This channel is soley for the purpose of putting the once upon a time story tapes and books on the internet.
I did not create any of these tapes or stories but just wish to share them with others and to bring nostalgia and joy to fellow childhood memories.
The oringal company and publishers that made these are that of
Fabbri publishing ltd 1989/gakken co ltd Tokyo
Recorded at Redwood studios
Produced by Joa Reinelt -- Joa Productions
I cannot find these companies anymore or are sure of the ones i found are the same ones. I give full credit to the companies, publishers artists and narrators for all their hard work.
I only wish to share these tales with fellow childhood and story lovers.
But if anyone does have any information on the companies or anyone who was involved in the making of these tapes and books. Please let me know.
If you need to contact me my email is
[email protected]