Is this “Morozoff”,- russian company (because the name is only russians does)? Why You buy something from company from aggressor and terrorist country? Do You know that russia make a war in Ukraine!? We really love what You are doing here on TouTube, but PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING LINKED TO TERRORISTS RUSSIA !
@gre_paindepices Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Don’t worry! Morozoff is a Japanese pastry company and it’s not related to Russia!! As you say, morozoff is Russian word, but the president and the workers of this company are all Japanese.
@OnenessVoices Жыл бұрын
@@gre_paindepices Thank You for reply. 1. Could you be so please to give me a link to official web site of this company? 2. But HOW possible to naming company by russian word? What the reason? Not Japan-linked, nor English language-linked (like “Iceberg”, “Gelato”, etc…) WHY RUSSIAN WORD ???
Hi!! Dear viewers, thank you for watching my videos! This time, the video is about store building in front of Mitsukoshimae, Nihonbashi! The opening date of the store is September 11 (Monday)! We have created an Instagram account for the store, so please check there for our business hours, etc. (We have not yet posted any pictures, etc.). (We have not posted any pictures yet. 🙇♀️) We would be happy to hear from you when you visit us😊We have only been on KZbin for 3 months, but we are so grateful to those who have subscribed to our little channel. I hope I can give something back to you. I am looking forward to meeting you all. GRE
Sorry, I ate all😂 but, I filmed everything I ate and bought, so you can find them in my videos!
@gre_paindepices Жыл бұрын
こんにちは!グレです! 今回はイントロの曲を変えてみました😊いかがですか?? 今回お土産を購入したお店は初めて行くところばかりでした!みなさんがパリに行ったら必ず買うお土産はありますか?よかったらコメント欄で教えてください✨ Hello! I'm Gre! I changed the intro song this time 😊 How do you like it? The stores where I bought souvenirs this time were all places I went to for the first time! Is there any souvenir you always buy when you go to Paris? Please tell me in the comment box below if you like ✨
こんにちは! ご視聴ありがとうございます! 今回の旅行は3週間もあったのに、旅の最後の数日はバタバタになりました😁 大好きな国で、大好きな街で、美味しいものをたくさん食べて、友達や先輩、仲間たちに会えて、とっても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました!パリのVlogは今回で最後になりますが、これからも皆さんが楽しめる動画を投稿をしていくので見続けていただけたら嬉しいです✨ Hello! Thanks for watching! This trip was 3 weeks long and the last few days of the trip were a flurry of activity 😁. I had a great time in my favorite country, in my favorite city, eating lots of delicious food and meeting friends, seniors and colleagues! This will be my last Paris Vlog, but I hope you'll keep watching as I continue to post videos that you'll enjoy ✨. Thank you! Coucou!! Merci beaucoup de regarder mon vlog!! J’espère que cela vous plairas! Ce voyage a duré 3 semaines et les derniers jours du voyage ont été un flurry 😁. J'ai passé un excellent moment dans mon pays préféré, dans ma ville préférée, en mangeant beaucoup de nourriture délicieuse et en rencontrant des amis, des aînés et des collègues ! Ce sera mon dernier Vlog Paris, mais j'espère que vous continuerez à regarder car je posterai d'autres vidéo agréables! Merci!!
ありがとうございます! やはりパン屋さんは朝早いと良いですよね、頑張ります。 Hotel le Meurice の朝食が素敵すぎますね!しかもあの有名店のクロワッサンが食べられるなて! ショコラショーも美味しそう〜 チケット1枚ならまだ自販機で買えるのですね。良かったです。navigo easy が良いとは思いますが窓口混みそうですよね。。 Tik Tokはしていないのですが、いろいろ参考になりました。 また動画を見て楽しませていただきます!
こんにちは、Gréです! いつも動画を見てくださってありがとうございます! 今回のVlogも食べてばかりになっています笑 パリに住む親友に会ったり、旅行中に初めて部屋で調理したり楽しいことばかりでした!これからフランスに旅行に行く方の参考になったり、パリに行った気分になっていただけたら嬉しいです! あと今回から字幕を選べるようにしたので、少し見やすくなったかなと思います!!何かご意見あればお待ちしております☺ 動画楽しんでください〜!! Hi, it's Gré! Thank you for watching my videos! This vlog is also all about eating lol I had a lot of fun meeting my best friend who lives in Paris and cooking in my room for the first time during my trip! I hope it will be helpful for those who are going to travel to France in the future and make you feel like you've been to Paris! Also, I've made it possible to choose subtitles from this issue, so I think it's a little easier to read! If you have any suggestions, I'm looking forward to hearing from you☺ Enjoy the video!
@高岡秀一 Жыл бұрын
@gre_paindepices Жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます✨✨ 嬉しいです!!ありがとうございます😊
@gre_paindepices Жыл бұрын
こんにちは☀️ 今回は私の大好きなチョコレート屋 さんやずっと行ってみたかったVuittonカフェなどを紹介しています😊 バゲットコンクールでは、可愛いレミーが紛れ込んでいたのでチェックしてみてください♪ゴッホの絵画の世界のようなパリの夜景も見どころです♪ みなさんのパリの思い出があれば是非教えてください☺️ Hi!! I introduce in this vidéo my favorite chocolate shop in Paris and the Vuitton café I’ve always wanted to visit. You know what! I found THAT REMY in Paris!! That was soooo cute!!! You must check it out!!! And Paris’ night view was amazing!! If you have some memories in Paris, please share with me!!
こんにちは☀️ 今週も1週間おつかれさまでした♪ 今回の動画はずっと行きたかったニコラ・ベルナルデさんのお店に行きました♪ 動画内では感想をお伝えしてなかったですが、焼き菓子がとっても美味しかったです✨ パリから少し離れていますが、時間があったら是非行ってみてください! その他質問があれば聞いてくれたら嬉しいです!フランスには3年住んだことがあるので、何かお役に立てることがあるかもしれません☺️ Hello ☀️ For this video, I went to Nicolas Bernardet's store that I have always wanted to visit... I didn't tell you what I thought of it in the video, but the sablés were very delicious ✨ It is a bit far from Paris, but if you have time, please go there! If you have any other questions I'd be happy to hear them! I have lived in France for 3 years, so I may be able to help you in some way☺️