Carla Harding | Stories of Prayer
Jon Burns | Trust and Obey
2 ай бұрын
Sarah Yardley | Sharing Our Faith
Pete Greig | Fathers Day
3 ай бұрын
Jill Weber | The Table of the King
Holly Back | The Uninvited Guest
Pete Greig | Vision Sunday 2024
Izzy's Testimony
5 ай бұрын
Pete Greig | Easter Sunday Message
Holly Back | The Love of God
@audofit 2 күн бұрын
"And rolled away" LOL - haha actually Skate Church and Anchor Church just got a building! Looking forward to see that ministry ramp up again :DDDD
@deborahbooth1698 4 күн бұрын
I know it's nearly the end of 2024! But excellent teaching Peter Thank you. I hear your coming to Auckland. FAR OUT .thank you. We WELCOME YOU AS YOU COME TO AOTEAROA.
@laurenharris3217 4 күн бұрын
I am so grateful to God for preachers like Tim Mackie, who are continuously faithful and inspiring in how they pursue God yet so personal and understanding of the difficulties all of us face trying to follow Jesus
@kirstyresink1001 9 күн бұрын
I just love who Jesus made Jill Weber to be. So grateful for her life and her heart pre-set on "yes" to Him xxx
@ThaboMotshekga 11 күн бұрын
Powerful sermon Brother.
@naomilives414 14 күн бұрын
This is so good
@Natalia-nx5nu 16 күн бұрын
You have so many followers and probably never check these but what does Paul mean talking about rewards? “Run like we’re going to get a reward “? What’s a reward, isn’t heaven itself a reward?
@dennisgrode4061 18 күн бұрын
Tim , so glad you are rediscovering scripture, it is the bread of life 😊, that’s what God’s people need first and foremost!
@jccee3159 21 күн бұрын
Beautiful. thank you Amy.
@fernandosanchez6576 23 күн бұрын
this was in the uk? i live in the Uk, how can i know if he is giving another sermon in the uk to go and attend?
@Mollyakela 24 күн бұрын
Just a few minutes ago I told my sister that I was so sad to have finished all of Tim Mackie’s sermons available online… then I find this one!☺️ So thankful for his ministry. He always helps me to view God’s Word in a brand new way!
@NashMarks-p2d 24 күн бұрын
Great Message.
@rayannerosenail 25 күн бұрын
Praise Jesus ❤ I have been asking Him to help me better understand His sovereignty in my studying and this teaching was a wonderful reflection on that. Thank you! Bless you!
@daneumurian5466 25 күн бұрын
At the wedding there in Cana, It was really a no-brainer. Jesus with his 12 disciples Was the party entertainer. There was hora, polka, schottische For the Germans, Jews and Scottish, Rap, boogie-woogie, Some even did the twist "But then Mary gave her Son the sign: Lord, it seems we have run out of wine." He said, "M time has not yet come, But who am I to spoil the fun? Fill the water pots up to the brim. Call festmaster; serve some up to him. You think that nature's drink is fine? You'll find I've turned it into wine." "And so let everybody come, Drink and have some fun! "Roll Out the Gospel; Let's have a batch full of fun. Roll Out the Gospel; We'll give Old Scratch quite a run. Christ did the impossible; He's the fulfillment of life. Now we get to serve the gospel As his cosmic wife!
@lotuslove745 27 күн бұрын
Oof the truth within this
@elizabeth8959 Ай бұрын
Just fantastic!
@Yesica1993 Ай бұрын
Has he corrected his views on hell as stated in the video Compelled: Speaking and Living the Gospel - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project) Tim Mackie Archives?
@JoeBloggs-4096 19 күн бұрын
Hi. What do you mean by correcting? How was/is he incorrect and what do you believe is the right view and why?
