@ChrisInTheNorth 2 күн бұрын
I was at a disadvantage in this video because I know nothing about Pokemon! Of course that shouldn't matter.. they are just names of candidates.. but it did leave me trying to keep up. Its still interesting stuff though
@tamenator 3 күн бұрын
This statement is false. And yet, comments below literally read: he proved you cannot prove anything. 😂
@tamenator 3 күн бұрын
9:47 enjoyed the example. Just a nit pick to improve-things don’t happen because of theorems, theorems describe a phenomenon that exists. So this happens and it’s surprising but it happens and so somebody studied it and made a theorem. Great demo of the theorem-didn’t check your maths but the graphics were effective.
@osvaldo701 7 күн бұрын
Love it! Great video and explanation!
@trincotrunco8932 14 күн бұрын
In the last example, people who like Charmander would never give Squirtle 4 stars, because they know it has a high approval among other voters and then their favorite candidate (Charmander) wouldn't win. IMO in practice ranged voting is actually more messy and worse than what we have right now.
@MustSeto 10 күн бұрын
If voters are strategic then in a two-candidate election Score is the same as Plurality/what we have right now. This is already sort of an improvement over most methods because they're the same as Plurality even if voters aren't strategic. If there are more candidates then it can be strategic to give multiple candidates points. Technically with perfectly strategic Score (with perfect information) decays into (Strategic) Approval, only giving the minimum and maximum score, though not necessarily just one maximum. In practice with less information it can be strategic to hedge your bets by giving some partial scores.
@trincotrunco8932 10 күн бұрын
@@MustSeto you are correct, I even forgot I made this comment! hahahah I kept reading the other day about this topic and indeed, Score voting would degenerate into Approval voting in that perfect-information strategic scenario. Now I like Approval more than Plurality. But I also like Approval more than Score voting, because it's more simple and easier to understand. To make it even more simple, my fav option would be Approval voting with the choice of choosing 3 candidates max. This would make everything even easier to understand by citizens, and would still avoid favorite betrayal🥰
@MustSeto 10 күн бұрын
@@trincotrunco8932 Cool! Yeah voting methods is a real rabbit hole. It just keeps going... I largely agree about Approval being simpler than Score, and I also think that having larger and larger score ranges gives diminishing returns pretty quickly, even in theory. That said it seems like a lot of people _really_ hate being limited to just two options, and having to chose between putting compromises with either favorites or their hated, so I've wondered if 3 (e.g. for/neutral/against) would be more popular while still being simple. Maybe increase that to 4 if having an exact middle causes issues... I think there's been research on ratings scales like this (usually for surveys and things) that suggests people are unreasonably drawn towards middle scores, and you get better data on average if there's no true middle. Not sure how we'll that'd apply to this, or if voter frustration would outweigh the benefits, though. What do you mean about choosing 3 candidates max? You mean only 3 candidates can run, or each voter can only approve 3? I don't think I'd do either. I could see having a "unified primary" election to narrow the field a bit before having a "final" election being useful to let voters focus research on a more manageable number of candidates, though I don't know if I'd limit that to 3. Maybe 5, or maybe the top 20%, or something. A big draw of alternative methods and avoiding the spoiler effect is moving away from duopoly and towards more varied and nuanced races with multiple candidates. And I don't see the point of limiting a voter to just 3 approvals, especially if we do start getting a good spread of candidates.
@Auroral_Anomaly 15 күн бұрын
Why don’t we just I don’t know, vote once and not rank them.
@MustSeto 11 күн бұрын
Like in Plurality? Plurality votes can be losslessly encoded as ranks, and fails IIA. You could score them instead though. Scores can't be losslessly encoded as ranks, so Arrow's theorem doesn't apply.
@Auroral_Anomaly 10 күн бұрын
@@MustSeto Just see who ever has the most votes, IDK.
@MustSeto 10 күн бұрын
@@Auroral_Anomaly That's a great method, if you allow voters to vote for more than one candidate (Approval). Otherwise, if you only let them vote for one candidate, it's terrible (Plurality).
