@taopearl2976 19 күн бұрын
Ricky Rebel has an ONLYFANS page.
@taopearl2976 19 күн бұрын
Ricky Rebel has an ONLYFANS page.
@taopearl2976 19 күн бұрын
Ricky Rebel has an ONLYFANS page.
@taopearl2976 19 күн бұрын
Ricky Rebel has an ONLYFANS page.
@ssunkite1 20 күн бұрын
This dude drank the cool aid by stating that the Republican party is the stupid party. He lost all my respect. Enough of this Bozo. Unsubscribed.
@kaybrown7733 22 күн бұрын
Imagine insulting, belittling, and being condescending to women, then saying, "Your feelings aren't valid." Gee, I wonder why sane women don't like you. 😂
@kaybrown7733 22 күн бұрын
The definition is what it is. You simply don't like the definition because it makes you look bad.
@synchronium24 19 күн бұрын
If the common definition is correct, then most self-identified feminists aren't real feminists and most people who don't identify as feminists are real feminists.
@Canadian_Skeptical Ай бұрын
if the Democratic Party isn't stupid, all this illegal immigrationis a good idea
@neptunemeditation Ай бұрын
The British invented Clothing Manufacturing. The Jet Engine, The Phone and the Internet. And antibiotics. So give me your phone take off your clothes, when you get sick don’t be calling for help or complaining about it on the Internet.. And you you are grounded. The British can win this ridiculous idea every time. Because they invented and crafted our entire modern world and even felt guilty about it afterwards for you all! You cannot just pick and choose from our inventions and craftsmanship and science and phenomenal chemistry beyond Human comprehension when you feel like it ! Just NO. So give everything a British stamp of approval and give credit where credit is due! Thank you 🇬🇧 Oh and be sure to look at the Inventors and designers of every single piece of electronic equipment in your Studio. I’ve been an Audio Engineer for over 2 decades and know every single one of them. Let’s just say In the most polite and respectful way possible that ‘black music’ doesn’t exist under the Cultural Appropriation theory. 🇬🇧 Can I ask when you were looking through the ancestry did you find that Barack Obama is Rhesus RH Negative blood type? AB- 2 of my ex girlfriends were AB- and they are only one in 300 people. RH negative people are only one in ten people worldwide. He’s about as ‘black’ as an Albino Polar Bear 🐻‍❄️ Skin colour is the surface. Blood Groups and Ancestry Family Records are the truth and tell you who your actual ‘brothers and sisters’ are, and let’s just warn here right now that it might be a bit of a shock to you if you go down that route. Judging people by their current skin colour is literally one of the most ridiculous and absurd things a Human can ever do. The British knew this when they ended Slavery and saved the lives of every non white Human on Earth by beating the Germans. Does anyone even thank them for any of these things? 🤔 Most people don’t even KNOW these things let alone pay them any appreciation or respect for these things!
@user-qy9bh5dp3h 2 ай бұрын
very thoughtful
@nashiPAGE 2 ай бұрын
I feel like we need to tear down the connection of outward appearance and expression with sex. Any type of clothes, makeup, muscularity, etc., etc. shouldn't associate much at all to any sex. We are born male, female, or intersex, and however you want to express yourself beyond that is fine. We need to stop bullying for people that express themselves in different ways, we need to all foster respect and appreciation for each other and our differences and similarities. If people feel free to express however they wanted, would transgenderism be an issue? I don't know. I'd like to discuss! I kind of wonder how much of it is a result of large societal pressures towards expression based on sex, and if that is what causes dysphoria. I wonder if it's just built on how we try to dictate how one should behave based on sex. It's a complicated topic for sure...
@allansmith3837 2 ай бұрын
We could do with a President Putin here in Britain rather than the spineless people we have. Britain is now just another American vassal state.
@stanzavik 2 ай бұрын
8:22 -- Economic prosperity, eh?
@wheeloftime-hl7pb 2 ай бұрын
just one thing westerners seem to forget : in america (and western europe), the autocrats are in the shadows
@IJS_AI 3 ай бұрын
This conversation seems indirect and unproductive, even though it's about something important. It's like when a parent tries to talk to their kid's friends who are more interested in watching popular online streams without a clear reason.
@marwar819 3 ай бұрын
It's insanity that declining birthrate is a problem for an over populated country with over a billion people.
