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2 жыл бұрын
The Beast’s REAL transformation
Belle’s live-action dress is awful.
@Jessica_Jones 2 күн бұрын
I had low expectations going in, and was so unexpectedly hopeful in the first five minutes of the movie because of the beautiful costuming, but then things took a turn and I realized my initial instincts were in fact correct. I couldn't finish the movie 😓 Now that I've seen more pictures though, I'm tempted to watch it without sound just to see more costuming, lol The irony is, I recently learned that it was in fact _men_ who began the rumor/myth that corsets are dangerous and bad for women's health, so...she has ignorantly perpetuated the ~lies of the patriarchy~ ...It's sad, too, because if she had taken the time to ask questions and really educated herself on the subject, she could have informed countless people and worn a properly fitted corset in the name of female empowerment! Definitely a missed -- or rather, avoided -- opportunity.
@moneygamez8034 5 күн бұрын
yall get mad over stupid shit
@rachet87 7 күн бұрын
Still a much more convincing love story than the non-existent one in the 2014 movie!
@NoelleTakestheSky 8 күн бұрын
Emma threw the yellow dress away as a sign that she was shedding the stereotypical princess thing. But…what’s wrong with a strong woman? And how the fuck did she get it off while riding a horse? I’ve seen that dress in person, and it’s even less impressive. It’s literally glued glitter, and most of it has fallen off. I made a version of this dress with embroidery, and it flowed beautifully. There’s no reason they couldn’t have done that.
@cymbelize 11 күн бұрын
Lovely video. I really enjoyed the comparison. I like both films and you make some excellent points.
@toosleepyforeverything 21 күн бұрын
To be honest i grow up with the live actions instead of the original ones so i like them all or most of them. (Lion king was the only one i grow up with the original one and hell you cant like the live action) I watched some of the original ones after and I understand why people hate them and when it comes e.g to beauty and the beast i find myself not enjoying it as much as i used to anymore. But for example Aladdin i like both versions
@AndressaLuizeSantosVieira 22 күн бұрын
If strange belle personality on castle fall angried belle of conception personality are Belle IS compassive but wrong in live action movie different in animations movie she IS so wise
@nevermindimjustapasserby 28 күн бұрын
No. Because this Belle treats beast like he wasn't a human first. The way she acts towards him is like an annoyed pet owner to a dog or a cat instead of to another person which, as you've said, is very degrading. This movie is old (well, I guess not very old) but it still grates me to this day 😒 Imagine if she's like this but instead of a beast the Prince is a disabled guy... yeah, maybe I'm reaching but point still stands
@leonelcarita Ай бұрын
the reason corsets hurt is beacue people use them to make them look skinny
@ShootingStarStudio Ай бұрын
Here’s something else that I don’t blame on Emma at all, but more on Bill Condon and Disney: Emma’s singing voice is extremely artificial in this movie. In this modern era, it’s rare to find music that doesn’t use some pitch correction here and there, but if you listen to Emma’s voice, it’s flawless. Her intonation never wavers, the way she attacks and shapes her notes is perfect every time. You might be thinking, isn’t that a good thing? The truth is…not really. Using any kind of pitch correction strips the performance of any emotional depth the performer puts in. It suffers the same problem as the costumes: the supporting cast is bringing the heat, but the main character isn’t holding her own. And the sad thing? This was avoidable. We can talk about how Emma took too many liberties with Belle as a character, but they could have gotten better music without recasting Emma. A lot of people think musical ability is just gifted to you, but that’s not true. Sure, some people are more naturally adept at it, but a lot of musical ability comes from time and training in the practice room. The Walt Disney company had the resources to get her any musical training she needed, but they didn’t. If they really wanted Emma to be the lead, a few weeks’ worth of singing lessons wasn’t enough-if she was to hold her own, she needed at least a year to be fully prepared for the role. And then they had the nerve to draw attention to this lack of training via the supporting cast. Luke Evans absolutely brings the heat with Gaston, Josh Gad is left alone to mess with his LeFou, and even Dan Stevens is married to a professional opera singer and vocal coach.
