@sadmarcus 20 сағат бұрын
I immediately went to the site to buy that neighborhood story! Thanks so much for the tip!!!
@zachberry4742 2 күн бұрын
Mizz crow today. Lmao
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 omg too true
@miyayume_eclectic_dream 2 күн бұрын
🙆‍♀️You read THE HORIZON. I am happy. That one with ripped my heart. I can't thing about it without getting teary again.
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
Right?! It’s really good but like oof left me with so much pain!! 😭
@mangaroyale 2 күн бұрын
Your Lie in April was the only manga I can recall that really made me devastated. For some reason I don't really get that emotion from manga lol. I feel like I Want to Eat Your Pancreas gets recommended to me all of the time and I have yet to read it. I'm not sure, the mood just isn't there yet but one day! I have the Junji Ito version of No Longer Human already so I think I'll just read that one. The one you talked about sounds like it's just going to frustrate me 😂 sorry!!
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
No Longer Human (this version) Yes, will probably frustrate you but also intrigue you…more than I can say of Ito’s version…for me anyway lol 😂 but since you have it better at least read it this spooky season!!
@mangaroyale 2 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz Haha we'll see. There's so many other reads I have planned. If I do, I'll let you know what I think of it as someone who hasn't read the original!
@michaelcowan285 2 күн бұрын
I’m not sure what it says about me, but I would like to check out all of these titles.😅 I have read Junji Ito’s version of No Longer Human and I had no idea that there was another manga adaptation of it! I’ll get into that later on in my comment, which be forewarned, is probably going to be lengthy even by my standards.😂 All three of these I wouldn’t say I would particularly enjoy reading, but I would absolutely put myself through them for the experience. Not all stories are happy. Life is not always happy. There’s a lyric in a Broken Bells song that has really resonated and stuck with me ever since I first heard it, "there’s no shortcut to a dream, it's all blood and sweat and life is what you manage in between." These stories are important. There’s a whole swath of human experiences that are devastating and very real. Ignoring them or pretending like they don’t happen or don’t exist does no good to anyone. Fiction is an excellent medium to explore the sadder and upsetting aspects of life. It may break your heart and leave you feeling empty inside, but ultimately it’s easier to recover from than when those things happen in real life. These stories can also act as an emotional sign post to help us deal with and guide us through the terrible things that we all will inevitably have to face at one point or another. Anyone whose ever dealt with any kind of depression will know that there's a sort of comfort in reading or listening to sad things. It's a comradery of sort. We're not alone, other people have been there before and there's a way out, even if we can't see it. These stories can help us find the strength and vision to navigate our way out. Unfortunately it's a bit of a double edged sword as they can also tip the despairing off the knife's edge into the chasm that depression can often feel like. But it takes a spectrum to create light, each one important in its own way as the next! Without one aspect there is no color, there is no warmth, there is no life! They are also thought provoking. They make us face uncomfortable truths and harsh realities They encourage empathy and demonstrate how actions can affect consequences. Mindfulness and awareness are things that should always be encouraged. I kinda wish I would have skipped the spoilers for I Want to Eat Your Pancreas because I am absolutely going to pick it up at some point and read! However, I don't think you said anything that I couldn't discern from the title and the synopsis. I don't want to go too much into detail because I don't want this comment turning into a pity party, but I have had similar experiences. However, I do feel the need to give a little context to one of the events that this story reminded me of… In the fall of 2011 my Grandma on my Mom's side was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She lived in the NYC area which is about 6 hours from where my family lives. My Mom had driven up there as soon as my Grandma had started complaining about being sick to get her to go see a doctor, (Stubbornness runs rampant in my family😅) and once she was diagnosed, my Mom decided to stay up there. Months went by and then around midway through December my Mom called us up and told us that if we wanted to see our Grandmother again, now was the time. I was working a job at the time where when I told them about the situation they agreed to give me however much time I needed off to go see her, my sister was on Christmas break in college, and my Dad had a fair amount of PTO and an understanding boss as well. So the three of us headed up there to say our goodbyes. When we got there, (she had been in home hospice care for awhile already) she was barely responsive. But she was a tough old woman and she held on for another two weeks before finally passing. For those two weeks though it was a struggle watching her suffer. I remember how labored each breath was, one raspy, desperate gasp followed by an unnerving pause that made you wonder if that was the last one, only for the battle to resume one, two, three, five, seven seconds later. An eternity between breaths. She had one brief lucid moment where I came into the room and everyone was gathered around her. She was sitting up and smiling and I remember her saying, Mikey! It's so good to see you! Then less than 20 minutes later she was slumped back in her bed, struggling against the inevitable. At that point, my job saw me working a 5 p.m. to roughly 5 a.m. shift, so I was on a nocturnal schedule, and I spent the nights sat by her side talking to her, rubbing her back and doing whatever I thought could make her comfortable while everyone else slept. When she did pass, I remember going through a gamut of conflicting emotions. Sorrow, loss, relief… I know that sounds horrible, but so is seeing someone you love slowly dying for two weeks straight! On one of those nights while I was sitting alone feeling introspective, I picked up my notebook that I took with me every where back then and started to write. I don't know what I would call what I wrote. It wasn't a story nor was it a poem, it was just my thoughts kinda laid out onto the page. It really helped me deal with some of