Surviving the Holiday Season
Profit vs Owner's Pay
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Revisiting True Expenses
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Creating Space for Abundance
Energetic Balance in Pricing
Accessing Your Heart Wisdom
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The Feminine Energy of Money
The Masculine Energy of Money
The Energies of Money
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Balanced Wealth Visualization
@nickmayhew9722 Күн бұрын
Great video. Why not called aged money what it is, which is savings? I am not trying to be critical. I am just confused as to why you seem to be making this harder than it has to be?
@jenmons6020 7 күн бұрын
Loved this topic about the balance of energy and flow
@venus_blue25 9 күн бұрын
Do you recommend setting up YNAB categories to reflect schedule C deductions, + a profice first category?
@Chase_Crawford 10 күн бұрын
Would be nice if you showed some examples on the screen...
@donttalktomebye 12 күн бұрын
Ive been relatively poor my whole life. I havent had money to buy for services like this but ive tried the free resources my credit union has. I found this helpful, but it definitely has confirmed that i have to actually make enough money to benefit from a service like ynab, because you cant budget yourself out of poverty.
@VShwet3 29 күн бұрын
Masculine and feminine sides of money: would that be expressed/experienced as giving and receiving?
@EZALAS Ай бұрын
Bill and Melinda Gates married in 1994. They divorced 27 years later and Melinda Gates was awarded $76 billion. So, is Melinda's $76 billion considered "masculine energy money" or "feminine energy money?" Does this money magically change its energy gender when it passed from Bill Gates investment accounts to Melinda Gates name? Does anyone think Melinda Gates gives a hoot about the gender energy of her billions?
@theophiluslikhi7890 Ай бұрын
I Just love this, look at me learning this at 60, oh yeah, I actually have to embrace this whole-heartedly and let it be part of me from today. Thank God for your life, young lady. 😊 😊
@theophiluslikhi7890 Ай бұрын
Yeah, this is great for me. For the first time I am hearing about the musculine and feminine slides of money. And from the fundamental side of Christianity where money is demonized, I never had opportunity to really know anything about money, except to earn and spend. I am reprogramming my mind about money and a great deal of things in life, such as abundance etc. I really appreciate you and your beautiful gift of knowledge serving the world. Theophilus, Accra, Ghana.
@PansyChannel-WomansExcellence Ай бұрын
People with faith are strong; People who doubt a lot are weak. Strong belief surpasses great actions.
@melli-yelli Ай бұрын
Thank you for making a music free version! my brain literally cannot filter past it
@jroysdon Ай бұрын
While it may be true that you can use YNAB w/o sync, I just won't use a financial institution that blocks Plaid (YNAB's back-end). Any financial institution that is actively blocking Plaid is anti-customer. I've closed credit cards and even banks that used to work with Plaid, and then actively started blocking them. Yes, I do manual entry day to day, but I want sync to catch the things I missed, and to catch fraud faster.
@jaclynbradley8971 2 ай бұрын
The certification program Amber has created is game-changing. I feel so lucky to have participated in the first cohort! If you feel called, you will not be disappointed!
@ajaneeigharo4937 2 ай бұрын
I would love to increase and be aware of my set wealth point.
@tomtbi 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately due to my TBI as well as physical injuries from a car accident in 1997,I am very limited when it comes to employment.. Post TBI I attempted and failed to become a Special Education Teacher,Car Salesman and a 911 Radio Dispatcher due to my TBI limitations.. I cannot multitask as well as have issues with repeating myself,anxiety,speech,depression anger and frustration... I am currently working part time driving for a car dealership,recieve Social Security Disability Income (SSDI),Food Stamps,Medicare and Medicaid,and Section 8 for housing...
@alexeepark1278 3 ай бұрын
My rescue cat that once was alone and abandoned, having a happy bath next to me, after a nice meal, perfectly content. The sun setting and all is quiet outside. The cardinals have gone to bed. This is abundance for me. Thanks so much for helping me to see that today. I really enjoyed your video!❤
@philhaildodger9398 3 ай бұрын
Connecting bank accounts actually scared me off at first. Later I found out you can simply download ofx transactions from your account, and I find that more preferable than sharing banking information. I'm new to YNAB, but it's a Godsend. To be honest, I enjoy it and look forward to giving assignments to new dollars. When I go shopping, I turn to YNAB to see what I have available. I'm not guessing based off my account balances anymore.
@etherial82 3 ай бұрын
You should join your account with your husband's.
@tafajjaltipsbd1 3 ай бұрын
Your video is very good but saw several problems with the title description, go ahead and use it properly, you will get good results. Tell me if you want to know something
@phaedra7285 3 ай бұрын
Resetting that wealth point - yes ma’am, let’s hear it!