@Yesica1993 14 күн бұрын
​@@JoeBloggs-4096 What I believe is irrelevant. What counts is what God says. I can't post links here. It's about 31 minutes in. 31:18 "Here's what's crucially important. This is a very simple way to think about communicating this, and why this story is wrong. If you look at the first sentence of the Bible, it says, 'In the beginning God made heavens and (audience).' What does it not say? It doesn't say, 'In the beginning God made heaven and earth and hell.' God didn't make, whatever hell is, God didn't make it. It's nowhere to be found on page one of your Bible, right? What God made is heaven and earth. And what does God think about it? It's very good. It's very good. So whatever hell is, it comes into the story later. And if you're familiar with the story, how it works, hell or evil or sin, the various names that it's called in the Bible, is something that humans have created by our decision to seize autonomy from God." And it goes on a bit further from there.
@TheLakingc Ай бұрын
Scripture requires that you search, pray and keep digging. If we do not get immediate understanding, some more unfolds as time rums on. Hiding it in your hear, as Mary did, helps you see Scripture unfoding in every aspect of your life. You see examples , personality types, situations that all remind you of Scripture and principles that you have learned. There are many, "A-ha!" moments. And prophecy is not fortune telling, but is for comfort as it also unfolds, though lately, it has been sad. I need to remember that Jesus said to not be troubled, He told us ahead of time; however, if we only read and never dig in, we will miss great gems of comfort and Truth. I think of it as a similar to the Rock and Gem Club we used to belong to. We would hunt for hours, digging ,prying, pounding, gently separating, rinsing, identifying, and collecting many rocks and gems. it was such fun. Studying the Bible is very similar.i don't care how nany times i read it, it is always fresh and new in some way, because the Holy Spirit has us on a step by step journey to discovery and understanding. It is a process of wonders. You can't give up if you want to discover the gems.
@MichaelTheophilus906 Ай бұрын
Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, Rom 16.27, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12.
@bradenhunt8664 22 күн бұрын
What about it?
@MichaelTheophilus906 22 күн бұрын
@@bradenhunt8664 Did you read them? They are self-expanatory.
@TommyStahr Ай бұрын
As God gave up the Jews for their bigotry & Idolatry, so GOD GIVES UP THE CHURCH! 2Thess2:11 is here. The church is fallen. Trump is lawless. They believe THE LIE! Rev 18:4 us calling
@HiddenTreasure88 Ай бұрын
I have been trying to learn the bible with my whole being and the best advice I can give is go look up the hebrew meaning of the names in the bible then read the scripture with that meaning a whole new outlook of the bible. My eyes are opened to the movement that was formed with jesus but so many have taken it out of context.
@TommyStahr Ай бұрын
Christianity isn’t supposed to be so hard. 1John3:23 really sums it up. Sadly, there are so many false prophets and thieves today preaching lies, greed & hate. 1946themovie proves the Bible is not anti-gay. It’s clearly anti-hate. Leviticus 19:18 is the one Jesus quoted. He's coming soon. It's all fulfilled. 2Thess2:11 is here. The church is fallen. They believe THE LIE. 😢 Keep looking up! Luke 21:24-28 is here
@HiddenTreasure88 2 күн бұрын
@TommyStahr Ай бұрын
I'm a Jew born-anew, since 1982. Jesus healed me miraculously of schizophrenia. Then He filled me with His Spirit. Ten years later, I was still gay. Jesus healed my schizophrenia but not my gayness? Why? I cried and cried and hoped to die for years. Finally, I discovered the truth. 1946themovie proves the Bible is mistranslated. God is not a BIGOT! Anti-LGBTQ and anti-women's rights, anti-immigrant are ANTI-CHRIST LIES! Matthew 7 says JUDGE NOT OR YOU'LL BE JUDGED! Judgment is coming to the world because the church is fallen to bigotry and lies. 2Thess2:11 is here. Trump is lawless. The church is fallen. They believe THE LIE! Jesus is coming soon for this born-again gay stoner Jew while most Christians are left behind because of bigotry and idolatry. Rev 18:4 is calling. Turn off the world and turn on Jesus. Leave politics of HATE & GREED or you'll be left behind to suffer the plagues coming. 😪
@suzannedebusschere1607 Ай бұрын
Really good. Everyone should listen to this.
