@TheRobblue 11 ай бұрын
I served in the 80s UK newly converted to the church, no training center just sent straight out and arriving was nothing like this...we spent the first night with the mission president, and the next morning at the mission office you met your trainer, and you were sent on your way...them meeting their comps was like the scene from the musical "Book of Mormon"...Happy days...
@alfredbrooks2276 Жыл бұрын
They are not Mormon Missionaries they are of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints missionaries. Let get the Lord name right, It's not Mormon Church it the Lord Jesus Christ Church
@rafaelespinoza6530 Жыл бұрын
Thanks 🙏👍👍 Amen 💕🔙
@rafaelespinoza6530 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that guys Amen 🙏💞
@annamariacurrivan6142 Жыл бұрын
God bless you all, young LDS Missionaries. You are God’s Army. Do not be afraid. Thank you for your courageous work.
@AlbertJLouie 2 жыл бұрын
When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in MATTHEW 24:23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..." Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in? A). Your jesus of the Book of Mormon who is the brother of Satan. OR B). The Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.
@babsfocker7751 2 жыл бұрын
They got mad cuz I wouldn't give the president my travel documents. I said they are mine and I love them, well they never got them.
@ทณาแสงธรรม 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a missionary.
@heidirobinson3352 3 жыл бұрын
Really great Beautiful video!! However, there's NEW NAME NOAH videos on KZbin exposing the modern day LDS Satanic worship in their Temples. I don't believe that many of these Modern day LDS members are even aware, for themselves about the Satan worship happening in their LDS Beautiful looking expensive Temples. 🕊🙏 God hates sin. God have mercy on those of us who are flawed each day (myself included in my imperfections before God) but we still pray that God loves us despite our sins. Let us choose to only worship & love the Holy Trinity each day of our lives.
@paulbrungardt9823 3 жыл бұрын
Brigham Young was a disgusting pig who taught racial hatred. Black and White interracial relationships will be met with death “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so." Source: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah …, pgs. 109-110, Jan 5, 1852 This is what the Mormon gods preach. I want no part of this terrible cult. God is Love; The Mormon god is sinful, polygamist and hateful
@mylifeinusa4102 3 жыл бұрын
I miss Thailand and want to visit temple and church there
@travisfoster8234 3 жыл бұрын
Please God help these guys fail.
@thomasrobertson2225 3 жыл бұрын
Being a missionary is a great responsibility! A missionary must have great energy, fortitude, and courage. Wherever the missionary goes, no matter what part of the world he is in, he must spread the Word. Locals must understand what the missionary is telling them. The missionary must get the Word right! Therefore, every missionary must know the language of the local people! To everyone who is on a mission or preparing for one, I would like to recommend a very good workshop written by Yury Ivantsiv Polyglot Notes: Practical tips for learning foreign language. This wonderful book will give you answers how to properly learn a foreign language with a minimum of your time and effort. This book provides answers to many of the questions that everyone faces when learning a language. I wish you good luck in your important work!