what I was going through and I think it helped my family too. Whenever I know someone is going through a particularly hard time or grieving I like to show them what I wrote and I think for the most part that it has helped. If you read all of this and reply, let me know if you would like me to post it either as a separate comment or as a reply to this one. I'd be happy to, especially if it can help someone out who might be going through similar struggles. Ok, on to No Longer Human… I totally agree with you about Yozo. He is a despicable human being throughout the story. I did feel a little sorry for him at times, especially early on. In Junji Ito's adaptation, he is also r*ped several times as a young boy, and also has a broken home life with a seemingly absentee mother and abusive father. You can see the foundations of the monster he becomes early in life. That being said, it still does not excuse his behavior. He utterly destroys every woman he meets and is directly responsible for the deaths of at least half a dozen people. He shows guilt and a deep self loathing that felt somewhat reminiscent of Dostoyevsky’s, Crime and Punishment. Like he felt himself so unworthy of anything positive that he constantly dove head first into self-destructive behavior and was determined, perhaps unconsciously to drag everyone around him down with him. I also got the sense that the story was told with his perspective being that of an unreliable narrator. For example, the scene with his wife and his editor is different in Ito's version. In that one, she sleeps with him to try and get Suzo's manga published. She feels like she has no choice and Suzo and his shitty friend see it through the window but let it happen. Suzo says that he deserves it because he's a piece of shit and also has been sleeping around with whoever he feels like, but is unable to forgive her. This is where I started to question whether the incident even happened at all because 1) Suzo was heavily intoxicated at all times at that point in the story and full of self loathing and suspicion, and 2) his wife was so dedicated to him it just felt so out of character for her to entertain the idea of sleeping with another man ever! I thought it was possible that he fabricated it as a way to feed his narcissistic ego by framing his wife as willing to sacrifice anything for him and as a way to justify his own abhorrent behavior. It is also possible that the other manga version is what happened, but he interpreted it as her cheating on him so that he could blame her and give himself a reason to justify the abhorrent things he was doing. It was definitely an interesting read, and like I said in another comment I left when I was reading it, you could teach a college level course on the psychology and reasons for the events chronicled within. If you ever want to read all three versions to compare and analyze them, I'll take that ride with you! I'm definitely going to read the last one as well! I did skip the spoilers for that one so I don't have anything to say about it. There's a good possibility that I'll come back to this video and leave another really long comment after I read it though!🤣 If you or anyone else takes the time to read through all of this, thank you so much for humoring me!😅 And remember, no matter how dark the night there's still a multitude of stars waiting behind the clouds to light your path once more!
@lizzychurro7701 2 күн бұрын
I think I cried for at least an hour after watching the I Want to Eat Your Pancreas movie
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
I haven’t watched the movie yet! I want to, but don’t want to be emotionally destroyed again…🥲
@lizzychurro7701 2 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz another series that absolutely destroyed me was Orange. Idk what was going on with me but I didn’t stop crying a single minute of the 12 episodes. My friend read the manga and said the show is a very faithful adaptation, so you should watch or read it and let me know what you think!
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
@@lizzychurro7701 that one is on my to read list, but since I’ve been warned of the feels it’s hard to actually pick it up now 😅🤣
@Tober2000 2 күн бұрын
Welp, adding No longer human on my to read list lol.
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
I’d say I hope you enjoy…but well 😅🤣
@ilvanime01 2 күн бұрын
I haven't read the I want to eat your pancreas manga but I watched the movie and it certainly surprised me, didn't make me cry I don't think (don't really remember) but it left me in shock. Wasn't expecting her to die the way she dies. I do plan on reading the manga to see if it has more included in it than the movie did, I felt their relationship was a bit lacking in the movie. Read no longer human a long time ago, it's a bit of a blur but I remember feeling really off by the end, like I was drained. the Junji Ito version doesn't make me feel anything. And the Horizon was just bleak
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
So funny bc I have yet to watch the movie, but I’ve also been curious how it would compare! I’m definitely curious so I should watch it myself Yeah, that’s how it left me feeling too like drained, and empty so hard to really put it into words unless you also experienced but definitely a unique feeling…and same the Junji Ito version doesn’t make me feel anything other than anger towards the main character (like at least I had more complex feelings towards this version).
@donjon8413 2 күн бұрын
I love the commitment to the crying bit 😂 I read the Horizon (not a manga but a manwha?) a while back because the art style attracted me but it was a rough ride emotionally 😭
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 thank you! Oh yeah such a rough ride, and yeah that art style is well done and compliments the story/point of view of the boy so well!!
@miyayume_eclectic_dream 3 күн бұрын
I love your video!! I was YESTERDAY for just one day to CONNICHI 2024. I bought no manga as I read all on english but got introdused in some 5vol-long-finished mangas. I got dvd with eng subs House of Five Leaves I heard it very good and true has unique anime art. I watched ep 1 and liked it. I bought for 5€ a cool artist print that is inspired by all movies from GHIBLI done on a tote bag. But I did get some artprints and poster and some beautiful hair assessories🙀 . I am no keychain person or stickers. Love acryl stands BUT just sertain characters [5 in total]. Favorite are shikishi bord and can buy tones 💖 . I could spent all 3 days at convention. I love crouded it so fun to see so many being excited and the ques are so much fun.
