@Un_Solved 5 күн бұрын
Evading Magna-X like its nothing ... unplayable match up for 7GDL ...
@LOZA-DigimonTCG 10 күн бұрын
Good list and great ratios I agree that memory boost and agility are all you need to climb up to your big wombo combo turn! However, the stack combo you showed off is illegal. You can't Alliance -> evolve and use when digivolving -> alliance. You must Alliance -> Alliance -> evolve. Edit: I am wrong, this play is completely legal, the Digi Sim is bugged.
@Pikaman13 9 күн бұрын
You can alliance > evolve > alliance (as ong as the digimon has 2 instances of alliance) As he stated in the combo you attack with the lvl 5 that has 2 instances of alliance (1 from lopmon and 1 natural ) Both alliances trigger simultaneously and are both pending activation, you choose the order in which you want to use the effects (With this you have to be Specific), you choose the natural alliance first suspending the lopmon to gain sec+1 and the dp, now since you suspended a digimon by effect the Kokomon and Terriermon inherit both trigger simultaneously and become the newest pending effects and must be resolved before any previously pending effects that havent activated yet, you choose the terriermon effect and evolve into a cherubimon for reduced cost, which then makes the cherubimon the newest trigger/pending effect, now you must resolve cherubimon before any previously pending effects, so you play another body from its effect (if that digimon has an on play effect it activates) now if no new effects are triggered then we work backwards to resolve any other pending effects, so we go back to kokomon and use its effect to give the dp (you can do this before terriermon inherit and it still works, itll just skip this step and go to the next one), then we go back to the pending alliance (from the lopmon) and use that to suspend an unsuspended digimon for an extra sec+1 and dp. this will trigger the terriermon inherit again allowing anotherevolution. Alliance is the same timing as when attacking but doesnt have to be the first activation. Look at Loogamon as an example the main combo uses the when attacking of the lvl 4 bt14 loogamon or the lvl 5 purple loogamon that causes a chain of evolutions and digimon being played, then they use the alliance.
@LOZA-DigimonTCG 6 күн бұрын
@@Pikaman13 Hi there, thanks for clarifying! The effects are bugged on the Digi sim and this led me to a false ruling. My apologies and thanks again for the in depth explanation!
@lalokx7577 11 күн бұрын
There's a miss play, you cannot activate alliance after evolving, it need to be done at the moment you declare it. Because is like a when attacking, it happen at that specific moment, if you evolve and play other digimon, you cannot use that new digimon to do a new alliance with the same digimon because wasn't there at the moment you activate alliance. Already asked that to a judge and he explain that. The evolve thing can be done obviously but only if you have 2 bodies when you do the alliance, meaning you need to have 3 digimons on the field when you do all that.
@LOZA-DigimonTCG 10 күн бұрын
EDIT: I was wrong, this combo is fully legal and based!
@bigz11 6 күн бұрын
no the player is right. gaining alliance ftom lopmon allows you to attack and alliance with the face of the card to evo into a churbi and alliance with another body as the lopmons alliance is given to the digimon stack similar to fenrir
@lalokx7577 6 күн бұрын
@@bigz11 on that way is correct, but didt use lopmon to have the double alliance
@bigz11 6 күн бұрын
@lalokx7577 11:12 he says lopmon gives antlyamon alliance. it works exactly how the player explains it you attack use the alliance on the face of the card and after you evolve you still have alliance from lopmon that is on the entire digimon stack so you will be able to alliance again with another digimon after you digivolve and do [when digivolving] of lets say in this case cherubimon.
@bigz11 6 күн бұрын
alliance triggers when you attack but it can be activated at any point during [when attacking] effects, which is why the alliance from lopmon in his example is able to alliance with lopmon after been deleted and replayed by chrubimon
@TCGTamer 11 күн бұрын
Can alliance still trigger after you trigger the 'when digivolving' effect of cherubi? I thought alliance activated at the same time as when attacking effects
@lalokx7577 11 күн бұрын
No, that's a miss play this player made.
@TheDracoFabz 5 күн бұрын
@@lalokx7577 Its not a miss play, as long as the digimon had an [alliance] without activating before digievolving, it can resolve "when digievolutions" and then trigger the [Alliance]
@lalokx7577 5 күн бұрын
@@TheDracoFabz thanks for the clarification, still need to ask about it xd but was checking the video again and have some cense.
@TCGTamer 3 күн бұрын
@@TheDracoFabz why is it like that? Does alliance not activate with when attacking effects?
@nicholasst.pierre6800 13 күн бұрын
Uhhh... theres only 48 cards here champ. What are the other 2?
