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7 жыл бұрын
A Whole Bible Look At: Romans 9 thru 12
A Whole Bible Look At: Romans 5 thru 8
A Whole Bible Look At: Romans 1 thru 4
A Whole Bible Look At: Galatians
Atheism: The Seinfeld of Religions
Whole Bible Prophecy: The Rapture
A Whole Bible Look at a Manger
10 жыл бұрын
Whole Bible Applications: Modesty
Head Coverings and Bible Study
10 жыл бұрын
Whole Bible Applications: Sex
10 жыл бұрын
Whole Bible Applications: Circumcision
Whole Bible Applications: Tassels
@KGood28 Ай бұрын
Just found your channel, we are also whole Bible believers. I look forward to watching all of these! May Father continue to bless you!
@WholeBible Ай бұрын
Thank you very much and we hope our material helps you in your walk. A visit to our website might be of benefit, and besides our book Whole Bible Christianity you might also be interested in our books Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy and Whole Bible Prophecy, available on Amazon.
@don-ek3ud 2 ай бұрын
The gospel and the holy spirit is creating men in God's image revelations 12-17 those who have kept God's commandments and have the TESTIMONY of Jesus christ in their lives they have been created in God's image Jesus is the image of God
@don-ek3ud 2 ай бұрын
The gospel and the holy spirit is creating men in God's image revelations 12-17 those who have kept God's commandments and have the TESTIMONY of Jesus christ in their lives they have been created in God's image Jesus is the image of God
@don-ek3ud 2 ай бұрын
The gospel and the holy spirit is creating men in God's image revelations 12-17 those who have kept God's commandments and have the TESTIMONY of Jesus christ in their lives they have been created in God's image Jesus is the image of God
@don-ek3ud 2 ай бұрын
The gospel and the holy spirit is creating men in God's image revelations 12-17 those who have kept God's commandments and have the TESTIMONY of Jesus christ in their lives they have been created in God's image Jesus is the image of God
@don-ek3ud 2 ай бұрын
The gospel and the holy spirit is creating men in God's image revelations 12-17 those who have kept God's commandments and have the TESTIMONY of Jesus christ in their lives they have been created in God's image Jesus is the image of God
@marykinuthia6067 2 ай бұрын
So it's about lawlessness???😮
@WholeBible 2 ай бұрын
Not sure what you mean, but yes and no. It's more about leaders going their own way and not God's way. They teach their philosophies instead of the plain truth of God's Word, which yes, includes the Law (more properly called God's instruction). The core issue is a refusal to accept God's righteousness in the sacrifice of our Messiah and God's Son and try to gain righteousness apart from God. In the process these leaders starve the believers of complete and healthy nutrition for the soul and spirit. So then we have way more trouble connecting with our Father and living with fewer problems, producing the fruit of the Spirit.
@marykinuthia6067 2 ай бұрын
@WholeBible yes, they have turned the truth of God into a lie.
@jamesmoore2143 6 ай бұрын
Wow that's not going to win friends and influence sheepeople 😂
@WholeBible 6 ай бұрын
I agree. Fortunately, it is not our goal to do so. All we can do is present the Word as we understand it, and if people respond to Him all the better. If they don't, well, we can't do anything about that.
@manjulat1749 7 ай бұрын
This is so beautiful. I am watching this whole series "A WHOLE GOD " and I was so blessed. I am not sure why this video has not been watched. Thank you so much for this beautiful and meaningful study.
@WholeBible 7 ай бұрын
I am so happy that you are blessed by our videos. I don't know for sure why it hasn't been watched more, but I suspect it's because sadly not very many are looking for the whole truth of the Bible. They are happy with the milk they are being fed every week. I needed something more so I went to the Bible and started reading the entire book. I've been through it perhaps twenty five or thirty times in 25 years, not to mention study time for books and such, and it keeps getting better every time. If you'd like to learn more, we have three books on Amazon. Whole Bible Christianity, Nicolaitan Lords of Hypocrisy, and Whole Bible Prophecy. I am working towards making more videos using Whole Bible Prophecy as a framework. Happy are you to discover more of the Bible. Shalom.
@qwerty-so6ml 7 ай бұрын
Romans 1 explained. "Apostle to the homosexual and the transsexual":
@michelemoneywell8765 9 ай бұрын
"Apostle" Paul -- a ravaging wolf in sheep's clothing. What are the fruits of Paul? Mainstream Christianity is lawless! Paul appointed himself Apostle. Where are the 2 or 3 witnesses that our Messiah made him an Apostle? There are only 12 (Rev 21:14) and Mattias replaced Judas (Acts 1). Rev 2:2 is surely about Paul. All of Asia turned against Paul but not against our Messiah (Timothy). All Christians have been deceived by Paul, but fortunately some of us have tested Paul and found him to be a false apostle.
