Lesson 5 CLS Total Forgiveness Pt. 5
4 сағат бұрын
Lesson 51 Matthew 11:1-6
4 сағат бұрын
Lesson 3 Zephaniah
19 сағат бұрын
Lesson 2 Hermeneutics Introduction Pt. 2
Lesson 4 CLS Total Forgiveness Pt. 4
21 сағат бұрын
Lesson 50 Matthew 10:34-42
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Lesson 2 Zephaniah
14 күн бұрын
Lesson 1 Hermeneutics Introduction
Lesson 3 CLS Total Forgiveness Part 3
Lesson 49 Matthew 10:27-33
14 күн бұрын
Lesson 14 John 7:1-9
14 күн бұрын
Sermon Apologetics Part 2
14 күн бұрын
Sermon Apologetics Part 3
14 күн бұрын
Sermon Apologetics Part 1
14 күн бұрын
Lesson 15 Habakkuk
14 күн бұрын
Lesson 1 Zephaniah
14 күн бұрын
Lesson 14 Habakkuk
21 күн бұрын
Lesson 48 Matthew 10:21-26
Lesson 13 Habakkuk
Ай бұрын
Lesson 47 Matthew 10:11-20
Lesson 12 Habakkuk
Ай бұрын
Lesson 46 Matthew 10:5-10
Lesson 11 Habakkuk
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Lesson 45 Matthew 9:35-10:5
@monoman4083 3 ай бұрын
good info..
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for listening. Glad you found it interesting.
@jeffreyerwin3665 5 ай бұрын
It seems that now, in the 21st century, science has confirmed religion. So science and religion do overlap. The mysterious images on the Turin Shroud have been proven to be miraculous by the 1988 radiocarbon evaluation of this cloth. The readings indicated a 14th century date, while, at the same time, art history proved a sixth century extancy for the cloth's facial image. Since related relics also have shown severely skewed radiocarbon dates, a neutron flux must be hypothesized in order to account for the discepancies as well as for the missing spectrum of the Shroud's blood. Since dead human bodies cannot generate neutron fluxes, a miraculous event is proven. The conclusion is that science has uncovered a religious miracle. See: "The Enigma of the Sign of Jonah," BSTS Shroud Newsletter, Summer 2023.
@moviesthroughtheyears 5 ай бұрын
"it is still a theory", are you really that ignorant or is it your way to bring the sciences down to the level of your theology? secondly science is a method not a belief based on the utterances of authority figures like your christianity, therefore you quoting scientists of centuries ago only show your desperation about and willful misunderstanding of what science is.
@roberthill4581 6 ай бұрын
Here is Part two, which I said I would post later. It dovetails with my post four hours ago, so read that one first. Part 2. @jonathanross2304 I will answer each of your points. You said: 1. If god cannot create a place where free will exists but evil does not exist, then what is heaven? Answer: It is a place where God dwells, and the saints (Christians) will dwell with Him. Everyone there will have free will, but they will also have experiential knowledge from their time on the earth as mortals with sinful, selfish bodies. They will have sin-free bodies like Satan, Adam, and Eve had the day they were created. They will have learned the knowledge of good and evil through their life experiences on Earth. They won't want to sin because they've lived through the consequences of choosing selfishness. You said: Is there free will in heaven? Answer: Yes, because without free will a being does not have the capacity to love. You said: Is heaven free of evil? Answer: Yes, because God will remove Satan, the demons, and all lost souls and contain them in eternal torment, separated from the saints, God, and everyone else. (Matthew 13:41-42, NIV) says, “The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” You said: If so, how is god able to create those conditions in heaven when you explicitly said that was impossible? I've heard people argue that the people in heaven are the ones who have free will and exclusively use it to do good and never evil. Answer: When people finally realize how bad sin is and how good God is, there should be a major paradigm shift in their view of life and reality. They should come to the revelation that we must accept Christ and pursue holiness no matter the personal cost. That changed attitude and understanding will show in our day-to-day decisions, and others will see that major change in our lives, too. God is ultimately trying to cultivate that change of heart in those who truly accept Him as Lord. With this understanding in our hearts, we will never want to sin. This attitude will carry over into the next life when we receive our new sinless, glorified bodies. The pain and heartache of experiencing and witnessing the magnitude of sin in this life will intensify and entrench this attitude and understanding into our eternal souls. **We will still have the choice to sin in eternity, but no sinful, selfish nature to fight. We will have learned the knowledge of good and evil through our human life experiences on this fallen planet.