TOP 10 SQL Best Practices
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@venkateshkakarla1307 Күн бұрын
with Lift_Passengers(Passenger_Name ,Weight_Kg ,Lift_Id ) as (select * from Values('Mark',85,1) ,('Antony',73,1) ,('David',95,1) ,('Mary',80,1) ,('John',83,2) ,('Robert',77,2) ,('Maria',73,2) ,('Susan',85,2)),Lift (Id ,Capacity_Kg) as (select * from Values(1,300) ,(2,350) ) select lift_id, listagg(passenger_name,',') within group ( order by lift_id,weight_kg ) passengers from ( SELECT *,SUM(weight_kg) OVER ( PARTITION BY lift_id ORDER BY rwnm ) AS RunningTotal FROM (select *,row_number() over(order by lift_id,weight_kg ) rwnm from Lift_Passengers)) m left join lift l on where runningtotal <=CAPACITY_KG group by lift_id;
@venkateshkakarla1307 Күн бұрын
select id||' '||NAME||','||LD_ID||' '||LD_NAME RESULTS from ( select *, lead(id) over(order by id) ld_id ,lead(name) over(order by id) ld_name from Staff_Tbl) where id%2 =1;
@kanchannatekar5798 5 күн бұрын
Thank you so so much for creating such a great question series.
@ItJunction4all 4 күн бұрын
You are welcome Kanchan !
@sekharlakkineni2456 6 күн бұрын
with CTE_Bench_days as( select EMPLOYEE_ID, (to_date(end_dates,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')-to_date(start_dates,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))+1 working_days from Staffing s join Consulting_engagements c on(s.JOB_ID=c.JOB_ID) where IS_CONSULTANT=1) select EMPLOYEE_ID,365- sum(working_days) from CTE_Bench_days group by EMPLOYEE_ID;
@sekharlakkineni2456 11 күн бұрын
select e.*,first_value(sales)over(partition by product order by id) as fv,sum(sales)over (partition by product order by id) as rt from sales1 e;
@kanchannatekar5798 12 күн бұрын
with missing_cte as ( select min(id) as min_id from Missing_ID_Table union all select min_id +1 as id from missing_cte where min_id <20) select * from missing_cte except select * from Missing_ID_Table
@sekharlakkineni2456 12 күн бұрын
select SOURCE_PHONE_NBR, case when FIRST_CALL=LAST_CALL then 'Y' when FIRST_CALL<>LAST_CALL then 'N' end as "Is_Match" from( select distinct SOURCE_PHONE_NBR, first_value(DESTINATION_PHONE_NBR)over(partition by SOURCE_PHONE_NBR order by CALL_START_DATETIME) as First_call, last_value(DESTINATION_PHONE_NBR)over (partition by SOURCE_PHONE_NBR order by CALL_START_DATETIME rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_call from Phone_Log)
@sekharlakkineni2456 16 күн бұрын
select * from BalanceTbl; with balance_cte as( select BALANCE,DATES,lag (BALANCE) over (order by DATES)as lag1, case when lag (BALANCE) over (order by DATES)=BALANCE then 0 else 1 end as tmp_seq from BalanceTbl), sequence_cte as(select BALANCE,DATES,sum(tmp_seq) over (order by dates) as seq --running tot from balance_cte) select BALANCE,min(DATES)as start_date, max(DATES) as end_date from sequence_cte group by BALANCE,seq order by seq;
@sekharlakkineni2456 19 күн бұрын
select e.* ,sum(QUANTITY)over (partition by PRODUCTCODE order by INVENTORYDATE) running_total from Inventory e ;
@sekharlakkineni2456 22 күн бұрын