@galatians2twenty Жыл бұрын
amazing... 9 years and no comments...good teaching... A thought for you... use "teaching" or "instructions" when referring to the word "torah" and do not hold the word torah ABOVE any of the other hebrew words(PS 119) to designate our responsibility to obey and serve YHVH in all our mind, soul and everything. We have our being by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Shalom! :) john
@galatians2twenty Жыл бұрын
I appreciate all your work and carefullness to expound the truth however your "take" on "taken" needs to perhaps be reexamined. greek(3880) paralambano is used in a friendly manner to take alongsdie and "left behind" greek(863) aphiemi means to forsake. so it's the opposite..This is another ressurection(rapture) verse that occurs near the end of the 70th week. This day (often the author of scripture's thought on The Day odf the Lord) dovetails with God's direct wrath(prior to this being expounded to a lesser degree through man's hatred, Satan and his .beast system) being poured out(like the flood) This first kind-of-return of Christ is in the AIR only to collect His Bride, a return to heaven, the judgment seat and then soon to be followed by His physical returnt to the Earth to set up Kingdom at ens of 70th week. "Take" care, May only our God be the glory! :) John
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
Thanks John, for the comments. I would like to see a little more Scripture, however. Did you happen to note, for instance, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 in the video, especially verse 7? The Greek phrase "he who now restrains will do so until he is out of the way" is another use of the word taken (the NASB has "taken out of the way). Still another use is in verse 4 where the "man of lawlessness" "takes his seat in the temple of God." Context is key. The English word "taken," is used quite a bit in the Bible. In many cases, it doesn't mean a good thing, it means destroyed. So if we don't concentrate solely on parsing Greek or Hebrew words, and instead look at the context overall in the Bible references, we can see pretty clearly that the usual Church "take" on the word absolutely does not mean something like the rapture. One of the many reasons we have for taking a Whole Bible approach to understanding the Word is that it helps a great deal in gaining a complete picture of word meanings.
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
Hebrews 12:15 AMP "See to it that no one falls short of God’s grace; that no root of resentment springs up and causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." Is it food that defiles? No, as Jesus taught it is what comes out of the heart which is deceitful and wicked above all things.
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
Yes. The heart is what is examined by Torah (literally, God's instruction). What is your heart saying? Ignore 2/3's of the Word of God? Use some proof-texts taken out of context to support a philosophy of man? It seems you are looking for excuses not to do what God says, because the quote you use do not have the meaning that you force on them. You put words in the mouth of Jesus. Actually, He was "clearly" saying that eating with unwashed hands does not defile a person. This text has been used by many to excuse eating whatever they want when no such thing is intended. Taken in the context of the entire Bible, eating whatever you want in contradiction to God's Word, and encouraging others to do the same, is what defiles a person. For people like you, "grace" means doing whatever is right in your own eyes.
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
You have become the very thing you sought to grumble and complain bitterly about my friend. @@WholeBible
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
@@FBIUSDOJ Well, I'm in excellent company then. God and the people who wrote Scripture for Him did a lot of "grumbling and complaining" about those who insist on twisting His words and doing what is right in their own eyes. I want people to do what God says, and you want people to do what you say. Yeah, I'd say it's a better thing to do what God says, not try to explain it away so I can eat bacon.
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
Self flattery I see. "These people are [habitual] murmurers, griping and complaining, following after their own desires [controlled by passion]; they speak arrogantly, [pretending admiration and] flattering people to gain an advantage." *(Jude1:16) @@WholeBible
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
@@FBIUSDOJ Hmm. That's what you started with. Not a single Scriptural reply to any Scripture I presented. Just continual griping, complaining, and ad hominem attacks. Almost 1,400 Scripture quotes and references in my book Whole Bible Christianity and you can't even come up with one. Seems clear that the one doing the murmuring is the one without Scripture.
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
The 10 Commandments are forever and remain in the ark of the covenant in the Temple in Heaven as well as in the copy on earth. It is the handwritten ordinances of Moses to Israel regarding "distinguishing" themselves culturally from the other peoples that remain outside the ark which dealt with instructions regarding such things as "clean" and "unclean" foods. Colossians 2"14-15 clearly states: "having canceled out the [a]certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set aside and completely removed by nailing it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through [c]the cross." Amplified Version. REGARDING FOODS: " "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean." (Romans 14:14) AND: "Do not be carried away by diverse and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established and strengthened by grace and not by foods [rules of diet and ritualistic meals], which bring no benefit or spiritual growth to those who observe them." (Hebrews 13:9)
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
His doctrine is in error. (See below scripture references). The 10 Commandments are forever and remain in the ark of the covenant in the Temple in Heaven as well as in the copy on earth. It is the handwritten ordinances of Moses to Israel regarding "distinguishing" themselves culturally from the other peoples that remain outside the ark which dealt with instructions regarding such things as "clean" and "unclean" foods. Colossians 2"14-15 clearly states: "having canceled out the [a]certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set aside and completely removed by nailing it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross." Amplified Version. REGARDING FOODS: " "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean." (Romans 14:14) AND: "Do not be carried away by diverse and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established and strengthened by grace and not by foods [rules of diet and ritualistic meals], which bring no benefit or spiritual growth to those who observe them." (Hebrews 13:9)