** It's just like a man who finds a virtuous wife who is so in love and committed to him; the Lord is looking for people who will know and love Him so much that they would never be tempted to sin against Him like Adam and Eve. In Isaiah 63:8-9 (NLT), we read, “He said, ‘They are my very own people. Surely, they will not betray me again,’ And he became their Savior. In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy, he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.” Faithfulness is choosing to be devoted even when tempted by other choices. But people cannot be faithful unless they truly believe God is real and trust Him. That’s why I return to that profound verse in Hebrews 11:6 (NIV), “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Do you want to spend eternity with selfish people or unselfish people? You said: But in that case, an omniscient god would already know ahead of time who those people were who would freely choose him and would freely choose to do no evil. Why not only create them? That seems to me a very simple way to avoid untold suffering for the billions of people that will end up falling short of heaven. Unless of course god desires that countless people suffer eternally but then I would question his benevolence. Answer: Free will and God’s sovereignty co-exist in tension. Even though God knows the outcome of our life through our own choices, He allows humans to choose good or evil without constant intervention. In other words, He allows us to be ourselves to reveal what we really believe and want through our life choices. Some people’s sins and lies in the past have set vast numbers of human souls on a course to hell. And unless Christians share the Gospel with them, they will slip into eternity, separated from God. People get up in arms about the so-called unfairness of God in sending people to hell when they never had a chance to hear the Gospel. But the unfortunate truth is that even when lost people hear the Gospel in a clear factual way, the majority of the world chooses not to accept Christ. Most people upset with God about this so-called “unfairness” already know what the Gospel says but refuse to accept Jesus. That is why Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV), “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” One may ask, “Why do men choose sin over Christ?” The answer comes from Jesus in John 3:19-20 (NIV): “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” You said: 2. You mentioned that the best rebuttal to the question of why god permits evil and suffering is to point out that god may have sufficient reason that we aren't privy to. That's fair to a certain extent but ultimately being all powerful entails the ability to actualize one's will without contingencies. So if for example a child suffers through cancer and dies... while that may sound tragic, you can always argue that god has a higher plan; a greater purpose... That the ends justify the means. But an all powerful god should be able to actualize his will and bring about his greater purpose without relying on the suffering of a child. If the suffering of a child was a necessary step, it would imply that gods powers are constrained by contingencies and this would mean he wouldn't be all powerful. If instead we say that he could have actualized his will without the child's suffering, but he chose to include it as part of his plan, he's not all loving. Answer: Every human suffers to one degree or another, and every human dies a physical death. Some people suffer for a very short period, some suffer for a lifetime. But no human soul ceases to exist. Against the backdrop of eternity, the mortal human lifespan is just a vapor. James 4:14 (NASB) states, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” Even lifelong infirmities and sufferings seem like an eternity because we have had no reference for existence other than time since birth. But we are given the intellectual capacity to understand that sufferings here and now in this life are temporary if we choose to put our faith and belief in what God’s Word says in the Bible. It is like an infant child suffering the momentary pain of vaccination to benefit from the lifelong immunity that the injection brings. The injection takes a brief moment compared to the many years of the person’s life. But the infant screams in pain and fear and doesn’t understand why the parent is allowing someone to inflict this pain. Compared to the eons of future existence that we will experience, a life of seventy years or so is just a momentary vapor. This does not diminish the seriousness of lifelong suffering but offers hope through reason by viewing suffering from an eternal perspective. All the moral evil in this world comes from two sources: (1) The sinful selfishness of men and women acting on their sinful lusts and desires, and (2) the Kingdom of Darkness that tries to influence the hearts and minds of humans for their eternal destruction. I have posted 11 reasons on this page as to why a good God currently allows evil, pain, and suffering to continue for a season. I hope that you read that for more details. It’s all part of the training, testing, and refining of the human race of gods. You claim God should be able to “actualize one's will without contingencies.” Yes, if he were dealing with a lower-level created being or a pre-programmed robot with firmware on good and evil installed. But we’re talking about the training of an immortal god who will be given power and authority. We’re talking about creatures with minds, wills, and emotions like ours. We’re talking about ourselves! He wants us to be unselfish and holy like Him because we’ve decided we want to, not created so that we have to.