@ShootingStarStudio Ай бұрын
And look, I know it’s not fair to compare Page O’Hara to Emma Watson, but just bear with me. Listen to the bridge of “Belle”, the “ohhhhh, isn’t this amazing” bit of the original. You can hear Page O’Hara smile in the studio through the way she attacks and shapes her notes. Bill Murray’s version of “Bare Necessities” in the live action Jungle Book is kind of the same way. Is it a perfect performance? No-it’s rough around the edges, not 100% in tune, but it sounds like a bear floating down a river who’s so carefree, he has to sing a song about it. If you pitch correct Murray’s or O’Hara’s performances, you strip away a lot of what they give their characters. And going back on what I said about how Emma’s the lead, that doesn’t mean she needs to be perfect. Yes, she needs to be able to hold her own because Luke Evans’ singing is GOD TIER, but I’d rather have a slightly weaker voice with emotion than a technically perfect performance with no dimension to it.
@tonywinters1283 Ай бұрын
I feel your video is competent, you're not trashing them or mindless hate. Its good to critique movies . I love the remakes and people hating on them makes me like them even more. I agree with your points but for me i want the remakes to be like the original and the songs.
@tonywinters1283 Ай бұрын
Cinderella remake was amazing. But I loved The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Mulan was good but it needed the songs badly. I don't mind people not liking the remakes. For me the remake needs to be super faithful to the original. If they changed too much it would be bad. I like the remakes , I see the remakes as a companion to the original.
@andyblossom6170 Ай бұрын
Please talk about Wish.
@cynthiaromero5719 Ай бұрын
And she needed GLOVES 😢
@scribe951 Ай бұрын
Well damn, now I can't help but want this 😭 I started reading the books before I discovered the movies so my first visuals of the story were all Mary Grandpre's illustrations for the Scholastic books. I remember thinking how awesome it would be if HP was an animated tv series, because that's kinda what I grew up watching.
@AnywayJenniferSim Ай бұрын
Mary Grandpre’s art had a HUGE influence on my vision of Harry Potters world! I used a lot of them in my video for that reason, it’s how I imagined it.
@hawj89 Ай бұрын
yes, the romance at the end in the remake felt SUPER forced. i was left asking "did i miss something?!" lollll
@KittenUndercover Ай бұрын
The terrible singing and acting and turning Belle into an insufferable twat.
@CEAsfg Ай бұрын
Belle’s wardrobe in this film sticks out like a sore thumb, and not in a good way. The entire movie features period specific clothing, so when Belle came out in that banana yellow dress it was very underwhelming. It looked more like a beauty pageant dress than a grandiose ball gown. It was less regal and more local beauty pageant winner who waves from a small car in a parade.
@CEAsfg Ай бұрын
Belle’s strength isn’t defined by physical feats. Belle’s strength lies in her intellect, gentle nature, kindness, empathy, and femininity. I really don’t like when people assume women, especially in books and movies, can only be strong and empowered when they act like men. Emma Watson injected her activist ideals into this character and it really shows. This wasn’t Beauty and the Beast. It was Emma Watson and the cgi yak.
@scribe951 Ай бұрын
When you pointed out that this is actually the story of the Beast and not Beauty, it reminded me of the Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens movie "Beastly". In that version, everything is told from the Beast perspective, not Beauty's, and that helps us see how much the Beast's character grows in this tale.
@scribe951 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed Secrets of Dumbledore a lot more than Crimes of Grindelwald, mainly because Secrets had focus; Crimes felt like it floundered a lot. One thing I absolutely despise in this franchise is how casually the magical creatures are mistreated. I get that it's supposed to show how evil Grindelwald is but surely there were other, less egregious ways to show that? For a franchise that promised Fantastic Beasts and set up Newt as a ecological hero, they were sure in a hurry to kill a Qilin.
@scribe951 Ай бұрын
The Disney execs mixed up the Beauty & the Beast movie and the Mulan movie: Mulan should've been the smart, technical character inventing things (which she can then use to either compensate during training or enhance her fighting in the battles) while Belle should've been the one with the "superpower" - kindness and empathy, which I didn't feel as much from remake, but is a central part of her character makeup in the 2D animation, since it sets her apart from the provincials.
@tomboyangel78 Ай бұрын
I loved this movie, especially the inclusion of Hathaway Hatchet (the ghost bride). Was so glad they included her, and more references to the attraction.
@shaunavolkening3772 Ай бұрын
I wish you posted more! Love your videos:)
@AnywayJenniferSim Ай бұрын
Thank you!! I wish I posted more too! But this is just a hobby for me so unfortunately it doesn’t always get priority when life gets busy.