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to watch our video. And thank you very much for giving us such a beautiful, wonderful, example of a Nicolaitan. There is no Scripture in your post, just philosophies of men. You sit in judgment on the Word of God, telling us to ignore more than two-thirds of it and misinterpreting the rest. If you ever do offer Scripture, it is a few proof-texts taken out of context. All of the commandments given by Jesus at Sinai and elsewhere are for all of His children. They facilitate His dwelling amongst us and lead us to the goal of Jesus Himself. We can cut you some slack, assuming that you've been raised with and are steeped in the Nicolaitan philosophies of men. It's what you've been taught, and it's hard to see past the philosophies and grasp the truth of the whole Word of God. I know, because I was the same way for a long time. I bought into the Nicolaitan stuff lock, stock and barrel and defended the philosophies for years - right up until I read the whole Bible and realized how much of the life-giving flesh and blood of the Christ had been denied to me and many others. Most of the Nicolaitan philosophies of men are developed from the false base of a "Church" that isn't in the Bible. A bunch of men decided that they didn't want to be "Jewish" yet selfishly possess the Jewish Messiah, so *poof* a structure was created that allowed for ignoring any Scripture that didn't match the dream. But the dream has become a nightmare. Over the centuries, it has morphed into a woman dressed in purple and scarlet, appropriating a culture that doesn't belong to her, adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. All from listening to the philosophies of men telling us to ignore what God says and do what they say instead. You don't have to stay there. You can be free of the chains laid on you by the Nicolaitans. Don't listen to me; listen to the Word of God. Do what He says. Eat His flesh and drink His blood. Buy salve from Jesus to anoint your eyes, that you may see, gold that you may be rich, and garments that you may hide the shame of your nakedness. Can you hear the knocking? Open the door.
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible (See below scripture references). The 10 Commandments are forever and remain in the ark of the covenant in the Temple in Heaven as well as in the copy on earth. It is the handwritten ordinances of Moses to Israel regarding "distinguishing" themselves culturally from the other peoples that remain outside the ark which dealt with instructions regarding such things as "clean" and "unclean" foods. Colossians 2"14-15 clearly states: "having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set aside and completely removed by nailing it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through [c]the cross." Amplified Version. REGARDING FOODS: " "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean." (Romans 14:14) AND: "Do not be carried away by diverse and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established and strengthened by grace and not by foods [rules of diet and ritualistic meals], which bring no benefit or spiritual growth to those who observe them." (Hebrews 13:9)
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
@@FBIUSDOJ Hey, you get points for at least giving some Scripture this time, however misinterpreted. 1. There are way more than 10 instructions for life given by God. They are not locked up in a box somewhere, but living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword. 2. Jesus gave the Torah, and told us (John 10:35) that Scripture cannot be broken. 3. The "certificate of debt" is a list of charges for breaking the Law, not the Law itself. If one's logic is not forced, obviously The Law wasn't nailed to the cross, our sins were nailed there (He "became sin"). 4. "Nothing unclean of itself" does not include things such as idolatry, sexual immorality, or murder. Plus, Romans 14 and similar passages are about men's opinions, such as you offer apart from Scripture. 5. Diverse and strange teachings would include what is apart from Scripture, such as your philosophy of ignoring what God says and doing what is right in your own eyes. And you are ignoring (as with much of the Word) the Scripture that I introduced showing your philosophies false. The "heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods," if we continue with your logic, means, um, not to eat? Of course not. The heart must be strengthened by food, and also by grace. There is nothing in this reference that says anything like "ignore what God said about things that are unclean to eat." Unclean things are not food, by definition. It's not "clean" foods and "unclean" foods, but food and stuff that is not food.
@FBIUSDOJ Жыл бұрын
But of course, "Only the Nicolaitan" can properly interpret scripture. You said so yourself. Your own words condemn you my friend. Was the Holy Spirit given to the Gentiles because they were clean or still "unclean?" @@WholeBible
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
@@FBIUSDOJ Huh? Never said that, unless perhaps sarcastically. However, I was a Nicolaitan at one time, but I had to repent. You should consider the same thing. You also misunderstand clean and unclean, typical of one who has relied on what others say about the Word rather than reading it and doing it yourself. Tell me, was Cornelius saved before he got the Spirit or after? Was Balaam clean or unclean when the Spirit of God came upon him? (Numbers 24:2) And by the way, make sure to keep avoiding answering the Scripture I bring up and just keep introducing more philosophies of men. You are arguing in circles instead of recognizing and accepting truth.
@harrysollmer1644 Жыл бұрын
Yeah we Now know how yeshuahs gospel was in Hebrew language Not Greek hence the contradiction and Leven what does Hebrew language say chum
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
Language doesn't matter, obviously. Israel had many messages from God over centuries and ignored Him (mostly) anyway. People speaking Hebrew at the time of Yeshua killed Him anyway. Nowadays people have the clear message in unmistakable language and continue the tradition of unbelievers ignoring Him. No language is holier than another. It's not the language, it's the heart.