@Auroral_Anomaly 10 күн бұрын
@@MustSeto Ok, ig.
@agranero6 16 күн бұрын
Favorite betrayal is not unfair it is a legitimate choice, you can see it better in elections with multiple candidates. You relinquish your vote for your preferred candidate so other don't win ( In Brazil we call that "useful vote"). Say that is unfair ignores surveys that give you the knowledge (supposing fair pools) that your candidate will not win so relinquish your vote is irrelevant. Besides being fair does not imply in voting for you preferred candidate only means voting against one you fear. Specially if a candidate is seem as dangerous (how many time candidates got to the power by voting and never get out? Hitler was elected before became a dictator). Besides the pivot being the dictator is an edge case, specially on multiple candidates and millions of people voting, and the dictator does not know he is the dictator, meaning that fact that one person will decide the result is irrelevant as long as this person doesn't know it, it is an edge case very improbable to happen specially with the same person over and over (meaning it does not fit your intuitive and even dictionary definition of dictator: meaning the pivot is just legitimately making their choice unaware of his vote will decide all he/she will not change his vote as the example shows to demonstrate he/she will be the pivot, the pivot will be just one of those that voted for the winner their vote is not less legitimate just because it decided the election do this looks a dictator to you?) . *All very abstract but ignores all that: election pools, the right to vote for someone you wouldn't vote for the greater good or at least for the lesser evil. All that makes lots of assumptions that seem reasonable until reality gets in the way: ignores rights of voters, legitimacy of the vote of each one independent of the result it leads, human nature and the semantic of what is a dictator be a twist of language.* Fairness must maximize an objective function lets say happiness about the role of your vote on the result. It also ignores anonymity (or the votes being valued the same or yet commutativity) and others that are also reasonable and continuity: small changes causing big differences in the result and then we will get other problems like Chicilnisky impossibility theorem. Feynman used to say: "I receive letters every day saying this or that in Physics is wrong: space-time should be quantized, etc. But not a single letter says how to do that consistently with math and experiments" (paraphrasing because I am too lazy to search the exact quote. See the relation?
@MustSeto 11 күн бұрын
I don't think the main issue with favorite betrayal is whether it's "unfair" or "a legitimate choice" with respect to any particular voting method, the bigger issue is with what higher-order effects it has, such as center-squeeze, and artificially encouraging duopoly. In Arrow's theorem, the dictator must be a consistent voter across elections. If you hold a new election using the same method, then the same voter must be a dictator again and the results will be a copy of their new ballot, no mater how anyone else votes. This does mean that Dictatorships must violate Anonymity.
@agranero6 10 күн бұрын
@@MustSeto It is impossible for anyone know the other voters vote so no one can PLAN to be the dictator, besides it is an edge case that only happens in very balanced elections so one vote can make this. It is unreal as an Adam with a bellybutton.
@MustSeto 10 күн бұрын
@@agranero6 > It is impossible for anyone know the other voters vote so no one can PLAN to be the dictator Why would it matter if no one knows how any one else will vote? The identity of the dictator does not depend on anyone's votes, so the dictator could easily know that they're the dictator ahead of time.
@agranero6 10 күн бұрын
@@MustSeto How if everyone votes at the same time? It is only possible if excluding the dictator there is a tie. Explain how he could know he is the dictator? Dictator is a misnomer: dictators can impose their will no matter what the case. The pivot, the deciding vote is a legitimate as any other.
@MustSeto 10 күн бұрын
@@agranero6 Arrow's theorem is agnostic to how such a method could come to be used. But in real life, I suppose they (or their regime) would have to enact and enforce the usage of the method themselves. And the method would have to have fail Anonymity -- it'd need some way of identifying which ballot is the dictator's. Or on a smaller scale, the dictator could just be tricky. Create a method with them as the dictator, but disguise how the method works and convince some electorate/organization to use it. Something like that.
@tmahad5447 18 күн бұрын
I am currently working on the SAT problem and its polynomial solution. So far i have made a huge progress
@1vootman 18 күн бұрын
P does not equal NP.