@roberthill4581 6 ай бұрын
Part 1: This is my understanding from my studies. I need to lay a foundation before I can directly answer you. My book has 223 pages. It’s hard to copy and paste that much. I’m not in it for the money. But I am trying to recover my publishing expenses. God created humans because he wants (he doesn’t need) beings like him to have fellowship and intimacy. He has free will, and humans have free will. God has perfect self-control and perfect knowledge, so he knows that he must always be “others-focused” and not self-focused because He holds absolute power (omnipotence). We are on God’s level. Just as a human will not have intimacy with another specie, God will not have intimacy with a being who is not on his level. [John 10:34 (NIV): “Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”‘?” Jesus was referring to Psalm 82:6 (NIV) “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’”] Repeating, God created humans to have an intimate personal relationship with him. No other creatures, not even angels have that possibility. Humans are special to God. I am not talking Mormonism. Sin is selfishness, righteousness is unselfishness and holiness is sacrificial unselfishness. God’s absolute holiness, His purity from any selfish motivation, keeps His love pure and keeps Him from abusing His absolute power. You’ve heard the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. God can hold absolute power without abusing it because He is holy. God is always “others-focused.” He is so focused on others that he was willing to become a human and die the death on the cross to provide the OPPORTUNITY to be restored to a relationship with God. Greater love has no one than this: that a being lay down His life for those he loves. The gift of free will to humans was not just a choice, but a necessity for them to have the capacity to love like Him. Love, in this context, is defined as doing what is best for another without requiring anything in return. This unselfishness, made possible by free will, is a key element in the human-God relationship. However, it's important to remember that free will also comes with the potential to choose selfishness. This underscores the responsibility that comes with this gift and the need for humans to use it wisely in their relationship with God. Because of our high level of being like God (we are gods (little g) in training), we must see how seriously any action we take affects others. Adam and Eve were deceived by the temptation that “you can be like God” by eating the forbidden fruit. It’s so sad, but they already were like God. Their sin caused the human race to be infected with selfishness, which is sin. This is why people don’t want just freedom. They want autonomy. Freedom means you’re free to do anything within the boundaries of right and wrong. But autonomy is where we decide what is right and wrong according to our selfish desires. We don’t want to be told that we can’t do what we want to do when we want to do it the way we want to do life. Sinners do not obey God’s laws. So what’s the problem with selfishness? Selfishness is the motivating and driving force of all sin. If you think about it, the inherent selfishness that all humans are born with IS the sin nature in all of mankind. Satan was created sinless and with free will, but he began to think more highly of himself than he should. In doing this, he filled his heart with pride. Notice that no one tempted Satan. There was no negative influence on him. He just thought he could do whatever he wanted without regard for God. He abused his free will. He thought he could make himself “Like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14, NIV). Then he used his free will to choose to be selfish. Satan is the first recorded sinner. Then he convinced a third of the angels to follow him. Then he caused the fall of the human race. Lesson #1 to be learned by living in this sin-ridden world: When you are a god your actions, good or bad, will ripple out and affect future beings under you and your domain with effects (good or bad depending on what you do) that you can’t imagine. The Bible says that those who make it to heaven will rule and reign with Christ. Revelation 5:9-10 (NKJV) And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.” 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 (NIV) If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! [Luke 12:32 KJV] 32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Lesson #2 to be learned in this life: You MUST control your thought life because, as a god, your thoughts translate to actions towards others. You could destroy others with just an impulsive thought. If God didn’t have self-control, he could have condemned us like Satan and the demons because of our sins. We would all be on our way to eternal containment in flaming torment since the human soul is immortal like God and can’t be annihilated. That is why Jesus raised the bar and said if you have hate in your heart, that’s like the sin of murder. The same goes for lust and covetousness. If you entertain sinful thoughts, it