@pamlong3716 4 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful and marvellous. Gods army. They love the Lord😇
@richardedwards5379 4 жыл бұрын
Gonna be HOT in those suits and ties in tropical Thailand
@dennyspoma7269 4 жыл бұрын
THE BOOK OF MORMONL IS RACIST there are many verses in the book of mormon for example Moses 7:8 -20 8 For behold, the Lord shall acurse the land with much heat, and the bbarrenness thereof shall go forth forever; AND THERE WAS A BLACKNESS CAME UPON ALL THE CHILDREN OF CANAAN, THAT THEY WERE DESPISED AMONG ALL PEOPLE. 22 And Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam; and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam SAVE IT WAS THE SEED OF CAIN, FOR THE SEED OF CAIN WERE BLACK, AND HAD NOT PLACE AMONG THEM. Abraham 1: 21- 27 21 Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the aloins of Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth. 22 From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of the Canaanites was preserved in the land. 23 The land of aEgypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean signifies Egypt, which signifies that which is forbidden; 24 When this woman discovered the land it was under water, who afterward settled her sons in it; AND THUS, FROM HAM, SPRANG THAT RACE WHICH PRESERVED THE CURSE IN THE LAND. 25 Now the first agovernment of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal. 26 Pharaoh, being a righteous man, established his kingdom and judged his people wisely and justly all his days, seeking earnestly to imitate that aorder established by the fathers in the first generations, in the days of the first patriarchal reign, even in the reign of Adam, and also of Noah, his father, who blessed him with the bblessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, BUT CURSED HIM AS PERTAINING TO THE PRIESTHOOD. 27 NOW, PHARAOH BEING OF THAT LINEAGE BY WHICH HE COULD NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OF PRIESTHOOD, NOTWITHSTANDING THE PHARAOHS WOULD FAIN BCLAIM IT FROM NOAH, through Ham, therefore my father was led away by their idolatry; 2 Nephi 5.20-25 20 Wherefore, the word of the Lord was fulfilled which he spake unto me, saying that: Inasmuch as they will anot hearken unto thy words they shall be bcut off from the presence of the Lord. And behold, they were ccut off from his presence. 21 AND HE HAD CAUSED THE ACURSING TO COME UPON THEM, YEA, EVEN A SORE CURSING, BECAUSE OF THEIR INIQUITY. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; WHEREFORE, AS THEY WERE WHITE, AND EXCEEDINGLY FAIR AND BDELIGHTSOME, THAT THEY MIGHT NOT BE CENTICING UNTO MY PEOPLE THE LORD GOD DID CAUSE A SKIN OF EBLACKNESS TO COME UPON THEM. 22 And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be aloathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities. 23 AND CURSED SHALL BE THE SEED OF HIM THAT AMIXETH WITH THEIR SEED; FOR THEY SHALL BE CURSED EVEN WITH THE SAME CURSING. AND THE LORD SPAKE IT, AND IT WAS DONE. 24 AND BECAUSE OF THEIR ACURSING WHICH WAS UPON THEM THEY DID BECOME AN BIDLE PEOPLE, FULL OF MISCHIEF AND SUBTLETY, AND DID SEEK IN THE WILDERNESS FOR BEASTS OF PREY. 25 And the Lord God said unto me: They shall be a scourge unto thy seed, to astir them up in remembrance of me; and inasmuch as they will not remember me, and hearken unto my words, they shall scourge them even unto destruction. 1Nephi 12:23 And it came to pass that I beheld, after they had dwindled in UNBELIEF THEY BECAME A ADARK, AND LOATHSOME, AND A BFILTHY PEOPLE, FULL OF CIDLENESS AND ALL MANNER OF ABOMINATIONS. 