@zix2421 19 күн бұрын
8:55 who “we”?
@yuhmuhfuhkuh 26 күн бұрын
This video has never been more relevant
@Johnny_Appleweed Ай бұрын
Kurt Godel removed maths from the realm of the divine and bodied any mathematician who claims that maths are the perfect logic, or the language of the Universe. Math are just more of invented logics, and like their inventors, maths are flawed.
@darklazerx7913 Ай бұрын
This system is broken cause of strategic voting, you will just give 5 stars to every candidate you like, and 0 stars to every candidate you dislike. And the more 5 stars you give the more voting power you have. Instread your voting power should be at 100 consistently and if you give one candidate 5 stars they get 100 and if you give 2 5 stars each get 50. But even then, if you really want someone to win its just a game of risk vs reward just like voting for a 3rd party, if youre strategic you still just vote for the most popular one.
@MustSeto Ай бұрын
Every system can be affected by strategic voting, it's mostly a matter of how much it helps/harms the outcome, and I think saying Score is "broken" because of this is a bit too strong. It would effectively make it equivalent to (strategic) Approval Voting, which is generally still considered a very good system by many (if anything I'd say it's more popular than Score/Range at the moment). > And the more 5 stars you give the more voting power you have. I don't think this is true at all. For example, if you give everyone 5 stars, then your vote isn't a net help or harm to any candidate; it's basically the same as not showing up. If you do that for everyone except your least favorite... well, if your least favorite was a no-hoper regardless, then again it's basically useless. Generally, compared to just giving points to a few favorites, giving out more points to compromises decreases the chances of a favorite winning, but also decreases the chances that a least favorite wins. As-is, this system basically tries to pick the candidate with the highest average rating. If instead you divided up people's power based on how many candidates they support then it'd really be vulnerable to bullet-voting, basically turning it into (strategic) Plurality.
@darklazerx7913 Ай бұрын
@@MustSeto You give stars to every minor candidate you like too. Ofc not the ones you oppose, just everyone who's for ex conservative if you are and just give 5 stars to 10 of them including really small ones why not. It becomes a competition for what side will vote for the most candidate's.
@MustSeto Ай бұрын
@@darklazerx7913 Yes, strategically you can safely and arguably should give minor candidates you like above some threshold the max score as well. But artificially running extra candidates doesn't really help your side any. Range/Score is proven to be "cloneproof". You're just independently assessing each candidate. Adding an extra candidate doesn't change the existing candidate's scores. So it doesn't help your major candidate. It also doesn't help any other extra candidates from your side. To have a chance at changing the winner, it'd have to independently be scored higher than its own major candidate, which they'd have to reach more voters than the other to do (like genuinely having better support from the opposition without losing your side's support), which doesn't sound so bad. So the only way this'd benefit your side is if many of the candidates are genuinely distinct and your side is hoping one of them is genuinely superior for the electorate, and you don't have a way to tell ahead of time, so you throw extra dice. But (1) that still implies this results in genuinely better candidates being elected, and (2) in reality even if you technically field a bunch of candidates, probably people won't be able to investigate all of them and will coalesce around a few anyways, or you won't be able to financially support all of them with good campaigns, etc
@danishjuneja Ай бұрын
the logic that the last person to vote is key in deciding who wins, is complete bufoonery
@MustSeto Ай бұрын
That's not really what this is saying. The proof shows that a pivot must exist, but doesn't say where they are. For the sake of example they picked a position near the middle, but they could have been first. But regardless of where they are, the final results will be a copy of their ballot. And it's not just some kind of cancellation effect either, where in a different election it might be someone else; it's always the same voter for as long as the same method is used. Of course real methods that are actually used in the real world fail IIA, so this doesn't apply to them.
@danishjuneja Ай бұрын
what the f did i just watch
@mikloscsuvar6097 Ай бұрын
This make no sense. If Greek and Latin is so important to read the poems etc in original language, then the Bible must not be read other than in Hebrew. These languages consumed much precious time that should have been used for environment study, french etc.