is a sin for a god. Lesson #3 to be learned in this life: Once a god, or angel, chooses sin they are instantly addicted to self. Like one cancer cell, sin grows irreversible and progressively until the being is so completely consumed with selfishness that it will be consumed with hate and rage, just like what has happened to Satan and his demons. Sin is attractive but spiritually deadly. Lesson #4 to be learned in this life: God wants humanity to learn by experience that despite man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. We all want to do good, but selfishness is like malware running in the background of our brains. We can use our focused willpower to do tremendously good deeds, but eventually, in quiet, unrestrained moments, selfishness begins to take over again. And we sin again. Just like cancer treatments, you can manage the disease for a while. But unless you get the cure (accepting Jesus is the ONLY cure for sin), the disease will pop up again in the future and continue to grow until death. And spiritual death for humans is containment in tormenting fire separated from God and others for all eternity to prevent another outbreak of sin. I have to stop for now since I have things to do. I will continue later when I get back.
@Reno_Slim 7 ай бұрын
Apologetics: The art and science of keeping one's self steeped in a god delusion.
@adventuresoflittlejohnny 7 ай бұрын
There’s no problem with evil! God created evil, unleashed it in his supposedly loved children and when, due to poor design and engineering, couldn’t withstand the onslaught of evil….he sent them all to hell. It’s a very poor engineer indeed who blames his product for his failure of design!
@atheistcomments 7 ай бұрын
Your god only exists as an imaginary character.
@roberthill4581 7 ай бұрын
Eleven Reasons Why God Allows Pain and Suffering (From the book "Answering the Hard Questions, Learning Answers to Understand and Defend the Christian Faith." SECOND EDITION) 1. Every evil act of man or men has been allowed by God as part of the gift of free will that God has given mankind. God will not tamper with our free will because if he did, then we would be robots and, therefore, not responsible for our actions. Furthermore, free will is a requirement in order for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be made by beings of free will. God made a promise to man to give him dominion over the earth, and God cannot go back on his promises. Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil seems to run rampant in our world today; ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day. 2. Pain and suffering will make us go to God, but good times, blessings, and prosperity usually keep us distracted from God. So if pain and suffering turns a person towards God it would seem logical that God allows the consequences of sin to run its normal course; into pain and suffering. Moral evil is the result of humans with free will acting on their selfish, sinful desires and lusts. 3. Just like a muscle needs resistance to be built up, likewise, adverse circumstances are needed to build up and test our faith in Christ and the Bible. Pain and suffering result from adverse circumstances. 4. God wants mankind to learn experientially that in spite of a man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. No matter who a person is or where they are in the world if they were to examine themselves and all of mankind and be honest, they would realize everyone has inherent selfishness that cannot be overcome by education, training, medications, or any other way. 5. God has allowed sin to continue so that its consequences can be seen in the lives of people throughout history. The history of the human race is a testimony as to why sin is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue into eternity; that’s why sin must be eternally separated from those who are holy. That’s why hell is real and eternal. 6. People will talk at length about the existence of God as an intellectual philosophical exercise but pain and suffering make people more serious about understanding and seeking God. Pain and suffering can draw a person to God OR a person’s pain and suffering can cause their anger to lash out and blame God. But it seems like no one wants to blame the devil for anything. 7. Satan's, Adam's, and Eve's choice to sin gives God an opportunity to display his attributes of mercy, forgiveness, and grace. God uses what is selfish and sinful and works it out for the ultimate good and for His glory. Everything that has happened and will happen is being used by God for an ultimate purpose. 8. One reason God allows evil to run its horrible course through human history is to give a glimpse of how bad the universe would get without God to intervene against sin. Do we believe in God’s Word that says the sufferings in the world are temporary? Our life on earth is but a vapor. 