@nicholashsN7 12 күн бұрын
@Marianoejar 16 күн бұрын
not a super fan of training. You need memory to evolve by effect so what exactly are you using training for that more memory boost can't do? Since you cant stack ex4 with training. Shu Chong also searches and lets you climb mid attack but i can understand not wanting to spend 4. I run Panjya and Rapid over the ex4 antyla. Panjya plays shu/mimi/daiken and gives rush, while rapid is just insane especially with aces. Lastly i really like ex4 cherubi (run 2 and 1 st) since floating is very useful for this meta since we dont have protection. Finally i like running luce over pomu for the 10k body and heal which can be recycled
@darrenzhu241 15 күн бұрын
Nice one! I have a mate that runs very similar techs to you. I don't have any Lucemons laying around but they are definitely a neat inclusion, and for the level 6s I really just wanted every single one of them to continue building board, plus I like the art on the starter Cherubimon better lol. For the trainings I could probably drop to 2 trainings/4 mem boost, but I did like how the training felt throughout the day just for being cheaper and being able to pick up another training/mem boost/Mimi if I needed it. Memory blockers like Chuumon are also becoming popular again so training gets around those too. In any case I like having 6 consistency cards for this play style of just trying to turbo into a big board so there isn't really anything else I'd want to run over the trainings.
@lalokx7577 11 күн бұрын
I play something similar to do, only difference is I don't use daiken because I don't have them, instead I use the old henry-shu, if there's a wipe board it let me start over again with the combo even if that digimon is deleted, also combo with the ex4 cherubi since I can revive it. And I don't play mimi since is not searchable, is hard to don't have that extra push of the digimon on the back, but I use Henry which is searchable my the terriermon. Also run Luce, is a very good card since you can play it with antyla and cherubi x, and on bt17 with the new antyla if the luce is on the trash like the cherubi x. Regarding trainings, I still use them, since some times I want to do little searches or evolve a terrier or lopmon that I played with antyla/cherub on that way I don't need to pay those 2 memory. I was thinking on use panjya too instead of the antylas ex4, but I don't have them, that's why I'm using a couple of starter terriers to reduce their cost, but at the moment I get them I will change them for assistant terrier. Anyway when the new antyla comes, I think Panjya is not an option since that antyla is quite good too and terrior will be usable on the deck for those reduce it play costs.
@p8ch389 17 күн бұрын
Hows teh matchup against Numemon?
@darrenzhu241 15 күн бұрын
I didn't get to test it but it's probably similar to the Imperial matchup where it depends a lot on who gets set up faster, once Cherubimon gets going it should be able to blow up a Numemon board convincingly between all the effects to -2000 DP, delete level 4, delete level 3, etc.
@firebender9010 17 күн бұрын
Yeah I noticed using the EX6 Lop and Turuie that I was just suspending, digivolving, not attacking and then getting cleared every turn. This strat is probably better. The new Shu-Chong and Henry looks incredibly broken but it really needs a way to cheat it out like other archetype tamers.
@darrenzhu241 15 күн бұрын
I'd definitely consider playing Shu-Chong if she could come out for free somehow!
@idle_sheep 17 күн бұрын
No EX6 Shuchong and no double typhoon is wild to me but I guess the inherit by itself already makes the deck very fast. I wonder why they didn't include any of those cards though as it's pretty standard in most lists. Very fun deck though. I run it myself and prefer it way more over some other meta decks I have.
@Marianoejar 16 күн бұрын
Double typhoon is extremely overrated. Your Antyla already does that, you need memory to evolve to the Antyla instead of typhoon
@Marianoejar 16 күн бұрын
No Shuchong is weird though
@darrenzhu241 15 күн бұрын
I'm basically just trying to get to a turn where I can evolve into Antylamon and keep turn. Bringing a level 4 out of raising with a training/mem boost/Mimi on the board will get me there, but if I have to spend turns playing Shu-Chong or Double Typhoon instead they don't actually help me that much on my big combo turn.
@idle_sheep 10 күн бұрын
@@darrenzhu241 Thanks so much for responding. I actually see your point now and after also discussing with other people who play cherubimon I think I'll also try a list similar to yours with no shuchonog or typhoon. I guess I just never realized how much of a waste of turn shuchong or typhoon can by in this deck.
@Moonkay-mx2nf 18 күн бұрын
Alliance is overlooked, it's fast but deathx and crimson blaze can cause grief for this deck.
@Sanwanchez13 20 күн бұрын
very cool deck profile, didn't know you can activate multiple instances of alliance at once lmao.
@idle_sheep 17 күн бұрын
Yup, and this is why I also think the EX6 Shu-chong is also very strong because you can combo her in tandem with the rookie inherits to digivolve 3 times, meaning you can swing with a lvl 4 instead of a lvl5 and climb instantly to lvl 6, allowing for very easy comebacks.
