Professor Dorrit Jacob FAA
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Introduction to field mapping
Profile of the Scientist: Lynne Bean
RSES EOY party - donut eating comp
@colinrothnie4986 2 ай бұрын
Amazing presentation... So many innovative ideas and concepts - pointing the way to new science and research areas with economically important ore types such as IOCG and IOA deposits.
@sssh561 5 ай бұрын
As a person who grew up with Kate, I can testify to everything she has said about our local area growing up. And yes, it is only through this video that I now know that it was a storm drain! It is also true that we played in the creek. I remember a mock war game with water pistols. It is great to see you Kate flourishing and doing what you love. Scott
@tweeterist Жыл бұрын
I knew Khosro back in the days when I was a grad student of Mining Engineering at the University of Tehran. I saw this video out of the blue, and I'm so happy for him. Best of luck bro!
@TahoeJones Жыл бұрын
If you think anyone but fanatic Libtards care about your 2050 speculation you are totally deluded.
@markhughes7927 Жыл бұрын
1:16 ‘…what we see in the melt-water simulation that we expect to see play out in the next few decades…’ 😂😂😂😂😂
@terenceiutzi4003 Жыл бұрын
That was grade 9 physics in the 70s
@MrCSutton Жыл бұрын
We've only got five years until the doomsday date is kicked forward, again....
@douglasengle2704 Жыл бұрын
Is this just talk for fun? If not then there is something very wrong. No ocean currents were discussed by name. Even if ocean currents were slowing down the is far from the complete description. It's the amount of water being conveyed, its temperature, its content and many other aspects. Ocean currents are largely considered to be come from earth's rotation and temperature difference causing water density difference over large distances of the planet not from wind. The Gulf Stream creation and continuation is not reported as from wind, the most famous ocean current in the world. The Arctic is getting warmer. Average global warming over the last thirty years from 1991- 2022 has been stalled between 1.1°C - 1°C with no real change after rising at 2/10°C decade in the 1980s and much the same in the previous decades. Land ice melt is just precipitation that is delayed from being fresh water run off. The oceans receive lots of fresh salt free water from rain. Where mammoth amounts of fresh water are suddenly dumped at an ocean current, such as major ice dam breaking on the North American continent after the ice age, that has a possibility of shutting down an ocean current. Where there is salt free water created from sea water it is when sea water freezes pushing the salt out of it. You're suppose to be able to drink melt water from frozen sea water! There are over 3 1/2 million sub ocean volcanic vents that are warming sea water and changing its chemical content. These are of interest and their impact on climate is understudied. Noncondensing greenhouse gas behavior such as from carbon dioxide does not warm the planet! Earth's greenhouse effect would be held in heavy saturation if the strong greenhouse gas water vapor were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere adding 10°F (5.55°) to earth's temperature. Greenhouse gas behavior is only active in earth's greenhouse effect that takes place within 20 meters from the surface. After 20 meters from the surfacer all the far-inferred electromagnetic radiation from the surface that can loosely interact with the lumpy electrostatic fields of greenhouse gas molecules is considered to have been completely absorbed. Its further heat transfer is by convection. i.e. gas molecules bumping into each other. The UN IPCC science reports when less than 200 pages long were very transparent, provide you read the entire report, that they only discuss greenhouse gases as a cause for global warming and only sampled their greenhouse gases at 20 THOUSAND meters altitude far into the stratosphere where water vapor is near zero. This make the UN IPCC reports of no particular interest for the discussion of global warming which paused in the early 1990s at a reported 1.1°C, dipped and recovered to be reported at 1.1°C in 2022, while carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continued to rise. There is no scientific mechanism and no thirty year end-to-end correlation for global warming to be from human caused carbon dioxide emissions that an ear'y 2000s study, funded by large oil and chemical companies, concluded was responsible for just a 4/1000°C to 6/1000°C temperature share in earth's greenhouse effect. That share could be eliminated with it being taken over by other greenhouse gases with no overall change to the temperature retention of earth's greenhouse effect.
@MrCSutton Жыл бұрын
How dare you give us facts! You clearly need to "get with the program" (to coin a phrase!) Well said. Жыл бұрын
Super PHUNN!!!!! So that’s it. Fishy fish gone gone gone. We are all gonna die (spoilers)
@chuckaddison5134 Жыл бұрын
These 'alarmists' are quick to blame human activity. Where is the A to B corrolation? And what can you do about it without becoming a bigger monster that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao puf together?