@4Give2Be4Given Жыл бұрын
Revelation 2:15 “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.” King James Version (KJV)
@welovetheLORD Жыл бұрын
10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE NICOLAITANS By: Sam Storms Last week I wrote about the Montanists and probably caused many of you to scratch your heads wondering, “Who in the world are the Montanists?” Today we turn our attention to another odd group known as the Nicolaitans. There is at least one profound difference between the two: the Montanists were most likely genuine believers in Jesus; the Nicolaitans were most assuredly not. (1) The Nicolaitans are mentioned by name twice in the NT, both in the book of Revelation. According to Revelation 2:6, Jesus commends the Christians at Ephesus for “hating” the “works of the Nicolaitans.” Yes, Jesus does “hate” certain things, and so should we. They are mentioned again in Revelation 2:15 in the letter to the church in Pergamum. (2) Early tradition among the church fathers (most notably Irenaeus) identifies them with Nicolas, the proselyte of Antioch who was appointed one of the first seven deacons (servants) in Acts 6:5. This, however, is highly unlikely. (3) The name itself may be derived from two words which mean “victory” (nikos) and “people” (laos), thus the idea of their consumption or overpowering of the people. They were evidently licentious and antinomian and advocated an unhealthy compromise with pagan society and the idolatrous culture of Ephesus. (4) The “teaching” of the Nicolaitans should probably be identified with the “teaching” of Balaam (2:14-15). The similarity of language also suggests that Jezebel and her followers (2:20-24) constituted a group of Nicolaitans in Thyatira. They are all said to be guilty of enticing God’s people “to eat things sacrificed to idols” and “to commit acts of immorality” (2:14-15,20). In Revelation, to “fornicate” (porneuo) and its cognates usually are metaphorical for spiritual apostasy and idol worship (14:8; 17:1,2,4,5,15,16; 18:3,9; 19:2). When these words are used literally, they are part of vice lists (9:21; 21:8; 22:15). (5) The Ephesian believers, however, were not duped. Nor were they so naïve as to believe that Christian charity can tolerate such false teaching. Note also the contrast: they “bear” trials and tribulations for Christ’s sake (v. 3) but they cannot “bear” the company of these evil men (vv. 2,6). They endure persecution, but not perversion. (6) There are many lessons here, but one in particular stands out: Jesus hates moral and theological compromise. Any appeal to grace to justify sin is repugnant to our Lord. Any attempt to rationalize immorality by citing the “liberty” we have in Christ is abhorrent to him and must be to us. True Christian love is never expressed by the tolerance of wickedness, whether it be a matter of what one believes or how one behaves. (7) The presence and influence of the Nicolaitans in Pergamum should be noted in detail. Here is what Jesus said to them: “But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth” (Rev. 2:14-16). There was a difference in the response to the Nicolaitans in these two congregations. The Ephesians “hated” the work of the Nicolaitans and refused to tolerate their pernicious behavior (Rev. 2:6). The church in Pergamum, on the other hand, had welcomed them into the fellowship of the church and given them freedom to propagate their destructive ways. (8) There’s no indication these false teachers had openly denied the “name” to which the others at Pergamum held fast (v. 13). In other words, I doubt if the error of the Nicolaitans was a denial of the Incarnation of Christ, his propitiatory work on the cross, or his bodily resurrection. Rather, as noted above, they were guilty of turning the grace of God into licentiousness. How serious was their presence in the church at Pergamum? Serious enough to provoke Jesus to say: “I have a few things against you” (Rev. 2:14a)! That ought to alert us to the depths of this problem. He describes them as holding to “the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans” (Rev. 2:14-15). We read of Balaam in Numbers 22-24. What he was to the children of Israel in the OT, the Nicolaitans were to the church of Jesus Christ in the New. Balaam is a prototype of those who promote compromise with the world in idolatry and immorality (see also Jude 11 and 2 Peter 2:15). The Nicolaitans had dared to insinuate that freedom in Christ granted them a blank check to sin. The fault of believers in Pergamum was not so much that they had followed this pernicious teaching but that they had allowed it to be vocalized in the congregation. This matter of indifference to the licentiousness of the Nicolaitans was of grave concern to the risen Lord. (9) What is the precise nature of their sin? They put a stumbling block in the way of God’s people “so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality” (v. 14). The former probably refers to eating food sacrificed to idols in the context of idolatrous worship. Perhaps, then, the Nicolaitans were advocating, in the name of Christian freedom, participation in the worship service both of the local church and the local pagan temple (a similar problem existed at Corinth; see 1 Corinthians 10:14-22). They evidently weren’t in the least bothered by such compromise. As noted above, often in the OT spiritual idolatry was described metaphorically in terms of prostitution and sexual immorality (see Jeremiah 3:2; 13:27; Ezekiel 16:15-58; 23:1-49; 43:7; Hosea 5:4; 6:10). In Revelation, to “fornicate” (porneuo) and its cognates usually are metaphorical for spiritual apostasy and idol worship (14:8; 17:1,2,4,5,15,16; 18:3,9; 19:2). However, we can’t dismiss the possibility that the Nicolaitans were teaching that forgiveness of sin and their new-found freedom in Christ have now released them from what they regarded as “slavish obedience” to rules and regulations concerning sexual conduct. How tragic that today we still hear such arguments in the defense of both heterosexual and homosexual immorality. (10) Here is how serious Jesus regards the sin of the Nicolaitans and anyone’s tolerance of their presence in the church: “Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth” (Rev. 2:16). “Recognize and confess,” says Jesus, “that you are doing no one a favor by overlooking and allowing such sin in your midst! Confronting the Nicolaitans may be uncomfortable for you, even painful, but not nearly as painful as the judgment they will suffer if they remain in their sin!” This call to repentance may also include the ultimate expulsion from the church of the Nicolaitans should they choose not to respond favorably. Notice also that Jesus says, “I will come to you” soon, but will “war against them”. The faithful at Pergamum aren’t off the hook. If they don’t repent Jesus will bring discipline against them (in precisely what form, we aren’t told). But the Nicolaitans will be the focus of judgment. It is against “them” that Jesus will make “war”. Such language suggests that their lack of repentance would be evidence of a lack of saving faith. Their persistent licentiousness and morally compromising behavior undermine their claim to know Jesus in a saving way. The Christians in Pergamum had sacrificed the ethical purity of their congregation on the altar of “love” and for the sake of some nebulous “peace” they feared to lose. Purity often comes at an extremely high price. But we must be prepared to pay it. Confrontation is never pleasant, but it often reaps a bountiful harvest. By all means, pursue love, but not at the expense of truth or in such a way that overt sin is left to fester and spread in the body of Christ.