@MizzMangaChatz 2 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!! And sounds like a ton of fun at this convention especially the Ghibli tote bag that sounds really cool 💕
@dawnk.8927 4 күн бұрын
I think this was a fair explanation of the whole con experience lol. It was for sure overwhelming in the artist alley and exhibit areas at times, and I also was so confused by the lack of seating in that particular food court area 😂 Oh and I didn’t make it to that other room of tables you mentioned either but my sister did, it was essentially a bunch of video game setups (probably like DDR, Smash, etc) and tabletop/board games you could play as well. That used to be combined in the exhibit hall area towards the back or right if I remember correctly so it was a good move to get its own space this year. I feel like most other mangatubers only ever talk about AnimeExpo so I’m glad you went to ANYC and shared your experience! Both the good and less-good lol. I have to 100% agree again that the Yen booth was my favorite to buy manga at. I didn’t realize Seven Seas had a discount Sunday, I kind of skipped over their section once I saw it was all for retail price. It was their first time at ANYC I think, so maybe next year we can see a bit more of a fun experience from them too. I work in Manhattan and had heard of that pier/garden space you mentioned but haven’t made it there yet, but now I’ve made it a goal to check it out while the weather is still warm!
@MizzMangaChatz 4 күн бұрын
Oh wow ok well good to know! I’m not really a gamer so I guess it wasn’t a huge deal that I missed it then haha but I’m happy to find it what was going on down there, thanks a bunch!! 😁 Aww of course! It was really cool being able to go to such a huge convention!! And, it was really fun getting to share about my experience on here with everyone! ☺️ Right?! The Yen Press booth was definitely the best of the big name industry booths lots of decent freebies and a good percentage off their manga! Nice to see! Oh my gosh yay!! That’s so cool you work in Manhattan and I’m happy I could give you a push to go check it out! I hope you enjoy the view and area as much as I did❣️🥰
@lizzychurro7701 5 күн бұрын
The Acky Bright bag is so beautiful, I can’t believe it was free!
@MizzMangaChatz 4 күн бұрын
Totally, it’s a gorgeous bag! 🥰
@hwinxdiary 5 күн бұрын
omg pupposites attract looks so goooooood 😻😻 and i agree tengu's love is sooo adorbs 🥺ahhh i just ordered it takes too tmr too as well ahhhh now im anxiously waiting to receive and read them!!! 10/10 wholesome haul 🤩🤩🤩
@MizzMangaChatz 4 күн бұрын
It was seriously like the fluffiest dang volume the dogs were just such an added dollop of cuteness 🥰 Tengu’s Love was so sweet I just enjoyed them both so much!! Aww thanks so much!! 💖
@michaelcowan285 5 күн бұрын
I have never gone to a convention for many of the same reasons as you mentioned. I hate crowds... there's just something about being surrounded by people that just agitates the hell out of me. I suppose being surrounded by like minded people with the same interests makes it much more tolerable, but there's just some magic switch that flips when you get enough people together in one place where people stop being individuals and become this monstrous mass.😅 I like individuals and I like individually and I like my personal space and all of that flies out the window in crowds. There was actually a much smaller convention where I live that same weekend that one of my friends has helped organize for years. I usually have to work the days that they have it, but this year I had Saturday off. I felt like I should have gone to support him, but I work in a busy grocery store and the week leading up to it was the first week of classes in the college town that I live in, and it was absolute hell! 20,000 kids and their parents all arriving on the same weekend and shopping at the same place... I was physically and mentally exhausted! I didn't answer my phone, I didn't leave my house, I barely left my living room!🤣 I'm also not a huge fan of paying a lot of money for the privilege of spending more money either.😂 All that being said, I do think it would be neat to check out a Worldcon(the major scifi convention) one year. I don't know how easy it is to attend... I know you can't just buy a badge. You have to buy a membership and I'm not sure what all that entails, but the biggest names in scifi regularly attend it! Also they give out the Hugo for best scifi there as well, so I think it would be cool to experience! I was also desperate to go to Dragonsteel Nexus this year, but badges sold out in under an hour!😞 It's Brandon Sanderson's own convention, and this year it's basically the release party for Stormlight 5. The Stormlight Archive might be my favorite book series full stop! I absolutely adore it! The four that are out are all over 1,000 pages, but I binged them back to back in a little over a month's time! My entire leg sleeve is dedicated to it! So not only did I want to go for the upcoming book, but I also wanted to show off my tattoos to people who would understand the reference! I get stopped and complimented on it all the time, but no one ever knows what they're referencing! I've spent around 100 hours in the chair, well over $10,000, and experienced some of the most intense pain in my life to have this book series permanently honored in my skin! I have to be pretty high up there in terms of fandom! grumble, grumble, grumble😡🤣 One of my coworkers suggested that I send Sanderson pictures of my tattoos and be like look at this beautiful artwork... can I please buy a ticket?!🤣 I was genuinely distraught when I found out, but ultimately it's not a big thing at all. First world problems... like I mentioned earlier, I don't get to pay a bunch of money to then spend a bunch more money!🤣 Not the end of the world by any means!😂
@MizzMangaChatz 4 күн бұрын
Exactly 😂 though maybe consider checking one out sometime, a smaller one and when your social battery permits it of course! It’s an experience to have once in a blue moon at least 😁 Wow didn’t know they had scifi conventions that’s pretty cool! They have so many interesting conventions out there! You totally should take a video of your leg and send that to Sanderson!! Omg you’re totally his number one fan you never know maybe he’d send a badge for that level of dedication (or he’ll never even see it…but hey you never know if you never take the chance! 🤣) I’d be honored if anyone cared about a story I created enough to permanently have it etched onto their body at least, but wow that’s a lot of 💰💰 another reason I don’t have tons more tattoos oof 😅
