love story
3 жыл бұрын
3 жыл бұрын
4 жыл бұрын
Amado mio
4 жыл бұрын
song "  Separation" by Sergey Orlov
the leaves are falling down
4 жыл бұрын
Guru Ram Das meditation  Mantra
4 жыл бұрын
"Life Is Beautiful"
4 жыл бұрын
4 жыл бұрын
love tango
4 жыл бұрын
Cafe by Francis Goya
4 жыл бұрын
Tango to Evora
4 жыл бұрын
4 жыл бұрын
The music of a magical evening
4 жыл бұрын
Tito Guizar - Canción Mixteca
4 жыл бұрын
Cruise           Music by Sergey Chekalin
@julienvandyck2079 8 күн бұрын
Merci pour cette version. Julien
@SofiaCheriasova 2 ай бұрын
Ah , italy Truly one of the oldest known countries
@SuperGallifante 4 ай бұрын
Brutal voz Jainardo
@MayibaAfricana 3 ай бұрын
Te gusta realmente?
@SuperGallifante 9 ай бұрын
@user-pz3eg5om7k 11 ай бұрын
Привет из Питера, Крутая мантра ❤
@fcochagas3842 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for that music... Young at heart... G N das fco Das C.
@mlsdd Жыл бұрын
I listen to this everyday. Thank you..
@ari-gotasdepaz Жыл бұрын
I love this!!! Thank you!!!
@silverplant8243 Жыл бұрын
@user-pg3sh5hp5j Жыл бұрын
Крутая мантра!!!!!!!
@hectorcasas4499 3 жыл бұрын
excelente version de hare krishna😍
@user-lr9yw7ul7j 3 жыл бұрын
Умница шикарно благодарю
@SteelFlesher 3 жыл бұрын
@KDS_2763 5 ай бұрын
@Canal_Muęrtõ0 3 ай бұрын
@kulwantsinghaulakh4545 3 жыл бұрын
Dhan guru amar dasji
@sandrafoxy7727 3 жыл бұрын
song lyrics: Tell girls to your girlfriend, That I don't sleep at night, dreaming about her, That she's the nicer and more beautiful beauty of all the beauties, What I wanted to say to her But I didn't find the words. The eyes of the beautiful fire I adore, Tell to her, I don't want any other happiness. With gentle passion as a chain, I am chained, That without her in the soul of my anxiety can not be calm. if I'd just had the courage, I'd say to her, "You're hiding in vain, That tender passion is burning. Break up with a cunning mask and give me your heart." The eyes of the beautiful fire I adore, I don't want any other happiness. With gentle passion as a chain chained, I want to give you my whole life, I want to breathe you alone...
@iluxman 4 жыл бұрын
This is Tango, Tango to Evora.
@sandrafoxy7727 4 жыл бұрын
."I invited my life to tea" The author of the verse Olga Konkova I invited my life to tea. Talk to me by the fireplace. And outside the window circling February The trees were decorated with frost. Well, girlfriend, how are you? How do you live your years? I asked Life and drank tea Looking out the window at the bad weather... How do I live? I do. I love, I sin and I believe in God. I grieve, I'm sad and I hate it, And sometimes I can't see a way out. I rejoice in the Sun, with the rain I cry I believe in goodness, I catch luck I know how to make people feel compassion Can I give the offender a change... So what do you want from me? Asked By Life, a little head-bowing You live like everyone else and I kind of happy with everything. So why are you worrying involuntarily..? Adding boiling water to a cup Life came closer to me, She hugged her shoulders gently And I felt better. Tell me, Life, but not melting You know from the birth of me. Are you always fair to me? Maybe you've been hurting me a lot? Maybe she didn't. Maybe I just didn't want to. I have to be there then, When my soul hurt..? And looking into my eyes Life answered me with a smile: I've always loved you... I've always protected you. You weren't unattended. I sent an angel to you. Invisible two wings. You were walking all the time. Don't blame me, girlfriend. Maybe I'm being too hard. But if I wasn't. What would have come of you then? You're not saying anything. Which means I'm right. I've always tried for you. You love me the most. I'm not going to be yours twice. And for a long time I whispered with her, He's quiet in her arms. And next to the angel hummed Embracing the wing that Life is beautiful!