@reinerczerwinski1326 Ай бұрын
According to Baker-Gill-Solovay P vs. NP cannot be solved with diagonalization alone. But there are several oracles, where P vs. NP is solved relative to them, i.e.for oracle A : P^A (un)equal NP^A is known. Thus, why everyone thinks, the problem P^X vs. NP^X is hard, when X is the empty set?
@hubertk7363 Ай бұрын
I am not convinced. Rational (that is: coming from reason) political preferences are hardly translatable into star ratings of candidates. Gut feelings about them are, but actual rational thoughts - not really. On the other hand, preferring someone over another one is a rational conclusion one can reach. I can qualitatively say I think candidate A is better candidate B. I cannot say quantitatively that A is worth 1.7 B's. Also, doesn't strategic voting in range voting also exist? Giving people you don't quite like lower scores than you'd honestly want to give them. The only way for someone not to do it if they don't think about it (it can be complicated) or if they have some weird sense of virtue. And politicians would definitively encourage strategic voting. The reason for that is very simple: if you're a majority capable of electing your own candidate, you don't wanna give the other side power to elect a less divisive candidate. I still think the best solution is to determine the top-cycle in the graph of people preferring one candidate over another, and then use really any reasonable system, since either way someone's gonna be upset the result was unjust. But I'm open to changing my mind.
@MustSeto Ай бұрын
Every (sane) method has strategic considerations, the ultimate question I'm concerned with is about how good the final results tend to be with realistic voter behavior. Honenstly I consider most debates around strategy to be a bit of a red herring, at least for most seriously proposed methods. Unless you count Borda. Strategy destroys Borda. Don't use Borda. For example, if under one method usually few voters have an opportunity to be strategic but the few who do can change the results a lot, while under another method almost everyone can be a bit strategic but it can't effect the final results hardly at all, then which is more "vulnerable" to strategy? Or more generally, if one method is virtually immune to strategy but gives consistently poor results, while another method is in profoundly effected by strategy in whatever sense you prefer, but even so it's worse-case is generally fairly decent, which of the two would you prefer? Could there be a method that benefits from strategic voting? I think Plurality at least might count. If a method is basically defined as being an "automatically strategic" version of another method, can any vote ever be considered honest? Maybe some other external consideration is more important, like whether or not it encourages duopoly? Most methods behave the same as Plurality when there are only two strong options. So if a method "technically" works well in some sense with many parties, but somehow encourages duopoly anyways, then it kind of might not matter. This kind of gets to the "true" meaning of scores in Range/Score. Strategic voting can involve giving bad compromises fewer points than you might have if you thought everyone was equally likely to win, but it can also involve giving extra points to better compromises. At the extreme, it becomes (strategic) Approval Voting, which is still usually considered very good (and seems to be explicitly preferred by quite a few). In general, compared to giving points only to fewer favorites, giving more points to compromises decreases the chances that one of the favorites will win, but also decreases the chances that a _least_ favorite will win. You're more likely to at least get a compromise. IMO being "slightly" strategic is possible for almost everyone, but I don't expect it to have a huge negative effect on the overall quality of the final winner. This style of strategic voting might not even be harmful. If Alice and Bob have the "same preferences" in some naive sense, but Alice decides to be strategic while Bob doesn't, maybe that indicates something more subtle but valuable after all, like Alice believes she has more at steak, maybe enough to risk settling for a compromise as long as someone worse is kept away, while Bob decides he might as well focus on getting his favorite. Condorcet/top-cycle methods might be good too though. I'd be a little worried about the dark horse + 3 pathology, but Condorcet should at least resist it better than Borda, and I hear some Condorcet methods are immune to it, so maybe it's fine if we use one of those. I think minimax with equal ranks is supposed to be immune? Unfortunately, IIRC Shulze's Beatpath method and Tideman's Ranked Pairs methods aren't immune, though.
