Money In Christian Theology
Hiking The Continental Divide
@SalvationDialogue 9 күн бұрын
@jonfertig4848 Ай бұрын
Who is getting a warning out of James? All of the bible is for us, but not all of the bible is to us. For instance, what does the first verse of James say.... James 1:1 KJV [1] James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
@UnhingedChristian Ай бұрын
Does this mean we aren’t to apply what he says in this letter? Is it just to be history for us?
@amesasw Ай бұрын
I mean Jesus said it. Harder for a rich man to enter heaven than it is to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle... but every rich Christians ignores this. And every other quote that suggests heaven is for the beggers and the meek. Not the proud and wealthy.
@corypenn7550 Ай бұрын
Yeah no that's not how it works if you have money your not going to hell for it if you truly believe in Christ then you will go to heaven if you're rich or poor heaven doesn't discriminate against God's child who follows Jesus.
@amesasw Ай бұрын
I would agree, clearly not everyone with money is going to hell. But at a bare minimum, you need to want forgiveness for the most common sin among people of high net worth with public visibility and that is excessive pride and ego. I do believe these people are at risk as I am not sure they recognize their failings as humans. I feel like if they did they would carry themselves in a more humble manner. Being giving and caring doesn't counter balance massive levels of pride and ego.
@patrick71 2 ай бұрын
So your preacher saw them crucifie Jesus he met him before wo can I get an amen
@rpsoren 3 ай бұрын
What i try to ask when i have the courage, "why did you get married/ want to get married" Its shocking when most people ONLY answer is "i am in love". My response is so you don't love your parents, siblings, ect? Love should NOT be the main answer, actually most other answers can also be achieved without marriage. i rarely hear people say "i what to/got married because i wanted to show God that i am grateful for him finding my partner" which is really what marriage is about!!
@dirtyh661 3 ай бұрын
Most people put their pastor or priest as the miracle worker but forget Jesus is the actual healer a pastor has his hands and feet next to god but it does not make him god
@user-bh8te3yt3l 3 ай бұрын
Heaven is a state of mind. Not real. Atheist Still
@autumnswinter9218 5 ай бұрын
@realobama1100 7 ай бұрын
Womp Womp
@fortherproductions3128 7 ай бұрын
@realobama1100 7 ай бұрын
@fortherproductions3128 we play worship music for god, not ourselves.
@jackbutler4028 8 ай бұрын
@thund3r94 8 ай бұрын
def agree that isnt a good church if you aint feeling convicted sometimes at least
@prestonhodson3351 9 ай бұрын
@SniffnMeFingies 9 ай бұрын
Is this satire
@quby8265 9 ай бұрын
That’s my brother Dylan. This pod felt like an average discussion we always have, he’s well intended in his points and is constantly growing in them. Didn’t catch the name of the host but I think you do a great job at it and y’all should take some time like 6-12 months and do another pod again.
@UnhingedChristian 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for listening. I have growing to do too so I think over all it was a good discussion. My name is Caleb. Definitely planning on having him back on within that timeline.
@redpillpusher 9 ай бұрын
Jesus also told slaves to obey their masters even the harsh ones.
@FlashyG13 9 ай бұрын
People used labor to repay debt, not the same kind of slavery. What people always fail to speak about is that in Isreal/The Bible they were COMMANDED to FORGIVE ALL DEBTS AND FREE ALL "SLAVES" every 7 years.
@redpillpusher 9 ай бұрын
@@FlashyG13 even though you tried to water it down like theist typically do... you at least did admit that the BUYBULL condoned slavery which means your "god" condoned slavery which makes your religion and your "god" immoral to the core.