@amandadias4599 Жыл бұрын
Wow this is powerful!!
@WholeBible Жыл бұрын
Thank you! It took us a long time to realize these truths, and to accept them. But we kept reading the Word and doing it and He showed us the way.
@charlesgugins381 2 жыл бұрын
We are not ancient Israel. We are not Judaizers. You live in the old testament. Well you also say the sabbath is a memorial of creation. Where do you get this. Take a look at early church fathers writings. they did nor keep the sabbath and they say this completely.
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
We are grafted in to an existing tree, which is not "Jewish." It would be good for you to actually read the whole Bible rather than just your favorite 16 verses. The Law is not "Jewish" either, although it was given formally to the nation of Israel. You can't find a single "proof" that says it is. The Law was for Israel and any who would joint themselves to God's Kingdom on earth. One Law for everyone. One God. One faith. You know, or maybe you don't, what the Bible says. "Judaizing" is trying to make people follow Judaism or live like a Jew. That is different than the Body of the Messiah and living according to the Word of God and His Son. I can't help it if you can't see the difference, and I won't waste my time trying to get you to see.
@charlesgugins381 2 жыл бұрын
You offer no proof for what you are saying. Terrible teacher.
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
I offer over 100 videos, three books, and a website with all sorts of "proof." Some people are just too blind for "proof" to be of any help. Terrible viewpoints.
@KenKopelson 2 жыл бұрын
The early church fathers make it clear that Nicolaitans are followers of the teachings of the Deacon Nicolas, mentioned in Acts.
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting that the early Church Fathers didn't see themselves in the Nicolaitan mirror. As both Jesus and Paul told us, ravenous wolves from among us.
@JackCrawford-k2p 4 ай бұрын
Amen, brother. Ravenous wolves, indeed. ​@WholeBible
@Jessicafolloweroftheway 2 жыл бұрын
Have you found a like-minded community in your area? We are just exploring the whole Bible believing Christianity reality. Everything that we have been taught seems corrupted in so many ways. The whole Bible believer way of worshiping/living makes more sense. I appreciate your knowledge and teaching. Looking forward to reading your book.
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
A little complicated to answer. Many of the "Messianics" are more into making up new laws and practicing the oral law than they are in getting together as a body. Kind of like majoring in the minors. Churches, of course, don't want my kind around because I'm too biblical and they're afraid their house of cards will fall. We've even been called "dangerous." So no, we haven't found a community that wants the whole Bible and just the Bible. Not for lack of trying. I think God might have us isolated so we could develop many of the whole Bible ideas better and help others that way.
@Jessicafolloweroftheway 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your videos
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
You are very welcome. May the Father bless your studies and your family.
@Jessicafolloweroftheway 2 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible Thank you, you as well. 🙏🏼❤️
@JesusFreakAmen 2 жыл бұрын
@KissingEmbers 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Christianity as a whole. Would crap if the antichrist turns out to be the body of christ. Like christ appearing as christ but no power thereof
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
Huh. I don't think the anti-christ is the body of Christ, but I do think the Church will support the false prophet without question. He'll be exactly like them!
@dennismaher9533 2 жыл бұрын
THE MORMON / CULT / "CHURCH" is the Nicolaitan oppression in the church today
@rae_of_light 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you ☺️
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
You are very welcome.
@mrt0057ify 2 жыл бұрын
Nice teaching!
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I hope it helps you explain the subject to others.
@mrt0057ify 2 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible do you still teach anywhere?