9. The physical world that we live in is a temporary stage of existence by which we have the opportunity to develop a faith relationship with God. The way we are now, the way we think and act towards God and others in our mortal bodies will be the way we think and act towards God and others in our immortal bodies. Do we believe God that all things are for our good even if everything appears to be bad and out of control? 10. For Christians, God sometimes uses pain and suffering to move us into action or to change. 11. The pain and suffering caused by evil is a tool to train and prepare believers for eternity where they will have an intimate personal relationship with God and rule and reign over a part of God’s kingdom. Ultimately, we are to take on the character and unselfish holy nature of God. We are to grow up and become like our heavenly father. 1 Peter 1:14-16 (NLT) tells us, “So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn't know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’” No greater love has anyone but this - that a man (or woman) lays down their life for those they love. That’s why Jesus says to take up your cross and follow after me. Deny your self. If we love Jesus with our whole heart, then we will love the world by telling them the truth of the Gospel even if they reject, persecute, and kill us. These things we could never understand or learn to do except when there is pain and suffering from sin in the world.
@atheistcomments 7 ай бұрын
You are fantasizing about imaginary characters.
@roberthill4581 7 ай бұрын
@@atheistcomments Everything has a cause. The first cause of everything must be outside of time and space. The God of the Bible is the most rational and logical first cause of everything. Your comment is irrational. Naturalism is dead. Science is disproving naturalism more and more.
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for you very helpful comments. These are great points to assist the students in this class. We appreciate your insightful and very valid points. Be blessed.
@roberthill4581 7 ай бұрын
@@atheistcomments You have been duped by Satan and the world. You are missing out on a destiny that only humans have the possibility of ever having. We were made in God's image, on his level, to have the ability to have a personal, intimate relationship with God through the God-man Jesus Christ. Marriage was created by God to give us a template for the type of relationship He wants with us IF we choose him. A woman doesn't have to accept a proposal for marriage, and we do not have to accept Christ. He is a gentleman. But sin is selfishness and selfishness, like one cancer cell, grows with time until every human being who does not accept Christ will be as evil as Satan. That is why all the lost burn in hell because it is the only way to contain immortal satanically evil beings filled with hate and rage. Eternal pain will eternally contain the lost people's thoughts and actions so that they cannot unify and break forth with their corruption again.
@jonathanross2304 7 ай бұрын
A few questions... 1. If god cannot create a place where freewill exists but evil does not exist then what is heaven? Is there freewill in heaven? Is heaven free of evil? If so, how is god able to create those conditions in heaven when you explicitly said that was impossible? I've heard people argue that the people in heaven are the ones who have freewill and exclusively use it to do good and never evil. But in that case, an omniscient god would already know ahead of time who those people were who would freely choose him and would freely choose to do no evil. Why not only create them? That seems to me a very simple way to avoid untold suffering for the billions of people that will end up falling short of heaven. Unless of course god desires that countless people suffer eternally but then I would question his benevolence. 2. You mentioned that the best rebuttal to the question of why god permits evil and suffering is to point out that god may have sufficient reason that we aren't privy to. That's fair to a certain extent but ultimately being all powerful entails the ability to actualize one's will without contingencies. So if for example a child suffers through cancer and dies... while that may sound tragic, you can always argue that god has a higher plan; a greater purpose... That the ends justify the means. But an all powerful god should be able to actualize his will and bring about his greater purpose without relying on the suffering of a child. If the suffering of a child was a necessary step, it would imply that gods powers are constrained by contingencies and this would mean he wouldn't be all powerful. If instead we say that he could have actualized his will without the child's suffering, but he chose to include it as part of his plan, he's not all loving. I've got tons more questions, but maybe we can start with those
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 7 ай бұрын
Your questions are thought-provoking and have been wrestled over for the past two thousand years. We have forwarded your questions to the class leader and he will address them at the beginning of the Lesson 6 class on June 20. Thanks for your feedback because questions such as these helps expand the understanding for all. Blessings.