@mitchberg8229 3 ай бұрын
I"ve been using YNAB for a decade. This is all great advice. Although, re the second "bonus" mistake: I've found that having a few extra savings accounts for accumulating money for short and long-term "lines" helps me keep things organized.
@AmberDuggerOfficial 3 ай бұрын
That is wonderful! We all have our things that help us to succeed. I am glad that this is working for you! Thanks for being here! :)
@dianah.9905 3 ай бұрын
I grew up in the same situation. I got raised in a family of never enough. 😢
@AmberDuggerOfficial 3 ай бұрын
I am so glad that you are here! Isn't it awesome to have that awareness? I love the fact that we can create our own relationship as adults. :)
@stephanietorres1570 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this information! There doesn’t seem to be a lot of resources out there for s-corps using the Profit First Accounting system. I co-own a small business making and selling eco-friendly products and we just switched to an s-corp. Last year we began implementing profit first and it worked so nicely paying ourselves a % of each months revenue, since sales fluctuate throughout the year. Can that still be done with an s-corp? Our accountant advised us to keep our pay more consistent and to follow the 60/40 rule with distributions. Any tips on how to pay ourselves each month? Whether it be a set amount and hope it works out with % of revenue, or continue to take 20% each and divide that 60/40. Hope that makes sense!
@AmberDuggerOfficial 3 ай бұрын
These are great questions and it is wonderful you have an accountant who is working with you - we highly recommend keeping that communication open. Inside the Profit for Keeps framework, we use the principles of Profit First but teach each business owner how to come up with their own unique percentages so that the system works best for their circumstances. We have many S Corps successfully using Profit for Keeps, so it can work for your type of business, too! To learn more detail about how we do this, please jump into our Masterclass waitlist. See the link from the video description. These classes are filled with value and completely free. Hope to see you there!
@TYGR2115 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this gift of knowledge, Amber. I shall use it well! And I will certainly be back for more.
@magpyeminifree5612 4 ай бұрын
Not certain but profit is what a company makes while owner's pay is the salary the owner earns. One is taxed very differently from the other. My best guess.
@allisonc7862 4 ай бұрын
Hey Amber! I know of you through Kate Northrup’s Relaxed Money course, and I just love you and your message! I’m actually an actor, so a bit different than an online business… I am assuming the Calculator wouldn’t really be a fit for me? Do you have other products that would be of service to me? Thanks so much!
@AmberDuggerOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Hi Allison! Thank you for connecting! (We love Kate here in the PFK® community:) We have many creatives using the calculator and the PFK® framework, so I think you will see a lot of benefit from using it. Our clients love how it helps them navigate variable income months (which I imagine is also something you deal with as an actor) with clarity and ease. I also suggest you jump on the waitlist for our next Masterclass. This session is packed with value and will help clarify exactly how the calculator can help you. Get on the waitlist for our next master class here: Looking forward to seeing you inside the community!
@marccoppejans1046 4 ай бұрын
I do not agree with everything you say. I have more than 10 accounts and I do not have any problem with YNAB.
@AmberDuggerOfficial 3 ай бұрын
It is great that you have a system that works for you. Many of our clients find multiple bank accounts too confusing and that is why we teach a simplified approach but what we encourage most of all is personal empowerment, so as long as you have a system that works well for you, that is the most important thing.
@gaelreau4680 Ай бұрын
Because you are perfect. Most of us are not.
@marccoppejans1046 Ай бұрын
@@gaelreau4680 I am far from perfect.
@user-rn1fi1xq5y 4 ай бұрын
Great work listening to your audience and making a second video without music so quickly! That's true dedication to your community thank you
@AmberDuggerOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! Glad you are here :)
@ultravioletpisces3666 4 ай бұрын
I thought this was “why are people frustrated with their beekeepers.” That’s why I clicked.😊
@davidisrael9412 4 ай бұрын
cool, 👋I miss grandma too and my Messianic one too....I am calm and happy in His Power peace in my heart too...thank you
@damianinCanadaTT-OO 5 ай бұрын
Correction Mint does let you roll over unused budgets to the next month. Not really relevant anymore because Mint is going away
@qkcam45 5 ай бұрын
I have been tracking my numbers and amounts I spent each month using Mint. It has been great and is super fast and easy for me. that fast easy and accurate is very important. I have chronic lyme disease and it effects my brain and energy and capacity.. I am trying to learn to you YNAB however since I already know where my money is and has been going .. i just need something to keep recording it weekly, monthly. I am finding all the steps needing to get YNAB accurate and my bank does link .. is really cumbersome and difficult for someone with health, memory and brain impairment issues. I really like the interface.. design and the emojis the availability to make categories and sub catagories.. but the going back and forth between bank account and YNAB and needing to reconcile so often (i still haven' tfigured that out..only 4 days in) is really more than I need in a money tracking, savings app. Do you have any suggestions for something simpler with less back and forth? Mint had me spoiled I can see. I hope you have some ideas. I just dont have the bandwidth for the learning reconciliation curve. thank you
@Realvibes523 5 ай бұрын
Nice info👍
@qkcam45 5 ай бұрын
For people with disability on disability income? Are used to be able to work and make a lot of money in the world and the last 10 years have been really hard. Everything is getting more expensive cost of what I need to take care of my body’s getting more expensive & my income is not keeping up . Have you seen it work for folks in the situation? Thanks.