@Gloii2 Ай бұрын
Ahhh,,, truth is relative to culture and times and literary genre, how convenient. Now modern scholars can educate us all on exactly how to keep God’s word in its place. Nebulous spiritual wisdom for those that use it properly.
@TommyStahr Ай бұрын
You can't keep the Holy Spirit in a corner. The church is fallen. Trump is lawless. They believe THE LIE. 2Thess2:11 is here. It’s all bigotry and idolatry, lies, sex, violence & greed, all coming at us through the Image of the Beast. Rev 13:11-16 & 18 are America. Two horns like a lamb are right-wing Christians and Catholics who are about to burn it all down for a lie. God gives them up because they delighted in wickedness. Rev 18:4 is calling 😢
@Blockishbookhead Ай бұрын
That’s not what he was saying. He’s saying you can misunderstand things the Bible is saying if you are not digging in and trying to understand what has been written in a particular context. It doesn’t mean - we disregard parts of Scripture as ancient culture that’s no longer relevant. It means we want to understand the author’s true intent as best we can. He is actually trying to get us to the heart of truth in the Bible. I could tell you a story I wrote and you could walk away with an interpretation completely different from what I intended. He’s trying to get us to understand what the authors were actually trying to convey to us.
@Gloii2 Ай бұрын
I believe his views are more progressive than you give him credit for, more in line with Peter Enns, NT Wright, and maybe even some Bart Ehrman in his scholarly approach. No substitutionary atonement for sin and a universalist gospel. Genesis is Hebrew literature based on Babylonian mythology and John’s Revelation should be read in its understanding as a genre of apocalyptic literature. More of a neo-orthodox view of scripture as compared to a plenary verbal inspiration. Making the Bible in its original manuscripts inerrant and authoritative.
@Blockishbookhead Ай бұрын
@@Gloii2 Salvation and the Kingdom of Heaven is not a matter of doctrine. True religion is to help the widow and the orphan. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 25:31-46- what you did to the least of these (hungry, sick, prisoners) you did unto me. Jesus wants our lives to imitate His on earth. Division over the nitty gritty will keep you and others from the Kingdom. Jesus alone will save us, how it all happens is not necessary for us to know. What is necessary for us to know is what Jesus wants from us. And a child reading the Bible could understand that. Clothe the naked, feed the hungry, help the widow and the orphan. Proclaim salvation through Christ’s work of love on the cross. Be blessed!
@Gloii2 Ай бұрын
Blessings to you Blockishbookhead In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10
@Chris-P-E Ай бұрын
a great timely message. Not something men like talking about but much needed for everything else to make sense
@joer5627 Ай бұрын
I simply wished to say “Thank you” for the people Tim mentioned who thought spending money on a skate park would be a good way to reach young folks. Due to their faithfulness we now are better Christians based upon the teachings of Tim Mackie!
@vernekelley9356 Ай бұрын
What a God-breathed message!
@ALLrWorthy Ай бұрын
I have reached out to several people and am still not getting any answers that even come close to really addressing my question at the end of this…..I was a Christian for the first 45 years of my life and fell away. I wanted desperately to get back to God so I prayed and I read and researched and studied the Bible and how it was written and wanted to believe so incredibly bad but I just can’t get past the facts such as the fundamental stories are based on older ancient writings and how can I have faith in the gospels when the Bible itself therefore cannot be solely “God’s Word”. There’s a much earlier creation account in the Enuma Elish, the flood story, there’s a much earlier version in the Epic of Gilgamesh. There are even other people who were said to have done the same things as Jesus, both doing miracles and dying and living again. I promise I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’m just simply trying to find someone who can help me comprehend this…. how is it possible to believe in what seems so obviously just another take on the earlier myths?
