How Much do Quadriplegics Vacuum?
Who is in Control?
2 ай бұрын
Quad Life Update for June
3 ай бұрын
How to Look at Pride
4 ай бұрын
The Storms of the Quad Life
4 ай бұрын
20 Years of Teaching in School
Real Life isn't Always Easy
5 ай бұрын
No Bones about Bone Density
6 ай бұрын
Making a Change in Breathing
Why I Speak and a Challenge
7 ай бұрын
@bethdieleman5565 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your message and biblical wisdom about Steve Lawson. I was disappointed to hear about his situation as there are so many using this as a way to distrust those preaching God’s Word. He had been given much, so much was required of him. May we always put our faith in God above any man.
@pagzplay 2 күн бұрын
Good to know that you are doing better now and it just takes time for me too when I get home from the hospital so you are not alone.
@pagzplay 2 күн бұрын
I kind of need to trust people who do my Care because I need them to keep me alive. Some people do it better than others and you get Anxious sometimes about it but I need them to do it so I need to Trust them.
@TheQuadLife 2 сағат бұрын
I know very well what you mean.
@markymark3912 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining this Joel it makes perfect sense to me.
@pagzplay 7 күн бұрын
Last time I was in the Emergency Room they put me on a Bed and I layed there for hours while like six people had a meeting about what to do next but I think that it is because they do not get a lot of people like me who need Care like this and they do not know what to do to make it work.
@pagzplay 7 күн бұрын
I really do not like getting the Tube inserted and last time they almost could not do it. Once they get it in I get used to it being there. The same thing happens to me when I go to the Emergency Room and it takes them hours to do anything because they have to figure out how to do it first. For me I Spasm a lot when they they try to do things like change my Catheter and things like that so I know what you mean.
@koreyb 7 күн бұрын
One of my relatives has had multiple sclerosis since 1991 and he is now profoundly disabled and has to use a wheelchair to get around. It has been an eye opening experience to see how even doctors and their office staff treat him and are simply not set up to deal with a chronically disabled individual. For most people, they only experience severe disability at the very end of their life or for a brief period of time after an accident or after an operation. The world is not geared toward people with long term disabling conditions.
@TheQuadLife 7 күн бұрын
Your observation is unfortunately very correct. That's why I do these videos and try to speak to medical students of any career path in college. However, as academic calendars are short on time, I have a hard time getting in.
@gtf5392 8 күн бұрын
Hey man - I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been going through. Glad to see that you’re back home at least. I’ll be praying for you and that the symptoms you’ve been experiencing would gradually start improving. You have such a positive attitude and I’m impressed you were even able to crack a few jokes in this video with everything going on. Very cool shirt and God is with you.
@TheQuadLife 7 күн бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate the prayers and comment. Thankfully, I'm pretty well back to normal again.
@gtf5392 6 күн бұрын
That’s good. It’s no fun being stuck in a hospital for too long. My uncle used to joke that he could only count the dots in the ceiling tiles for so long before it starts to get old.
@morgancalvi6675 9 күн бұрын
I have a horrible problem with autonomic dysreflexia and they’re always trying to lower my blood pressure like they would a regular person..they just don’t get it. Anyway, I’m glad you seem to be ok and are here to do another video.
@TheQuadLife 9 күн бұрын
It's why we always keep educating.
@morgancalvi6675 9 күн бұрын
@@TheQuadLife yes, definitely....Hope you are better. Was our blood pressure ok? Do you remember?
@TheQuadLife 9 күн бұрын
@@morgancalvi6675 The first time, it was really high, like 190/147, until they started relieving my stomach. The second trip was okay, but the third went from unable to find up to around 199/170.
@morgancalvi6675 9 күн бұрын
@@TheQuadLife oh no! You know and I know a quad’s blood pressure should be my normal is around 90/50 or 90/60. Lately it's been anywhere from 133/77 to 214/101. Nurses...NURSES...say well, 137/77 isn’t too bad...for a quadriplegic!!!??? It makes me wonder just what they’re teaching in school today! I’m on beta blockers because I guess the nerves coming off C4 control heart rate and mine’s like fast with almost no rhythm. I attribute the autonomic dysreflexia to my supra pubic catheter and my leg/hip amputism.
@pagzplay 7 күн бұрын
I have the same problem with Autonomic Dysreflexia and my Blood Pressure too and I Spasm a lot when they try to do things like change my Catheter. There is really nothing you can do about it and it is just how my Body reacts to having something done. I do not feel Pain but I get this instead of Pain.