@michaelcowan285 3 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz haha yeah, tattoos can definitely get a bit pricey!😅 It's a pretty long term investment though, so if you can find a high quality artist who's good at a style that you like, the price is totally worth it imo! I lucked out in that regard! My artist is Sarah Miller! She's in the top tier of tattoo artist without a doubt! There aren't too many that can do color realism like she can! She's also super into geek/nerd culture! She's actually the one who introduced me to Stormlight while we were working on my arm sleeve! If you like to see incredible tattoos, I highly recommend checking out her work! She doesn't post too often to Instagram(she insists that she takes bad pictures which is patently untrue) but most of what she does post is amazing! She has a picture and a short video she took after one of our sessions about a year ago that's still one of her most recent posts!😂 (it's the one where she talks about illustrating a book series in the description. I don't really know how Insta works or how to better single it out on her page without embedding a link which feels like a kinda shady thing to do in the KZbin comments😅) I know Sarah really wants Brandon to see it as well! She's holding off posting a full gallery of my leg and hashtaging the hell out of it until it's completely done, which should be before the convention. But yeah, it certainly wouldn't hurt to try to show it to him earlier! Regardless, I soothed the ache of not being able to buy a badge by booking a two week trip to Peru to hike to Matchu Picchu in October instead!🤣 So as of right now, I missed out on going to what probably will be an amazing convention, but in doing so, spurred myself into taking a trip of a lifetime!
@mangaroyale 5 күн бұрын
Well you know, you can't spell conventions without cons! 😂 All of your points are things that annoy all of us but it's still so worth it! Seeing you was the highlight of the convention for me, and I know you're on the fence of coming back but I hope we can do it again still! (Just don't expect me to go to an LA one unless you're buying my ticket lmao). I said myself I wasn't going this year, but you convinced me so you see how these things play out? 🤣 Artist alley was awesome and I wish I could have bought more but there was just sooo many cool stuff from talented artists!! I definitely recommend looking into an art portfolio to keep your art in. Just something you can flip through and look at when you run out of wall space!
@MizzMangaChatz 5 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 very true and I do think it’s a worthwhile venture (at least every once in a while for me haha)! This will just be like the Digimon cards I get a binder and then I have five hundred posters on my hands like how did that happen?! 😅 It was really fun seeing you too! I’m glad you decided to go after all 😁
@mangaroyale 5 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz haha exactly like the digimon cards... but a lot bigger 🤣. I don't know if I'll ever frame my Honkai Star Rail prints but I had to buy them anyway lol. Maybe I can find wall space for the sexy Laios though 😂
@MizzMangaChatz 5 күн бұрын
@@mangaroyale omg that print was something else 🤣👌
@MizzMangaChatz 5 күн бұрын
Please, do not take a shot every time I say “overwhelming” not recommended lol ☠️ Do let me know which convention you think is worth a visit, though!
@Dumballa 9 күн бұрын
Nice one 😎
@ira__s 9 күн бұрын
Ooh it makes me so excited to see Spread Your Wings and Fly have an English release! I read it online and really liked it, so I will definitely pick it up when I can. I love a little morally grey character learning they are worthy of love >////< xD
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
Yeees love me those morally gray characters and them getting a happy relationship warms my heart 🥰
@bizarreindividual4026 9 күн бұрын
@bizarreindividual4026 9 күн бұрын
Hope we can those bls at some point
@19Rena96 9 күн бұрын
I was really suprised how much i liked In Another World My Sister Stole My Name and i can't wait to read the next volume.
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
Same!! I’m glad I took the chance on it 😁
@lizzychurro7701 9 күн бұрын
Did all my crunchyroll shopping and placed my order while listening to this video lol
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 very nice 👌
@Tober2000 9 күн бұрын
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
Yay!!! Woohoo 🙌 so excited!! 😆
@DrEaMsNoEviL 9 күн бұрын
Magus of the library is soooo good. Great haul
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
It really is!!😊
@dawnk.8927 9 күн бұрын
As someone who also went to AnimeNYC and picked up some manga, it was cool to hear what you got as well! Pink and Habanero was sold out already when I checked their table but I’ll definitely be buying it when it comes out! They were my favorite table at the whole exhibit hall tbh haha. Out of curiosity, what manga was Yen Press giving out at the panel that you already had? I didn’t make it to the panel, it’s neat they were giving them away! I also had a similar time at the One Peace Books table where I had a lot of what they were selling lol but they also recommended It Takes Two Tomorrow, Too to me and I bought it. (Haven’t read it just yet though!) Didn’t realize Aloha had a table somehow 😭 I would have picked up some of their titles too. All in all, glad August was a good haul month for you! 😊
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
You were at AnimeNYC too how cool!! Oh wow Pink & Habanero sold out?! Didn’t expect that, but yeah you can snag it soon enough at least 😁 They offered either the one I got or Tougen Anki which is literally bought from them the day before lol Yeah, I don’t think they have a huge array of titles yet, but that’s neat he convinced you to pick up It Takes Two, Tomorrow Too! I hope you enjoy it 🤗 I enjoyed the soft and silly vibes!! Oh nooo you missed the booth well it’s understandable really bc there was just so gosh darn many booths and stuff to see 😅 I’d luckily seen them post on insta they were going to be there so that was a must go destination for me!! Hope you can pick up some of their titles soon though 💖
@dawnk.8927 8 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz oh wow, haha I hadn’t heard of Tougen Anki until recently but that’s neat that they were offering two options! Definitely here for soft and silly vibes, I hope to read it soon! And yeah lol so many booths at ANYC, I probably missed half the artist alley too because there was just so much to take in! I did find a Yona of the Dawn print which was a pleasant surprise though 😊 I think I heard others maybe mention Aloha titles were at B&N or other retailers so I’ll have to grab them in the near future!