1Nephi 13:15 And I beheld the Spirit of the Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles, and they did prosper and aobtain the bland for their inheritance; AND I BEHELD THAT THEY WERE WHITE, AND EXCEEDINGLY FAIR AND CBEAUTIFUL, LIKE UNTO MY PEOPLE before they were dslain. Alma 3: 6- 9 AND THE SKINS OF THE LAMANITES WERE DARK, ACCORDING TO THE MARK WHICH WAS SET UPON THEIR FATHERS, WHICH WAS A ACURSE UPON THEM because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men. 9 AND IT CAME TO PASS THAT WHOSOEVER DID MINGLE HIS SEED WITH THAT OF THE LAMANITES DID BRING THE SAME CURSE UPON HIS SEED. Jacob 3.5 (This verse not only talks about racism, it is also a critique to the polygamy) BEHOLD, THE LAMANITES YOUR BRETHREN, WHOM YE HATE BECAUSE OF THEIR FILTHINESS AND THE CURSING WHICH HATH COME UPON THEIR SKINS, are more righteous than you; for they have not aforgotten the commandment of the Lord, which was given unto our father-that they should have save it were bone wife, and cconcubines they should have none, and there should not be dwhoredoms committed among them. Jacob 3:8 (the Michael Jacson síndrome ? ha ha…) O MY BRETHREN, I FEAR THAT UNLESS YE SHALL REPENT OF YOUR SINS THAT THEIR SKINS WILL BE AWHITER THAN YOURS, when ye shall be brought with them before the throne of God. 3 Nephi 2: 14 -16 (the Michael Jackson Syndrome , again ) 14 And it came to pass that those Lamanites who had united with the Nephites were numbered among the Nephites; 15 AND THEIR ACURSE WAS TAKEN FROM THEM, AND THEIR SKIN BECAME BWHITE LIKE UNTO THE NEPHITES; 16 And their young men and their daughters became exceedingly fair, and they were numbered among the Nephites, and were called Nephites. And thus ended the thirteenth year. Mormon 5:15 And also that the seed of athis people may more fully believe his gospel, which shall bgo forth unto them from the Gentiles; FOR THIS PEOPLE SHALL BE CSCATTERED, AND SHALL DBECOME A DARK, A FILTHY, AND A LOATHSOME PEOPLE, BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THAT WHICH EVER HATH BEEN AMONGST US, yea, even that which hath been among the Lamanites, and this because of their unbelief and idolatry. Brigham Young . Journal of discourses vol 7pp 290 jod.mrm.org/7/282 YOU SEE SOME CLASSES OF THE HUMAN FAMILY THAT ARE BLACK, UNCOUTH, UNCOMELY, DISAGREEABLE AND LOW IN THEIR HABITS, WILD, AND SEEMINGLY DEPRIVED OF NEARLY ALL THE BLESSINGS OF THE INTELLIGENCE THAT IS GENERALLY BESTOWED UPON MANKIND. The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of anyone of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings. This was not to be, AND THE LORD PUT A MARK UPON HIM, WHICH IS THE FLAT NOSE AND BLACK SKIN. Trace mankind down to after the flood, AND THEN ANOTHER CURSE IS PRONOUNCED UPON THE SAME RACE-THAT THEY SHOULD BE THE “SERVANT OF SERVANTS;” AND THEY WILL BE, UNTIL THAT CURSE IS REMOVED; AND THE ABOLITIONISTS CANNOT HELP IT, nor in the least alter that decree. How long is that race to endure the dreadful curse that is upon them? That curse will remain upon them, Brigham Young, Journal of discourses vol 10 pp110 1865 SHALL I TELL YOU THE LAW OF GOD IN REGARD TO THE AFRICAN RACE? IF THE WHITE MAN WHO BELONGS TO THE CHOSEN SEED MIXES HIS BLOOD WHI THE SEED OF CAIN, THE PENALITY UNDER THE LAW OF GOD, IS DEATH ON THE SPOT. THIS BE ALWAYS BE SO Joseph Fielding Smith “ the way to perfection” pag 101 102 1931 NOT ONLY WAS CAIN CALLED UPON TO SUFFER, BUT BECAUSE OF HIS WICKEDNESS HE BECAME THE FATHER OF AN INFERIOR RACE, A CURSE WAS PLACED UPON HIM AND THAT CURSE HAS BEEN CONTINUED THROUGH HIS LINEAGE AND MUST DO SO WHILE TIME ENDURES, MILLIONS OF SOULS HAVE COME INTO THIS WORLD CURSED WITH A BLACK SKIN….. WHO WERE LESS VALIANT ( in oher words COWARDS) in preexistence and who thereby had certain spiritual restrictions imposed upon them during the mortality ARE KNOWN TO US AS THE NEGROES.
@housemusic1075 4 жыл бұрын
I was a convert at 19 and got called to serve in the England Manchester mission when I was nearly 21. This video brought so many emotions out me. I shed some tears! Thank you for sharing this amazing video!
@rodneycrosby6754 4 жыл бұрын
MORMONS ARE A CULT, www.chick.com
@Catcompany_101 4 жыл бұрын
4.47 what finger?
@ambFromHHCA 4 жыл бұрын
I got to see Elder Gerrit Gong (of the Seventy at the time) speak at a stake conference in Bangkok once. His words and the sounds of the choir that day touched me forever. I would love to go back once the temple is completed.