@chillywillye3990 10 күн бұрын
Glad to see you back on KZbin.
@TheQuadLife 9 күн бұрын
Thanks, me too.
@pagzplay 26 күн бұрын
With Medical Equipment your Tubing can become Disconnected and I have had that happen to me too and with my Catheter and I have no Function so when it becomes Disconnected I am not able to do anything and I need to get reconnected again and I have had to go to the Emergency room to get me reconnected and up and running right again and it is really scary when it happens and it can happen to me again at any time but I live close to the fire department and Paramedics and they know about my situation now so they can get here fast.
@chillywillye3990 28 күн бұрын
I demand to know where Amigo and Porkchop are.
@TheQuadLife 28 күн бұрын
Not on camera. Keeping track of my oxygen was a higher concern than prop placement.
@pagzplay 29 күн бұрын
Yes you need to have Backup Equipment and enough Supplies to do your Care because you need it and something always needs to be done and something can happen at any time. It is great that you can Breathe on your own that long in case you have problems with your Breathing Equipment and something needs to be done and you can take in a Breath between what your Pacemaker does to make your Voice stronger. With Medical Equipment something can happen to it at any time so you need to be prepared for it when it happens I found out because you need it to work for me.
@eliandile37 Ай бұрын
Do you ever take deep breaths? If so, how does that happen?
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
My diaphragm does spasm sometimes and that results in a deeper breath when my pacemaker stimulates at the same time. Otherwise, I do a little of my frog breathing between breath stimulation to have more air and speak louder. Those are the only ways my breath changes.
@pagzplay 29 күн бұрын
He can Breathe on his own for a short time so he could probably take an extra Breath between what his Breathing Equipment is doing and it would kind of being able to take a deeper breath and get more Air to make his voice stronger.
@morgancalvi6675 Ай бұрын
Thanks for showing this. Many dependent on breathing assistant devises need this. I’m not on a vent, but consider myself just super lucky because I have a C4 - C6 injury and C3 is affected as well.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
We often realize how fortunate we are to have certain abilities, like breathing, after it's lost.
@morgancalvi6675 Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife yes, many take advantage of the simple things...until they no longer can do them, like walking and breathing....
@pagzplay 29 күн бұрын
Yes this is a great Video because I have had problems with my Medical Equipment and it can happen to me at any time and you need to know what to do with it because you need it to stay alive. I have had to go to the Emergency Room too when something happens to get me working right again and it is scary when it happens.
@pagzplay 29 күн бұрын
​@@TheQuadLifeYes I think that most people take doing Body Functions for granted but it is different when you are not able to do it and you need Medical Equipment to do it for you. There is more to it than people know about and Medical Equipment can break down and I can have problems with mucas clogs and Spasms and Infections and everything else.
@pagzplay 28 күн бұрын
@@morgancalvi6675 That is what I said about it too.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
You are right about that and something can happen at any time and any day. I need to have everything Scheduled and right now I am having some Issues with my Medical Equipment and I need it to stay alive and I have had to take an Ambulance to the Emergency room to get me up and running right again and hooked back up. And it can happen to me again at any time so I know what you mean. You need someone else with you and to Drive you so everything needs to be Scheduled for me so I have it covered because you need it done for you.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
I hope you get everything straightened out.
@markymark3912 Ай бұрын
My condolences on losing grandma.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
You seem like you are getting a little bit Stronger now compared to the other day and congratulation on your book. My Grandma took care of me too for a long time and you really appreciate it.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
Thank you. My voice is recovering, now I just need energy again!
