Infinity: Battlescape - Weekend co-op
@nebulaswirl 18 күн бұрын
What PC specs do you have?
@killerwabbit338 19 күн бұрын
This game has soooo much potential. I love flying my Heavy Cruiser and shredding Spinals. Last week I took on 3 default/heavy cruisers (AI) and a Spinal (player) simultaneously and walked away with 12% hull.
@Un4AISentinelLocustRobots Ай бұрын
My game that is linked on my channel can beat this one it looks better in certain ways with better effects.
@Un4AISentinelLocustRobots Ай бұрын
I built an IBS competitor with better effects it is linked on my channel.
@UmmerFarooq-wx4yo 2 ай бұрын
Infinity battlescape is one game that really understands how to give space flight.
@khalimero99 2 ай бұрын
@MrPlyxan 3 ай бұрын
@Komyets 3 ай бұрын
That looked like a lot of fun! Dang I wish I could find the soundtrack somewhere too haha. I'd listen to it often. Great Battle music
@random_passerby4672 3 ай бұрын
In indeed was! This bomber loadout is for pure piloting and fighting, after all. Often there is no time to stop and plan. Would have been very useful to be in a group with someone else commanding. Also, if I remember it right, the soundtrack might become officially available after game launch. Can't remember where the mention was right now though.
@Komyets 3 ай бұрын
Wow... this game looks gorgeous and intense o.o
@_Jay_Maker_ 5 ай бұрын
One of the rare times when I actually encountered another human being using the Carrier after the update, they were shielded and parked right on top of the Station's generator during the final phase. Was basically impossible to crack it without cracking the Carrier first, and by that point time was too short. A smart maneuver - exactly what you'd expect from something this sci-fi, but do you let something that cool stick around in a game that's designed as adversarial? I wonder.
@random_passerby4672 4 ай бұрын
Yes it would be good to leave it in, because it does fit. The carrier player did his part in deciding the battle outcome, and there were potential ways to crack the carrier. Timespan to do so being too short is what gave extra decisive power for that move. HAs there been more time, it would have been a carrier's loss, probably.
@Veetus 3 күн бұрын
I wonder if this mechanic ever got changed?
@_Jay_Maker_ 5 ай бұрын
Now _that_ is interesting. I never would've even considered that kind of Smart Targeting interaction was possible. I'm assuming a Corvette outfitted for Missile duty would be even more dangerous? I'll have to test it out.
@DaoZero 6 ай бұрын
Хм... Интересный геймплей получается... Эх... Я так понимаю что от дальнейшего развития пришлось отказаться? Я в плане останется только Боевая составляющая?
@random_passerby4672 6 ай бұрын
В Infinity: Battlescape - да, останется боевая составляющая. Она так и была задумана изначально, правда. Есть надежда что другие составляющие можно будет проверить в последующих играх. С точки зрения технической реализации не так уж и много придётся поменять, но просто на это ещё средства придётся добыть.
@DaoZero 6 ай бұрын
@@random_passerby4672 всегда всё упирается в деньги... В любом случае я готов как говорится поддержать проект... и многие кто согласятся на это. Ведь Элита - мертва... Стар Ситезен - вечно что то в нём делают... Нужен сейчас достойный космосим. Который бы смог заменить Элиту. Думаю многие ждут... Необъятность вселенной, обнять космос... Встретить новые горизонты планет, исследования дальних уголков. Жаль... Эх был бы я богат) вложился бы в новый проект.
@DaoZero 6 ай бұрын
@@random_passerby4672 вообще не мне судить... Но я полагаю что можно сделать на основе представленного новую главу. В принципе... Начать хотя бы с одной системы. Физика - шикарная, а это уже большой плюс. Добавить возможность изучать... Добывать ресурсы, бродить пешком по планетам, или на транспорте. Сальваж, биологию, придумать битвы за аванпосты. Отшлифовать эту систему... И уж потом делать галлактику. Создать фракции, расы, Возможно какого то общего врага... Тут фантазии и вариаций куча. В общем... Было бы здорово!
@random_passerby4672 6 ай бұрын
Полностью согласен, это даже совпадает с мечотй студии разработчиков и игроков! :D Но такой вопрос. По перечисленным вами мечтами космосим уже кое-что напоминает. Должен ли он быть похож на Элиту, если он предназначен её заменить? Мне очень кажется, что предложенная идея похожа на общую мечту участвовать в освоении космоса лично, правильно понимаю?