@CinemaSongscovers 2 ай бұрын
I seem to recall seeing this in a comment a while back (or it may've been a video), that the transformation scene in the original is a little odd. Like how during the transformation, Belle *literally* *watches* him change from the beast back to human. But it's not until she looks in his eyes that she recognizes him, when she says "it IS you." And again, that's something I got from somewhere else.
@CinemaSongscovers 2 ай бұрын
As I see so many critisizing the live-action remakes so much and saying that the originals are better, I'm reminded of the Nostalgia Critic's line in hus review of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. "If you can't remake it better, don't remake it at all."
@McCammalot 2 ай бұрын
I ADORED Maleficent. ADORED.
@McCammalot 2 ай бұрын
I am legit crying over how adorable little Tony is. (Yes I am way behind the parade 😁; but the Ever After gowns are my favorite, hands down, forever and always)
@samsong24 2 ай бұрын
Emma Watson is a bad actress. Pure and simple.
@area52ron 2 ай бұрын
If I were to describe Belle in the animated film in one word it would be compassionate as she is willing to show compassion to someone even when she just met them because she could have left beast to die after he saved her since she was frightened but she didn’t
@Andromeda14161 2 ай бұрын
I wish Anna Kendrick couldve played this Belle. I mean, it wouldn't fix the bad writing, but at least she can sing 🫠
@radhitarichgirl 2 ай бұрын
Belle is the most greatest role model and Beauty and the Beast is one of the best romantic fairy tale which was loved by the whole world. Even Belle is my favorite Princess but this live-action it was awful in every way.
@Onlyonewish123 2 ай бұрын
Agreed with most of ur points! I think the one about Belle being an inventor didn't bother me too much. Mostly since her main influence growing up was her dad, and he was an inventor. Not a huge stretch I guess she'd be one too. Also, I guess she was a dreamer in the OG film, but you could argue that didn't really play out meaningfully anyway since it ends with her marrying hot prince in the castle next door to the town. Also, yessss her relationship with the beast was really mean spirited/ toxic? Like he was extraaaa douchey and she was giving. The OG had the beast being nasty, and her responding in a way that defended herself but wasn't petty. The beast quickly adjusted and became super kind, and u could believe they liked/ loved each other at the end? The changes here were not it. Also, omg I didn't realize she was running around in her underwear haha
@tahirsaleem123 3 ай бұрын
excellent review covering minute details of the movie that i love the most.
@Lemonbr316 3 ай бұрын
Her acting feels like she was forced to be in this movie
@scribe951 3 ай бұрын
Given that all the Belles in all the various Disney theme parks wear a fabulously flamboyant yellow ball gown, I refuse to believe that it couldn't be done for the movie.
@periforbylee 3 ай бұрын
I think also the fact that the Beast kept Belle using her father as a hostage, and Gaston planning on possessing Belle by threatening her father to be sent to asylum later makes them parallel and makes Gaston a foil to the Beast. They both wanted to use Belle for their own selfish interests. It shows that the Beast started in a similar position as Gaston, but went through redemption arc while Gaston fell more deeply into the villainy. To me, the asylum plot is deliberately there to show the parallels of the two and should had been dealt more significantly as in the original.
@jorgebersabe293 3 күн бұрын
At least the Beast had every right to keep Maurice as a prisoner, as he was a trespasser. Gaston wanted to get Maurice into the asylum because he wanted to coerce Belle into marrying him.
@periforbylee 3 ай бұрын
I just really appreciate the original more and more. It feels so organic and full of subtexts. Dialogues and subtle details all fit in perfectly.
@periforbylee 3 ай бұрын
I see. So they kind of wanted to change it to a gothic detective story I guess. Smart young girl steps into an enchanted castle and solves mysteries and breaks the spell. Which is like a Hermione spinoff movie!
@EscMML-vu2yi 3 ай бұрын
So true about the blue dress! I dislike it soooooo much!
@donnie2832 3 ай бұрын
To me the only one that worked was 101 Dalmatians. I liked both the animated and live versions. None of the other live action films needs to exist.