--tot number of matched played by each team WITH cte_match_played AS ( SELECT team,SUM(tot) AS match_palyed FROM ( SELECT team_1 AS team,COUNT(*) AS tot FROM match_result GROUP BY team_1 UNION ALL SELECT team_2,COUNT(*) AS tot FROM match_result GROUP BY team_2 )GROUP BY team), --tot number of matches won by each team cte_match_won AS ( SELECT result,COUNT(*) AS match_won FROM match_result WHERE result IS NOT NULL GROUP BY result), --tot number of matches tie if any cte_match_tie AS ( SELECT team_1,tie_cnt FROM ( SELECT team_1,COUNT(*) AS tie_cnt FROM match_result WHERE result IS NULL GROUP BY team_1 UNION ALL SELECT team_2,COUNT(*) AS tie_cnt FROM match_result WHERE result IS NULL GROUP BY team_2 ) t ) SELECT, a.match_palyed, b.match_won, nvl(c.tie_cnt, 0) AS match_tie, --tot num of match lost by each team ( a.match_palyed - b.match_won - nvl(c.tie_cnt, 0) ) AS match_lost FROM cte_match_played a JOIN cte_match_won b ON ( = b.result ) LEFT JOIN cte_match_tie c ON ( = c.team_1 );
@Savenature635 29 күн бұрын
Here is the my approach in mysql : with cte as (select *,lag(sequence+1,1,sequence) over(partition by grp ) as prev_sequence, sequence-lag(sequence+1,1,sequence) over(partition by grp) as grp_flag from emp_sq),cte_2 as (select *,sum(grp_flag) over(partition by grp rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as groupp from cte) select Grp,min(sequence) as min_seq,max(sequence) as max_seq from cte_2 group by Grp,groupp;
@saurabhvats2771 29 күн бұрын
with cte_temp as( select *, lag(amount,1,0)over(partition by brand order by years) as prev from brands), cte_temp2 as( select *,case when amount>prev then 0 else 1 end as flag from cte_temp ), cte_answer as( select brand from cte_temp2 group by brand having sum(flag)=0 ) select years, brand, amount from cte_temp2 where brand in ( select * from cte_answer)
@AdityaBansal095 Ай бұрын
with cte as( select start_range,end_range from #sampletable union all select start_range+1,end_range from cte where start_range+1<=end_range) select start_range as id from cte order by start_range
@saisanjeevareddy1640 Ай бұрын
with cte as (select *,lead(id) over(order by id) as ld from sample_table union all select id+1,ld from cte where id<ld) select * from(select id from cte group by id )subq except select * from sample_table
@saisanjeevareddy1640 Ай бұрын
with cte as (select product_id,spend,years, lag(spend) over(partition by product_id order by years) as last_year_spend from(select product_id,sum(spend) as spend,year(transaction_date) as years from user_transaction group by product_id,year(transaction_date) ) as sbq) select *,round(coalesce(((spend-last_year_spend)/last_year_spend)*100,0),2) as YoY_growth from cte ---to replace null values also
@hanumanthprasad6787 Ай бұрын
Hi sir I have 1 doubt the join you mentioned like a.custid=b. custid it means for cte you have done group by and also max value you have taken then we have seen 1001 and 1002 you have joined with normally I am not understanding that in inner join should be 1 *4 it would be 4 times like 1001 1001 for both 1001 and 1002 but it is showing normal count and you please elaborate and add the comment
@AdityaKaajol Ай бұрын
Great question.. even though by looking at it initially, I understood this will be done by Recursive CTE , but it took me some time to set this logic up
@ItJunction4all Ай бұрын
Thank you ! With continuous practice, you will be able to build logic faster.
@krishanukundu4565 Ай бұрын
What about the window functions?
@ItJunction4all Ай бұрын
Window functions operated on the result set after the HAVING clause but before the SELECT and ORDER BY clause.
@krishanukundu4565 Ай бұрын
@@ItJunction4all how can it run before the select clause as it can use already selected elements?