@DaoZero 6 ай бұрын
@@random_passerby4672 не думаю что он должен быть похож на Элиту. Но... 1. Экономика должна управляться Игроками. Спрос и предложение. 2.Нужны фракции. Можно назвать Рассы. Пять, шесть рас с своими кораблями, центрами. 3.Конкурентная борьба между Расами. Захват звёздных систем, как в экономической войне - к примеру Блокада - системы, так и физический захват - битвы за систему. 3.Каждая Раса людей имеет свои технологии, но их можно устанавливать на корабле другой расы - что делает звездолет где то сильнее, где то слабее. 3.Экономика - это возможность как майнинга, так и сальваж, так и постройка модулей и кораблей. Но думаю здесь особо не нужно прям убиваться... 4.Игрок может не учавствовать во всём этом. Он может быть нейтрален. Но в таком случае у него нет привелегий к технологии. 5.Игрок может просто свалить из общей локации далеко за пределы, и пататься выживать там изучая миры как один... Так и с группой единомышленников. 6.Общий враг. Нужен человечеству общий враг. При чем Рассы могут объедениться... А могут просто наблюдать как стаи инопланетян разоряют планеты и системы соседа. 7.Кланы разных рас могут заключать договоры и объединение против инопланетян. 8.Корабль игрока - это его дом. Корабли должны быть дорогими. И сам смысл модернизации должен с каждым разом всё больше и больше влюблять игрока в свой корабль. Должна быть возможность покупки своего места дома, жилища на станции или на планетах - чем ближе к столице тем дороже. Фронтир должен быть опасен. Не просто опасен... А наводить ужас от посещения его и требовать от пилота всё его мастерство в пилотаже так и возможности самого корабля. Вообще, если нужно я могу написать Лор игры. Или процессы которые должны происходить в игре. Элита - пуста. В ней ни чего не происходит. Стар Ситезен упёрся в механики игры, упуская из виду саму прелесть свободы космических скитаний.
@ummerfarooq5383 7 ай бұрын
Sweet! Now it just needs ATC and/or Space Traffic control & command grouping control of voices enhancement.
@ummerfarooq5383 7 ай бұрын
Space station needs more lighting
@blackburn1489 10 ай бұрын
does this game have only battles? I mean no logistics, reconnaissance or other aspects?
@random_passerby4672 7 ай бұрын
There are logistics and recon, but underdeveloped versions of them indeed. For now, hopefully, ideas have been flying in game's Discord server for a while. Corvettes and carriers give limited repairs and resupplies, that's pretty much it for logistics, and for recon there is a detection range system, however with how and where battles happen, sneaking up undetected has limited value. Or more like it has its value unexplored - those require serious players at controls, where there would be point in not being found out or be repaired in time in the first place. Preparations for that are underway.
@lilkhmer5 10 ай бұрын
Does it have PVE content or does it rely on other people to actually play the game?
@yaeger7313 10 ай бұрын
Its PVP and PVE in the same world, you will come across AI and player in battle and apparently the AI is good
@NoTimeLeft_ 10 ай бұрын
Who doesn't love large ships pummeling each other into atoms. We hope one day to have our project showcased on your channel. We love all things space related.
@Level100BeefBoss 10 ай бұрын
If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time you’ve shown yourself using the carrier on video. In fact, I think you’re the only person showing carrier gameplay at the moment.
@random_passerby4672 10 ай бұрын
The first one is co-op with PHilbeRt! and MeckieMesser iirc, and old one, so indeed there were not many times this ship was deployed. It's the most expensive SP-wise, with most vulnerability and least own firepower, with only major feature being an onboard spawnpoint, which only spawns player atm. It's going to be addressed in the upcoming carrier update, with squads the ship can deploy. So currently it's the most boring ship for solo and small co-op play, even with its features and occasional cool moments like in this vid. To survive, it has to shy away from battles, so it has less of an effect, and when it can see some action, that same action can be its undoing. The ship literally relies on all allies to come to it, follow it or its commands, and avoid being jumped by enemies. And that is hard even knowing that AI and new players don't fly ships to their limits yet. One or two cruisers, or a squad of bombers, or four or so destroyers maybe can warp right to and obliterate it in about a minute.
@Level100BeefBoss 10 ай бұрын
@@random_passerby4672 It would be cool if the carrier had a squadron of drones it could command, would definitely spice up the gameplay and make destroying carriers much more difficult
@random_passerby4672 7 ай бұрын
It appears that this is exactly what would be presented in an upcoming update for the carrier, yeah.