@FianFainFiatFaitArkangelCalel Жыл бұрын
ill ask for better advice for ants and crocodiles!
@bobleclair5665 Жыл бұрын
Plant trees, they have a proven track record for cleaning the air, making oxygen, taking carbon dioxide out of the air,, reflecting sunlight, cooling the atmosphere, helps prevent erosion, puts nutrients back into the soil and they’re green
@larrymead151 Жыл бұрын
My ear hair growth has accelerated due to global warming effecting the air circulation of the atmosphere. I need a million dollars to study this phenomenon.
@terenceiutzi4003 Жыл бұрын
The equatorial oceans are cooling and the warm oceans drive the currents.
@Outcast1016 Жыл бұрын
Antarctica was lush green, the Sahara desert was an ocean Climate change happens
@user-px4td5qe7j Жыл бұрын
so we should be going in to a ice age every body like's to blame what we eat the car we drive yes this is not all true
@jamebrooke894 Жыл бұрын
@JP-gi2pr Жыл бұрын
At one time the streets were full of placards telling us that the end was nigh….now it’s the same story ….only told in a much slicker way.
@Preciouspink Жыл бұрын
Bring the water down to the continental US. Bore tunnel from the arctic and continue to bore past Yellowstone picking up any over pressure and directing off the southern coast of US expanding our landmass as it fills in the waters near the coast.
@cfhutgfre Жыл бұрын
When people refer to models, they should be ignored as all models are wrong. At 3:15 he admits that his model is wrong. The Atlantic conveyor was only discovered in the mid 80s, so it is very presumptuous to suggest a definite pattern with such little and inaccurate data.
@ianross5019 Жыл бұрын
Well, that told me absolutely nothing.
@jayturner3397 Жыл бұрын
All a con..short term financial gain for a few, long term command and control...
@bowtguy4929 Жыл бұрын
Climate change has never ever ever happened before on this world and it’s all because of humans 🤣🤣🤣 fools !
@seanburke424 Жыл бұрын
Have their computer models been designed to reflect reality? Or to obtain funding from agencies that only fund climate-change research?
@bobleclair5665 Жыл бұрын
Do you mean like the medical industrial complex ?
@bobleclair5665 Жыл бұрын
If the Gulf Stream slows down, so does the warm water that heads north, which will bring on colder temperatures leading to an Ice Age
@omegaman7456 Жыл бұрын
It has stopped. It was slowing before the Deep Horizon oil spill finished it.
@terenceiutzi4003 Жыл бұрын
Yes that is what drove the Maunder minimum and this one will be a lot worse. Global temperatures dropped 4 degrees last time .Will it be 6 this time? And how many billion people will die .
@jocelynevkb5889 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your scientific data & insightful modelling on the effect of Global Warming on Southern Ocean circulation patterns. Sadly, this mirrors the situation in the Arctic zone. Anyway, keep going with the good work, the doubtfuls will come round & appreciate the scientific approach in the end!
@curtisducati Жыл бұрын
Just a pity there too stupid to dig up the dried salt lakes and tip it back in the sea ...
@oscarsmith6519 Жыл бұрын
Oh my God, we are all going to die. These propagandist, oops, I mean scientist said so.
@markwillit1572 Жыл бұрын
Better stop all the thousands of tons of hard metals, aluminum particles, etc. through weather manipulation, geoengineering or whatever one wants to call it.
@terenceiutzi4003 Жыл бұрын
The Milankovitch cycles drive it . The equatorial oceans have been cooling for at least 7 years, and that is staling the ocean currents!
@farookmow5842 Жыл бұрын
Because they are carrying more and more colder water as the glaciers melt
@markgreiser464 Жыл бұрын
@mrrecycle7259 Жыл бұрын
What will happen if the Gulf Stream slows down? It's not sweeping away the water as much, and so sea level rises. If the Gulf Stream weakens, it will exacerbate sea level rise." Research into the fate of the Gulf Stream system, known as the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, illustrates a broad truth about climate science.
@karlostj4683 Жыл бұрын
"What will happen if the Gulf Stream slows down? It's not sweeping away the water as much, and so sea level rises." Uh, no. Sea level doesn't rise because the Gulf Stream slows down. The Gulf Stream moves water into an area, and moves it out. The velocity - whether it's fast or slow - is irrelevant. Math and physics are clearly not on your side.