@sandrafoxy7727 4 жыл бұрын
."Я пригласила Жизнь свою на чай" Автор стиха Ольга Конькова Я пригласила Жизнь свою на чай Поговорить со мною у камина.. А за окном кружил февраль Деревья разукрасил иней.. Ну что ж, подружка, как дела? Как проживаешь свои годы? Спросила Жизнь и чаю отпила Взглянув в окно на непогоду... Как я живу? Да как умею.. Люблю,грешу и в бога верю.. Скорблю ,грущу и ненавижу, А иногда и выхода не вижу.. Я Солнцу радуюсь, с дождём я плачу Я верую в добро , ловлю удачу Умею людям сострадать Обидчику могу я сдачу дать... Так что ж ты хочешь от меня? Спросила Жизнь , чуть голову склоня Живёшь как все и вроде всем довольна Так почему волнуешься невольно..? Добавив в чашку кипятка Жизнь подошла ко мне поближе, За плечи нежно обняла И стало на душе потише.. Скажи мне, Жизнь, но только не тая Ведь знаешь ты с рождения меня.. Всегда ли ты со мною справедлива.. Быть может часто ты меня корила? Быть может что то не дала.. Быть может просто не хотела Со мною рядом быть тогда, Когда душа моя болела..? И заглянув в мои глаза Мне Жизнь с улыбкой отвечала: Всегда любила я тебя... Всегда тебя оберегала. Ты без присмотра не была К тебе я ангела прислала.. Невидимые два крыла.. С тобою шли все время рядом.. Ты не пеняй ,подружка,на меня Быть может я строга излишне Но если б таковой я не была Что из тебя тогда бы вышло? Ну вот , молчишь..А значит я права Я для тебя всегда старалась Ты главное люби меня Ведь я твоей не буду дважды И долго я еще шепталась с ней, Притихнув у нее в объятьях.. А рядом ангел напевал Обняв крылом, что Жизнь прекрасна!
@sandrafoxy7727 4 жыл бұрын
Amado mío Love me forever And let forever begin tonight Amado mío When we're together I'm in a dream world of sweet delight Many times I've whispered "amado mío" It was just a phrase That I heard in plays I was acting a part But now when I whispher "amado mío" Can't you tell I care By the feeling there Cause it comes from my heart I want you ever I love my darling Wanting to hold you And hold you tight Amado mío Love me forever And let forever begin tonight
@marjutpaech 4 жыл бұрын
The key to happiness is how your feelings touch me. Relax with the magic flute music. Hear the divine melody of silence and eternity. Leave all difficulties behind you. The beauty of the world embraces you. Breathe in every new moment and smile at the rising sun and enjoy beautiful sunsets. When a piece of beautiful music captures your heart and soul, your words are not powerful enough to reveal how they feel about it. This is magic .....… ❤️
@sandrafoxy7727 4 жыл бұрын
song lyrics Que lejos estoy del suelo donde he nacido! Inmensa nostalgia invade mi pensamiento; Why al ver me tan solo why triste qual hoja al viento, Quisiera llorar, quisiera morir de sentimiento. Oh tierra del sol!, suspiro por verte Ahora que lejos yo vivo sin luz, sin amor; Why al verme tan solo why triste cual hoja al viento, Quisiera llorar, quisiera morir de sentimiento. How far away I am from the ground where I was born! Immense nostalgia invades my thoughts; Why see me just why sad as leaf in the wind, I'd like to cry, I'd like to die of feeling. O land of the sun! Now that far I live without light, without love; Why see me just why sad as a leaf in the wind, I'd like to cry, I'd like to die of feeling
@sandraoak3494 4 жыл бұрын
Lyrics: Cuando la tarde languidece renacen las sombras, y en la quietud los cafetales vuelven a sentir esta triste canción de amor de la vieja molienda, que en el letargo de la noche parece gemir. Una pena de amor, una tristeza lleva el zambo Manuel, en su amargura pasa incansable las noches moliendo café Cuando la tarde languidece renacen las sombras, y en la quietud los cafetales vuelven a sentir esta triste canción de amor de la vieja molienda, que en el letargo de la noche parece gemir. Una pena de amor, una tristeza, lleva el zambo Manuel, en su amargura pasa incansable las noches moliendo café Lyrics: When the afternoon languishes the shadows are reborn, and in the stillness the coffee trees feel again this sad love song of the old grinder, that in the lethargy of the night seems to moan. A pity of love, a sadness carries the Zambo Manuel, in his bitterness spend tireless nights grinding coffee When the afternoon languishes the shadows are reborn, and in the stillness the coffee trees feel again this sad love song of the old grinder, that in the lethargy of the night seems to moan. A pity of love, a sadness, carries the Zambo Manuel, in his bitterness spend tireless nights grinding coffee
@josellefebrero6686 4 жыл бұрын
Very nice video 😍
@mbsone754 4 жыл бұрын
much love from germany