@random_passerby4672 6 ай бұрын
And later on, this was exactly what has been delivered. Come enjoy directing angry bees! :D
@doltBmB 11 ай бұрын
your videos have this obnoxious crackling and snapping that is deafening
@doltBmB 11 ай бұрын
has there ever been enough population in this game to have more than a handful of players at the same time? that's kinda the main thing that keeps me from coming back to it, it's just random pve in these giant furballs
@random_passerby4672 10 ай бұрын
There certainly were many players at Early Access launch: More recently, more players join together at community events. It is best to organize beforehand at the moment though.
@timothypryor7952 11 ай бұрын
Being in a capital ship compared to a fighter feels like being a god. You have so much destructive power.
@olexandrrymar8279 Жыл бұрын
Hey dude, I like the gameplay of this game. I thought to buy it, but when I saw online on steam 6 people on Sunday, that stopped me. What is online today if you are still playing? I am experienced pilot in Star Conflict 1200 hours, and this game might be interesting to play, so I will look for exp players to fly 2gther and maybe some support to start. I hope there will be online to smack real players :)
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Average online is about 6 indeed, players are waiting for game updates and mainly leaving Early Access. Those who frequent it have a personal interest to play, myself included. There are some who visit it occasionally, see it being unfinished still, and shortly leaving. Meanwhile, the state is playable already, more is planned to come. Today I lost my cruiser to another player's cruiser, so there are players to fight against at times.
@biohazardousbacon Жыл бұрын
I remember when this was just a tech demo showcasing planetary entry and exit like a decade ago
@Unforseenak Жыл бұрын
Star citizen scope creep that will never be finished its a scam.
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Hello again! The scope creep is mainly the result of players asking, and right after it - feedback on features already available. Currently on Discord there are tons of discussions that entertained expanding scope, and dev team responses mainly aim to limit it. 1.0 version has to be pushed soon, with minimal distractions, that is the idea. If it had proper feature creep, then creating exploration mechanics, visual stuffs, new ships, space legs, so on, would have been underway. But nope - closest thing seems to be carrier gameplay, as the ship sits neglected. Additionally, for a scam the amount of effort and commitment is too extreme, so your claim is unsubstituted.
@_Jay_Maker_ 5 ай бұрын
@@random_passerby4672Given that they just finished the carrier gameplay and it's pretty damn spiffy, I'd say this is spot-on.
@jasonking1284 Жыл бұрын
From what I have seen from various videos, the game is kind of boring, jumping from planet to planet and blowing things up, but... the graphics are fantastic.....
@SneakyLikeASnek Жыл бұрын
It's only boring if you don't like combat :)
@MrSmartman23 Жыл бұрын
From what I have seen from various videos, the game is kind of cool, jumping from planet to planet and blowing things up! No offense man, just people are different and like different games :)
@evanmickey6892 Жыл бұрын
this looks like elite dangerous but actually fun
@LordBelakor Жыл бұрын
Better HUD font, better HUD colors, better textures and this game will look like alsmost anything out there atm
@SharkStrikeAC Жыл бұрын
Next promo i'll buil it..
@japp3playzz Жыл бұрын
Can i explore planets? Can i land on stations? Any other missions appart from battling? Looks great but i dont know if it has variety to keep me playing. Cheers!
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
It depends. It is not the lifelike sandbox MMO with ships many people want so much. It's more like a combat part of it. You can explore planets and land on stations, but everything there is combat-related, and since it is Early Access, part of it is yet to be finalized. So no non-battle missions, there are not even a single side mission yet, although the latter ones are planned. One recent comparison found out by FuzyWazaBear is that Infinity: Battlescape is a different take on what DarkSpace still does - a match-based team multiplayer strategic shooter, but now with Newtonian physics and more. Also a note - I know even less what is your taste in spacegames, so my advice may be too limited on this front. No worries - there is a discussion on more variety in the game on I-Novae Discord, so the team is in the know :D
@nebulaswirl Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of spinal weapons on spaceships. The best examples I can think of are the artillery cruisers from the f2p game "Dreadnought"
@SharkStrikeAC Жыл бұрын
But there the artillery cruisers are easily taken down by direct attack from any class that gets close enough. Now tactical cruisers(healers) there are the best, compared to other games in the category.
@nebulaswirl Жыл бұрын
@Alliguierg Silva just saying I love the concept
@sentinal94gg Жыл бұрын
nah plasma broadside XD so much fun thats what we need
@MattZaharias Жыл бұрын
Man, Dreadnought was/is pretty fun and well-done. Too bad the playerbase is so small, but it is free and still fun to bash the AI players in matches, or queue for 4-10 min for a true pvp match.