@johnmason1239 3 ай бұрын
I like the premise of your channel, but your video& title a yr ago on why Putin will never be removed is Vwrong. If Putin is kicked out of Crimea the dynamics will definitely change& the 🇺🇸foreign aid bill which just passed the Trumpers will help& Ukrainian will have a far more equal balance of air support etc. There was alot of mixing up of coups & revolutions. A revolution is a fundamental change from top to bottom which the Bolsheviks & Maoists did& is still ongoing in CCP China Vs Uighirs& Buhhdists, students in Hong Kong etc who fight for universal rights, democracy is a norm globally in most of Eastern Europe& in Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines,India various form of parliamentary democracy are seen as normal& thou not perfect are supported by Hindus& Buhhdists as well as Christians +Jews& are becoming normal in many muslim states+Vietnam. Totalitarian states rarely reform, coups done via reformists as bloodless as possible seem to be the only way, the end of the USSR was done almost bloodlessy, unfortunately Yeltsin botched it......... Iam part Ukrainian, part Polish with Jewish&Russia relatives& mainly British, thou most of my Jewish relatives were murdered in WW2& I learnt this from my family, university & all my 49 yrs, I also have many Muslim friends& I was v involved for several decades in cooperstives& revolutionary politics until I finally realised if we took the occupy movement further there could easily be mass bloodshed in 2010 even with a peaceful revolution, a coup on the other hand goes more toward the norm& globalised society is not a bad thing. Sadly many on the left& right see globalisation as a bad thing, it can be of course but while democracies are more on top we should drive that forward, living under dictatorship& surviving death camps like my mum& aunt did in WW2+ the famines before& after & Soviet system like the CCP are far worse than anything a parliamentary democracy has done& we should never take that for granted.
@johnmason1239 3 ай бұрын
If Putin is kicked out of Crimea the dynamics will definitely change. Some in comments here are mixing up coups with revolutions. A revolution is a fundamental change from top to bottom which the Bolsheviks & Maoists did& is still ongoing in CCP China Vs Uighirs& Buhhdists, students in Hong Kong etc who fight for universal rights, democracy is a norm globally in most of Eastern Europe& in Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines,India various form of parliamentary democracy are seen as normal& thou not perfect are supported by Hindus& Buhhdists as well as Christians +Jews& are becoming normal in many muslim states+Vietnam. Totalitarian states rarely reform, coups done via reformists as bloodless as possible seem to be the only way, the end of the USSR was done almost bloodlessy, unfortunately Yeltsin botched it. Iam part Ukrainian, part Polish with Jewish&Russia relatives& mainly British, thou most of my Jewish relatives were murdered in WW2& I learnt this from my family, university & all my 49 yrs.
@alonzocarle6037 3 ай бұрын
@39:45 It sounds great, but who gets to decide what "best" and "worst" are? It's a dangerous place. It's sad people can't regulate THEMSELVES! I could, with free speech, say terrible and horrible things, but I SHOULD have the common decency to not take it too far. When people go too far, they should be shunned by their peers, but to say we should develop certain types of thoughts or speech away, I'm just not comfortable with that. It's a tough spot.
@catchmonster 3 ай бұрын
I for one do not think that state power needs to be always in war game to be in power! Putin is a smart guy! And Russians do learn and change. And as any other society, they all go through phases. It would be nice change if these "insiders" actually explain how bad the west and nato are... So don't sweet small thing!
@sallyharrison8265 4 ай бұрын
I have really enjoyed this conversation! I have recentley discovered Douglas. After oct 7th, what a champion for israel. God will smile on him. I pray everyday for his safety. Thank you both and will follow you!😊
@sallyharrison8265 4 ай бұрын
It's Murray....
@davidfoster2006 4 ай бұрын
Russia is the World’s biggest jail.
@robdm9838 4 ай бұрын
Why is this a question? Imagine white people taking back everthing invented by whites... haha holy shit.