@atheistcomments 7 ай бұрын
You are talking about an imaginary character. As they mentioned it's been over two thousand years and apologists still debate " Does God Exist?"
@roberthill4581 7 ай бұрын
There has been an argument in philosophical and theological circles for ages: If God created everything and knows the future for everyone, then He knows every action everyone will take. Suppose that is the case (opponents argue). In that case, there is nothing we can do differently (if we were to do something differently, that would contradict the idea that God knew what we would do). In other words, our every action and choice has already been settled in advance in the mind of God. This argument tries to portray humans as pre-programmed robots carrying out pre-determined programming. This is a clever argument in man’s mind to put the blame for sin back on God. But God can and has given free will to humans and angels. Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27b NIV) It would be illogical to send a robot to eternal punishment for merely carrying out its programming. Also, God would not suffer death on the cross for robots. He wants people to choose to love Him because they want to, not because they’re programmed to. Free will and God’s sovereignty co-exist in tension. Even though God knows the outcome of our life through our own choices, He allows humans to choose good or evil without constant intervention. In other words, He allows us to be ourselves to reveal what we really believe and want through our life choices. We, as human beings, have been given the ultimate choice. If God intervened every time man did a horrendous act, He could be accused of manipulating man’s free will. God gave man dominion over the earth, and mankind is making a mess of our world. Remember this because it is important: Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil seems to run rampant in our world today, ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day. But the mind of man is hard against God. The prevailing attitude in our society today seems to be that if there is a God, we can do just fine without Him. Out of sight is out of mind. It looks like no one understands, no one who even takes the time to try and find out if there is a God. Or if there is a God, no one wants to go to the effort to find out the truth about Him. There is no fear of God before most people’s eyes, even among many churchgoers. And why is this? Man does not want God; he wants to do his own thing and control his destiny independently. Man thinks he can determine right and wrong by himself apart from God. We want to be in control of our own lives. But more than that, we want as much control over our surroundings as possible for our benefit. That includes the people around us too. Man is born selfish. The Bible describes this state as being infected with sin. Man wants to be his own god. Man wants to control and rule because that was his original purpose. The problem is that selfishness permanently corrupts our decision-making process. Even when we think we are being unselfish in the short term, we do not see that we have been very selfish over our lifetime. Just replace the word “selfish” with the word the Bible uses: “sinful.” We can use our focused willpower to do great acts of charity for short periods. But in our quiet and unrestrained times, we all default to what we selfishly want. And there are many times when what we want is not what God wants. We are all swept away by our lusts for things such as sex, food, money, material things, drugs, and other pleasures that, when satisfied in our selfish way, can be harmful to ourselves and others-even the people we love and care about! Selfishness blinds us as to how bad we actually are. We think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. Selfishness is the ultimate in addictions. Selfishness is why the expression “absolute power corrupts absolutely” is true. So here is a truth claim I want to propose: Even a speck of sin will continue to grow inside a being of free will until they reach satanic levels of evil. To put it in simpler words, a speck of sin is the seed of a future Satan within. A human soul will eventually become satanically evil or pursue God to become unselfish, loving, and righteous like God. With enough time, every human soul will be one extreme or the other. Understanding