#忍術京都 🇯🇵 詳細情報👉 #戸隠流忍法 #忍者 #忍術 忍者の伝統を守り、戸隠流忍法を共有するコミュニティを共に築いていきましょう。さあ、初見良昭先生が教える実践的な真の忍術を一緒に学び始めましょう!🙏‼️
The NinjutsuKyoto channel from Japan is dedicated to everyone who wishes To learn and study seriously and with humility the authentic Ninjutsu of the Togakure Ryu Ninpo school. For over 35 years, my life has been devoted daily to the practice, study, and teaching of Ninjutsu from the Togakure Ryu Ninpo school. Your life is short and precious,Believe in yourself, move forward on the path to awakening.If you feel inspired by the same interest or passion, I invite you to join me by subscribing to my channel, liking my videos, and sharing them with others. Thank you! 🙏 Ninpo Ikkan
#戸隠流忍法 #忍術 #忍者 #忍者修行 #忍法 #武神館 #武術 #初見先生 #高松先生
[email protected]www.ninjutsukyoto.com/