IAEA was given a Hobson's choice (a limited choice) by japan government, ie only one choice, no other option to evaluate or compare, so IAEA can only choose to pass it or reject it. In a way, this peculiar choice is very disrespectful to IAEA (including not much respect to the Director and special team for the project) yet IAEA chose to accept the project but seems not willing to be held responsible: in the report foreword, IAEA Director said the report is neither recommendation nor endorsement of japan's policy to dump nuclear water into the sea, but that the action fulfills technical requirement and consistent with international standard. Common sense indicate that IAEA is not entirely satisfied and does not have full or total confidence in Japan's project by giving a qualification statement , ie, neither recommend nor endorse Japan's policy. By unilaterally pushing through this project almost without prior consultation with related stakeholders and most countries, Japan is also showing great disrespect to its own nationals, the people in the neighbouring countries and the entire world and Japan ignore the well being of mankind with this project carrying great inherent or potential health risk ever since human existence! and now Japan try hard to suppress protests and wish to ignore other country's free will and force other countries to import and consume its seafood. It is too disappointing to find that Japan government embarking on barbaric behaviour which could only tarnish the well behaved and nice mannered image of Japanese people after the second world war.