@MizzMangaChatz 8 күн бұрын
@@dawnk.8927 Yeah, omg same it was so huge I tried to get through all of artist alley but it was not happening hahaha Totally you can get their titles on B&N and I've seen them cropping up on more retail sights which is awesome!
@michaelcowan285 9 күн бұрын
Look at you being modest! Sorry guys, smaller haul this month... I only bought like 40 something volumes...🤣 Meanwhile I got 24 volumes this month and was like, oh man I might have gone a little overboard! Haha🤣 I also ended up picking up Tsugumi Project! As well as a few you mentioned from your last haul video! Every one of those Scifi manga that you showcased in that video really piqued my interest, and I ended up getting most of them!😅 I might not get through Tsugumi Project before you do that review video, but most of the rest of them I'll have read! I just started King in Limbo which is the last one I wanted to read before Tsugumi Project, so there's a chance that I'll get through all of the manga I wanted to before that video drops!🤞I'm definetaly looking forward to hearing your thoughts on all of them! The one that caught my attention the most from this haul was The Tree of Death! Although it's kinda wierd... two of the last three manga I've read heavily revolve around plants!😄 If I end up reading that one (I probably will lol) that will be the third one! I guess that isn't all that strange in itself, but feels weird that I've come across wildly different manga in tone and story that all have a plant or plants as a focal point in quick succession!😂 I am curious about it only being three volumes though. Is the first volume a fairly decent size? Length by no means signifies quality, there are some excellent one shots out there! They were designed from the start to be short though, and I feel like a lot of manga that ends up being serialized is designed to be longer. From the publisher's perspective and probably the mangaka's as well, it's probably seen as a good thing if a series can keep on churning out the volumes, if for no other reason than it brings in more revenue. It looks like the magaka has done several one shots including his first published maga though, so maybe he just likes writing shorter stories? Some people have a certain story they want to tell and protracting it lessens the experience. Maybe that's the case here! It was too long for a one shot, but not long enough for more than a few volumes, and the mangaka didn't want to cheapen his vision with unnecessary fluff? Hopefully that's the case and not that it ended up getting cut short for whatever reason! One can only hope!😂🤞Either way, it absolutely sounds like something I would enjoy! Super intriguing cover✔ dark fantasy✔ cool concept ✔ Plenty of potential in my mind and at three volumes, even in the unlikely event that I end up disliking it, I can't really be that upset for spending money on it. Just disappointed... and then I'll have something to talk about if you ever do another disappointing reads video!🤣
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 I mean it was slightly smaller 🫣 but yeah just can’t resist the manga my bad lol oooh cool I hope you will enjoy them!! It’s a good chance you will since I am doing it the Monday after next-you still have time!! I can’t wait to read the ones I have left 👏 Yeah, I love a well written short series so definitely hoping Tree of life is that. And yes the first volume is a nice thick size and covers a lot in it so I’m hoping it will be a good one!! I couldn’t resist that cover and art inside is cool too 😆👌
@michaelcowan285 8 күн бұрын
​@@MizzMangaChatz Awesome, I should definitely have the time to get through them by then! If I had just stumbled across Tree of Death out in the wild, I would have taken one look at that cover and been like, yep, you're coming home with me! Lol But you know, it certainly doesn't hurt anything when the quality on the inside matches the quality on the outside!😂
@mangaroyale 9 күн бұрын
That's a big haul, we both went crazy at the manga booths! I only read two of the volumes I got so far though 😂.
@MizzMangaChatz 9 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 Oh yeah I went so crazy at the manga booths, I’ve read about half of what I bought…😅
@jennyramac3551 9 күн бұрын
First ❤
@Dumballa 15 күн бұрын
Enjoyed this. 😊
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
I’m happy to hear that you did!! Thank you 😄
@Dumballa 15 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz Welcome 😋
@ira__s 15 күн бұрын
I started to read Princess Jellyfish after watching the anime because I really like Kuranosuke but I have many of the same issues with it. I think I read 5 or 6 omnibus volumes and it's been so long since I last read it and aren't sure if I'll ever finish it. Some spoilers I guess next, but on top of your issues with it I really didn't like the starting love triangle and from what I hear the ending is left quite open so I just don't have any drive to finish reading it. It's really a shame as I wanted to like it more than I did. The anime is better but the issues with some of the characters are there so that's that.
@craigime 15 күн бұрын
it's a waste of shelf space
@adamgriffith873 16 күн бұрын
Amazing video and content 😊
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!!
@LauraAGrace 16 күн бұрын
I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one who couldn't get into Something Is Wrong With Us because I couldn't get into this series either! Also couldn't get into Princess Jellyfish either!