@killerbing11 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder how many have left the church now?
@zz7007 6 жыл бұрын
At least they get a cool long vacation out of it.
@TiNa-ll3cp 6 жыл бұрын
Share their lonely life and all their poor kids tears. Bad people taking advantage of their own kids to send them to remote places atoher wise they won't be accepted in their fake holly community.
@aliciabell4850 6 жыл бұрын
I feel so sorry for these kids! If they would study the bible like they do the bom, they would know the mormon religion is a cult.
@cinematiccatastrophe8338 5 жыл бұрын
Anyone who plans to go on a mission for the church must take four years or close to that of seminary in high school. In those four years the students will spend about a year of it studying and reading through the entire Book of Mormon and 2 years studying and reading through the entire Holy Bible. They study the bible twice as long as the BoM. All of the missionaries pictured above are well versed in the bible, and before you say that the seminary teachers brainwash their students into the faith and plant ideas into their heads, my seminary teacher would simply ask us to read the bible section by section and the next class period would first invite the students to hold and lead the discussion. He wanted us to come to our own conclusions because if we only live relying on the faith of our surrounding peers and invest no self faith in the religion we will never be satisfied with the religion. This is true in any religion. when looking up the definition of a cult I found this: "a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.". The LDS church has over 16 million members which may be relatively small compared to the roman catholic church but if you claim that to be too small and must be a cult then look at all the other religions you have just deemed a cult. ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations_by_number_of_members ) Also any rituals or practices of any church when viewed by an outsider is usually seen as strange or sinister. if you ask me though, the lds church has never supported or funded any sort of "Holy Crusade" which ended in tens of thousands of lives lost, cities destroyed, families ripped apart families, caused famines and ultimately resulted in no beneficial gain, and the lds church never advertised a way to pay your way to heaven, and the lds church does not simply excommunicate anyone who chooses not to accept their faith unlike the Catholic church which is guilty of all those and more, Yet the Catholic church gets a free pass from the term cult.
@drjeffriessaysldsisatheolo7366 6 жыл бұрын
Liar LDS are not christians and even your leader Hinckley mentioned this during one of your Cult Conferences! Jesus is brothers with Satan no Christian in world believes this! You can not be a Christian if you believe the nonsense LDS is selling
@kennethkazper94 6 жыл бұрын
that's my ward. I know almost all o f the m. they are all excellent guys
@คนแมว-จ2ฟ 6 жыл бұрын
@รัชนีกรบูรณธัญญะ-ป6ท 6 жыл бұрын
คน แมว ไปว่าเขาเขาพูดไทยได้ยังดีกว่ามึงเลย
@sinamumuta8399 6 жыл бұрын
Nice to see you with your gears of the war to fish more souls for Jesus Christ you are the Gospel,make it pure and innocent like Jesus did Bless you all
@suckmycawk987 7 жыл бұрын
I went to Thailand 3 times and they always approach me. WTF
@buckdur 7 жыл бұрын
New snow blower?
@MissPinkGirlOfSLC 7 жыл бұрын
I think it would be SOOOOO cool and a blessing to live in a place where there very few members So you have Missionary Opportunities . I have some hear but not as much , Its UTAH :)
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
What is wrong with the religion that those people have?
@valuecalc 5 жыл бұрын
ce collie , so do others.
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
I went to services. I was very deeply disappointed. I'll look elsewhere for a church.
@valuecalc 5 жыл бұрын
ce collie , says the nit-wit who has nothing better to do with her/his time but to spend all day looking for my comments to reply to.
@Elizabeth3390 7 жыл бұрын
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
What language is this in which you replied?
@luxatlantic90 6 жыл бұрын
sandinyourshoes She replied in Thai, she thought those cuties were a pilot.
@prettyprudent5779 7 жыл бұрын
Wow... so much fresh meat, new victims coming in by the boat-loads. This is certainly a reminder of what Big Business religion is. And I'm sure not a single one of these kids knows that they're an African primate, or have any sufficient science literacy. This isn't something to celebrate - it's something to mourn.
