@DJRonnieG 8 күн бұрын
I always wondered if the windmill infrasound thing is bs or not.
@saintrambone 28 күн бұрын
The floods at cedar key Florida from Helene and the small town to the east from prior hurricanes may be for a reason. The cumulative effect of wind turbines in the plains states creates a sort of pressure that keeps large hurricanes pushed to the east in the Gulf of Mexico. Mankato minnesota felt the effect of storm water accumulation from the cluster of wind turbines in minnesota along the southern quarter of the state The waters are warmer along the eastern Gulf of Mexico thereby the heat engine effect makes the storm stronger. The Los Angeles California area and westward are suffering from the effect of a new industrial waste water river from Salton sea lithium mining. Mega fog with fungus killing semi arid plants. The fires killed much of the butterfly and moth populations as vegetation gets thicker then drought. Only an idiot would use the earths magma as a furnace to cook lithium. But thst is what they are doing. I was attacked in minnesota in 2024 seeking healthcare. The first time I was attacked seeking healthcare was in Los Angeles federal healthcare in 2001. I had survived bombs and executions near the Salton sea while in federal bank examiner employment. I was told to buy in to Berkshire Hathaway lithium mineral rights. I want a tort claim to sue the criminally insane assassin and terrorists Hector mine earthquake day October 1999. A disappearing train is the only proof. Perhaps a freight train before the derailed Amtrak or maybe a carload of executed federal employees. Kurt Brown Saintrambone Mobile Audit Club
@CreekLocks Ай бұрын
Hats off to Bill Acker.
@oldfarmer4700 Ай бұрын
These wind farms and solar farm companies are filling their pockets from government subsidies. There was a study that showed the fuel cost of a turbine, from start to finish and also fuel used for maintenance would produce more energy than the turbine would in it life expectancy. That doesn’t factor in the removal and disposal of it when it’s decommissioned. That fact show most of the wind farm companies just walk away and the junk litters the country side until the government pays for the scrapping of them. Wonder where that money comes from.? Yeah us tax payers just as building them. We are being taken for one hell of a ride people.
@billyflanagan9657 Ай бұрын
Is 700meters too close?
@ddyeo503 Ай бұрын
Here in Tillamook Oregon there is this cheese factory that had these Evapo Boilers that would run all night and the vibration from the large fans would just rattle the roof and walls of my house. But I kept complaining and they finally found a way to quite them down, perhaps changing the fan design. Geothermal will replace the windmills and solar panels and batteries need when there is no wind or no sun. The heat below our feet is free and hot 365 days a year 24 hours a day. No need for batteries like windmills and solar panels need for 24 hour usage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
@Kunibert_Knatter Ай бұрын
This guy does "believe" quite a lot and he has "opinions" - but engineers do not rely on that, they rely on facts! But as he said, there is a lack evidence about infrasonic noise, because there is no! Opening / closing a door produces more infrasonic kinetic energy than a windturbine. There are thousands and thousands of windturbines worldwide, but there are no health risks documented at all. Except "I know a family down the road, ... ". This person and this video spreads a lot of misinformation.
@jerryfacts9749 2 ай бұрын
Suggested causes of symptoms include a combination of wind turbine noise, infra-sound, dirty electricity, ground current, and shadow flicker. Infra-sound is sound that is below the normal hearing range, but can affect animals and humans. Infra-sound is subsonic vibration. There is also electrical ground current that puts negative charge in to the ground from the huge generator inside the windmill. This means the people and animal life are walking on ground that has high current electrical charge in it.
@KieraCameron514 3 ай бұрын
I am opposed to 100% renewable energy bullshit, but renewable energy sources are good supplemental energy sources. So, quit whining.
@pi1810 3 ай бұрын
You cannot protect yourself from infrasound. The frequencies vibrate your very cells in a detrimental way. The effects are cumulative, and even though some people might not notice the effects in the early years after turbine installation, your body (including your brain), is being altered. Insidious.
@theunforgiven2885 4 ай бұрын
I sense it... We live on the water .People over here think our whales are dieing because of them.Fairhaven Massachusetts they didn't want them up and they put them up anyway..
@lisawelch3069 5 ай бұрын
He's an engineer, gots to be true.
@bleumotel 7 ай бұрын
These wind turbines are amazing.. They cured Grandpa’s Dementia, However; Grandma scaled the tower on the family farm and hung herself from 250 feet about a month after we got our first check. We have a lot more birds here on our place now but they became very lazy and don't feel like flying. I don’t know what this man is talking about.
@briangillman735 7 ай бұрын
How far are the pressure pulsations able to travel....i hear them...feel them and have high levels of low frequency noise...theres alot of high lines here and the nearest windmills are about 30 miles away and 45 miles away...at 130 this morning my whole house was shaking with the pulsating
@bojibear7957 7 ай бұрын
20 decibels or less needed for natural restorative Rest. The wind turbines wants it raised to over 50 decibles allowance.