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
It’s always nice to hear ppl couldn’t get into the same series! Like oh good I’m not alone in feeling the way I did 😊 it’s a shame we weren’t able to enjoy them, but it’s nice to not be alone in that!
@sunsetdragon9792 16 күн бұрын
One Piece will forever have a special place in my heart, both from a nostalgia factor, of seeing it at a young age on TV, and the emotional factor, of how it made me feel emotionally connected to the characters. Also, I think its really fun that we all still dont know the ending, and finding out at the same time as everyone else has an appeal to it. For a lot of people getting into it now, a lot of spoilers are out there and its really hard with how popular it is not to see those. There are repetitive moments for sure, it follows some of the shonen formula also, but I also think it tries to break out of that mold and work through really complex societal issues. I hope someday you give it a chance 👍. Speaking of long series... I also need to read Bleach 😂
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
All I’m focusing on from your comment is that what we need is to do a #bleachit read through in 2025 🤣🤣👏👏 (came up with the hashtag on the spot so not a lot of thought but I’m sticking with it-let’s go!) lmao 😂
@sunsetdragon9792 13 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz 🤣 alright, I'm game. #bleachit2025 😎 let's goooo
@MizzMangaChatz 13 күн бұрын
@@sunsetdragon9792 🙌🙌🙌
@elsendoh 16 күн бұрын
That’s how I feel about one piece. But I still want to read it since I feel like I need to read the big three. I’m a Naruto fan but I feel like I should give Bleach and One Piece a chance.
@19Rena96 16 күн бұрын
I grew up watching One Piece but i had never the desire to read the manga, until the anime became worse (imo) and then i started to read the manga instead. Not from the beginning but the current arc and i've been reading OP, instead of watching it, ever since. I tried to read it from the beginning but i didn't really like it, so i'll just keep reading the newest chapters ^^
@bizarreindividual4026 16 күн бұрын
First off love your shirt! It is so colorful! Love how you said we didn’t have the same line of tastes when this video proves wrong lol 😂 Something’s Wrong with Us I tried only the first volume and couldn’t get into it at all. Definitely want to give it more of a chance in case it was just my mood at the time. Please try Princess Jellyfish Anime! It’s so good and I was looking forward to the manga and was so let down ugh 😑 I made it to the fourth Ominous One Piece well… it’s One Piece hahaha 😂 😊 😮 😅
@MizzMangaChatz 16 күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 I guess our tastes are more aligned than I thought! I saw you get a bunch of vols of Something’s Wrong With Us in a haul somewhat recently, I didn’t realize you weren’t even that into the first volume! Ok I’ll try to give the anime a try! I’m disappointed that I just couldn’t get into Princess Jellyfish 🪼 but maybe I’ll enjoy the anime! Haha truer words have never been said…🤣👏
@bizarreindividual4026 16 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz yea I got those haft off and I figure if I get the hole thing I will have to like it cause I won’t have a choice lol hahaha logic does not have to be logical
@michaelcowan285 16 күн бұрын
That first one sounds like the most soap opera/telenovela thing I can imagine!🤣 I love a good mystery or revenge tale, but I'm not a huge fan of drama just for the sake of drama. I can understand the appeal I guess, it's just not for me. I absolutely get the One Piece argument as well! I was in college when it first started airing over here. At that point in my life I was't really paying attention to anime, and was largely unaware of manga in general. (Anime was certainly not a popular thing back then, and my friends would have teased me to no end if they knew I was into it, so unfortunately it fell to the wayside😞) It wasn't until eight or nine years ago when I stumbled across Elfen Lied for the first time, and remembered how much I used to like anime that I went searching for others that I had missed out on in the interim years. I still didn't immediately find out about One Piece, but the more I got back into anime, the more I heard it mentioned. When I finally did decide to see what it was all about, it had ballooned far beyond the amount of time and money I was willing to dedicate to it! The episode and chapter count is downright intimidating!😱😂 I'm sure it's excellent, but I feel like I'd have to dedicate the next year or years almost exclusively to it to catch up! It's just too big, and yeah I struggle to see how it could avoid gettinga repetitive! Who knows though? Maybe that's an entirely baseless assumption, and it's the single greatest work in manga history!🤷‍♂️ For better or worse I may never know.😂 I've lucked out so far, and haven't run into any series that I've had to dnf so far. Part of that is due to some of the excellent recommendations I've found on this channel! Although it probably has just as much to do with the fact that I'm still fairly new to collecting manga and still have so much of a library of proven excellent titles still to get through that I haven't had to take any chances on unknown titles.😅 When it comes to novels I almost always finish them even if I dislike them. Novels, for the most part, are far less of an investment than manga though so the necessity to cut ties doesn't feel as pressing. One book or a trilogy is much easier to stomach than a 30 plus volume series!😂 Trinity by Leon Uris is the only book I've ever not finished. I tried to read it twice and both times made it about 2/3 of the way through before I gave up. I don't really know why. It wasn't terrible by any means, I just lost interest. Also, excellent attempt with the prononciations!👏 I have no idea how close you were, but A for the effort! I seriouly doubt I could have done any better!🤣 And if you wanted to take the time to edit together a vlog like video of the Nyc anime con, I for one would be interested in watching it! I've mentioned how much I like your travel videos, and whereas maybe not quite the same level or scope as a couple of weeks in Iceland or Japan, I'm sure you saw tons of neat things there!