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
That was awesome and I thought that it would be too sticky to flip.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
Another way to do it is eyegaze but I think that will be like using Mousegrid and it takes a lot of practice and does not always work like with all Assistive Technology i found out.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
I think that it is probably better to use a hybrid of mouth stick and voice. I trained with Mousegrid but I have a hard time getting it to move and do what I need and I think that your Voice gets weaker and it does not recognize it. I can do it but it just takes a long time and you need to keep trying until you get it to work. I had some problems with my teeth too and a couple of them got loose so I know what you mean about that.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
That's my issue as well. It takes much longer to do any mouse work by voice. I frequently give in and just click with my stick.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife Yes I think that it would not take so long if you had a stronger voice it can recognize better but for me I need to keep trying until I can get it to start working for me and you get frustrated trying and not able to do it.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
Eating popcorn like that is good because you do not need to wait for someone else to do it and I like that about it.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
I like what you do to eat popcorn independently and having someone else help you with the cookie but you are still doing it yourself. At our Support Group Meetings there are more Quads there so we had one person Feeding multiple people so they would Feed you and while you are trying to digest it they Feed someone else and then come back to you again of let you get a Drink that they hold up for you. It works but it takes time and you need to wait to get Fed but it is not bad because you are not the only one that they are Feeding there and everyone else is happening it done too.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
Getting help always takes longer. That's why I try to start eating first in group settings so that everyone doesn't wait for me to finish.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife You are right about that and that is a good idea to start earlier. For us it takes even longer because there are more people there and you are right about not wanting the rest to wait for it to get done.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
I can tell with your Pacemaker it is the same way too and you need to talk between Breaths and you try to take in more air to make your Voice Stronger but you are doing a good job.I think that it helps just to take breaks from it more because it tires you out trying to talk too long.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
Yes you cannot talk too long and you need to talk in between the Vent taking Breaths so it works better not to talk too much unless you need to do it.The only way to make your Voice Stronger is to use a Microphone to Amplify it more but it still gets weaker and more Hoarse because of the Trach Tube and air pushing in all the time when the Vent is taking breaths for you all the time.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
When I was on the regular vent, I used a speaking valve that allowed me to talk without stopping. It's the one thing I miss about the vent.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife Yes but you are doing a good job. I can tell that you are stopping to take a Breath but it is not that long and you just need to keep it shorter to fit in between Breaths and you are good at doing that and you are right about that it helps to take breaks and not go too long because it is different being on Breathing Support and it affects it and what you can do and for how long.
@pagzplay Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife Yes you are right about that and being on a Vent you can have a speaking valve but you are always connected to the Vent and there is a lot of Care that goes with it and all the Medical Equipment you have doing Body Functions because it can malfunction and clog up with mucus at any time and you need something done to fix it.
@chillywillye3990 Ай бұрын
Your voice does sound tired.
@markymark3912 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Joel. You brought a taste of Iowa right into my New Jersey living room.
@caseihmagnum279 2 ай бұрын
Looks like a fun time was had friend
@chillywillye3990 2 ай бұрын
Yay! The animals are absolutely the best of that fair. You should've stayed longer and showed us more of them. Are there goats at the fair? I love goats, they are super super cute!!! 😍😍😍
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
I think they have most farm animals represented. If the entire video was of animals, I still don't think it would be enough for you. :)
@morgancalvi6675 2 ай бұрын
Religion and state should remain separate. That booth (2:02) made a bunch of people unnecessarily uncomfortable when a state fair is meant to relax and have fun. Any preacher should know that.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20 to go and preach the gospel to all nations, not only where someone is comfortable. The Gospel Outreach/Ark Encounter booth has been at the fair for over 20 years and this was my eighth year volunteering. The vast majority of people are thankful we are there and happily talk with anyone. We do have a couple visits from every year from atheists or those that oppose Christianity. However, they are treated respectfully as well with answers given to objections. There are likely around 100 different booths in this one building offering everything you do, or don't, want. Like most people, I just roll on and don't interact with something I'm not interested in. Any group has the ability to rent space at the fair. They rightly don't discriminate and charge the same rental fees for anyone.
@morgancalvi6675 Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife I was also surprised to see in the brochure of my local fair: mass and the time. I guess I may have been incorrect thinking many would not welcome state and religion mixing. However, I think it should remain separate only because of mixed feelings and people won’t suddenly become tense when they’re somewhere where they normally would be relaxed. By the way, you say many were thankful...thankful or polite?
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
@@morgancalvi6675 As I said, thankful. This year, just like all the previous years, multiple people come to me or the other volunteers and heartily say thank you for our work and being present at the fair. We have also had multiple people thank us for the prayer and resource support we provide as they may work in a difficult situation.
@morgancalvi6675 Ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife I may be wrong, but it seems to be a world where many don’t know where to turn...except the heavenly skies.
@TheQuadLife Ай бұрын
@@morgancalvi6675 Which is why groups like I volunteer with at the fair are needed.
@morgancalvi6675 2 ай бұрын
Just search and rescue stuff here....but you say you have to keep warm and is one reason why the jeans. Jeans are cotton and when they get wet, they stay wet and you will be COLD. Fleece or wool is what you want if you want to be warm and dry.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
It was mostly sunny and no rain, so I didn't need to be too concerned about getting wet. As long as I stayed away from the fountains.