@1FlamyAmy 9 ай бұрын
There's a reason for this
@badger297 9 ай бұрын
Yea but he didn't. There's more suffering and pain now than there's ever been. I'm not here to knock anyone's beliefs, but the Bible wasn't written by a God. It was written by men. And men crave power
@FlashyG13 9 ай бұрын
John 16:33 33 “I have told you these things, so that [in me] (Jesus Speaking) you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus told us MUCH suffering will come, especially if you represent his name, but the suffering we face in this world will not compare to the joy we'll receive in eternity. Acts 9:16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Jesus didn't come to take away the suffering of this world, he came to take away the suffering of our souls. If you open your heart to him then you too can find peace even in me I know from personal experience. Matthew 11 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. If you're tired in your souk and need rest, all you have to do is ask Jesus to reveal himself to you and he will. I know it seems like a fairy tale and people making it up, but I can promise you Jesus is very much real AND ALIVE! Humble your heart right now and just talk out into the open, not with your mouth and words, but with your heart, mind and spirit and ask SPECIFICALLY for "Jesus Christ" (The Christian God) to reveal himself to you and I believe he will. I want to warn you tho, there are more spirits out here then just Angels/Jesus, make sure you call on the name of Jesus specifically.
@FlashyG13 9 ай бұрын
Also, the bible was ABUSED by Men, but God gave it to us. So much is coming to pass just as Jesus said it would in the bible. 1. The Eclipse 2. War & Rumors of War 3. Increase in hate & k*lling 4. Se*ual Depravity 5. Ungodly Inflation/Financial Crisis Don't let Men cause you to miss out on finding the true God. Evil, corrupt Men have always existed and always will, but you have to truly search for God with your heart and when you do so he will reveal himself. Not only will he reveal himself, bit he'll actually show you that he's been in plain sight all along, but your eyes weren't opened yet.
@435.63 9 ай бұрын
There’s nothing you could possibly tell a theist to get them out of their delusions.
@badger297 9 ай бұрын
@@435.63 I'm not an atheist. That's your Christian judgment (which I thought was only for God 🤔) shining through. Careful on your high horse up there. A fall from that height would surely let you meet your God in person 🤣
@1FlamyAmy 9 ай бұрын
We are Gods Hosts! His Spirit Used The Hand Of Flesh To Write The Truth. View it as A Sci Fi Movie Per Sei. This might ght help you understand How His Spirit Is Since It States Many Times The Lord Of Hosts In The KJV Bible The Matrix & Even Aliens ate mentioned in the Gospel. But their not the meaning that you think they are either. JS😊
@SamanthaGoggins 9 ай бұрын
The story basically details that you will also know that the world is gonna end once Iran attacks Israel aswell as 5 other major lands
@SamanthaGoggins 9 ай бұрын
Fat L Here is the truth. When time first began a Woman decided to leave the garden of eternal life, she was speaking to a snake( the devil) behind gods back. Now Adam the man became aware of the womans actions and decided to stay quiet because he didnt wanna get involved. When the woman began to choose her own actions thats when God found out and asked Adam what are you doing? say something yea? So we were inevitably cast away from eternal life and happiness into the dungeons of a raw cold reality, where god said that he would leave us for eternity to die and suffer and reproduce and so own. The only way out of this hell is to accept Jesus as your savior when you die no matter youve done in your life as long as you dont have sex with your family you can basically get into heaven and escape this wretched world youve been cast into by the Woman. Now the Woman dominates the planet earth by using laws and sexual lust to control her husband and use that against him in the society she rules along with the devil. From this we will all slowly become gay and lesbian and further into that demonic sense, until god says we will become so fcking gay that basically thats when youll know that he will once again return to basically take all the children and most of his followers and leave the rest of us to suffer in a PURE HELL for 7 years where everyone will fight for survival in a nuclear wasteland. If you want to escape THAT you have to kill yourself and ask to be accepted into heaven.
@Relivity 9 ай бұрын
L take
@davemurphy1299 9 ай бұрын
I'm trying to push hard on my spiritual journey with God
@fortherproductions3128 10 ай бұрын
Catholicism 🔥🔥
@jonathanelopez7296 10 ай бұрын
Well we need facts, Jesus isn't white blonde hair blued eye, the jews of today stole their identity. The true isrealites are black and 2 shades of brown. The roman empire never fell its the Vactican. Christians idolize Jesus and the cross. when his teachings are guide lines to find salvation from with in. But the Christians during end times will be luke warm. It's all by design. Christians claim it's impossible to be perfect and sinless but that's a cop out to love this World. I've heard christian music straight demonic. I've done over 24 hours of sinless behavior multiple times. It's time to step up and be real. Riding on Jesus Christ as a password into heaven will not get you in. You have to walk that path. It's literally all on You. Be the example like I choose to be.