@MizzMangaChatz 16 күн бұрын
Yeah definitely the most soap opera type series of manga 🤣 I get it not being for you and even though I was intrigued it was not for me either lol Oh yeah it’s just so daunting and that’s my main issue with getting back into it, but I was persuaded to check out Gintama (though it has since ended it hasn’t when I got into it and that took a long investment of my time 😅)! I’ve started DNFing novels more often but I used to read the entire book even if I wasn’t enjoying it, but I’ve decided my time is precious and there is so much good stuff to read out there why bother wasting my time lol I will definitely try to share my experience at the NYC anime con! I did take some footage while there though not that much it was so hectic I’d keep forgetting lol 😂
@mangaroyale 16 күн бұрын
One Piece is what made me love anime/manga, and I'll always put it at the top of my pedestal. But yeah, I can't recommend it unless you actually do enjoy super long stories! It's very valid not to read it for that reason. They always say it's about the journey, not the destination. I don't think this is true unless it applies to really REALLY long stories. I'm saying this as someone who is also a fan of Stormlight Archive and Wheel of Time. It's enjoyable to see the story progress over the years. It's the greatest pirate adventure ever! It has to be long! I don't think it's that repetitive, compared to other shonen. It probably is but it hides it really well with amped up fights and plot twists/reveals every story arc. It really does just get better and better. Would I recommend it still after it finishes? Honestly, I'm not even sure. Final chapter spoilers would be crazy hard to avoid. And the best thing about OP right now is that we still don't know what the One Piece is. I don't have a clue. The mystery is so fun. But I'm glad you're able to still see the best parts of One Piece for what it is. The characters and writing is so great. And the first story arc is also one that I hold close to my heart! Anyway, two manga that I DNF. Horimiya and Bloom Into You. Both for the same reason, I just found them both boring. I've read said morally questionable manga (you know which lol), but I draw the line at manga that put me to sleep! That's really the only thing that will make me DNF a manga honestly lol. Yesss make a convention video share your experience!
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
Horimiya…oof yeah that could end up in a Dropped video too. I definitely agree with you that it just felt so boring and I didn’t understand the hype…like the first volume or so was cute, but then I lost interest quickly…😅 Also, true about the spoilers like it would be hard to avoid and that would be a bummer…hmm it’s actually a good argument. I’m just trying to weigh the probability of me investing so much time/money in a series to possibly end up with an unsatisfying end or don’t and miss out on the experience…😫 ugh you know I totally suffer from the fomo so that is a fair crack to my impenetrable wall of idgaf not reading it I have to admit…🤣
@mangaroyale 15 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz Haha oh no better not tell me you have a fomo weakness! 🤣 I think One Piece will have an amazing ending. I know it's not impossible for it to be terrible out of the blue but, the way Oda writes endings to his story arcs makes me confident. I'll tell you what if ever break and decide to give One Piece another go, just take your time with it, real slowly. It's not one you want to rush. You don't need to buy 100 volumes at once lol.
@panikiczcock2891 16 күн бұрын
I hate the pr3g trope so thanks for the warning 😅 I want to read some Higashimura and will start with Tokyo Tarareba Girls. I've tried watching OP but the prospect of having to watch over 1k episodes made me give up. Heck, I'm not even a fan of shounen or sea-setting stories so idk why I thought I'd watch it all.
@MizzMangaChatz 16 күн бұрын
Same! 😫 glad I could warn you away from it! Haha I hope you enjoy Tokyo Tarareba Girls 🥰 Oh yeah seems like that wouldn’t be a series for you at all, but you never know so it’s good you at least give it a chance I guess lol
@miyayume_eclectic_dream 16 күн бұрын
Yes I do want!
@miyayume_eclectic_dream 16 күн бұрын
🤗Hi me again. I still haven't figured out how to sent to a recommendation without what feels like spam-ing you BUT everybody nees to drop and go read MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE by Hanheun/Ken. It is finished! Only side stories are ongoing. Let me tell you why. It is a regression. A kingdom. No elfs, no magic, no angels. As it is with most Manhwas they strive to a HEA. So why this one? I haven't seen every twist and turn comming, love how we an FMC don't know much, it makes the story feel more real and random. The story is advanced in some plot point that surprise like a side character that becomes such a huge statement. More importantly this story adresses the social commentary about position of a woman and a sons as well, being born first or having no son in a family, brothers and what that really could mean, parenthood, being a daughter, a child birth, how looking for love can make you a dispised person and how I the reader hate a character and pity them also ...such dihotomy...I love how this story acknowledge women but also man!! Did you feel the same way like that buttler when he reflected at the very end of the story about the past? Or are you going to say you were above those feelings when reading the scene? Really? I am explaining it badly. There are things that haven't been forshadowed...but one particular looks like deus ex machina AND still the story doesn't lose because of it. Not to me. I love that no character feels empty and all look random so much like life and still oportunities are created. Even a small lie done with good intention creates a ripple that will bring future no one could imagine... Maybe the pieces fall too well into place...but what story doesn't do that...that is the goal after all...but also between the lines is were the leason is, that is meant to be reach you. I hope this lines are as confusing as hell and also as intriguing to make follow them and read this manhwa.🥰🤣 It is only 95 chapters look long. Plus the sidestories. The moment it is in print I am buying🙀✨️
@MizzMangaChatz 16 күн бұрын
It definitely sounds like an intriguing story! I’ll have to try and read it online or hope it gets published then I definitely will buy the vols 🥰 thanks for the recommendation!