@davidsolomon5957 7 жыл бұрын
Pretty Prudent why do I see you on so many Mormon videos copy/pasting this message? Have you nothing better to do than spread anti-religious propaganda?
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
David, who said that he was anti-religious? Maybe he reads both the Bible and the Qur'an.
@davidsolomon5957 7 жыл бұрын
sandinyourshoes being anti-Mormon is, to an extent, anti-religious. If you’re against a religion then you’re anti-religious when it comes to that religion.
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
David Solomon, well, why are Mormons taught to reject other people's baptisms from other churches? That could be called anti-religious toward them.
@valuecalc 5 жыл бұрын
ce collie , no, ding-bat. All sincere religions have their inherent good. Stop being such a judgmental moron. You know nothing about me. Thumbs down for you.
@mapleridge8326 7 жыл бұрын
For sure this is one of the best KZbin video's I've ever seen. It really humbled me to see all those missionaries speaking (the native) language. Thank you for this, I'' be sure to share it with the Y.M. in our stake.
@TiNa-ll3cp 6 жыл бұрын
Well they don't have another choise or they wouldn'te accepted in their youth or girls at decir churches to marry. They are forced to serve yo the leades because they are not serving to the Lord. Read Galatians about who came and teach another Gospel different to the one is already written.
@romyroman2965 7 жыл бұрын
preparación de agentes
@vangkia09 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Jeff! my name is Kia and I have a cousin currently serving in Thailand! He's coming home at the end of this month and I was wondering if you know where I can find the song Call to Serve in Thai. My family wants to learn how to sing it in Thai for his homecoming. Please let me know if you can help me out! Thank you!
@jessicatrump8 8 жыл бұрын
I love this welcome party
@jessicatrump8 8 жыл бұрын
all utah boys n girls
@Dani1998elle 7 жыл бұрын
Because that's where joseph smith declared the morman state
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
And he never lived to see Utah.
@annamariacurrivan6142 Жыл бұрын
Because The LDS Church indeed has sons and daughters. God bless these Missionaries and their work.
@jessicatrump8 8 жыл бұрын
these guys are so cute, peaceful!
@paulbrown1585 8 жыл бұрын
Joseph Smith was a simple minded fool. And this bunch of idiots who follow his comic book story of "golden tablets" etc. etc. should be ashamed
@daverichards308 7 жыл бұрын
And what about the idiots who follow the other Churches? The wine and wafer actually transubstantiate into Jesus' blood and flesh? You mean Catholics are canibals? Or angels with wings? Or virgins having kids? Come on now Paul. Who's the simple minded one here? Just look ine mirror.
@paulbrown1585 7 жыл бұрын
They were not the subject of the video , you idiot !
@RS-tz2zn 6 жыл бұрын
The problem Paul is that there is no religion you can point to that doesn't have it's imperfect people nor ideas that seem strange to "outsiders", as the purpose of religion is to help imperfect people become better, and that is done through unique rules and doctrines. Of course, any religion is better than Atheism, as it is anti-scientific, as it is impossible for our Universe to have come from nothing, or for life on earth to have originated from non-living matter. Absolute atheism also results in sadness and nothingness, as it assumes there is no purpose nor ultimate meaning to life or the world.
@kelliep.8514 8 жыл бұрын
this makes me angry! prosthylytising a false Religion! u r all fools, so sad....
@valuecalc 8 жыл бұрын
Like many churches, it does so many things based on tradition and not scripture.
@perttisuorsa4678 3 жыл бұрын
Kellie P Why is it so difficult for God to speak to these people ? Mormons are not stupid. If you had been raised in the LSD church you would most certainly be a devout Mormon and the same can certainly be said about me also. Mormons are honest and good people. They are not aware of the fact that their religion is a hoax. God should talk to them but He does not. It is God's fault that the LSD church exists.
@glennpamplona4928 8 жыл бұрын
Wow! Love this video. I'm an LDS from Philippines.