@ganglestank 10 ай бұрын
Evil would not be allowed to exist, if God did not choose for it to be allowed to exist
@htxtech2693 10 ай бұрын
but god created the evil in the world too
@Mr_GrayIsDoc 10 ай бұрын
To be honest as an atheist, I respect this idea, but for me personally and this is my opinion, I have no hate towards anyone who believes in anything be personally I just don’t see the reason to, but that’s just my opinion
@ganglestank 10 ай бұрын
You think that this existence is a lot more normal than it really is. The more you know, the more you realize how little you know. Like how the fuck are we existing right now? Why is there something instead of nothing? Wouldn’t it be a lot more efficient for the universe to take the form of nothingness? Doesn’t the universe tend towards the path of least resistance? Doesn’t the universe tend towards equilibrium and homogeneity of energy? Like I’m not saying some guy with a beard created the universe, but maybe there was some kind of thing that has something equivalent to a mind that is involved in the generation of whatever we are living with
@Mr_GrayIsDoc 10 ай бұрын
@@ganglestank now, my friend that, is a good opinion and I respect that
@gloonked 10 ай бұрын
In Christian's eyes God is not benevolent, so why would i want to dedicate my life to someone who I'll never meet and who allows horrible things happen to the world, my loved ones, and myself
@T1mnt 10 ай бұрын
i mean i guess that depends on what your understanding of a benevolent God would look like. from my eyes there is nothing more benevolent than the sacrifice of His son for my far as the God allowing bad things to happen, well if He didnt why would we follow him? it wouldn’t benefit us or him from that.
@gloonked 10 ай бұрын
@@T1mnt first of all, why did he sacrifice his own son for our sins if we're still born with sin anyway, sounds like he killed his son for no reason. Secondly, it sounds like God is manipulating people into following him. If someone saw you getting robbed and told you they'd only help you if you devoted part of your life to them, that would be insane and manipulative.
@T1mnt 10 ай бұрын
@@gloonked well, Jesus didnt die to remove sin entirely from the world and revert islt to a pre-fall state. that will happen in the second coming when Christ returns. He died as a sacrifice for us who believe to be able to inherit eternal life with him. and for your metaphor with being robbed, i would say that is an inaccurate view of what’s happening. I believe a more accurate picture would be imagine if everyone was in an enormous desert with no way out, and we grow weary and tired with no food or water. and God comes along and offers to give us a ride out of the desert, we just have to trust that he knows the way. but many dont go with him because they see what appears to be an oasis with fruit and water far in the distance. I believe this is a kore accurate picture. God is saying “Im here to save you, but I’m not going to force myself on you, it’s your choice.” Not manipulative, rather, caring so much as to not force anyone to follow. even in knowing it is worse for them.
@gloonked 10 ай бұрын
@@T1mnt he says only if you choose, but makes it no choice for many people that see all of the bad in the world and turn to him. Bad things still happen to people who put their trust in God just as much as people who don't, I don't understand what he's helping you with besides the comfort of feeling included in a community. I love the concept of religion as a place to feel emotions and let them out and connect with like-minded people, but the actual beliefs of Christianity seem irrational and poorly structured to me.
@T1mnt 10 ай бұрын
@@gloonked thats valid and fair, many people agree with you. I will say, though we’ve never met and my experience will have little or possibly no impact on you, by far the most joy I have ever felt has been through serving God. Last summer i spent a month working 16+ hour days at a camp for no pay. my reason? to meet fellow believers and help the campers learn about Jesus. that was hands down the best month of my life. and when having an experience like that Im reminded when troubles come of what lies ahead. and thus I have full trust in God that he will provide what is necessary for me, and where i believe he doesn’t I rely on him more. I hope you find something in life that truly satisfies your soul. and I hope you have a wonderful life with much joy! take care fellow human, love ya
@flamingninja93 10 ай бұрын
My thing is that everything bad that happens is the world's fault so why do Christians thank God for everything good that happens? Even something like finding a good parking spot. Did God make the person that was parked there before you leave? They thank God for a meal and not the chef that cooked it. If grandma recovered it would be a "miracle" but if she dies God didn't let her die? If Grandma receives a life saving organ from an organ donor did God kill that person who had good kidneys or just force them to choose organ donor when they renewed their license at the DMV?
