege4469 3 жыл бұрын
its an eminem song you waste of life
@dukuo 3 жыл бұрын
@@whiteprivilege4469 anyone knows THE og sample?
@whiteprivilege4469 3 жыл бұрын
@@dukuo touche but i can still beat you up
@dukuo 3 жыл бұрын
@@whiteprivilege4469 who?
@iliyarahman. 3 жыл бұрын
@@whiteprivilege4469 What pills are you taking
@ВладиславНаваррский 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, this is Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking ass One time for your mother fucking mind, we represent the 313 You know what I'm saying, cuz they don't know shit about this For the 9-6 Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin, a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it I'm Infinite Bust it, I let the beat commence so I can beat the sense in your elite defense I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal One thought in my cerebral is deeper then a Jeep full of people MC's are feeble, I came to cause some pandemonium Battle a band of phony MC's and stand the lonely one Imitator, Intimidator, Stimulator, Simulator of data, Eliminator There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus Fuck around and catch all of the venereal diseases My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces My accapella releases plastic masterpieces through telekinesis That eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite Man I got evidence, I'm never dense and I been clever ever since My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O So I'm assumin' all responsibility Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MC's Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler No one is specialer. My skill is intergalactical I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical I'd rather let a tactical, tactful, track tickle your fancy In fact I can't see, or can't imagine A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching This is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam Plus the man who never had a plan B Be all you can be, cause once you make an instant hit I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite You heard of hell, well I was sent from it I went to it serving a sentence for murdering instruments Now I'm trying to repent from it But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it... I'm Infinite
@fuav66777j 3 жыл бұрын
@karimsrour4784 3 жыл бұрын
@Kingnic 3 жыл бұрын
its 1996! like comment if you know what in talking about
@soulintent4129 3 жыл бұрын
This instrumental gives me weird vibes, it s like im the most powerful thing and the universe leaving earth and dying in a very peaceful and weird way, the universe s not gonna be the same no more
@eppsislike 3 жыл бұрын
@mr.knowbuddy2149 3 жыл бұрын
Listen dicks or get hit with bricks These sentiments I've sent Have never been so rich Like your favorite herseys kiss I should get a jersey cause ever shot went swish I feel like harden cause pardon me for never stopping to defend My offense is dominant it's obvious I'll have you throbbing at the jaw from trying to talk with lips your mouth will fall a bit when you saw how far I get with the ball I'm sick I'm all legit like some ass that isn't plastic I'm got the world going batshit and I ain't even got corona so hold with that shit
@KLIPP-D 3 жыл бұрын
this should be the intro to everyone's Em playlist. (Gotta Have his Rare Classics right after this)
@hilalguvendi 3 жыл бұрын
@marcusb.898 3 жыл бұрын
Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction To get your brain relaxin, a zany act, a maniac in action A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction You look insanely whack when just a fraction of my tracks run My rhyming skills got you climbing hills I travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills I'm sliming rills of roaches, when sprayed in this infections Twistin necks of rappers till their spinal column disconnects Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up Twist them up, and indulge in the marijuana smog This is the season for noise pollution contamination Examination of more cartoons than animation My lamination of narration Hit's a snare and bass in the track fucked up rapper interrogation When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring, gazing I turn the stage into a barren wasteland... I'm Infinite
@leneptuneofficiel 3 жыл бұрын
@cashabian9618 3 жыл бұрын
please try to make better instrumentals, I doubt anyone's enjoying this
@epicbeats9766 3 жыл бұрын
can you elaborate?
@infinimexinfinite 3 жыл бұрын
What the- this instrumental is lit
@TheRandomGuy570 Жыл бұрын
+CASHABIAN Bro idk what your talking about this beat is better than the original Infinite beat.
@cashabian9618 3 жыл бұрын
when did you think this was worth uploading?
@Made_In_Heaven88 3 жыл бұрын
When did you think this was worth commenting?
@bastiisalive 3 жыл бұрын
I just want this to be the last song Eminem raps before he retires on stage.
@deepmordor2411 3 жыл бұрын
I feel for the people that will never have this hitting their eardrums sending out signals of bliss to their brain, super hard beat. Well produced, gg!
@Benjaminthemighty 3 жыл бұрын
Only click "Read More" if you want to see my Christian Freestyle that I was bored so I started saying along to the beat, pausing, and then immediately typing out each bar after I said it: (start at 0:46) Jesus Died on the cross, HE is the Boss Know Him and you'll never get lost, what is the cost if you don't learn who He is, where does that leave you, it's a hopeless road that ends in desolation, ruthlessness (0:58) Learn who He is and fight for the Father You won't feel bothered anymore, and you'll wanna holler His name throughout the nations, His fame and His glory in Heaven, you'll be let in the moment you get to steppin' away from earthly things, that are known to bring us away from God until you start to sing, about terrible things that are actually evil, That don't really help the People Anymore than movies do that spawn poor-rated sequels (1:21) And I should know, without equal measure, that God is good, and we should, try to get to know Him better, and it's pointless living lives by ourselves, where does that leave us? Be-sides forgotten and in Hell and it's, really really sad that we don't prioritize our Dad, living life bad in of a world full of madness; it's sad, this is actually enough to drive someone mad and off the latter, it's actually really sad that we're not sure where we're headed for in this (1:45) world that we're livin' in, swirlin' and spinnin' in a galaxy unravelling in a bafflin' disc or a brim (1:51) -kinda shape; i don't really know but i know enough problems get hurled at us in this day and age, yo (1:56) We should page God; ask for answers 'Cause we're dancers; to an unknown symphony, melodic beats; let's bounce our feet to these and hopefully, make this world a better place for all the G- OD, US, JC., SE (2:08) followas ya see, all we need to just really be on a different playing field of reality, and actually Just pray, 'cause one day, you will see a hund-rayd angels flyin' down, and land on your Hy-un-dai (end at 2:20) I hope you like this. It's entirely my own song, and it goes to an Eminem instrumental. And it's Jesus-centric. So, it means all the requirements, I think, for good Christian Hip-Hop. XD
@Benjaminthemighty 3 жыл бұрын
His music was so hopeful, though.
@MethmalDhananjaya 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless to this Beautiful Soul.
@alexanderespinoza3185 4 жыл бұрын
1st.verse.🎙🎶Yo, God Infinite this is Alejandro🦸🏻‍♂️HipHop symphony Suffered brain 🧠 injury “Life” ; just glad still in it even though 👁 bull shitted neva quitted decided ✌️live by guns 💥🔫and knives 🔪 now opened up my third Eye my Philosophy brings “ YE” towards Sky High 🌌”the Pharcyde passing me by”drive slow probably y🧏🏻u won’t collide racist Police officers 👮‍♀️ take another Innocent life mothers cry 😢Devil’s Lie , why 🤷‍♂️
@melonmusk1274 2 жыл бұрын
Nope not even close
@omarretro9528 4 жыл бұрын
Lofi remix here @t
@symby9927 4 жыл бұрын
What instruments did u use