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrt0057ify Locally, in western Colorado, I haven't been asked. I'm trying to finish my book Whole Bible Prophecy, then I plan to do some videos. I'm also going to move everything off of KZbin and onto Rumble.
@mrt0057ify 2 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible I love Bible prophecy! Have studied it for 50 years! What direction are you taking, and when do you anticipate it being done?
@WholeBible 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrt0057ify I'm attempting to interpret prophecy by the Bible itself. I used to be a dispensationalist. Then I started reading the Bible. I take the plain meaning of the Words and compare all other Scripture I can find. There is no pre-trib or mid-trib rapture, because the rapture is appended to the resurrection. One of the main points of prophecy is to reveal iniquity so it can be corrected, so repentance is necessary and that is defined by following all of God's Words to us. It's about 500 pages now (6x9 format) with a very large Subject and Scripture index.
@kevindiaz-lane4404 3 жыл бұрын
Nicolaitans: Those who lord it over the laity. The "One Man Ministry" or the practice of the Nicholaitans, as Jesus referred to it and hated, is inherently dangerous because individuals are so vulnerable to the attack of the adversary. The Christian Church needs to decentralize the locus of power and control, and instead, allow the different gifts and gift ministries in each body of believers to manifest and be exercised as directed by the holy spirit. Since the outpouring of the holy spirit on The Day of Pentacost, the clergy/laity dichotomy has been replaced with the ministry of the holy spirit flowing through all believers.
@bawbjusbawb6471 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Bruce! This was another great video. You have a knack for explaining Biblical Principals that were meant to be so simple and understandable that many folks have convoluted and made hard to understand. Thanks for you efforts to spread the truth! May Abba-Yah bless you and your family.
@bawbjusbawb6471 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Bruce. The Book of Romans is hard to simply take out verse and understand what you're reading in its full context. Just like you said, it was a letter and should be treated as such. Too many folks pick out just the verses they like and ignore what they don't like. Or they don't read the rest because it's not supported by their denomination. I pray more people find your videos. They explain the topics well, whether you understand or are seeking the face of God.
@WholeBible 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your support and comments. The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
@bawbjusbawb6471 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Bruce, I can see why people are coming against you in your videos. The main reason is that you're speaking the Truth. A lot of folks don't want to hear the truth because as you mentioned, they must fight against their hearts of stone. As we both are well aware, the truth is seldom popular. Also, it is also much easier to get someone to believe a lie than it is to convince someone they have been lied to. Be Blessed! Shalom!
@bawbjusbawb6471 3 жыл бұрын
Woo Who! First to comment! I'm a little disappointed that it took me so long to find your videos, but I'm glad I did. Great video Bruce. Thanks!
@WholeBible 3 жыл бұрын
You are very welcome. Thank you for commenting and I hope the other videos will be as helpful to you. Shalom.
@bawbjusbawb6471 3 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible Yes, your videos are very helpful. I've been checking out several of your videos. They are easy to understand, well explained and straight-forward. My Wife and I have been seeking the Face of God in Spirit and Truth over two years. Your videos have been confirming things we have also been shown. And we have been living in belief-obedience and being blessed in many ways. May Abba-Yah Bless You! Shalom!
@WholeBible 3 жыл бұрын
@@bawbjusbawb6471 This is why I wrote the book and made the videos. As I was wandering and discovering there really wasn't much help to fit the newly discovered teachings into a whole. It was either Messianic or Judaism or Christian, but we couldn't find a plain language whole Bible approach. The LORD led us to bits and pieces of truth in various places, then showed us how they fit together. Our faith is stronger and understanding has flowered. I hope you are also strengthened and continue to discover the spiritual nutrition in the whole of His Word.
@pennyt4917 3 жыл бұрын
Good grief. Get rid of the music.
@essenceofgrowing7804 3 жыл бұрын
Very important subject. I’ll look to see if you have other videos on this subject. There’s a group called BHI (black hebrew Israelites) that argue the mixed multitude were all destroyed at the time of Moses. Of course in their view this means that the white people that left Egypt with Moses were all killed. Leaving only Israelites which of course in their view was everything but people of white skin. This racially motived theology is wrong on many levels. As you pointed out that one was either a God fearer or not. Only in the post modern western world does Darwinian evolution theory gets pushed into scripture as they twist scripture and Christ words to mean that he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, over looking countless scripture talking about how they’d be scattered and end up forgetting who they were, and overlooking what Christ commanded after he arose. So claim to be the true Judah. They redefine gentile to be exclusively lost tribes (and doesn’t include people from other nations). Essentially they believe that the God of the Bible is a Chaldean god. That is, Abraham was Chaldean, the father of the Gentiles in faith, but then pejoratively look at the sons of jacob (the tribes) in terms of color. 🤷🏽‍♂️
@joejike2471 3 жыл бұрын
God is the most absent father there is. Stole man's rib, created woman and called things perfect. While man tended to the garden, woman's first prerogative was to associate with the snake and manipulate man with her bad decision. Action is always the actual intent. God called the eating of the apple sin but never addressed the first wrong in human existence - which is woman's malignant manipulation. God then put the blame on man's shoulders while the lesser blame is put on woman. You and I are sinful at birth not because of what we did but because of what our parents did. Our parents are sinful at birth because of what their parents did and so on. God is hateful and biased and disgusting and suicide is extremely rational all things considered. Read your bible again and you will see it's full of abuse and psychopathy.