@ZambluBalls 10 ай бұрын
He's God. He can do anything, right? So he can make it so cancer never existed, children weren't starving to death, and the whole world having peace. Religion was only made because humans are afraid of the unknown. That's why humans are afraid of death. So they made religion
@YungBeezer 10 ай бұрын
Why would god do anything though? Would you want god to control your life in every aspect?
@ZambluBalls 10 ай бұрын
@@YungBeezer the way some of you people talk about him he already does that
@egnicknoob 10 ай бұрын
It isn't created from anything. Not evil. Ots natural.
@macduchesne1849 10 ай бұрын
"Thats a common misconception" thats hilarious, another common misconception is that things are inherently good or evil. These diseases are a product of biology and nothing more
@27eabell 10 ай бұрын
It quite literally insane that there is 0 proof of Jesus. Sure there is a book, and people’s “experiences” Give me one solid piece of evidence that God is real. I will wait and wait and no one can prove it. Its all “opinions and beliefs”. Believe what you want but thinking some super human lives somewhere in the vast universe and created all life sounds like the start to a Disney movie.
@ichabodcrane9479 10 ай бұрын
God created us to live a free life. We choose what we do. He didn’t dictate our decisions. Nor does he dictate what others do to us. That is free will
@macduchesne1849 10 ай бұрын
@ganglestank 10 ай бұрын
But he has omniscience. In creating free Will, and also in creating human beings with all of the things that we have within us that causes to make our decisions, did god not see this coming? Could God not have created us to be more pure beings and still given us free will, just less of a tendency or less of a reason to choose things that were contrary to godliness?
@SoL600rr 10 ай бұрын
It’s simply humorous in the grand scale of the empty harsh universe that we give praise to some mythical being “responsible” for everything? Ya ok
@Soli2deYT 10 ай бұрын
An almighty "God" should be able to fix the wrongs of his own creations, if he is as divine n all powerful as we make him out to be. Sounds to me, like he's more human than we think, and like us humans when we try to "play God" it always backfires on us, and we create a bigger problem than what we are cable of handling, and we just keep adding to the problems vs fixing a lot of them. If i had to guess, "God" bit off more than he could chew w/his experiment w/us.. and now he realizes things are too far gone n has forgotten about us. Just like when we give up on a video game when it gets too hard.
@YungBeezer 10 ай бұрын
How could we learn from our mistakes and grow beyond them if god dug us out of everything? You want to know how God solves all our problems? Through us. We have institutions and organizations dedicated to cancer research, ending hunger, stopping wars. If god waved his hand and solved everything, what would we learn from it?
@Soli2deYT 10 ай бұрын
@@YungBeezer I dunno.. considering "God" chose to paralyze me n kill both my parents before i was 2... i havnt seen him doing much good.. All i see is hateful people who God says to treat like yourself, and were made in his own image.. yet we have so much hatred for our fellow man. We dont want to learn from anything. We pick n choose what parts of the bible we abide by (cuz a lot of it is crazy) n use the other parts to justify our hatred for one another. We wouldnt need all those cancer research and hunger programs if HE took care of the people. That's like 2 parents having a child and refusing to feed it, n be like "hey, if i took care of you, how would u know how to deal with struggle n termoil"... We're his children, he should want to take care of us.. Plus the whole point of the Garden of Eden was that it was a perfect Eutopia, like he planed. But then he blamed us for screw'n it all up by introducing sin and allowing someone like Satan to exist and do his thing. Again, not stop'n something he created. We can play as many mental gymnastics to find justification for our situation, and keep putting blame and passing shit off, but to me, this sounds like an abusive parents neglecting his children n allowing us to self destruct.
