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@jaferessop4412 3 минут бұрын
Palestinians are semites....killing them and stealing their land is antisemitism
@jaferessop4412 4 минут бұрын
Candice Owen's is an OG
@bigsuperdogs Сағат бұрын
Zionist 🤡
@MIKEMIKE-te2dt 10 сағат бұрын
Israel Fun Fact: Genealogical tracking services are illegal in Israel. This is surprising, considering that with so many Israelis being curious about their Hebrew lineage, such services would be very lucrative. However, the genealogical data simply proves that ninety-five percent of the self-styled "Jews" in Israel are neither "Hebrew" or semite. According the genealogical, linguistic and historical data, their place of ancestral origin was in fact an area known as Khazaria, located in the area know occupied by Ukraine. Self-hating Khazars need to seek professional counseling. There is no reason why any of us should tolerate the delusional psychosis of a people who are neither "Hebrew" nor "semite" and who for eleven months have been engaged in the horrific antisemitic extermination of the Palestinians in Gaza. Like apartheid South Africa, Israel is a society founded upon the core principle of bigotry.
@IPGlow 12 сағат бұрын
Stop with the BS.
@IPGlow 12 сағат бұрын
Candace Owens❤❤❤❤
@iaintmadatcha 15 сағат бұрын
So she was absolutely fine with you when she was saying all kinds of deplorable things about the black community? She was awesome then right? But soon as the rabbit got the gun and the shoe is on the other foot shes a hater now? Shes anti this anti that now? Meanwhile you Jew"ish" guys like Ben Shapiro was paying her well when she was on Daily Wire using anti black rhetoric? SMH you Idumeans kill me with your outrageous hypocrisy
@dannycourreges4401 15 сағат бұрын
Love you buddy. Always so well timed…
@AaronMachbitz 15 сағат бұрын
Love you back
@MAFIAndroid 17 сағат бұрын
Shes saying it because it's true and thats the most anti semitic thing in the world.
@newearthmirror186 Күн бұрын
This is why you've only got 2.75k subs buddy!
@TrahernMoore-w2k Күн бұрын
Dude shut the Hell up stop lying she didn't covert to Roman Catholicism she is a jew of the tribe of judah yall being exposed Revelation 2:9 3:9 the real jews are black idiot Vladimir Putin revealed it to the entire world but yall still sticking to yall lies and when yahshua returns yall will see who the real jews are and yahshua revealed it in Revelation 2:9 3:9 yall about to be handed yall eviction notice by the most high 😂😂😂
@TrahernMoore-w2k Күн бұрын
Vladimir Putin already revealed who the true jews are Us in America so called African Americans yall time is up yall about to be handed yall eviction notice by the most high Revelation 2:9 3:9
@TrahernMoore-w2k Күн бұрын
The real jews Trube of judah are so called African Americans
@Luyo.. Күн бұрын
What about your rabbi on what he said, you guys play victim very well
@salouibrahim1260 Күн бұрын
She doesn’t hate Jews but she hates your everlasting criminal ways and especially the zionists
@user-jz3cj8hv5p Күн бұрын
Genocidal Zionist state will not survive to see her 80th anniversary celebrations. Palestine 🇵🇸 belongs to Palestinians 🇮🇷 ❤️ 🇵🇸
@styme22 Күн бұрын
Candace is a gem 💎
@svietka202 Күн бұрын
you as a jew should be very very worried of the society you will be bringing your children up in... reading these comments I am glad I am an Israeli and keeping Israel safe for you to be able to escape to when all of them will come for you... because don't fool yourself, they will! 99% of comments hate you because you are a Jew, so please have some self-respect and stop kissing their ass to get more views
@AnikBarua1919 Күн бұрын
@AaronMachbitz 17 сағат бұрын
@AnikBarua1919 Күн бұрын
@svietka202 Күн бұрын
she is just another rabid, vile antisemite..
@Theaddora Күн бұрын
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
Candace Owens is a very goodhearted Lady ❤ she us absolute not Evil She crash the Unholy schmulley And that guy is evil real evil
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
Gloria in exelsis Deo et in Terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatiis Jesu Christi Santifacature nomen tum
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
This guy worship Jews he Replace Our Lord Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God the Almighty Father gor Kajafas and Sanhedrin He bowing down gor a bastard nation who insulting Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother Mary and cursing them every Shabbat in their Synagogeu according their Talmud Evangelicals believe in a fals Gospel How can they blessing the Jews Why they not blessing Satan And his demons they also insulting Christ
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
Thank you i tested your spirit and i know who lives in your soul
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
Dear people this guy shows the spirit of Kajafas Even a Pilatus will say she iis Innocent No example no proof only accusations to destroy her He have the spirit of Kajafas and Judas Iskhariot combine
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
This guy is a chesreader of Kajafas ptoof your accusations
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
You worshipJews
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
She humiliatte schmulley isthat antisemitism
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
She spoke aboug Radicals
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
Say one antisemitic thing she said
@ZenatiOmar Күн бұрын
Proof thats she hate Jews
@survivalwildterrain-nr8nx Күн бұрын
@AaronMachbitz 17 сағат бұрын
@Loomac1970 Күн бұрын
I think you should debate her or just meet her and then you can critique her. @candaceowens
@Loomac1970 Күн бұрын
Have u watched all her videos or just clips. And she doesnt hate jews she is just fed up with not being able to criticise israels tactics. And then she wanted to know why? And because she asks questions, shes labeled anti semetic. Its ridiculous. Perhaps when she wanted to learn more about zionist history, she found some shocking things. So she has a duty as a journo to tell others what shes found out. Most sane people dont hate jews, but they do hate israeli gov and bibi. So if you think shes reported very well before, why cant she be reporting the truth here? Because it doesnt support your beliefs. Fair enough, bht you are wrong mate. Alot of her info and books she reads, are by jewish authors and media. Explain that please.