and remembering this fact will help you understand the Bible and why God does things the way He does. It is another key point in making sense of why God has allowed sin, pain, and suffering to continue up until now. Christians need to understand that we will still have freedom of choice in the next life. Let me state this truth claim again: Christians will still have freedom of choice in the next life. God will not tamper with our freedom of choice because if He did, we would be robots and, therefore, not responsible for our actions. That is because robots are not responsible for their actions-the one who programmed them is responsible. In other words, if there is no freedom of choice, then you cannot hold a person responsible for their actions. It would not be right for God to judge the world without free will. Furthermore, freedom of choice is a requirement for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be made by beings of free will. If God intervened every time man did a horrendous act, God could be accused of manipulating man’s free will. Now the world does not like that. They want immediate justice from God against evil. But God gave man dominion over the earth. Mankind could have made the earth a paradise, but man’s sins have made our planet full of suffering and misery. And because we are told in the Bible that the saints will have positions of reigning over others in the future, Christians must realize that once they are in their new resurrection bodies, they cannot choose to sin because, like Adam, they will corrupt themselves, the domain they are to rule over, and the subjects under them. Adam was given reign over a domain, the earth. But man was separated from God when he fell into sin and lost eternal life. He lost the powers and abilities God gave him to rule with. Nature no longer had God’s unlimited power and hand of control on it but was left to follow the second law of thermodynamics, where everything breaks down with time. That was the beginning of what theologians call natural evil. Natural evil is seen in the world where storms, earthquakes, famines, and other non-moral phenomena inflict pain, suffering, destruction, and death. Death and disease corrupted the whole domain that Adam had authority over. Even the animals suffered death, disease, and natural evils because their head (Adam) had sinned. But God has a plan to save us if we want Him and accept Jesus as our Lord and savior and become holy like Him. It is all possible but men love darkness rather than light because they like their earthly pleasures rather than the destiny that could be theirs through Christ. There will always be free will in heaven because love is a choice and choices can only be made by beings of free will.
@roberthill4581 7 ай бұрын
In regards to point #2 that you made, no human ever dies. They transition into eternity. Read my post on the eleven reasons why God allows pain and suffering at this time OR get my book "Answering the Hard Questions, Learning Answers to Understand and Defend the Christian Faith." SECOND EDITION)
@jonathanross2304 7 ай бұрын
@@roberthill4581 that doesn't remotely answer my question. Now if youre saying that wasn't the official answer but you do have the real answer, good for you. You must be pretty special. But if that answer is hidden behind a paywall, or can only be found if we buy your merch, shame on you, you're a grifter.
@dmsdad6866 8 ай бұрын
You find the NSAB superior to the Harper Collins, brought to us by The Society of Biblical Literature?
@dmsdad6866 8 ай бұрын
Nobody here knows Timothy is a forgery? Whats the word? Pseudopigraphy? Attributed to Paul but known not to be written by "the" Paul. Odd place to begin, but hey,...I'm here for the show
@galaxymetta5974 Жыл бұрын
The bible has lots of self contradictory verses, starting from genesis. So it cannot be divine.
@kevinpritchard3592 2 жыл бұрын
Another great study, lots of great gold in this one. Thanks to all of the participants.
@kevinpritchard3592 2 жыл бұрын
Great study session
@kevinpritchard3592 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Dave and Annette, good to be back in Puerto Rico and enjoyed when you summarized Colossians this past Sunday at church. Was sitting down for morning coffee and thought I would check out the more in depth study. WOW, great job and a great way to start my day, thanks. God Bless.