@premanandramesh8969 Ай бұрын
Select distinct UserId from ( Select UserId, Case WHEN DATEDIFF(day,LAG(CreatedAt) over(partition by UserId order by CreatedAt), CreatedAt) <=7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as Ind from Transactions_Amazon ) sub where Ind = 1
@aofddofa6661 Ай бұрын
30sec straight forward to the point , thank you so much
@ItJunction4all Ай бұрын
I am glad that you are liking my videos ❤️
@premanandramesh8969 Ай бұрын
As always, great question from Sunil. My approach without using the inbuilt percentile_cont function:- Declare @total int; Set @total = (Select sum(num_users) from search_frequency) ; with cte_rec_median as ( Select searches, num_users, 1 as step from search_frequency union all select searches, num_users, 1+step from cte_rec_median where step < num_users ) Select CASE WHEN @total%2 = 0 THEN CAST(sum(CAST(searches as Decimal(38,1))/2) as Decimal(38,1)) ELSE sum(searches) END as median from ( Select searches, CASE WHEN @total%2 = 0 THEN CASE WHEN rn = @total/2 or rn = @total/2+1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE CASE WHEN rn = @total/2+1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END END as Indicator from ( Select searches, num_users, step, row_number() over(order by searches, num_users) as rn from cte_rec_median )sub )sub2 where Indicator = 1
@saikirant4677 Ай бұрын
thanks a lot for clear understanding sir
@ItJunction4all Ай бұрын
You are welcome. I am glad that my videos are helping you 😊
@akshaygaikwad6017 Ай бұрын
Awesome ❤🎉🎉
@ItJunction4all Ай бұрын
Thank you! Cheers!
@vibhankumar1665 Ай бұрын
Sir please teach Vlookup and hlookup
@ItJunction4all Ай бұрын
Sure Vibhan...I will make a video on Vlookup and hlookup
@user-gq6cg3ls7f Ай бұрын
My Approach: with cte as( select Device_id, count(*) no_of_signals from Device group by Device_id ), cte2 as( select Locations, Device_id, count(*) cnt, count(locations) over (partition by Device_id) no_of_locations from Device group by Device_id, Locations ) select c.Device_id, c2.no_of_locations, c2.Locations as max_signal_location, c.no_of_signals from cte c inner join cte2 c2 on c.Device_id=c2.Device_id where cnt in (3,4)
@premanandramesh8969 Ай бұрын
Here's my solution without using LEAD or LAG function. ; with cte as ( Select as S1Id, S1.Visit_date as S1V, S1.No_of_people as S1P, as S2Id, S2.Visit_date as S2V, S2.No_of_people as S2P, as S3id, S3.Visit_date as S3V, S3.No_of_people as S3P from Stadium S1, Stadium S2, Stadium S3 where = and = and S1.No_of_people>=100 and S2.No_of_people>=100 and S3.No_of_people>=100 ) Select distinct * from ( Select S1id as id, S1V as Visit_date, S1P as No_of_people from cte UNION ALL Select S2id, S2V, S2P from cte UNION ALL Select S3id, S3V, S3P from cte ) sub
@SHUBHAM_707 2 ай бұрын
with cte as( select * ,case when Amount > lag(Amount, 1, 0) over(Partition by brand order by Years) then 1 else 0 end flag from brands ) select Years, Brand, Amount from ( select *, sum(flag) over(Partition by brand) sum_flag, count(*) over(Partition by brand) total_count from cte ) a where sum_flag = total_count
@SHUBHAM_707 2 ай бұрын
select transaction_date, count(distinct users_id) no_of_users ,count(distinct product_id) no_of_products from ( select *, rank() over(partition by users_id order by transaction_Date desc) rnk from user_transactions ) a where rnk = 1 group by transaction_date
@dhasaradhatapala231 2 ай бұрын
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
Correct 💯
@dhananjaypawase8643 2 ай бұрын
In hp laptop same is not applicable pls tell me
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
In all laptop...this should work
@anirbanbiswas7624 2 ай бұрын
--------------------CAN BE ACHEIVED EASILY BY ROW_NUMBER() with cte as(select *,row_number() over(partition by deptno order by salary)as rn from Employee_2), cte2 as( select *,row_number() over(partition by deptno order by salary desc)as rn2 from Employee_2) select empname,deptname,deptno,salary from cte where rn=1 union all select empname,deptname,deptno,salary from cte2 where rn2=1
@anirbanbiswas7624 2 ай бұрын
-------1st SOLUTION select id,product,min(sales) over(partition by product)as sales_new from sales1 ------------------------2ND SOLUTION select id,product,SUM(sales) over(partition by product order by sales rows between unbounded preceding and current row)as cumulative_sales from sales1