@kennyearthling7965 Ай бұрын
This is not how voting works. Everyone votes at the same time, anonymously. Jyst because there's a tipping point, does not mean that any one person has all the power. Poor understanding duspkayed here is disappointing
@MustSeto Ай бұрын
The method is just a function that can take any possible collection of ballots, so it's not like we're assuming someone sees the other ballots and carefully crafts their own to get what they want. We can always consider a collection of ballots which is exactly the same except that this someone submits any other ballot. The theorem doesn't start out assuming whether or not the method is anonymous. "Anonymity" is another criteria a method can pass or fail, it's basically saying that if you reorder ballots then the result will always be the same. But it turns out that's incompatible with Unanimity + IIA. Because a Dictator is not just a "tipping point", they're in full control of the every election no mater how anyone else votes for as long as that method is used. So dictatorships cannot be anonymous. You're right of course that that's not how any real voting method works. Because every real voting method fails IIA.
@randomguy-tg7ok Ай бұрын
I don't quite understand what's happened at 5:38 - in the example, the relative ranking of Squirtle to Charmander has changed, and that hasn't been reflected. The ultimate result should put Charmander last, with the 'winner' depending on what system is used (Squirtle in a points-based system, Bulbasaur in STV). Perhaps the problem here is that the magnitude of relative rankings isn't being respected? In the above result, Bulbasaur comes above Charmander despite being preferred by only two of five because said two have a much stronger preference than the other three. Is that something that violates the premise of the theorem, or?
@MustSeto Ай бұрын
By IIA, B > S. Also by IIA, C > B. But Rankings are transitive, so since C > B and B > S, C > S as well. The problem is that it passes IIA. Which together with Unanimity means the method has a dictator. It's not that the magnitude of relative ranking isn't being respected, it's that only one voter is considered at all, no mater how anyone else votes.
@BruceRicard Ай бұрын
This is the only video on Big-O I could find that uses the word "asymptotic" to define it. And yet it seems like you don't understand what it means. Because the conclusion should be that Big-O is completely useless, as all it tells us is what happens in a neighborhood of infinity, and nobody cares about that in practice.
@SunShine-xc6dh Ай бұрын
If your list of 'all' programs doesn't include the agent Smith program is really a list of all programs? Wouldn't claiming to have a complete and simultaneously infinite list be claiming to be able to solve the halting problem assigning your list the definite state of knowably does not halt?
@TheDuckofDoom. Ай бұрын
There is no universal best system, but there are systems that do a good enough job of solving the major problems of specific circumstances under real practical conditions. In many cases the primary concern is not perfectly determining the most desirable outcome but rather avoiding the least desirable outcome or avoiding long term problems like 2-party capture of the system. (ultimately covertly becoming single party capture with the illusion of two parties.) But the whole system needs to be considered together not just the ballot math, you need rules for ties, ballot access, how representation is divided (geographically, overlapping single winner elections, proportional multiwinner election, etc), the treatment of candidate affiliations such as parties, Especially for single winner elections the system should favor reduced entrenchment of a party or encumbent, avoid the most blunt and widespread tactical voting like lesser of 2 evils, and not reward gamesmanship or backroom sabotage. the counting method does not need to be mathmatically proven completely free of loop holes, but the plausability and impact of a weakness should be considered relative to the actual situation. 12 highly intelligent people that know information about eachother is strategically a lot different from 100k strangers of mixed intellect and unknown likelyhood of participation. The same voting system may be very vulnerable to manipulation in one case and have no economically viable exploit for the other case.
@handsome_man69 2 ай бұрын
I have herpes
@mrowlbert 3 ай бұрын
My poor little brain can't handle this lol
@BuleriaChk 3 ай бұрын
Godel's "Theorem" is a complete farce and absolute bullshit. Godel assigns a unique number to all the symbols in real numbers via the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: e.g., the syntactical symbols "+", "-", "x" (multiplication) as well as the actual numbers and powers (e.g. 3^2). By his criteria, a "proof" consists of a tautology on each side of the equal sign. At first, one might think the statement "3 + 4 = 7" is a "proof", since it can be reduced to a sum of units on either side. But that would be a contradiction, according to Godel, because "3 + 4" has a different Godel Number than "7". So the only "proofs" for Godel are G(wff) = G(wff); any other statement is a contradiction by Godel Number. I call BS - a giant twittering machine built on nothing, see my pdfs on physicsdiscussionforum dot org Remember, you read it here first... :)
@metallica1fan1 3 ай бұрын
NPVIC is Serfdom.