@mrrecycle7259 Жыл бұрын
@@karlostj4683 maybe you can do some research before making a false remark
@karlostj4683 Жыл бұрын
@@mrrecycle7259 Did you? Because you're making unfounded remarks. And you don't show any "research".
@mrrecycle7259 Жыл бұрын
@@karlostj4683 You still have not? How does a slowing Gulf Stream contribute to sea level rise? "When the currents slow down, this deflection lessons and waters pile up along the coast, causing regional sea level rise. According to model simulations and projections, the slowdown of the AMOC could cause about 20 centimeters (nearly 8 inches) additional sea level rise along the mid-Atlantic over the 21st century."20 Jan 202
@karlostj4683 Жыл бұрын
@@mrrecycle7259 Your mistake is your blind belief in model simulations and projections. That same mistake was made by James Hansen's 1988 model simulation projections, which haven't come true in the past 35 years. Models and computer simulations are only good to justify actual experiments in the real world. Your use of them is only to frighten and intimidate anyone who doesn't do science or think rationally.
@stevencameron1562 Жыл бұрын
The level of delusional thinking, misinformation and extrapolated propaganda here is truly staggering.
@markrichards636 Жыл бұрын
@iancreevey8353 Жыл бұрын
@glenndavis4452 Жыл бұрын
Are they talking about the same computer models that have been consistently wrong since the first one ?
@realtalk5329 Жыл бұрын
They've actually underestimated the warming it's actually worse than what they've been saying so u better pay attention Жыл бұрын
@@realtalk5329 really?? Жыл бұрын
there are a millions ways to be wrong or sort of right. They are models. no way in hell to capture reality in full complexity. But there is a simple model. known since first discovered by a glass maker's apprentice. Fraunhofer lines are a set of spectral absorption lines named after Joseph von Fraunhofer. The lines were originally observed as dark features in the optical spectrum of the Sun. What they show consistently over millions of SPECTROMETER readings is that certain wavelengths of energy interact with specific molecules. Co2 has specific energy absorptions in infra red. easily repeatable with simple tools in a high school lab. So no model is perfect BUTTTTT!!! the smarmy intelectuals don't even understand their own models, can really explain them, and come off as snotty little self righteous punks. So i don't blame you for questioning them Glenn. thats how science is SUPPOSED to work. question everything.
@realtalk5329 Жыл бұрын yes
@pecquet-dubalaix8288 Жыл бұрын
Why have massive ocean currents slowed down millions of years ago?
@michaelbrice5147 Жыл бұрын
I cannot believe the gross stupidity of the comments I've just read after watching this fabulous video by these serious n gifted scientists - the climate change now occurring on our planet is such simple science - only a true moron would take issue w the tremendous body of scientific evidence that has been published in the last 15 years - the thing that astounds be the most is scientist deal w reality - while the doubters n naysayers - obviously exist in an emotional ( certainly arrogant ) dream world which is a nightmare for the rest of us - it's like Galileo being imprisoned for the last 10 yrs of his life by the catholic church for identifying the sun spots - after all he only invented the telescope - the only thing I can say to those who make such inane comments is get a 3rd grade book on our atmosphere n wake up to reality -
@staremmitor7946 Жыл бұрын
👩🏽‍🌾Hello it's Friday 🌞 what instumentation is 🌵available, that displays ocean sea similar to temp. large land maps 3D 🌼
@staremmitor7946 Жыл бұрын
Hello it's Friday 🌞 what🧚🏼 instumentation is 🌵available, that displays ocean sea similar to temp. large land maps 3D 🌼
@staremmitor7946 Жыл бұрын
Hello it's Friday 🌞 what instumentation is 🌵available, that displays ocean sea similar to temp. large land maps 3D 🌼
@klunkworks2020 Жыл бұрын
Man this this pisses me off. Everywhere on earth you are within a short distance of molten lava. On the land is about 15 miles, in the ocean it's only 2 to 3 miles.. That heat is transferred up through the rock into the water at the bottom of the ocean and from that we get currents. Hot water rises. The transatlantic Ridge, the magma is literally only hundreds of feet away from the water. Why do you think our planet still has a molten center when both Mars and Venus are thought to be solid.. Currently the North Pole is moving far faster than at any time in recorded history. Also geologists detect a huge plume of super heated magma rising under the Indian Ocean. Our planet is a temperature it is because we are literally floating on molten rock. Man pisses me off. I'm so stupid I've only been able to obtain seven US patents.
