Hey y'all! Welcome to my channel, I'm glad to have you!
This is literally a place where our family can create memories to keep, where I can post my hobbies, talk about life, and all the things in between. You'll find a good mix here.
As I get older, (Garrett & I are in our 40's!) and our kiddos start to spread their wings and go on their own journey's, I realized I wanted a place to keep moments, flashes of our life. A space that could be something for me to do, if we're honest. I have enjoyed this creative journey. I wish I had started sooner. Fear is funny that way. Sometimes you just have to do it. I like a variety of hobbies- memory planning, all things books, health, and traveling. Here you'll find all of that.
Bookstagram~ instagram.com/crystals_bookshelves/
Plannergram~ instagram.com/crystalexumplans/
Goodreads~ www.goodreads.com/user/show/65792333-crystal
[email protected]