@etinarcardiaego 4 ай бұрын
The States created the Fed Gov't, and each State is a Sovereign State with their own State Constitution that through it's people, whereby each Sovereign State casts a Vote for a President of the Union of States. If a popular vote was inherently discrete as part of the U.S. Constitution, the 8 and then 9th sovereign State would NOT have ratified it. Why would a State hand over their Sovereignty to a Fed Gov't that didn't exist until 8 States ratified the document? Each state could have ended up as a "Sovereign Country" if what you are proposing was writ in the the Document to be Ratified. The presented writ here implies that the Electoral College's framework is deeply rooted in the Constitution and its amendments, making it a challenging system to alter without significant constitutional amendments. The historical context provided highlights how past electoral challenges led to the refinement of the Electoral College through the ratification process. This perspective underscores the complexity and significance of any potential changes to the Electoral College, emphasizing its foundational role in American presidential elections as established through constitutional ratification processes. Each sovereign region, as a state, has a sovereign right to have a say from their proximal purview as how the Fed Gov't serve the states, in discrete terms, as it willfully signed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, and gave away some of it's power to the Fed Gov't in good faith. NOTE: The Electoral College's structure, outlined in Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Constitution and further refined by the Twelfth Amendment, was designed to address issues that arose during early presidential elections, particularly the tie vote between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr in 1800. The ratification of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804 solidified the process of electors casting separate votes for President and Vice President, ensuring a more efficient and clear outcome in presidential elections.
@moahammad1mohammad 4 ай бұрын
This channel was actually better than college
@gopher7691 5 ай бұрын
NPV is unconstitutional
@konradpietras8030 5 ай бұрын
I don't agree with what is said in 4:50. What if pivot person is variable and it changes when we change the order of voting. For example third person may be pivot when he changes order from bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle to charmander, squirtle, bulbasaur but when he changes to charmander, bulbasaur, squirtle then nothing changes in final order and the pivot person will be fourth or fifth person.
@MustSeto 4 ай бұрын
The pivot is only defined by one change in a specific scenario. Once we've found that we don't immediately assume they are the pivot for another even slightly different scenario (though we eventually derive it). Instead we just use Unanimity and IIA. To try to define the pivot another way, this time using the specific scenario in the video, they're the first voter such that if everyone before them votes C>S>B and everyone after them says B>C>S, their switching between B>C>S and C>B>S switches the results between B>C>S and C>B>S. (We don't then assume they'll remain "pivotal" in the same way if the ballots were tweaked slightly _pre se._ We just immediately, blindly start applying IIA, only using the pivot scenarios as a starting point. We don't assume the pivot is preserved after we start doing that.) Proving that such a pivotal situation must exist at all in this concrete scenario is mostly what the first part of the proof was doing, but the positions of Bulbasaur and Charmander were only _relative,_ and they kept the _relative_ position of Squirtle in the votes and results abstract/unknown. But eventually they strategically assume Squirtle was in positions such that unanimity ensured they would finish last anyways, letting us use a more concrete example where everyone's rankings in the votes and results are absolute.
@opensocietyenjoyer 5 ай бұрын
the condorcet criterion is imo not something you need to fulfill. also, why did you call it range voting instead of score voting?
@MustSeto 4 ай бұрын
"Range" used to be the more common name. From the upload time I think this video was made around the time the transition was happening (around the same time I was getting interested, now that I think about it).
@anandsuralkar2947 5 ай бұрын
Theres a game called bounce which is actually much more accurate representation of 3 sat than mario
@patrickperot6296 5 ай бұрын
Aren't NPs just a combination of Ps (whether a basic combination or a complex one)?