@Bezanie 8 жыл бұрын
This is just sad. They're fooling people into following a false religion! Since when did Jesus ever go to America? Also, I've seen the artwork mormons have done of native americans, and they never dressed like middle eastern folk! And if reformed egyptian was a real language, wouldn't there be scrolls or writings found on rock, written in that language? Half the animals and materials, Nephi found in America aren't even native to that country! Or weren't brought there until much later when Europeans arrived!
@charlescrosbie4485 8 жыл бұрын
That's the best you've got? Sounds like someone has a hard time following something that tells him he isn't perfect. Poor, sad person.
@Bezanie 8 жыл бұрын
Charles Crosbie I don't follow a guy who practiced scrying for treasure hunting, and wrote Bible fanfiction.
@kennethkazper94 6 жыл бұрын
If I were yo,u I would be bad mouthing t what you don't really know
@เสน่ห์แกล้ววิกิจ 4 жыл бұрын
@Pattycm22 8 жыл бұрын
ค้นถึงเอลเดอร์ที่จบมิชชั่นไปนะค่ะ โชคดีทุกคนค่ะ
@jetnipitpuriso3838 6 жыл бұрын
Pattravadee Nopjiragul ใช่ๆค่ะ เราขอบคุณทุกท่านที่เสียสละมารับใช้ที่ประเทศไทยและทั่วโลก
@MarkWhich 9 жыл бұрын
Missionaries are the nicest and kindest people on earth, I respect their 2 year mission, and they will be blessed for the rest of their life.
@valuecalc 7 жыл бұрын
Many will brush off people who decide not to accept their form of baptism.
@zz7007 6 жыл бұрын
Spideyspid you’re an idiot!
@valuecalc 5 жыл бұрын
ce collie , hang out? Other people have other things to do, too. If they already have a church, they will often just close the door on the solicitors.
@Chrominance87 9 жыл бұрын
Our god has a bigger dick than your gods.
@sj-wm7yp 9 жыл бұрын
LDS people are good people.
@adamgoodword7888 9 жыл бұрын
Mormonism is destroying the world along with Pentacostalism. These guys are truly of the army of satan, working lies and deception in the world.
@davidsolomon5957 7 жыл бұрын
Adam Goodword no they aren’t, they’re spreading message of God’s love, and Christ’s love, and the fullness of their power. While you spew hate with nothing better to do, they’re bringing people to a church with the fullness of truth. Which traditional “Christian” sect is true when they all teach different things?
@kennethkazper94 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sick and tired of ignorant people who only listen to one side but have never experience the real thing
@adamgoodword7888 9 жыл бұрын
How embarrassing! All dressed up and ready to deceive the people with their brand of religion, with their false teachings, lies and deceptions. They will stand before the Lord one day and be judged for going into the world and deceiving people rather than teaching them the Word of God. Jesus said "if you love me, feed my sheep". These people do not love Jesus because they are poisoning his sheep, not feeding them.
@lifeofchrisj 8 жыл бұрын
+Adam Goodword Absolutely wrong. Maybe you should have the missionaries over one day so you can actually see the truth in what they preach
@TheDaves1 8 жыл бұрын
i agree, its very sad,, there are plenty of ex-mormons out there to testify to this,, as scripture says,, (NIV) in Revelations 22 v 18 ,, "i wan everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll (bible) , If anyone adds ANYTHING to them GOD will add to that person the Plagues described in this scroll ",, (thats what joseph smith did),, Chris Johnson i pray your be set free from this false religon,, and come out to PRAISE JESUS,, Of the TRUE SCRIPTURES,, and to be a real witness for him , without man made rules and regulations,, bless ou
@glennpamplona4928 8 жыл бұрын
I've seen bitterness in you. Respect!
@TheDaves1 8 жыл бұрын
BLESS you, praying for you,, all
@TheDaves1 8 жыл бұрын
saying all this, i TOTALLY admire, and respect the dedication, all these guys have given to their so called faith,, , and i know when they know the truth, God will use them amazingly ,,