@thefilmwatcher1216 3 ай бұрын
This is just a list. The chemistry between Luke Evans and Josh Gad Their vocal performances during Gaston The design of Cogsworth The voice acting from Ewan McGregor, Ian McKellen, and Emma Thompson Basically all the singing aside from the auto tune stuff The opening of Be Our Guest(It sounds really cool) Generally, the production design Evermore is an excellent song Kevin Kline and Emma Watson's scenes together The intensity of the Mob Song I generally like this movie. I think it has plenty of good things in it. The problems are definitely there, though.
@thefilmwatcher1216 3 ай бұрын
There are definitely issues with Gaston in the remake. He's not really a misogynistic asshole and that's weird for a character who's supposed to be that way in order for him to work. I don't like that LeFou pays people to sing for him because everyone is supposed to love Gaston, enough that they would join him in going to kill a terrifying beast. The way he tries to manipulate Maurice is weird because he doesn't seem to have a plan and just gets violent and ties him to a tree. It's really weird and it feels early for him to be evil and it comes out of nowhere. Also, this remake doesn't include anything with the asylum guy and that's odd. But Luke Evans is still totally delightful and the Gaston song, while it's not even a fraction as incredible as the original, is still really fun and entertaining. His chemistry between LeFou and Gaston is delightful.
@thefilmwatcher1216 3 ай бұрын
I really hate that the Enchantress is an actual character in the movie. It's a really weird idea in the first place and they probably could've made it make more sense, but it made no sense at all. Why is she helping Maurice? Why is she reversing the curse? Why doesn't she curse Gaston if she's there the whole time? It doesn't make sense and it's dumb. And the book is really stupid too. I don't like the plotline about Belle's mom because it doesn't add anything to their relationship or the story as a whole.
@KMC710-k9x 2 ай бұрын
I don’t like how she cursed the beast and gave him and everyone there a death penalty curse (even though she invited herself into the castle while he was having a party) However, when Gaston just goes up to her in public and unprokedly insults her, she just shrugs it off
@thefilmwatcher1216 2 ай бұрын
@@KMC710-k9x Yeah, that was a really weird and inconsistent moment
@CrypticCharm 3 ай бұрын
i love the original animated so much, the beast well tries to be beastly, to the point the servents back off, but Belle is at the point where she's having none of it. Beast ok Adam, his name is Adam. Adam is above her, towering above her, but Belle is the one in control, and when she thanks him, his response is human, revealing the man inside
@zoeschmitt1624 3 ай бұрын
5:05 the horns going back also made them clip through a pillow at one point! I watched this movie once ages ago and immediately noticed. And it’s an easily fixable mistake; make the horns forward like you said or give the actor lightweight prop horns to wear so he knows when he’s bumping into things. Also I watched it in german (and don’t remember much of the voice acting) and hearing some of the clips in this video… man. Some of these voice actors really were just phoning it in, weren’t they? Mrs. Potts especially sounds like she’s just reading her lines for the first time with minimal or no direction.
@goonhoongtatt1883 3 ай бұрын
Traditional Disney princess: Feminine, kind and sweet Woke Disney princess: Bossy, condescending, arrogant
@ShootingStarStudio 3 ай бұрын
Cinderella is the best remake, but I actually did enjoy the new Aladdin. I think the introduction of Dahlia and the addition of “Speechless” as a song did so much for Jasmine as a character because in the original, there wasn’t a lot to work with. She felt more like a person than an object in the remake. Her having other outfits than her blue one from the original also made a world of difference, and those dresses were absolutely gorgeous. As for my biggest problem with Mulan? Sideways summed it up perfectly, but I’ll reiterate. You can’t take out the songs, aka the emotional parts that progress the story, and replace them with nothing. It’s also a giant middle finger to use the original songs in the score because you’re directly referencing a superior film.
@ShootingStarStudio 3 ай бұрын
The “we did nothing” snippet honestly feels to me like a watered-down version of “Days in the Sun.” I actually like that song and I think it serves as a beautiful way to develop the servants. Instead of all that dialogue, Mrs. Potts starts with something like “His father was a cruel man,” and have that be the lead-in to the song. Have the footage of the song show glimpses of what the castle was like before they were cursed. Edit- Question for the director: how do you make a movie half an hour longer than the original and at the same time, give one of the titular characters less screen time? Make it make sense.
@ShootingStarStudio 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, my only problem with corsets in the rococo era is that only men were allowed to construct your corset. The idea of a man being allowed to feel me up under the guise of making my bra…that’s gonna be a “no” for me, dawg.