@stevepellew8021 Жыл бұрын
It's already here.😢
@johnreynolds875 Жыл бұрын
Ocean currents are caused by the earth's rotation. Stop the BS
@realtalk5329 Жыл бұрын
What's ur source?
@michaelcrawley2359 Жыл бұрын
I'm not going to believe any of it until the corrupt politicians and more corrupt big corporations are out of the picture. Even then scientist can show a leaning towards study grants. Here in the Canadian maritime the key words have always been " wait 5 minutes and the weather will change". That's what these people are relying on to spook us.
@ukaszszydlowski1331 Жыл бұрын
The Great Global Warming Swindle Legendary Climate Change Senate Hearing Dr. Patrick Moore-- Carbon and Climate Catastrophe
@poigmhahon Жыл бұрын
It's so weird to see the comments of "climate deniers" when the extrapolated data is so voluminous and the data points at this point are in the billions...just sheer observational changes are these people keep their head in a bucket of water in a dark closet and hum? It's freekin' bizarre.
@uppjdw Жыл бұрын
Is the deep water warming in any way related to the large number of active volcanos in west Antarctic?
@terenceiutzi4003 Жыл бұрын
No during a solar Minimum the solar PK drops and earth's tectonics become les stable causing an increase in volcanic activity and each quakes! At the start of the Maunder Minimum there were 25 volcanos erupting around the world. Now there are over 50 so this one will be a lot colder. Жыл бұрын
solar PK drops and earth's tectonics become les stable, solar PK?????? anyways think of volcanoes as candles and the sun as a forest fire. the forest fire is so much bigger that to measure the candle effect is almost meaningless. what the hell is PK??????
@terenceiutzi4003 Жыл бұрын
@Darren Gall yes but the sun's magnetic field stabilizes the earth's tectonics, and every time throughout history, when we have been in a solar minimum, there has been a tremendous increase in earth quakes and volcanic eruptions. So this is just proof that Millankovitch was right and it is going to be a cold one@
@NGC-catseye Жыл бұрын
This is the same plot as the day after tomorrow,,,
@realtalk5329 Жыл бұрын
Yet fossil fuels ceos just kept being allowed to doom the planet. U think we would get the message
@rivergladesgardenrailroad8834 Жыл бұрын
why use the word massive Ms reporter....its inflammatory
@Tm-eg2lx Жыл бұрын
Every time i hear computer modelling mentioned, I know it's a lie.
@jaydenwilson9522 Жыл бұрын
HAAHAHAHAHA GIVE ME THE DATA!!! temp sensors are 'all over the place' lol
@Tm-eg2lx Жыл бұрын
@@jaydenwilson9522 professor John Christy
@jaydenwilson9522 Жыл бұрын
@@Tm-eg2lx thanks g ill look him up now (i need to help local senators debate climate alarmists in our government lol) and here's one i just found.... valentina zharkova and her solar cycles models... her model is actually AMAZING!!!!
@Tm-eg2lx Жыл бұрын
@@jaydenwilson9522 He's a bit left field,he doesn't use climate modeling,he uses the actual data. The difference in predictions from modelling,and reality is amazing. I'm thinking maybe the computers are a wee bit broke.🤷
@jaydenwilson9522 Жыл бұрын
@@Tm-eg2lx - its the governments relationship with science and education that created a negative feedback loop for society as a whole lol globalist marxist took advantage of the relationship established with the "Science The Endless Frontier A Report to the President by Vannevar Bush, Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, July 1945".... it's not just climate science, its everything... scientific innovation has stagnated since.