@ummerfarooq5383 Жыл бұрын
The comic zoom lines and music score are more suited to spiderman
@ummerfarooq5383 Жыл бұрын
Can we get a fully cinematic film/movie version of this game like Detroit: Beyond Human, with lots of automated voice over, and dialogue. No carbon based life forms need to be modelled. Gameplay as easy as pressing my nose on a control pad button.
@SharkStrikeAC Жыл бұрын
I really want to play this game and be support. But they get hit a lot.
@Squiddicus2 Жыл бұрын
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Blast from the past... I need to do some of these again, and with team included, of course :D
@Squiddicus2 Жыл бұрын
The most legendary duel of all time…
@dannystalford5029 Жыл бұрын
Ha, i was just playing with u dude on EU server. u sent me flight points. could u do a guide on controls etc?
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Gladly! Only need to sort out some extra problems first. But it's good that while the game is still being developed, the flight mechanics remain solid, making said guide possible.
@Squiddicus2 Жыл бұрын
Gotta appreciate that thumbnail!
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Every ship from corvette and larger certainly looks like it judges you, but sometimes, the "sight" of theirs is full of blood :D
@hammerhead914 Жыл бұрын
Do the developers still work on infinity? I was so sad to see only 5 players, ended up refunding. The engine itself looks really solid.
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
The work is still going on, of course it is! there is a new update coming, quite big for a small dev team. Low player count is partially the result of holding off on advertisement, partially on issues that are being worked on, which is making the game be worth its cost in general.
@fabucla Жыл бұрын
This happened to me too sadly. I bought it in the latest steam sale, but when i came online and only 9 players were active across the game(EU TZ), i decided to refund. Its' a multiplayer title without any single player campaign after all. Makes me a bit sad, since it seems to have potential. Maybe it released way too early and lost all its player base?
@LavaDa1shi Жыл бұрын
@@fabucla no they are just not advertising or hyping the game at all until they believe the game is ready.
@Evghenios79 Жыл бұрын
for those who have played the game already Question: Which of the game modes offer a scoreboard / victory / loss screen at the end?
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
For now, there is a single game mode, the Conquest. After each battle over an objective, it shows the results window in TAB menu. There also is a per-server (for now) persistent leaderboard, which additionally lists kills, assists, and deaths per-match. Once the match is over, new one is generated, and those are reset, but the leaderboard position does not. Oh, and since the game has more free roam than seems at first glance, off-mission station attack does not give the results window.
@ummerfarooq5383 Жыл бұрын
A day when space battles include light speed delayed beamed weapons trying to shoot targets detected by a light speed delayed radar.
@geoffshelton2662 Жыл бұрын
Does the dramatic music drown out other sound in the actual game too, or has it been added in this video for effect? Why is there no commentary? Are you just assuming everyone knows how Infinity: Battlescape works? Looks interesting, but this video tells me virtually nothing about it. I can't even tell whether or not you did well in the battles you showcased...
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
This is the unedited play session, uploaded nearly straight away. It's low effort, as things for bigger effort have not been set up yet. That is why there is no commentary, there is no assumption that everyone knows the game and how it works either. For now, it's indeed just to look interesting, as well as for some issues and moments seen while recording to be left for a review later on, or just for memories. That said, improving quality is one of my wishes too, just not certain to achieve it anytime soon yet. And I don't think that hearing the strange voice without a well set up character, all through a badly configured microphone would be much better, better spend time to set things up first :D To learn more about the game from someone who has this all in order, check the review by Fuzy, "The Best Space Combat Game of 2022 - Infinity Battlescape Review":
@Tat2dTroll69 Жыл бұрын
super sad that only like 9 ppl play this game. I would buy it if there were at least 40
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
And thus, the cycle goes on. Look for 1.0 release, it's on the horizon, servers might fill up.
@MerchantIvoryfilms Жыл бұрын
Same, its over priced and no one wants to pay money for a dead game. Needs to be F2P to get that game population back.
@alexzhou4329 Жыл бұрын
could be solved by a one-week major discount , say 60% on 1.0 release
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
One-week major discount has been tried on winter sale (Dec 2021 - Jan2022, 50% off), and did not seem to have such an effect. It appears that players do not stay for long due to game not being finished yet. Therefore, finishing it first should be the priority, not marketing?
@saymannskable Жыл бұрын
AMS Lasers on Cruiser? o_O HOW?