@solaranthony 5 ай бұрын
@TheLauraGomez 5 ай бұрын
Hey Amber!! This is super helpful, however, I'm still trying to get more clarity on the difference between a contractor that would be considered as a material cost vs one that would be factored in after true revenue TIA!! 🤔🤔
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
Hi Laura! Great question! When you have a contractor that is billable, such as a therapist that is seeing clients and billing the client one rate and you pay them a contractor rate, the contractor would be factored in as a material cost. If you have a contractor such as a VA or someone who does non billable work, you would put them in as a cost after materials. Example of a contractor considered a material cost: Therapy practice: Bill rate $250/session Contracted Therapist working in the practice is paid $115/session. Material cost would be 46% ($115/$250 = .446). So for one session you would have $250 of total revenue. After paying the contractor, you would have $135 in true revenue. That would then go to Profit, Owner's Pay, Taxes and Business expenses. Example of a contractor as overhead: Online business: Coaching revenue is true revenue. $1000 of coaching revenue goes into profit, owner's pay, taxes and business expenses. The VA (Virtual Assistant) would be paid from the business expenses portion. If you have additional questions, I would love for you to come to our free masterclass next week! You can sign up at <3
@TheLauraGomez 5 ай бұрын
THANK YOUUU!!!! This was super helpful @@AmberDuggerOfficial
@1esk192 5 ай бұрын
YNAB is the reason why I was able to save thousands of € so far. Before that I was basically living paycheck to paycheck even though I was earning enough. But I needed about two years and some tutorials to figure it out. Now it's doing its magic and I couldn't be happier.
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
I am so happy to hear this!! A world without financial overwhelm is a world that is kinder and uplifted. Thank you for keeping with it!
@louamato6332 5 ай бұрын
You are 100% correct. It's burdensome to track transactions without regarding, or respecting the plan in place. It becomes emotionally overwhelming on top of a time nightmare.
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
Yes!! Thank you for your comment, Lou! It is such a beautiful system when used properly. <3
@louamato6332 5 ай бұрын
Im going to give it a proper try again soon. Thanks for your post. Spot on. ​@@AmberDuggerOfficial
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
Many of you really didn't like the music on this video. Good news! You can now get the same information here without the distracting music. Watch here: Thank you for your feedback!
@3338113 5 ай бұрын
Law of Assumption- YES!!
@ytseoserviceexpert 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for another awesome video👏👏
@CatMatson 5 ай бұрын
"this is abundance ... Seeing what we have available to us right in front of us". Gosh I felt that today! Thank you 💜
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
Cat!! So good to see you here! I hope that all is well with you and I am so grateful that you are feeling into your incredible abundance! Sending you love <3
@BUY_YT_VIEWS_m032 5 ай бұрын
Your videos are always so well-edited, it's clear you put a lot of effort into them.
@brandyrn03 5 ай бұрын
I would love to listen to this video but the background music is incredibly distracting.
@gtpiker07 5 ай бұрын
This is an awesome video! I love the mindset you present towards YNAB and why it is important. Trackers are reactive and too late because the money is already spent. I was using Mint on and off for a year or so and got really frustrated because it either isn't designed for forward thinking, tying out budgets with income or I didn't know how to use it properly. I am grateful it is shut down and I am guided to use YNAB, which looks to do what I really need. Thank you!
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
Totally agree! Thanks so much for being here!
@theyirum5501 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. You are amazing!
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
You're so welcome!
@garydunken7934 5 ай бұрын
Having separate "Lines"? You mean "Categories" in YNAB budget?
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
Yes! :)
@cole_passportbro 6 ай бұрын
Click bait title
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
While I love and know finance, marketing is not my expertise, LOL. That said, it wasn't meant to be but I can see why you think that! Thanks for being here anyway.
@abararahmed9402 6 ай бұрын
2 much for my small little brain
@AmberDuggerOfficial 5 ай бұрын
No worries - the key to learning is repetition. Feel free to watch it again and let me know what questions you have!
@STAYWOKE.-rh9kn 6 ай бұрын
Very interested lets begin