@Loanshark753 6 ай бұрын
Why not just use base 3. 0, 1 and 2 are the symbols.
@ahasdasetodu6304 6 ай бұрын
What you described under hamiltonian path is actually an euler path, hamiltonian is such that every vertex (in this case city) is visited exactly once
@drakata27 6 ай бұрын
I solved this problem but i forgot
@kingshukcs 6 ай бұрын
Listen man....this video was awesome!! and it totally deserves more than 150k views. Your examples were just amazing....they flipped switches in my brain so thank you!!
@justmeowzyt8402 7 ай бұрын
This is honestly the best explanation I’ve seen and heard about Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. Thank you very much for posting this video.
@g_323 7 ай бұрын
There is not an existential crisis of mathematics but of the thought system of idealism. There is no system of thought that can save you. Mathematics can be a language and a descriptive and even predictive tool. But math, like statistics, should be used under adult supervision; because they are not a lifesaving device.
@brycepalmer8100 7 ай бұрын
ground pounding is not a mechanic in Super Mario Bros for NES which this reduction was written for
@denischen8196 7 ай бұрын
Super Mario Bros. is actually undecidable because you can simulate a Turing machine powered by shells. There is no way to decide whether an arbitrary Super Mario Bros. contraption halts.
@moosemoss2645 8 ай бұрын
Unreal content. Where have you gone?
@MathCuriousity 8 ай бұрын
Hey great vid but question: the first thing u discuss is how we can have a surjection between rows of Pokémon and numbers and this shows there are at least as many rows as numbers. But isn’t surjection the wrong word? Since we can have a million rows all mapped to one number and it’s still a surjection but it’s not one to one/injective. So I don’t see how simply a surjective shows that the rows are at least as big as the naturals. Can you help me off?
@MathCuriousity 8 ай бұрын
What about the natural numbers and the numbers between 0 and 1? Also why does it seem like your def of bijection is a bit diff from the one I learned in elementary set theory ?
@kallihale5197 8 ай бұрын
This deserves more views.
@sk4lman 9 ай бұрын
So... If you manage to prove your system to be consistent, it immediately seizes to be consistent. That is wild!
@mahamadousacko823 9 ай бұрын
P=NP si P>0 et N=1; P!=NP si P et N =0;
@Emeric62 9 ай бұрын
I'm not found of the star method because obviously most voters will just give 5 stars to their candidates and 0 star to the rest. Ranked voting seems the best to me.
@MustSeto 9 ай бұрын
Eh, IIRC that's theoretically the optimal strategy if you have good enough information, but with more uncertainty in the details of how other people will vote I think it starts to make sense to give some partial scores. Anyways I'm not sure this would harm the method's overall performance much, Approval Voting is supposed to be pretty good as well. Plus, there's a method actually _named_ "STAR" (Score Then Automatic Runoff) which modifies plain Score slightly to try to encourage differentiating compromises a bit. First there's a plain Score step to find the top _two_ (instead of just electing first place), then whoever between those two is scored higher on the most ballots wins, even if they were 2nd place. This is using the same ballots as before; there's no separate round where you show up again or anything. So whether you say A=5, B=4 (difference of 1 point) or A=4, B=0 (difference of 4 points) that's one point to A in the 2nd round. But if you say A=5, B=5 then neither gets anything. So if A and B are competitive you're better off docking B at least one point, unless you're truly very indifferent between the two. It doesn't hurt B much against other candidates in the first part, but if it comes down to it, it helps A a lot in the end.
@viniciuskfm 9 ай бұрын
How's charmander winning and sqirtle losing in 5:40? I get there's independence of irrelevant alternatives, but that's not the case Charmander shouldn't even be first in that scenario, let alone be agead of squirtle
@MustSeto 6 ай бұрын
Why shouldn't they be first? I mean, we never assumed the method _didn't_ have a dictator. And if F is a dictator for the method, then obviously the method would put Charmander first there. The application of Unanimity and IIA just helps us find who they might be. The process described in this video can be thought of as the process of diagnosing an unknown method to find who any dictator might be.