@frankcaciques1318 Күн бұрын
The Talmud covers a lot of bases. The Talmud is the manual producing the venom of Christ hatred. But includes hatred for all mankind.
@brendagula6290 2 күн бұрын
Candace necame Catholic so they are anti Israel because their doctrune says the church repoaced Israel andbthat coukdnt ve firther from the truth be ause Romans 11 proves it and so many other scriptures as well!
@terranzasims4268 2 күн бұрын
Where's the clips of her being antisemitic because everytime we hear someone is antisemetic its only white jews that accuse of this while its so many different jews black ,spanish ,asian so its hard to really call someone that when its many different ethnicities that are jews and white isnt the original ones speaking semetic languages .Alot of them is in Africa,Ethiopia,which is part of the African continent.
@user-tx1hy1wr2m 2 күн бұрын
Every thing sad bad stomach acke
@user-tx1hy1wr2m 2 күн бұрын
He sounds Jewish
@user-tx1hy1wr2m 2 күн бұрын
Who are you free speech go Candice don't try to hurt her
@franciscolavanille4690 2 күн бұрын
@whiteman995 2 күн бұрын
BOO HOO BOO HOO BOO HOO~ dey always whinning bout sometin~
@conjoeadams899 2 күн бұрын
Short Answer to your question - NO. WHY are you spreading Hate?
@charliebrownie4158 2 күн бұрын
One of the things that I want to put out there. Whether it was Candice Owen becoming a Catholic maybe she had a priest who helped her it was becoming a Catholic and he filled her head with the nonsense about Paul killing Christians which may put her into that headspace of looking at us as being some kind of aberration that somehow like Tucker Carlson saying well the Jews are involved with things like pornography and every kind of ice there is they're the ones making the homosexual pornography and all those other vices around the world. Don't forget she was simping with Tucker Carlson around the time for baby was born when she was trying to make it seem as though her baby being born that she was going to believe what the news fake news was going to say about Israel to say that we were going out of our way to make sure to kill every single baby in Gaza. Yet when they came to the festival they were going only first and foremost for the children in front of their parents to destroy them. And you know what I don't give a f*** I don't have islamophobia but I don't want it around me either. Even if I was in Israel right now and Israel has as many Muslims as it does Jews I still don't want to be living and you know what that's not racist that's being careful. Sorry but in case you didn't know there's a daily stabbing a people who claim they're going into Israel to work but they're not going in there to work. So I obviously as of right now they're not going in for good reason. But I know this is why we need Israel it's because the rest of the world doesn't give a f*** just like these other f****** right in this thing talking about us always being a victim. The funny thing is that these are the same people who no doubt either are of the mind that we caused the Holocaust to happen and that's what that term means Holocaust is not something that is about an event that occurred by people who were insane or insanely motivated. The Holocaust means to be given a payment for the evils that that race has done. So this is why we don't use that term the only reason I brought it up here is for the people who use such terms as victims like Israel's the fake victim or whatever they're b******* is. By the way my dad was a Christian Pastor okay and I was talking to him about some different things and especially some different things that I didn't agree with scripture on namely the book of Galatians because it didn't fit at all the other books in the Bible especially the book of James. And my dad said all the big problem I have with with the New Testament he said was that they took this person Paul and they said that Paul was killing Jews who had converted to Christianity. But he said at that time nobody in it Judy and the surrounding areas was allowed to kill anybody without the consent of Rome. Only a Roman Centurion or Soldier could kill the Jew and it wouldn't have made a problem. But if you're going to tell me that it's because Paul was a Roman citizen that opens up a huge can of worms. Obviously 99% of Christians don't know what Roman citizens did to retain their citizenship. Because somebody who was a Roman citizen had to give a sacrifice to the god of Rome, the god of Rome was Caesar or whoever was the emperor at the time whether or not he was related to Augustus or Nero was immaterial. But according to the writings of Paul he wrote against giving sacrifices to Rome giving any sacrifices to any of the Roman deities. So who wrote those books then and who was he really. Because if he was doing what he said he did he and his whole family would have been crucified on the way to Jerusalem on crosses his family would have been crucified before him so he would see them dying before he would even get strung up unless what he was doing was what Rome wanted him to do not killing Christians but killing Jews. Then his attitude in the book of Galatians would make a lot more sense because if the book of Galatians was written to the Romans in Gaul that makes no sense for that time period because Rome didn't have a huge amount of people living there at that time. For the date that that book has been set it would be impossible.
@n.a.1397 2 күн бұрын
Only thing that is losing, is AIPACs hold over US. Free Palestine 🔻.
@beverlygraham9510 2 күн бұрын
Any enemy of God is a disciple of Satan
@beverlygraham9510 2 күн бұрын
And another thing too that doesn’t make sense is don’t you find it quite funny they all the juice and Congress are pro Palestine. If you really loved your own people, wouldn’t you be for them instead of against them? All of Congress is Jewish, but I’m not gonna say their Jewish devil worshipers they are Satan and that’s the truth.
@beverlygraham9510 2 күн бұрын
I am pro Israel, but our Congress is full of jews They don’t love God and don’t love Jesus.