@cog-review 4 ай бұрын
Q1: Wait professor Haidt, I have a question specifically about that: How do you delineate, because you're looking at suicide rates of girls using Instagram vs. girls who are not using? [41:19] [41:41] How is your mental health % time at Church vs. Social, no stats to delineate depression/suicide/self-harm in correlation with addiction to social media, only companies have that information.. No they don't have it because anytime any one tries to post information to #help those suffering from depression/suicidal thoughts is blocked, I've tried & instead get black screen w/ suicide hotline. How is what JH proposing [age limit] not only increasing legislation to further isolate an already hurting underbelly in society? Kind of like the peanut allergy epidemic from incorrect advise to avoid, or the drivers from over heightening parents' awareness of #missing children of the 1990's crime wave that led to children never leaving the house, hence addiction to indoor/sedentary activities like social media which are making kids more anti-social and less inclined to communicate with others? Economics 101, the greater the government tries to influence markets the more black markets will pop up & this will make an already messy situation become exceedingly complicated. 2015 was seeing influencers like Jack Ma telling people in their 40's that it's all downhill & how they need to step aside for younger 20 year olds to have a shot at success, probably reliving his childhood struggles, but he basically kept telling people that most people are dying or dead by 50; att I thought it was the most looney PSA by anyone ever. But then a few years later I worked w/ a woman in her 70's and she mentioned how when she was 40, the #government had labeled her as a #protected class against ageism hiring practices in the workplace.. so maybe Jack Ma wasn't completely off base. But who knows really, because for the longest time, the propaganda was look ppl are living longer than ever!! Which is all to say, stats are meaningless because we can massage it to say anything we want based on the constraints we place on them..right now parents like Jonathan is fear based not hope based prospects for his kids, which is no different to what led to peanut allergy & now obesity/disengagement/self-harm/addiction to seclusion. Haidt fails to care or include Millennials because in his words "you don't count" basically you're not my concern, I only care about my family ergo I'm only here to protect their age groupings. But that kind of dismissive attitude makes him the kind of person society should not cater to as well--because his tunnel vision will not consider how large swats of society disproves his theory. If you #listen closely, he wants overnight solutions that you can extrapolate progression/improvement to mental health, whereas GOD looks right into our heart's desires and is committed to chasing us till we fall down in exhaustion [hitting proverbial rock bottom]. It's no surprise that those who give their lives to GOD are the very same people who report to having done every known drug &/or sleeping with half the country before they came to HIM in humbled brokenness. #prodigalchild: At the end of the day, who are you going to believe GOD or man? CREATOR of the Universe, WHO is letting us reject truth & pursue our own ideation for how to live life--thus proving our inadequacy & need for HIM. Lesson here is the more society turns its back on GOD & go against HIS guidance then the more we behave like animals [eat/sleep/procreate/kill], rather than image bearers who're guided by higher calling to care for one another, exclude no one
@cog-review 4 ай бұрын
[31:50] WOW Instagram gets you thinking about how to #not be present, instead focus on how to frame it, once was on a trip with friends who constantly did that. [33:44] TicToc interactive extremely addictive, Tumblr anonymous, you're looking at mental health & social media: Have you done cross platform comparisons? Weird morality comes from Tumblr [35:15 furthest left] not community that was connected, nurtured shared concern on particular issue, fan world very political: this i think might help explain first why these ideas they were not there on campus in 2012 or i should say they were contained in about five departments as they have been for decades but suddenly they just poured out everywhere 2014/15. I think it's credible that Tumblr played a role as like nurturing the particular virus that then sort of took over universities, so Tumblr I think was the worst for that. Boys video games & youtube vs. Girls Instagram/Pinterest/Tumblr [35:53] Conversely at the other end let's look at LinkedIn, so Angel you said all these good things happened: You met all these people, now you could have met them on LinkedIn, although LinkedIn is more for older more professional people than artsy millennials.. LOL internet is fire [essential] Social is a chainsaw that requires skill & discipline to utilize for good. [37:00 instagram is bad chainsaw/LinkedIn good tool] Interesting: Lack of self-control is the business driver for industries that do not have age restrictions. Haidt says social/alcohol/gambling notorious need these restraints because he attributes children are suffering tremendous depression/anxiety/suicides. [38:30] ...we didn't know letting little girls post videos of them dancing would attract all these men oggling then trying to contact them, we already have restrictions on kids who can't buy cigarettes/prostitutes/drive/work.. fact that suicide rates doubled, self-harm in girls tripled, we have a catastrophe: Hospital admission gone up 200% Canada/UK/USA -- more than 30% girls are damaged, poll mothers who frequently admit daughter is suicidal. Therefore need age restriction with enforcement, lots of industries have done it. [41:19] No clear stats to link those who go to Church > Social are less suicidal, only companies have that information. No because they block ppl from posting that kind of admission, I know because any time I try to post information to help those who are depressed, it gets blocked because it tries to target that group.
@user-kr8un5xf4e 4 ай бұрын
Karens targeting white people 😂
@nebwachamp 5 ай бұрын
@DHigable 5 ай бұрын
@johnwatts8346 6 ай бұрын
a woman simply cannot ever be neil armstrong or henry ford or mick jagger etc, but getting to be his wife is a lot better deal in life than 95+% of men ever get, if we have 'even the playing field' for you, then youre NOT 'competing equally' at all are you- youre using the golf handicap system, which is never used in real deal competitive golf, but is only used at f around / social / club level.
@johnwatts8346 6 ай бұрын
bryan is cool and really bright obviously and speaks much sense, but open borders is madness imo.
@ievgenmajor3301 6 ай бұрын
He is so protecting ruzzia. So many words to get ruzzia as separate actor from whom kill hundred thousand people. It is so ruzzian style. Just say: ruzzia is a terrorists state . But he will not. Country of liers, murderers and thieves.
@ievgenmajor3301 6 ай бұрын
Ruzzia is a terrorists state.