@lolhamhams 23 күн бұрын
I feel like cutting 2 Rivals for one of each Lightning and Cluster would work better just because they do kinda the same thing but you get sources to tuck under quicker. Idk tho I haven’t gone to a local after building the deck lol
@ChristianChavarria45 26 күн бұрын
Would u keep the BT7 Lucemon Chaos Mode in your build?
@JamesCornerTCG 25 күн бұрын
@ChristianChavarria45 yeah I would, it's a solid card tbh, it can snipe down anything if EX6 Chaos Mode isn't deleting their stuff. But personal preference
@thenephilimm 26 күн бұрын
nice deck profile! I would run one calling from the darkness instead of 2 biting crush. or you think calling doesn’t help out?
@JamesCornerTCG 26 күн бұрын
i initially had calling from darkness in an initial list prior locals but swapped it for the memory setter. its good but you usually dont want to be taking your pruple digi unless you're bricked. But i guess that's why I swapped the ST Matt Ishida memory setter for the BT2 Matt Ishida, cause it does the same thing at a lesser extent. Biting Crush is a really good card especially in this format where there are a lot of play digi by effects. In my 3rd round against RagnaLoardmon, I was basically going for my Ogudamon final play, I have Biting Crush delay active and my opp has the new Legends-Arms Delay and has a RagnaLoard ACE with no protection. My Oguda deletes his RagnaLoard ACE, uses the delay to play out a lvl6 from its sources and I use Biting Crush to play Leviamon from trash, using its second part of effect to delete lowest play cost. If I didn't have Biting Crush at that point and the lvl6 stayed on the field, he would've Blast DNA into another RagnaLoard ACE and would've lost the game. And its good having another kill option.
@thenephilimm 26 күн бұрын
@@JamesCornerTCG that makes sense Matt BT2 does the same as calling (in a way) thanks for the comment im going to try biting crush in my SGDL deck! i have a bulid myself and trying to bulid the deck as best as possible! would love to run the barbamon for the theme but i know he is the weakest out of the SGDLs.
@JamesCornerTCG 27 күн бұрын
Matt here - TIL that EX6 Lucemon cannot digivolve into BT7 Lucemon: Chaos Mode, as BT7 Lucemon: Chaos Mode can only digivolve into a Lucemon from hand. Slight mistake there but to be fair, first EX7 locals and first time playing the deck, will be more diligent in future haha
@Kargalargus 20 күн бұрын
Is this even correct? Can you elaborate on what you mean? Lucemon Chaos Mode BT7 states that Lucemon ex6 can digivolve into Lucemon Chaos Mode BT7 for a cost of 7. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be able to digivolve if you had that chaos mode in hand. I am more curious if Lucemon EX6 end of turn effect can digivolve in Chaos Mode BT7 in trash by putting a level 6 on top of security. Since Lucemon doesn’t have a digivolution cost and can only digivolve from hand, it does seem unlikely
@JamesCornerTCG 20 күн бұрын
@@Kargalargus I think what I meant to say was that the Lucemon EX6 End of Turn effect can't digivolve into Lucemon CM BT7 from trash because that old Lucemon CM doesn't have the white box alternate evolution text. Lucemon CM BT7 can still digivolve from hand for a cost of 7 but just can't be evoed into with the new Lucemon from trash, thats all.
@ThisIsUprising 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the deck profile man! Do you think we can get an updated tournament report/updated thoughts on the deck? Thanks and congratulations!
@JamesCornerTCG 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the reply, this is what Darren had to say about his tournament run and overall thoughts "Overall I was a bit more worried about my matchup spreads going into a post ST-17 meta since a good Rapidmon/Magnamon player has a lot of tools to deal with Devas, but since the expectation was a lot of Leviamon and Red Hybrid it was still the deck I was the most comfortable and confident in. I didn't see the armours or Levia in the end and there were 3 rounds where I was one of the first tables to finish which is one of my favourite aspects about the deck. I lost in the finals in the Devas mirror due to some misplays and their deck having techs like Merciful mode which ended up being really good in the matchup, but I did get to game 3 and I felt like I could've taken it if I'd figured out the matchup sooner so I have no regrets about how I've built my deck. It's just consistent, powerful and fun, and I can see myself continuing to run it as it is until BT16 releases."
@smash3238 4 ай бұрын
Hello, is there somewhere we can see the results of this ultimate cup? I've tried the usual, dgcmeta and egman, but can't seem to find it anywhere.
@JamesCornerTCG 4 ай бұрын
Hi, so in terms of Oceanic tournaments, Egman doesn't really post the results cause I don't think he has access to the results unless someone gives him it, but in terms of what made rop 8 during this particular tournament (going from first place), it was Apocalymon, Red Hybrid, Sovereign, Leomon, Leviamon, Apocalymon, Leviamon and Numemon. Sovereigns is a really good evergreen deck as it's mostly tribal in termsof the cards you play and it does really well in the current meta. We just had our IRL regional and Darren had come first with this same deck list!