@Hfeel893 10 ай бұрын
Why do people think that they can even possibly understand why and how god does things ? Honestly think about that its like trying to make an animal understand point of being and having self awareness i mean its just not happening... have faith and do the rught things in life and try to understand that love and understanding is most important from now till laying down on your death bed if you're even blessed enough to live and prosper
@SoL600rr 10 ай бұрын
Why do people assume god did all this when you have test book evidence of how the world works
@WWhateverItTakes 10 ай бұрын
Either you love and worship me, or you get eternally tortured forever
@RumtumtuggerTB 10 ай бұрын
Bro if you’re gonna spout theology, maybe go study it
@jaxonkness 10 ай бұрын
So god couldn’t stop the evil? Sounds like a coward to me
@IHaveTheSause 10 ай бұрын
you sound like a troll 😂 if you are questioning at this basic level then I am sure you complain about many things in life, no hate
@WWhateverItTakes 10 ай бұрын
@@IHaveTheSause Its a basic question that disproves your whole religion
@indianajones4794 10 ай бұрын
@@WWhateverItTakesYou have to engage in the question in good faith and assume there could be a reason in the religion as to why God doesn’t intervene. You don’t get that far in the conversation by referring to anyone’s God as a “coward” in the offset. To answer the question at least from a Christian perspective, when humanity accepted sin into the world by committing the first sin and eating the fruit of the tree, they also accepted the burden of chaos, chance, and disorder due to the natural order being thrown off. Disease and natural “disorders” are a result of this chaos and chance that humanity chose and as such is an extension of our free will. God removing the consequences of our choices in the natural order of life removes the concept of free will entirely which is the primary principle Christianity is founded upon.
@Csfuser 10 ай бұрын
@@indianajones4794if god created adam and eve, he created them without knowledge of good and evil. Without that knowledge, they had no way to know that disobeying was wrong, so whose fault is it that they sinned? “It was their fault because they had FREE WILL.” Sure, they had free will, but without the knowledge of good and evil, they couldn’t really make an accurate decision now could they? Not to mention that god lied to them and the serpent (the devil) told the truth. The bible is dumb af.
@macduchesne1849 10 ай бұрын
​@@indianajones4794 that's all good and all but there was no apple and no unleashing evil upon humanity
@rystrider 10 ай бұрын
The biggest misconception I see surrounding conversations like this is: God cannot be all powerful and all good at the same time. The problem with this deduction is: who are you, a simple mortal human, to define what is good? Who are you to set moral standards for God? Who do you think you are? You could read 10000 books and still lack the knowledge to even grasp Gods decisions. Our senses can be warped. We have an ego. We get emotional. We are surely not omniscient! How can we then believe we are worthy to cast such a judgement? The evil in the world is a prerequisite and a product of our freedom. Goodness is not an attribute of God. God is the definition of goodness. God is good!
@WWhateverItTakes 10 ай бұрын
Do you not see the irony in your comment, we are humans so just as we dont know gods knowledge we dont know god even exists
@rystrider 10 ай бұрын
@thatonesnake8102 My argument was not attempting to prove his existence. I was refuting the idea that God can not be all good and all powerful because some human doesn't like God's decisions or they hate the world. The assertion that God can not be all powerful or all good is a common argument used to contradict the Bible in an attempt to disprove God's existence.
@Gentelmenghost 10 ай бұрын
The Christian God is very fickle and inconsistent on who, what, when, when, where, and of course, why a miracle happens. To the point you might ask "Why pray to God about such selfish desires as rescuin my terminally ill parent or child, i should just focus on the glory of God and praise him." Ah thats right, reasonable people even if endowed in the church and in faith, don't actually believe that. They want their loved ones to live, so why cant the christian God allow deciples to perform miracles like in previous times in the bible. Especially now when the work of miracles in the name of the Christian God, as done in the bible, would be revered and have HUGE conversion rates to the faith. There was that recent story of a pastor who claimed to have prayed a womans toes back and refuses to show the world. THAT would be a literal miracle that if proven true would have people coverting. God could literally allow people to perform medical miracles in the same kinds of ways as he allowed humans to do before.