@miyayume_eclectic_dream 16 күн бұрын
I am not sure but it can't hurt: YES, READ LILLABY OF THE DAWN but pmease up to zhe end of vol 4. Why? It is as good as Mizz Manga sad ✨️ and there is the bigges fu...clifhangr that will make you swear and want more!
@SaraFearon 16 күн бұрын
I feel the same about One Piece :P even Yona of the Dawn (I watched anime) but the manga is now getting super long I am like I will never catch up - tehehehe - if more than twenty volumes I'd have to be dying to read the next one after first trying it because my tbr is already so long.
@MizzMangaChatz 16 күн бұрын
Oh yeah…I haven’t dropped Yona per se but I’m definitely struggling to get back into it and want to continue collecting it especially since I’m pretty far behind now 😅 yes I feel the same way it has to have me in a chokehold if the series is going to be that long 🤣 the tbr never ends…
@atmmachine11 16 күн бұрын
Okay first off holding the white claw and something’s wrong with us is iconic lol. Also somethings wrong with us is one of my girlfriend’s favorites! We watched the live action drama together and enjoyed it. I only read parts of the manga version but I thought it was pretty good, just not amazing or anything. Also omg I love Princess Jellyfish (the anime), ironically I have had part of the manga in my collection forever and haven’t touched it haha. Definitely feels like the anime had decently fast progression, and it’s only 11-12 episodes. Wow all three of the manga talked about I’ve experienced in some form! I don’t blame you for not enjoying One Piece, I’m a few volumes behind now and I have gone from loving it to just feeling meh about it now. I think it really suffers in its second half and it’s only gone down hill from there, it’s also super repetitive. And ayyy I also grew up with the big three! I’ve read all of Naruto and Bleach as well. I have mixed feelings about both, but they also hold a special place in my heart and I come back to them sometimes. Okay this is a massive comment, final message, your outfit is iconic in this video! (second timing using the word iconic in this comment).
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
Aww thanks 😊 love all the iconic comments made me smile!! I didn’t know there was a drama of Something’s Wrong With Us! I’m glad you and your gf enjoyed it 😁 I’m definitely feeling a lot of love for the anime and not so much the manga so it’s on my to watch list for sure! Haha 🤣 I really want to read Bleach bc Im so curious how I’ll feel about it after like reading all of Naruto was an interesting experience after all even though I also have mixed feelings on the series lol may talk myself into another marathon read in 2025 now🤣🤣
@atmmachine11 9 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz sorry it took me forever to see this! KZbin has been weird with notifications for me. Thank you for the reply though! :-) If you do binge read Bleach I hope you enjoy it! There’s not much dialogue, so it’s a fairly fast one to blitz through!
@Lat3r426 16 күн бұрын
I been wanting to read princess jellyfish only ONLY cause I seen the anime. And that’s the reason I want to get it. Also, I refuse with a passion to read or watch one piece😂
@MizzMangaChatz 16 күн бұрын
I mean the curiosity is there I get it! I definitely want to check out the anime since it’s short I’m curious how they adapted it 😁 and yeeesss team NOPE to One Piece! 🤣👏
@ilvanime01 16 күн бұрын
Read and own all Somethings wrong with us, huge fan of Natsumi Ando but kind of wish I'd either read it all online first or waited longer for my library to get it in (because they did eventually) but I bought it during COVID when I was just spending all my money on manga, I like it but its not a favourite, it gets a lot more melodramatic and car crashy as it goes on, I'm hoping ill read it again down the line. I enjoyed it at the time up to about volume 12 or so. Not a fan of the extra 3 volumes though so glad I don't own those. Read and completed Princess Jellyfish, didn't enjoy it much, I didn't like how it went, she doesn't get with the character I wanted her to get with, the extra characters I found annoying and a lot of the plot as they try to save where they live or something (can't really remember) was sooo boring. (Cinderella closet is a bit similar and I like that its going in the direction that I wanted Princess Jellyfish to) and One Piece, read 30+ volumes and I just don't get the appeal to be honest, it was fine but I didn't find it that interesting.
@MizzMangaChatz 15 күн бұрын
I’ve been wanting to check out Cinderella Closet!! It looks so cute 🥰 and yeah I mean sometimes I enjoy a good melodramatic soap opera of a series, but this one just didn’t do it for me! What other series of Natsumi Ando’s have you read? I’m curious if maybe I’ll enjoy another of her series more?! The general consensus seems to be Princess Jellyfish anime is good, but not so much the manga…which is unfortunate. And, yeah I especially found all the side characters annoying and hard to enjoy…😔
@ilvanime01 15 күн бұрын
@@MizzMangaChatz I have read the majority of her work and own all her English published work apart from her one shot. I recommended trying Arisa, it's one of my favourites or kitchen princess, those two are her best though I don't think she did the story for kitchen princess. Let's dance a waltz is cute for a 3 volume series. Read zodiac pi as well but wasn't a huge fan. I'm enjoying Cinderella closet, it's cute. Never watched the anime of princess jellyfish since I read all the manga first, I just didn't enjoy it's direction.
@Yoymo142 18 күн бұрын
Dang i thought it said rizz manga for a second ( the brain rots getting to me 😭😭) also love the collection 😍
@Dumballa 20 күн бұрын
Love review videos. 😁
@Dumballa 20 күн бұрын
Very cool 😊