@christophergame7977 Жыл бұрын
The learned professors are deeply muddled in their thinking. They aim to persuade us that man-made CO2-emissions induce dangerous global warming, which they call 'climate change'. They think that reduced ocean circulation is caused indirectly by man-made CO2 emissions. They rely not on deriving effects from man-made CO2 emissions, but on deriving effects from climate change, a different object. There might be any range of causes of climate change. Deep undersea seismic activity is a plausible candidate that they seem to ignore. There is no widely current suggestion that deep undersea seismic activity is caused by man-made CO2 emissions. The primary relevant effect of man-made CO2 emissions is in the atmosphere. Further effects, such as meltwaters, are called feedbacks, not 'forcings' in a natural sense of the word. Yet our learned professors treat meltwaters as 'forcings'. They forget which is the horse and which is the cart. They miss the difference between 'forcing' and 'feedback'. To make their case, that the cause of the ocean current changes is man-made CO2 emissions acting through meltwater change, they need to show that the earth's energy transport system operates to ensure that man-made CO2 emissions have no other effect on ocean currents than by release of meltwater. Without that, their story is just wishful thinking - they wish the effects they talk about are due only to CO2 emissions. But they provide no reason to believe that. They do not even try to make their case; they just rely on innuendo based in warmist groupthink.
@jaydenwilson9522 Жыл бұрын
just search milankovitch cycle to understand our 100-125k climate cycles... NASA covers it up... also vegetation decay from browning from the milankovitc cycle emits co2 from land and ocean vegetation decay, water vapour play a significant role in the 'greenhouse effect' but apparently its 'secondary' to 1xCarbon+2xOxygen... ever heard of terraforming? fossil fuels terraform the planet lol
@haveaseatplease Жыл бұрын
You are hearing voices in your head mate. No one said that the slowdown of the currents was due to man made climate change. Go and take something to calm down your anxiety, get some rest and watch the video a couple of times more, because you seem to miss the point entirely.
@jaydenwilson9522 Жыл бұрын
@@haveaseatplease but anthropological climate change is the war of our times apparently XD gotta save the penguins and polar bears!!! if they die than we all DIE!!!
@christophergame7977 Жыл бұрын
​ @have a seat please Hi have a seat please. Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I have missed the point. I am glad to have you to put me right. Perhaps I was misled by the learned professor saying: "I study how the oceans respond to climate variations and climate change." I missed him saying how oceans respond to factors other than climate change. The KZbin carries the following: "Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels." My limited understanding is that 'climate change' nets out to global warming, but perhaps I am mistaken about that? I will now watch the KZbin again, hoping for some enlightenment under your guidance, seeing that you seem to understand it better than I do. Adele Morrison says: "The ocean plays a big role in global climate by moving heat and carbon and also nutrients around, which affects ecosystems in the ocean." The narrator says: "And it's the Antarctic overturning circulation that has these scientists worried. ... makes a dire projection, closely related to the melting of the ice caps." The professor goes on to say that "... we see in that simulation ... that the melt water rate that we expect to play out over the next few decades is enough to slow down that overturning at a very dramatic rate." The narrator then says "Meltwater is a clear consequence of climate change." My limited knowledge tells me that the Antarctic ice is increasing, opposite to the Arctic ice. Perhaps that increase of Antarctic ice causes, or is associated, with more meltwater? It isn't yet evident to me that the increase in Antarctic ice is caused by global warming, but perhaps you can put me right about that? My limited understanding is that, overall, the ocean circulations have the net effect of carrying internal energy of water from hot to cold regions (tropical to polar). They are a form of convective circulation, a common mode of transport of internal energy by fluids. (In this case, the circulation is affected by the rotation of the earth.) My limited understanding is that such transport of internal energy would be sped up by global warming, but this is perhaps an over-simplification. The KZbin seems to be saying that global warming is slowing down such transport of internal energy? Perhaps you can enlighten me about that?
@haveaseatplease Жыл бұрын
@@christophergame7977 Sorry, but your over reaction indicated you are taking this subject much too serious. That's not good for your ticker mate. It's better to enjoy a beer and throw some juicy stake on the BBQ.
@jamescox7007 Жыл бұрын
Let me guess, global warming
@realtalk5329 Жыл бұрын
It's pretty obvious huh? Ud have to be a Hillbilly to not believe in peer reviewed climate science reports from all over the world Жыл бұрын
Well..let’s not talk about that. Carbon dioxide is more now than 80 yrs ago. Agree or disagree? The evidence is abstracted. It’s not something I can see with my eyes or sense directly. But my grandparents farmed, and I see long term measurements and i feel quite strongly that the carbon dioxide increase is real. Mr keely and his curves Жыл бұрын
Anyhoo , I thinking … Chad geepeetee thought up Covid to thin the herd