@zerohere9662 10 ай бұрын
Jesus performed many miracles like casting out demons and healing people with disabilities how was he rewarded? How was his disciples rewarded? What happened to the Christian’s in Rome who still followed Christ? God is the only way to heaven not earth which is inherently evil even now we’re typing on phones made from cheap child labor over seas so why would god care anymore when we have denied him for centuries? He isn’t asking you to deny caring for your terminally ill child he is asking you to follow him and every single one of us turned are back on him since birth and yet we want him to wave his magic wand and perform a miracle when things go bad while we commit sins daily. Yes we are selfish and yet he still commits miracles to righteous people and not those who will use him for example my mothers car crashed because of a storm she rolled down a hill 8 times and she heard a voice the entire time she said telling her to calm down child I’m with you she broke her neck and was unconscious she survived
@samiam9033 10 ай бұрын
But God created a world in which is evil
@samcosper5196 10 ай бұрын
because of the free will he gave you because he loves you, the evil is caused by those that choose not to love him back and think of only themselves
@QuestTaylor-d3k 10 ай бұрын
​@@samcosper5196 but he created those people
@Hfeel893 10 ай бұрын
​@user-jm9me4fc2e and when he gave free will there are those who use it for the wrong reasons and also there are bad and evil because of satan and sinning in the flesh all you can do is repent and pray unfortunately people have gotten to a point where science is " above god " because every teenager who has internet can sit and think that a higher power and proof are accessed by a smart phone when human beings are not capable of understanding what and why god does things
@samcosper5196 10 ай бұрын
@@QuestTaylor-d3k and let them make their own decisions, this puts evil out into the world which only builds up when more people think they can get away with it. The crazy part is that God still loves every one of those people
@thecitrusfrequency6503 10 ай бұрын
He created earth for challenge. Life is death. It’s a part of it. God doesn’t control every little fucking outcome, he created the molecules. The molecules act. Everyone wants to get real ignorant when trying to discount the idea of god. Ying and Yang.
@krtm7231 10 ай бұрын
and what? god is all mighty and all powerful, as christians say, therefore its easily fixable, no? and as he is all mighty and all powerful, doesnt it make him kinda psychopatic for intentionally making us suffer?
@Darnagom 10 ай бұрын
You cannot choose to live contrary to God's will and expect everything to work out fine. There's a reason behind everything God does.
@Earthbound__ 10 ай бұрын
Why would god let that happen, I’m sorry for your loss but a good god would not let that happen
@YungBeezer 10 ай бұрын
What would a good god do? Have his hands on every little bit of our lives? Do you not value free will?
@mateoruales9120 10 ай бұрын
Doesn’t God exist outside of space and time? Is he not omniscient and perfect? How could his creation do something that he didn’t already know of and plan? People usually say free will but where does free will exist when we’re placed (beyond our will) into a life or death ultimatum pick 1 A: love me or die B: disobey me and die Best part is by the Christian definition of God, not only did he already know all of this was gonna happen but he planned on sacrificing himself to himself to absolve us of then crimes he already knew would occur based on the plan he made all while blaming us👍
@LookitsMarino 10 ай бұрын
Sin was introduced when Adam and Eve had a baby, it was premartial sex and the kids had no other kids to make babies so they fucked each other. Adam and eve made incest
@luketurner1825 10 ай бұрын
So then god is not all powerful, it’s one of the only things that i can’t get around with christiannity, god must be able to stop us going to hell for eternity but he chooses not too
@wallomaie1752 10 ай бұрын
Bs story. God didn’t know Adam was going to eat of the forbidden fruit when he created Adam?
@Poshaughnessy1981 10 ай бұрын
@PsiRipples 10 ай бұрын
Not really because they did not know it was sinful as they hadn't eaten it yet.
@benmcgill2018 10 ай бұрын
No, they knew it was because they were told not to eat it
@thesmileyman6817 10 ай бұрын
They did know it was sinful - God told them it was. ”And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.“ ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ KJV