@scottc3165 6 ай бұрын
I just listened to Monica's interview with Benjamin Klutsey. Very impressive. From a stodgy old white guy that loves freedom, individuality and conservative values - I wish you luck and will give you support whenever I can. Much love.
@thecelt471 6 ай бұрын
Never listen to jazz or any music. Just a waste of time. I have work to do and goals in life. Why not appropriate that into your culture?
@exaggeratedswaggerofablackteen 2 ай бұрын
You'll be mind-blown by this life-changing hack : you can do multiple things at once (including - but not limited to - walking whilst breathing or listening to music while working).
@kws1957 6 ай бұрын
Over hundred years of dictatorship makes it hard to rise up.
@ithararivari3703 6 ай бұрын
The problem is those internal threats do exist, why Ukraine was invaded - they let NATO solders to step foot on land of our common ancestors, they attacked our Soviet people, which weren't agreed to diverse to policies implied by metropolia. People that had strong bond with Russia. Konstantin is a smart man, but he long time haven't been in Russia. Russian people do change like all the rest of the world. As he said don't come to us and teach us how to live. I say we have our own view on world future and facts, as any other independent country's. What he said is true we have all reasons fear and not to trust NATO, they rejected all our offers to build common safe unity, and spread disinformation on our soil, building rusofobic atmosphere in our neighborhood.
@HealerTheMaroon 6 ай бұрын
🦝 🦝 ngas always wanna be fair
@muhfuggus 6 ай бұрын
The title of your video is highly offputting to any intelligent person. I assume from the other comments that you’re referring to the concept of American bias against blacks. If you visit other countries, you will note that cultural friction of every conceivable type exists everywhere. Give your viewers intellectual arguments in order to win others over with your perspective.
@Shiwanokia-oo1nq 6 ай бұрын
The totalitarianism is emanating from the WEF /UN all under the guise of saving the planet.
@kevinalmiron8693 6 ай бұрын
Feminism does believe that men are treated better by society than women do when actually the opposite is true.
@troycarpenter4913 7 ай бұрын
How does a chainsaw monitor you & the things you do ?
@etiennedelaunois1737 7 ай бұрын
Black americans influenced the music for all the 20th century. White people mixed with that and it make all that music even bigger. It was the only moment in the US when white and black mixed. It is not appropriation, it is called sharing. Im so happy to not be american because I think that the nation is suffering from its history. A genocide, followed by slavery and segregation are part of the foundation of the country. The US looks very divided and lost for the moment. Segregation stopped in 69-70 legally. People from that era are still alive today! No wonder that there is still an influence from this. You guys need a man like Madela. A man that will bring forgiveness and will focus on building a future. Colour blind society is horrible. A society that is aware of its difference and uses that as a strenght is a winner! Jazz is that! Django Reinhart, all the nordic musicians, the cuban, the arabic,... All of them took jazz black american music and used their difference as a strength. Then all sorts of people around the world listen to their music and loved it. Music is universal. We can all create one that is influenced by our background, and every human being can understand it, whatever their background is.
@SaidAhmad 7 ай бұрын
Question: isn’t the apotheosis of humanity the first step in the disparagement of the value of the other species, we share this planet with? Isn’t there a danger with this viewpoint of the creation of an unfortunate measure of hubris that places humans, as a species, so far, above all other species, that any kind of cruelty or planned elimination of a species can be argued as necessary for the benefit and advancement of humanity? As a person who loves all animals for their own sake, and admires them for their unique contributions to the planet. I’m not sure I want to take this step…😢
@vagabundood 7 ай бұрын
Can you do one but with British now 😂😂😂?
@OhLaurenBaby 7 ай бұрын
I think the cultural left and cultural right are stupid... So many social issues have been made out to be black and white on both sides. I would argue more so on the right.... Abortion... For example.
@coalitionfortruth2390 7 ай бұрын
What if all the teenagers had during Covid lockdown was a library card and an entire room filled with books? How different would the world be?
@Christie197 7 ай бұрын
Not anymore there isn’t
@juliuswallace6783 7 ай бұрын
It all boils down to the aspect of culture. Culture is a determining factor of style of political leadership in every nation. I believe that democracy is suited for the west, but in places like China and Russia (these two countries especially), democracy has but the faintest chance of functioning. This is why Xi resorted to the coining 'socialism with Chinese characteristics', because he understood that the Imperial times associated with the traditions within brought a sense of unity coupled with a strong leader. And to simply affirm what Konstantin said.. Russia will probably never change because of its bloody history of being overrun multiple times by its enemies. Western culture in certain areas needed to be voluntarily adopted, not necessarily forced. this is why you see a failure of democratic values in African countries, its a cultural issue.
@offshoretomorrow3346 7 ай бұрын
is it humanly possible to dislike Jonathan Haidt?