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Back then they were available on cruisers for few versions, yes :D
@jamegumb7298 Жыл бұрын
Is this the game that way back was known as Infinity: Quest For Earth that got a battle demo? And then this is what the combat demo turned into? What about the other big ideas? They sounded good.
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's by the same studio! The engine is the same, the universe is the same, and what the combat demo turned into. As far as I remember, the bigger ideas like an MMO are shelved, but not forgotten. They await when more resources get available, for one thing, while main focus is on making the Battlescape good for now.
@thygrrr Жыл бұрын
Wow they really, REALLY upped their already great UI tech. This stuff is slick.
@Shadow-bk1im Жыл бұрын
how are you able to go faster then the flight assist lets you? from the controls the only way to do forward thrust is to use flight assist since just pressing w in a capital ship without flight assist just makes me start spinning.
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
I like your question, here is the answer :D First things first, in Options there is a toggle named "Speed Cap", which, when enabled, caps the speed of the ship to combat speed when out of warp. Turning it off sets maximum throttle speed to 500 m/s for any ship. But that's just throttle speed. Throttle is part of Flight Assist (FA), it is a setting for the ship with FA active to maintain a set speed, commonly used when FA is set to "Free" formation mode, which mimics a rather slippery aircraft-like flight dynamic. There it cancels lateral speed and maintains throttle speed forwards. If you apply any thrust beyond that, like pressing W while flying at max throttle speed, then you will accelerate beyond the throttle speed in this case. This is overriding FA, and is quite useful in flight. This way you can gain higher speeds, just remember that you will need same time spent decelerating if you do. Of course, same can also be achieved by turning FA off, and applying required thrust manually. In capital control scheme, default QWERTY keybinds have it so that small ship translational thrust becomes capital ship rotational thrust in terms of keys pressed. Translational capital controls are through Ctrl+these, iirc. The default also relies on throttle for movement in capitals. Since Capital and non-capital binds are separate, it is possible to set them up to be different, like more handy, or anything else, really. As an example, I have shifted mine one key to the right (WASD to ESDF), retaining the theme, but allowing capital lateral thrust to be put around it (QA for Up/Down, ZV for Left/Right, TG for Fwd/Back), and after getting used to it, this became quite handy. The complete control profile is shared on the I-Novae Discord, free to copy.
@Shadow-bk1im Жыл бұрын
@@random_passerby4672 wow that is really complicated. Most of the reason why I want to go above 200 m/s in capital ships is to catch up to enemies far away or just get away from combat quicker. I find enemies have a really hard time doing anything to you if you accelerate to anything above 2 km/s. Any shots fired your way are just going to miss. Makes getting out of combat a lot easier as you just accelerate until you are moving so fast they cant hit you.
@jasonking1284 Жыл бұрын
I don't like the ridiculous echoes of war in space and I hate that Star Wars like music... otherwise it is looking good...
@OniFeez Жыл бұрын
This game looks amazing. I assume the 'physics' of combat though is the same whether you're 'on' a planet or in space though? I just realized but, if you turn your ship off, do you spoof missiles to lose lock on and disappear from radar to fool players into thinking you're destroyed?
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
Almost yes, as projectiles do not arc in planetary gravity, but ships do if they shut thrusters off. There is "Anti-gravity" subsystem that is always on, which uses thrusters to compensate for planetary acceleration, so all ships can fall to the ground, and overweight ones fall most often. Gravity is also felt in flight too. It would be nice if they did, but they do not do that yet. The ship disappears from radar and can not be targeted from further away, but missiles have their own code that handles that, so powering down does not make them lose lock. According to the dev team, and only if I remember correctly, this can potentially change. So no missile spoofing yet, but spoofing players - possible already! It also works on AI, they can be seen re-targeting here. Players can close in and check, and it can still buy you some time. Alternatively, ambushes are also possible.
@noahMclark Жыл бұрын
Are the AI a good challenge or are they kind of a push over?
@random_passerby4672 Жыл бұрын
They pass from former to latter, and are not too much of an easy pick when your skill tops their intelligence. They are coded simpler than they seem for now, they have a set of maneuvers they can do, that varies on their skill level slightly, they track good and they are quite relentless as a result. At first, they can b harder to deal with, later on with positioning and piloting skills they turn into an objective and a welcome treat between fighting players. So like that.
@noahMclark Жыл бұрын
@@random_passerby4672 awesome thanks for the reply, just bought and downloading the game tonight. I’ve been looking for a awesome space ship combat sim type game ever since fractured space died. So like the fact you have a good AI system in place while the player base grows.