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your encouragement. We are blessed and in awe of the discussions that arise during these sessions. The Holy Spirit is growing us together. Please let us know if you need any past worksheets, etc. Be blessed. Dave and Annette
@horaceboone2817 2 жыл бұрын
@manda6619 2 жыл бұрын
I pray everyday the 1 Vax isn't the mark and I pray daily God forgives
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Manda. It is great to hear from you and I hope to encourage you. Absolutely, God forgives. You will never have to worry about that. You cannot out-sin the grace and mercy of God when you believe on Jesus Christ, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension to the Father where He sits to intercede for us, defending us as His. Regarding the mark of the beast. Please be assured that by receiving the vax, you have not received the mark of the beast. These things have to occur first and have not yet occurred. The antichrist will establish a treaty for Israel that is unprecedented. The temple will be rebuilt on the temple mount in Jerusalem. The antichrist will then break the treaty with Israel and establish himself as god and set up an idol of himself in the temple to force people to worship. At this point, those who remain on the earth will be forced to make a decision: Take the mark of the beast or refuse the mark and die. No one will accidently get the mark and not know that it happened. The vax is not the mark but, our personal opinion is that it is the beginning of conditioning us to be ready for forced procedures, etc. This study will continue through the book of Revelation and we encourage you to continue to listen to them to learn Biblical truths. Nette and Dave
@manda6619 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have a video on the mark? I get so nervous stupidly getting the 1st Vax
@davebodi325 2 жыл бұрын
Good morning Manda . We do not have a video on that. I’m sure Lane will get into that a bit down the road. We do not know all of the answers but we do believe that taking the mark will be a conscience decision to align with the Antichrist and not something you have no idea you are doing. We do feel like the events surrounding it recent history are conditioning people to be ready for something like this. If you email [email protected], I can email you some pages from our personal study we conducted on Revelation. I will also caution you that I have been hearing the end times were coming any minute since the 60s. We may be close or God may keep this world going for a couple hundred more years. Be blessed and stay in the Word.
@jandrost4664 2 жыл бұрын
WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN You are born again when you are like Jesus. Then you are sinless 1 John 2: 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. 6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. We must be born again! Then Jesus has baptized you with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit do not let you sin anymore!!! To become born again you have to repent and ask Jesus forgiveness for your sins or ask Jesus in your heart! A really born again Christian has no future sins!! He is perfect, righteous and the light of the world. Please study : 1 John 3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8, Gal 5, Eph 4 , Eph 5 and Titus 2:14
@stutteringdisciple1919 3 жыл бұрын
Earlier in the video you mentioned people in the bible who died not keeping the faith or in unbelief at death. Could you list out who those people are? Thankyou.
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for reviewing our KZbin channel and your question. A copy of the transcript for this lesson can be found on our website www.THBBF.ORG under Life Resources and Notes. Or here is link directly to notes: 858582ab-488a-43ae-8182-54ddb7a2caf8.filesusr.com/ugd/105e0f_0599fe043c1f4687bfbaab2396684c25.pdf This lesson was developed and presented by one of our fellowship members Lane Casteix. I forwarded your question to him to answer. Thanks again for viewing and your question. Please feel free to ask any question. Dave and Annette Bodi
@KnowingGodVerseByVerse 3 жыл бұрын
Lane has suggested an answer to your question above. Please review page 2 of the notes supplied in the link to see examples of people who died not keeping the faith. While David lost fellowship with God for a time, he repented and regained this fellowship prior to death. Others like Ananias and Sapphira, if indeed true believers, died immediately in their lie to the Holy Spirit. While some argue that Ananias and Sapphira were not true believers, they were indeed members of the early church and if they were not believers, how would they have the Holy Spirit to lie to? These are all questions that you will find many differing answers to across writers of Bible Commentary.
@stutteringdisciple1919 3 жыл бұрын
@@KnowingGodVerseByVerse thankyou
@stutteringdisciple1919 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome video🙌🏽
@hafsahnizam9054 3 жыл бұрын
3:18 ۞―i̳P̳h̳o̳n̳e̳ 1̳2̳ P̳r̳o̳ G̳i̳v̳e̳a̳w̳a̳y̳―۞ ➡️➡️️ 》》 kzbin.info/www/bejne/amrQqKdsqJ5ol7s 《《 -----------------^^----------------- ♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1620818627