@briangillman735 7 ай бұрын
I was driving around this afternoon checking the noise in various places. I found sick geese...standing waves on most water and sand readings from 75 to 115 dB 81 dB in my living room with everything turned off In the house
@bojibear7957 7 ай бұрын
Many people not yet making the connection between wind turbines and illness. They just run to doctors for prescriptions
@mikedanger839 11 ай бұрын
You should get your mental health checked if you believe this.
@petefluffy7420 Жыл бұрын
That is primarily because of piss weak environmental legislation.
@donaldosborn9255 Жыл бұрын
Oh my God, what is sad is the distortion and lies being propagated by this and other misinformation being put out by the tools of the fossil fuel industry. This is just not the TRUTH!!
@hashslingingslasher9232 Жыл бұрын
I work on turbines and i confirm this is stupid
@glennmartin6492 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely no references to the research he's claiming. Just claims.
@joshuaamitai 4 ай бұрын
just claims ??? Marine -scientists studied why whales suddenly started to throw themselves onshore , they came to the " scientific" conclusion that it was the windmills on shore that created this infrasound that felt like having your ears next to a huge woofer on high volume playing ACDC .Where my friend lives "gibraltar point " England the windmills destroyed the ecosystem as some mussels suddenly started to vanish , and birds stopped laying eggs , the whole place is ruined , and that a windmill needs a few thousand of oil to keep turning is also a claim ?
@glennmartin6492 Жыл бұрын
Odd how there are one tenth the complaints in Europe in places with more exposure to wind turbines.
@mikedanger839 11 ай бұрын
Funny in non English speaking countries it's near 0 having these problems. And how Australia's gas companies paid retired doctors to preach this fake sickness to keep out wind turbines and renewable energy competition.
@dwight4626 Жыл бұрын
Birds sure seem to like them, it’d be like flying through a blender.
@Sideler74 Жыл бұрын
Proposed 600+ 1,000ft tall turbines from an Overseas Co. (Orsted Co from Denmark) They want to build these things 9 miles off shore from Delaware to NYC - THEY WILL BE VISABLE FOR 40 MILES IN ALL DIRECTIONS, (that includes 40 miles in land) They want to build these Turbines directly in the migration path of the (endangered) North Atlantic Right Whale. There are 350 Right Whales left in the ENTIRE WORLD The Co. trying to do this to our oceans, say in their own 4,000 PAGE REPORT (buried deep inside that report), this will "industrialize the ocean". They also say "The view from land will be dominated by these turbines". (red blinking lights @ night) The only way to unsee them is to "turn your back to the ocean". They also site the impact to wildlife will be "substantial" (Where is GREEN PEACE!?!?!) There has been virtually 0% media / news reporting on this environmental catastrophe!!!! No other proposed wind project like this exists in the world. 27 dead whales have washed a shore so far in 2023, how many more died at sea that we don't know about? The yearly avg for Whale deaths along the entire east coast is 7. The Whales & other marine life deaths coincide with the 6 surveying ships that are using high frequency sound waves to map the ocean floor. Sonor is blowing out their ears & they can no longer communicate to locate food, locate one another, detect predators, What happens when Whale & dolphin mothers & their calves lose communication? The Commercial Fishing Industry will be completely wiped out. Recreational fishing as well. The Db (noise) level from these turbines will be audible from shore. You won't be able to escape it. A constant humming noise will be heard Ocean front Property / Real Estate will become nearly worthless They will reduce ocean breezes by 24% They will reduce wave heights by 26% They will ruin every sunrise for the rest of you life along the DE/NJ/NY seaboard They do absolutely nothing when it comes to mitigating "climate change". 0% improvement. In Fact your electric bill will INCREASE BY 20%+ THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STATE. If you love the NJ Shore / East Coast Beaches spread the word on this looming environmental disater. The Co. trying to issue this project went to Trenton & said "if we don't get another billion dollars (of taxpayer money) to help fund this project we will pull out". The state legislature pushed through that funding on the weekend of July 4th 2023...@ 11pm... by 1 vote. THE TURBINE CO. REFUSES TO SPEAK WITH THE CONCERNED PUBLIC ABOUT THIS PROPSED PROJECT (MAJOR RED FLAG). We can't let this SCAM happen with our Tax Dollars! Politicians embedded with Overseas Energy Co.'s funding this proposed plan by using our money? Tell everyone you know what's going on & lets put pressure on Trenton to STOP this madness. #newjersey
@petefluffy7420 Жыл бұрын
Parody ?
@Top12Boardsport Жыл бұрын
This is just what some people claimed about phones when smartphones came to market.
@uploadtime1780 5 ай бұрын
And that's true. Goodness do some non Google research.
@Top12Boardsport Жыл бұрын
They also claim that wind turbines kill loads of bird. Turned out that cats kill millions of birds, cars kill millions of birds windows kill millions of birds and a wind mill on average 50 birds a year. So even 1000 wind mills don’t kill many birds. I my self have been living 500 meters from three large windmills and never been bothered still sleeping like a baby.
@GodsOath_com Жыл бұрын
Whales definitely sleep, so maybe that's why they are dying on the east coast, lack of sleep. I know when I didn't sleep for years due to a snoring husband, I slept for a week after I divorced him. Turns out I hadn't been sleeping for years. Best health decision was to divorce him because he refused all medical intervention and would not wear the cpap machine and would wake up with a suffocated red face screaming. I was afraid of being attacked as well.