@edwardbrowncross Ай бұрын
There's a lot in your message worth meditating on. I'd like to consider just your last sentence. There's a drama on at the moment called The Boys. Ask someone what it's about and they'll say something like "it's a superhero show about what happens if the people who get superpowers are selfish and immortal rather than heroic ". There's a lot wrapped up in the words "it's a superhero show". If you were a time traveller not familiar with the genre and you watched The Boys then the surface superhero-show details would catch your attention more than the second half of the description. You might then discover other superhero shows had come before, and conclude that since there was no one canonical account of what superheroes there were or how they came to get powers, they should all be discarded. But that's missing the point. The superhero stuff is just the carrier wave. A vehicle to explore a deeper idea. So too are ancient stories. There were whole genres, like flood myth, that worked a lot like superhero shows today, and could be used as a delivery mechanism for a wide range of ideas. God gives us the things he needs us to know wrapped up in stories we can understand. He even made some things that had previously only happened in stories actually take place for real, to really get his points across. C S Lewis described Christianity as a "true myth".
@christian11111 Ай бұрын
Hello, I believe I understand your concerns, however what you have expressed is that there are shared concepts or elements between Christianity. I too see these shared concepts, elements, stories, but I don't see how that could cause you to lose faith in God. I'm not trying to blame you for how your feeling, I'm only saying this as an outside observer. It sounds to me like you had a certain expectation of God and the Bible, that expectation did not match reality, so you chose to turn away from God. What I would ask of you is to consider that your expectation was wrong, rather than the Bible or God was the wrong one. Additionally, to more apologetically answer your concerns. Yes there are other stories, older than the Bible, which have similar themes, concepts or teachings, but does that mean what the Bible is telling you is stolen or false? Likewise, what we read of the life of Jesus, there are plenty of other stories and people throughout history with shared elements to him. None of that means the stories are made up or cannot be trusted. Take flood myths for example, nearly every culture has a flood story, the fact that there are so many doesnt mean it's not true but instead that it is true. That somewhere in our distant past a massive flood occurred, it was so impactful everyone remembered and wrote about it. Does that mean the bibles version is true or correct, who knows and who cares. That story can teach us truths about God's relationship to man, and man's continued failure to love God even as he extended his love and companionship to man. My point in saying all this is, consider not what parts of the Bible are true, instead read it like it's fiction, read it like it's one bug story trying to teach you philosophical truths about the world, man and God. When you do this the idea of if a story is true no longer matters, as the truth of what it is trying to teach you is what matters. Also I must ask, are you saying you are now an atheist or simply not a Christian anymore? Thanks, and please don't take anything I said as rude, I'm only trying to share my thoughts and what iv learned over my years of study since accepting YHWH as my Lord and my God.
@ALLrWorthy Ай бұрын
@@edwardbrowncross Thank you so incredibly much for taking time to address me! I see what you’re saying, I know the show The Boys and get what you’re trying to say, but I don’t think you can honestly compare the two scenarios because the latter version of superhero stories doesn’t claim to be the one authentic truth. It’s just another take on earlier versions. The Bible, however, claims to be the inspiration of God. How can the earlier stories then be possible?? I can’t wrap my brain around this particular concept. I mean, in the flood story there are similar word for word phrases where the Bible mirrored the Eric of Gilgamesh. Did God first inspire that story? If so then the whole concept of God as portrayed in the Bible cannot possibly be correct. I just don’t understand.
@ALLrWorthy Ай бұрын
@@christian11111 Thank you also for responding. I have lost faith in the idea of there being a God as portrayed in the Bible. I feel like the more that I learned, the more I came to see that the integrity of the inerrant Word of God had lost its authenticity. This is why I care if the stories are true. I had no expectations, only a desire to seek God. If it doesn’t matter which flood stories are true then it likewise shouldn’t matter what savior stories are true. I appreciate your advice to read it as fiction but learn the truth it’s trying to teach you…..I don’t know about that, maybe, however then, the traditional Christian truth’s are no more relevant than those in the Iliad or the Koran or the Vedas or the Enuma Elish. This is where I stand at this point I guess. I realize that I am somewhat the same person that I was when I identified as a Christian, only I would definitely consider myself to be even more compassionate towards other people’s feelings and respectful towards their beliefs. I’m a compassionate and loving person not because of a spirit upon me but because I choose to be that way. Sometimes I make mistakes. If I hurt someone I work to fix it because it it’s the right thing to do. Who determines what’s right? I don’t know, I think we all have a moral sense inside of us….even animals do. That’s why they can be loyal, how else….. all I know is that Moses was not the first law giver, nor were the laws unique or original. The Code of Hammurabi was written centuries before the Biblical laws. Again, this is why I think there has to more to it then is just limiting ourselves to the idea of only one concept of God. There is good and bad to be found in each person and in each belief. All we can do is take the good and leave the bad, I guess. Peace.