@WholeBible 3 жыл бұрын
And then you do the same thing as Eve, showing that you're her child. You just blame shift to God. Jesus paid the penalty for all sin with His own blood, and you act like it's nothing.
@Takisarebetterthanfritos 4 жыл бұрын
A machine today may mean the internet or quantuum computers that use schrodinger's number which is zeros with 666 in the middle of that number. It is the luciferian agenda to put all our info and us with neural implants into a quantuum computer to trick us into thinking we are in a simulation, a game,like a matrix
@jeffdavid9509 4 жыл бұрын
you got a thumbs down lol
@jeffdavid9509 4 жыл бұрын
This is excellent
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, and may God continue to bless your study.
@elizabethmagdaleneosei6879 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this explanation for the Nicolaitans as in Revelation 2. It was well informing due to the different knowledge drawn in that is relational. Excellent
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I'm glad it helped you. We try to get the Word out so that the complete package God gives us is relevant and understandable.
@elsieschmaltz6754 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting.
@tiffanyalg1984 4 жыл бұрын
Blame it on the women 🙄
@heidioverall450 4 жыл бұрын
Doctrine of Balaam: 1 Corinthians 8:4, 7-10 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse. But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak. For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols; 1 Corinthians 10:27-31 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience? For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks? Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Why would a true follower of Jesus/Yeshua be going to a feast of a non-believer or into an idol's temple prominently displaying the statues of their dieties!?! After stating to flee from idolatry, in the very same epistle he says that an idol is nothing and that it doesn't matter whether you eat the food sacrificed to idols or not UNLESS 1) it offends a "weaker" brother or 2) "don't ask and as long as they (the non-believer at a feast for their dieties) don't say that it's sacrificed to idols it's ok. Clearly Jesus/Yeshua does NOT agree!! And neither does Jude.
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
I think what Paul is getting at is the difference between not knowing something and knowing it. If one eats without knowing the food has been offered to idols, then the food itself does not make one defiled. On the other hand, if someone tells you that it is, then obviously his/her conscience is in question and now you don't eat (for the sake of the weak conscience). At the time, a strong-minded believer might go to the house of the weaker brother, and the weaker brother might have purchased meat at a bargain. Even now it is very hard to be together with other people and know the history of the food being served. Maybe the food is from another country and was offered to idols or prepared by idolators. We don't know. Some use this verse to excuse eating anything, such as pork. They use the "do all to the glory of God" and other statements such as Romans 14 as justification for disobedience. This is very wrong in my estimation. The issue is conscience, and probably the rulings of rabbis also. Some want to increase laws, thinking that makes them more holy, clean or undefiled. They extend the prohibition of eating food offered to idols as a sin and you're going to hell even if you don't know from where the food came. The heart is the important thing, not the food or the plurality of rulings on the Law.
@heidioverall450 4 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible at the time of Paul's writings, it was obvious that an idol's temple was an idol's temple. The statues of Diana, Zuess, Athena, Eros, etc were prevalent. There could be no mistake about it being an idol's temple. Pagan feasts such as Saturnalia and such would also have been quite obvious that the foods at these feasts were sacrificed to their idols. How many TRUE followers of Jesus would dare go into a building with a statue of the Baphemet and eat one of the feasts and think that the food eaten was NOT sacrificed to the idol!?!
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
@@heidioverall450 Again, Paul says the idols are nothing. They represent gods that don't exist. It's no big deal to eat food offered to them. However, I think it's clear that Paul is postulating "if" you were seen eating at an idol's temple, wouldn't the person with weak understanding have a problem? And shouldn't those of us with stronger consciences avoid causing an issue with the weaker brother? Therefore he's saying that even though we know the idol is nothing, we shouldn't just go around shoving our understanding in other people's faces. He's not saying that it's okay. He's saying that those of us who understand that idols are nothing shouldn't eat at the temple because we might cause issues. "...some, through former association with idols, eat food as really offered to an idol..." So the new believer has questions still. He is not fully convinced that "although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth...yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist..." Even though we might have the freedom to eat by this knowledge, we also want to avoid freaking out the new believer. We balance our freedom with love.
@heidioverall450 4 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible so it's ok to eat food sacrificed to idols? because an idol is nothing?
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
@@heidioverall450 Let's put it this way - it doesn't send you to hell. However, as I said, I think Paul was just coming up with an example, not that he was trying to say anything goes. The big "if" was in verse 10. Each of us has to make our own decisions. We each have to examine our heart and make our own way. I do not make rules for others; I just tell them what I think the Bible says. They have to figure it out. 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ESV. For our appeal does not spring from error or impurity or any attempt to deceive, but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. Is it wrong to eat food offered to idols? Well, IF you go to a temple and eat, then I would says so. Do you know it was offered to idols, like when you are at a neighbor's home? Then don't ask and just eat. If the neighbor says it was offered to idols, then it is an issue for him even if he isn't a believer, so then I wouldn't eat. Should I make a rule for you in every instance? No. I can tell you what I think, maybe even what I would do, but you have to decide. There is a clear command not to partake which Jesus reinforces twice in Revelation 2:14 and 20. So to answer the question, no it is not a good thing. Am I going to police you? No, God didn't assign me to follow you around to see if you are eating wrong. Is this answer any better?