@anirbanbiswas7624 2 ай бұрын
with cte as(select *, first_value(destination_phone_nbr) over(partition by source_phone_nbr)as f_value, last_value(destination_phone_nbr) over(partition by source_phone_nbr)as l_value from Phone_Log), final_cte as( select source_phone_nbr, case when f_value=l_value then 'Y' else 'N' end as is_match,row_number() over(partition by source_phone_nbr)as rn from cte) select source_phone_nbr,is_match from final_cte where rn=1
@anirbanbiswas7624 2 ай бұрын
WE MAY ACHEIVE THIS USING RECURSIVE CTE----- with recursive cte as(select min(id)as bs from sample_table union all select bs+1 from cte where bs+1<=(select max(id)from sample_table)) select * from cte where bs not in (select id from sample_table)
@akashgoel601 2 ай бұрын
resolving the same question, and tried a little different approach.. luckily it works :) sol: with cte as ( select users_id,max(transaction_date) as dates,ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by max(transaction_date) order by max(transaction_date)) as rn FROM user_transactions group by users_id ), cte2 as ( select transaction_date,count(transaction_date) as no_of_products from user_transactions group by transaction_date ) select cte.dates,max(cte.rn) as no_of_users,cte2.no_of_products from cte join cte2 on cte.dates=cte2.transaction_date group by cte.dates,cte2.no_of_products
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
SQL Query looks good to me ! Thanks for posting.
@Adnanmumtaz-vc2fr 2 ай бұрын
Many Many thanks for this video ❤
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
You are welcome 😍
@anirbanbiswas7624 2 ай бұрын
the answer can achieved by this method also---------------- with cte as(select *,max(tranamt) over(partition by custid)as max_sal_per_cust from transaction_tbl) select *,round((tranamt/max_sal_per_cust),2)as ratio from cte
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
Yes, you are correct ! Thanks for posting.
@Dibakar-Singha 2 ай бұрын
Thank you sir
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
You are welcome 😍
@chandanpatra1053 2 ай бұрын
very good explanation.
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 😍
@arnavashank6938 2 ай бұрын
without CTE SELECT From_User,COUNt(*) cnt,row_number() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC, From_User) rnk FROM google_gmail_emails GROUP BY From_User ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
@SUPRITHAKB 2 ай бұрын
Why are we using [ ] brackets in the query? what is it's purpose?
@trinadhgonthureddy1554 2 ай бұрын
You are really great. These videos helps lot❤
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
Thank you ! I am glad that my videos are helping you so much.
@priyakaja-vv1sl 2 ай бұрын
This SQL interview playlist really helped me and learned a lot. thank you great work!!
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
I am glad that my you tube channel helped you to learn a lot 😍😍 Share it with your friends circle so that it reaches to wider audience. Thank you !
@HarshithaV-cs1tv 2 ай бұрын
Option 3
@ItJunction4all 2 ай бұрын
Correct 💯
@vijay.s-ll1yq 2 ай бұрын
with cte as (select len('interview') as rnk union all select rnk-1 from cte where rnk-1>0 ) select SUBSTRING('interview',1,rnk) from cte
@DHINESHKUMAR.B 3 ай бұрын
select a.AccountNumber,b.Transaction_id, b.balance, a.trans_time from transaction_table b join( select accountNumber, max(transaction_time) as trans_time from transaction_table group by accountNumber ) as a on a.accountNumber= b.accountNumber and b.Transaction_time= a.trans_time order by Transaction_ID
@RahulP572 3 ай бұрын
Select Sales_Date,sum(Total) as Net from ( select Main.*,ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by Main.Sales_Date,Source_Currency order by Main.Effective_Start_Date desc) as RN from ( select Sales_Date,Effective_Start_Date,Source_Currency,Target_Currency,Sales_Amount,Exchange_Rate,(Sales_Amount*Exchange_Rate) as Total from T1, T2 where T1.Sales_Date >= T2.Effective_Start_Date and T1.Currency = T2.Source_Currency ) as Main) as sub where RN = 1 group by Sales_Date