@fredjones43 Жыл бұрын
Like Trump, Climate Change is an existential threat so any measures to mitigate it are justified; injury to humans notwithstanding. As Trump justified massive election fraud, climate change justifies massive fraud upon humanity vis-a-vis forced use of EV cars and trucks (in California) regardless of the damage caused by the extraction of the raw materials, construction and disposal of the batteries, stopping use of gasoline powered tools, gas stoves and water heaters etc., even though it is obvious to anyone who will consider it that the electric grid that already struggles in the summer, will never accommodate the increased used of electricity. All of this to decrease CO2 output that is beneficial to man due to increased vegetation which is completely ignored, and the complete absence of scientific proof that CO2 is causing increased temperatures of any duration, while the ice cores completely debunk the very claim that any “warming has taken place outside the historical patterns going back hundreds of thousands of years. China and the rest of the world will not go along with the ridiculous carbon neutral instituted by these wealthy ahi’s who fly around in private jets, putting more CO2 into the air in a single trip than a family in 3 months of living, but they buy carbon credits and this is supposed to mean something. What BS.
@jimdavison4077 Жыл бұрын
You should get together with Shirley Tenpenny. You can bounce your ideas off each other. You are both certifiable.
@bojibear7957 Жыл бұрын
The increase in sleep medication prescription for communities surrounded by these unnatural entities explains much. Sleep deprivation leads to compromised immune system, which leads to numerous health problems.
@ThePzrLdr Жыл бұрын
That low level noise causes deafness also.
@nikkibrasche4356 Жыл бұрын
They want to put wind turbines in my area not far from homes. Would u come speak at my town hall meeting?
@jim73challenger Жыл бұрын
Bullshit propaganda!
@benanderson5490 Жыл бұрын
One big grift
@viarnay Жыл бұрын
@vicBellamonkey Жыл бұрын
Now we have whales dying at New Jersey shore
@vicBellamonkey Жыл бұрын
That's what is killing the whales
@dreamwanderer9769 Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure it's the incredibly polluted oceans bud
@gingertom56 Жыл бұрын
Navy sonar mushes their brain along with siemic survey ships.
@raclark2730 Жыл бұрын
It cant be helping.
@frp8871 7 күн бұрын
The killing the whales tale has been debunked several times.. but here it comes again
@ryzenryne8747 Жыл бұрын
So it's like a subwoofer on an infrasound frequency?
@elputamen 2 жыл бұрын
@netdragon2003 2 жыл бұрын
Tell that to the 500,000 birds that are killed every year!!!
@davidkeenan5642 Жыл бұрын
@@netdragon2003 How many birds are killed by cats annually. Birds will adapted.
@bojibear7957 Жыл бұрын
No one in my community has benefited from these windmills. Their electrical bills have continued to increase since the windmills were introduced. They need to be placed in desolate area across the earth deserted of people. Save the fertile farmland for food production.
@dakotagoff2425 2 жыл бұрын
I work on them and can say one thing about this man's words. Bullshit
@MrTrio1972 2 жыл бұрын
Been there worked there and in my opinion There a Waste of tax payer money as for the health issue the sound that comes blades is harmful . The radiation is far worse
@SomeGal 2 жыл бұрын
How the heck do wind turbines cause fatty liver? As a scientist, I am not making the connection between these two.
@amygunther2571 Жыл бұрын
Frequencies.. as a scientist idk what you understand about them
@ridgec5670 2 жыл бұрын
I like how people worry about animals killed by windmills. Let's compare that to a coal burning plant then analyze the data.
@jasoneddie3921 2 жыл бұрын
Climate change is a natural process we cannot control. No power source should be right near a residential area. Maybe the best power source is nuclear power.
@kalleh6377 2 жыл бұрын
Quite bold statement, directly after the wind turbines go up the behavior started to change. There is no regulations to prevent building turbines close to human settlements? For sure the sum of rent they collect they can love to a better neighborhood.
@longwell2937 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your sharing
@agw5425 2 жыл бұрын
You are delusional you imply causes you want to find and spread a psychosis that do not exist outside the "patients" heads. You are just like a cult leader inventing "enemies" that are not real. There can be no evidence when the cause only exist in your imagination. Of Course the utility do not want whiny nutjobs living near their equipment so it is sadly easier to buy them out to stop the bs nonsens.
@cryingfossil 2 жыл бұрын
You guys all suffer from mental problems if you seriously believe this
@STEEPPOW 2 жыл бұрын
I am not someone who considers themselves or would be considered an environmentalist. I often don’t recycle my cans. I drive a gas guzzler. I’m not ever stressing the environment. That said, I live in Iowa near Iowa largest 33 wind turbine wind farm. I don’t profit from it. I am glad it is there, however. Watching this video, every single person here seems detached from reality and off. 8 wind turbines not even on your property didn’t destroy your entire life.
@shirleypike8717 2 жыл бұрын
Know someone who lives close to these. All true what he is saying