@christian11111 Ай бұрын
@@ALLrWorthy hello, thanks for the reply. Yeah I understand what your saying but I have to ask, did you previously believe that the Bible was the oldest document talking about the relationship between man and God? Personally my faith is strengthened through the credibility and reliability of the NT. Just because some other sources, which there is only one of prior to Jesus, that depicted a God coming in human form, dying and being resurrected, doesn't discredit the NT at all. Would it help you if I went through what makes the NT the most reliable ancient document in history? Thanks for your time. I just wish we could speak in person , I find your experience so interesting. It's almost exactly like what Tim Mackie described about his friend Matt in his intro of the video.
@timwitowich2126 Ай бұрын
Good sermon
@alex16cole Ай бұрын
Thanks Hannah and God. Good stuff
@Podling_Dan Ай бұрын
43:13 oils and wines both contained entheogenes often in antiquity
@TheOverlapLifewithTimBarber Ай бұрын
Babe wake up, new Tim Mackie sermon!! Fantastic summation of the "Paradigm" series.
@wendybrowne8280 Ай бұрын
Thank you from Brisbane, Australia
@musicandmania Ай бұрын
Tim Mackie radically changed my relationship with Scripture, which thus served as the catalyst of radical change with my relationship with the Lord. Thank you for bringing him to this channel! I watch teachings going years back, so this made me very thankful. God is good, so thankful for those who share ❤️
@katt1138 2 ай бұрын
So happy he is back!!!Thank you!!
@cecilemuggill9444 2 ай бұрын
Thanks be to God. Blessings to you all.
@quekrt5381 2 ай бұрын
i have been waiting to this since Pete G mentioned on Instagram , Cass
@rootedinjoy8821 2 ай бұрын
OH Yes hammer problem!!! Thank you. Dr. Jackie!
@vernekelley9356 2 ай бұрын
Oh my!!! It has been FAR too long since there has been a new Tim Mackie message. It was like water to someone dying of thirst crawling across the desert. God bless him. I love his classes and I often re-listen to do his sermons. What a gift this was.
@darrilani 25 күн бұрын
@hemankhouilla2795 17 күн бұрын
"Holy cow" Tim is such a blessing indeed 🙏🏾
@rainking50 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! When and where was this talk given?
@jurgensiegel7625 2 ай бұрын
Last Sunday, in Guildford, UK
@saxxonian 2 ай бұрын
What a day, what a message, what an inspiration Tim is! Thank you Dr. Mackie, it was a privilege to say hi.
@Butterfly-ow3mm 2 ай бұрын
Do you live in a glass bubble Pete Jesus didn’t He lives with the girls attacked by the men your church protects ie Muslim invaders
@DoctorOliviaBush 2 ай бұрын
Very inspiring! Thank you, Adam. Wishing you and Heather all good things in your move. ❤
@bettyombu5902 2 ай бұрын
Back in our home country now.. but we identify with the mail in respect to our time attending Emmaus rd church in guildford.
@magdalenabirsanu21 2 ай бұрын
A word in season!Bless you for bringing this response to my prayer🙏🏻
@lorraineeveritt2242 3 ай бұрын
How lovely to hear you. Remember you both and your time in Ashtead. 💕
@paulebe4 3 ай бұрын
Nice.. From India
@DiscoverJesus 3 ай бұрын
You've swallowed a lie and you're making a living off diverting the church from the great commission. 😢
@jennifersmart1550 2 ай бұрын
It is both / and -- not either / or.
@elizabeth8959 3 ай бұрын
Very powerful and hugely helpful. Embracing the moment of ministry at the end - albeit online. Thank you.
@pastornasserify 3 ай бұрын
God bless you David jan.❤️