@ginette6110 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with most of what you touched on. That said, even if vaccines have nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast, it still goes against the word of God. Vaccines contaminates our blood, as Life is in the blood. It contains unclean ingredients such as Heavy Metals, Aborted fetal cells, Dog Kidney cells, Monkey kidney cells, rats, mice, guinea pigs, horse, swine, the list goes on. All one has to do is a little bit of research to know that vaccines are not of God and should be avoided at all costs.
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
We stopped vaccinating when our kids were in middle school. That was about 25 years ago. At that time the bad information was still just beginning to percolate through our awareness. We're pretty sure that our nephew went autistic right after a batch of vaccines when he was a toddler. Our grand kids are not vaccinated and we don't get flu shots, and we will refuse the china virus vaccine even if the government tries to force it on us. So we're with you on that stuff.
@ginette6110 4 жыл бұрын
@@WholeBible My heart goes out to you and your family. May God bless you all. Our family of 4 stopped vaccinating 18 years ago after a round of flu shots put three of us in the hospital. The shot not only triggered the flu, it left us with several autoimmune disorders and allergies that we did not have prior. Thankfully my twin daughters were able to recover somewhat, I on the other hand was left with severe health problems which ended my career. I then became a stay at home mom, my time was spent researching history, religion, science, biology etc. which ultimately led us to God, His word and this wonderful Torah Observant community. Shalom to you all.
@LadyEllenMLowe 4 жыл бұрын
That’s great! I have read through it twice in the last two weeks and I am teaching chapter by chapter and verse by verse with the STANDARD teaching book. If people would only read and try and understand the mysteries and the symbolism of what’s to come, they would be prepared for the evil in the future that will try to overtake the people. I’ve personally would rather know, so that I can help others when they have questions about current events. No one knows the time and the hour of the second coming, therefore we need to be ready.
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
Preach it, sister! Peace be upon you!
@alanbacalso885 4 жыл бұрын
i think ...1st Thessalonians 4:13-14 ... i beg you ... Brother BRUCE ... please correct and debunk ... speaks of THE HOPE OF [ getting RESURRECTED! ] ... (1)- THOSE physically-dead BUT spiritually-alive BELIEVERS as @ Paul's writing ... and ... verses 15-18 ... speaks of THE same HOPE ... but PARTICULARLY OF ... (2)- THOSE physically-alive AND spiritually-alive BELIEVERS then [ of THE RESURRECTION ] ... as of Paul's writing ... BUT YET certain to be ALREADY physically-dead ... (which included Paul) ... by the time of THE LORD's 2nd COMING ... when they shall ALL BE made-alive ... physically RESURRECTED ... PLUS (3)- THOSE WHO continue physically-ALIVE ... BELIEVERS ... beyond The Apostolic Times ... beyond A.D. 96 or thereabouts ... and therefore have THIS same HOPE ... PLUS (4)- THOSE physically-alive [ by THE POWER of THE RESURRECTION ] ... but spiritually-dead WITHOUT-HOPE-UNBELIEVERS ... @ The Last Trump ... WILL ... (1) .. (2) .. (3) .. and (4) ... SUMMARILY be RESURRECTED ... @THAT one-time RESURRECTION OF ALL MANKIND ... AS ALL MANKIND ... SHALL BE gathered ... not raptured to the clouds ... to meet JESUS in the air >>>
@WholeBible 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I'm really not sure what you are positing here. Paul in Thessalonians 4 is just trying to encourage believers who fear that dead believers won't participate in the kingdom of Jesus. He says that dead believers will go first in the resurrection, while living believers will be translated. As I said in the video, there is quite a bit of evidence for the resurrection and not so much for the rapture. But the rapture is definitely appended to the resurrection. In other words, resurrection first, then rapture right after.
@alanbacalso885 4 жыл бұрын
~ THE SCENE @ THE very MOMENT OF THE RAPTURE (Revelation 3:10 = 12:5) 1- >>> ~ WHO WILL GET RAPTURED - prayerfully discerned in relation to events & times of THEIR living! 2- >>> N.B.
@alanbacalso885 4 жыл бұрын
[ 11:08 ] "The letters to the 7-Churches in Revelation 2 and 3 seem to-be speaking of what we would call a machine today. JESUS calls it by different names." { UNVEILING THE CURRENT-IN-OUR-REAL-TIME resurrected JESUS THE CHRIST WE ARE TO RESPOND TO if we are TO-BE HIS REDEEMED @ HIS 2nd COMING! >>> ~ THE CORRECT & ACCURATE USE & UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORDS “CHURCH” & “CHURCHes”! >>> }