@markymark3912 2 ай бұрын
Thank You Joel. You have a great sense of humor. You help me emotionally & spiritually.
@pagzplay 2 ай бұрын
It is just weird having people ask me questions on how I do my Body Functions and what kind of Medical Equipment I have to do it for me because there is a lot more to it than they think.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
I agree, but it's part of what it takes to get needed services.
@pagzplay 2 ай бұрын
They were here yesterday and asked me the same questions and I think that they have to do it for everyone but it makes it seem like you are not able to do anything. They want to know how long it takes to get me dressed and ready but it depends on a lot of things and I have Medical Equipment and a Catheter that needs to be taken care of too. You would think that they would use the information they got last because nothing has changed for me. They need to know what Adaptive Equipment you have and what you can do but it depends on how it is positioned and if you have the right Equipment to do it. I am kind of used to it but it is still awkward. If they have your Medical Records they know that you have Breathing Issues and I have a Catheter and that it needs to be working and worked on all the time.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
Timing really depends on caregivers as well since some are faster than others. Anything government related to healthcare rarely makes sense.
@chillywillye3990 2 ай бұрын
Hey Joel! Nice video. Have a great day!
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! You have a great day as well!
@morgancalvi6675 2 ай бұрын
I'm a high level quad and definitely use a cordless, lightweight vacuum...we do vacuum. Who wants a filthy house with possible allergens floating around.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
It's great that you're able to, but that requires more upper body control than I have.
@morgancalvi6675 2 ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife right...every injury is different. There are 2 nerves coming off each vertebrate...sensation and mobility. I'm very fortunate my injury is more sensation.
@morgancalvi6675 2 ай бұрын
I had a 50 gallon tank and put all feeder fish in there. It's amazing how big they end up getting and they last A LONG time...months and months. You do need to make sure all the fish in one tank co mingle nicely...and some aren't too aggressive to others. As far as cleaning the fiance was really bad about it so we just got several algae eaters. Of course it didn't take the place of cleaning...but it made it a lot cleaner in the interim.Oh my...Medicaid has a requirement to take your home if you use their services and are over 55 and deceased. Let's say you want the house to stay in the won't. It's called 'Real Estate Recovery' and all 50 states use this...state programs also fall under this umbrella.
@pagzplay 2 ай бұрын
They were here yesterday to do my Review again and they did want me to know that they can use your Home to pay for what they spent on my Care and Medical Equipment Supplies and everything else. I think that they have to let everyone know that now and I already kind of knew that anyway.
@pagzplay 2 ай бұрын
So you are right about all fifty states are doing it. It is not good but you need the Care and Medical Equipment and Supplies to stay alive and they know that.
@morgancalvi6675 2 ай бұрын
@@pagzplay as far as I'm concerned...'needing' is an excuse not to try other avenues. If you can, I'd get out there and work and get off BS state aid. You make it sound as if they are he only way you can live...NOT TRUE! The barefoot preacher (Joel???) is a C1 complete quad and he works!!!
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
@@morgancalvi6675 C2/3 to be precise, but I do rely on government assistance. I work as much as I am able and allowed without losing benefits. I have worked regular 40-hour weeks in an office, but that was right after college. Now, my body is unable to tolerate that much. Every person's physical limitations are different and they change with age.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
That sounds like a great setup. The problem I've had for the last few years is that my silver fish (Giant Danios) haven't got along with anything and tank mates don't survive long. I have gone through probably a dozen algae eaters from different suppliers and different species, but they last a few weeks or just a couple months.
@ChristianKenyon 2 ай бұрын
@ChristianKenyon 2 ай бұрын
You are beautiful
@ChristianKenyon 2 ай бұрын
Rewrite honey combs don't eat
@donreinke5863 2 ай бұрын
A spinal cord injured friend of mine doesnt wear shoes at all when its warm, despite being told to when she was in rehab to "protect your feet". She says it doesnt matter since she wont be using them again and shoes are for walking, which she cannot do.
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
I've been totally barefoot for over four years and primarily for at least ten. Footwear causes more problems than anything and are really only needed in extreme cold weather. For people who walk, barefoot is also best, especially for kids. Traditional footwear restricts natural movement and leads to deformed feet and problems with knees, ankles, back and more. This is a few years old, but I explain more in this video:
@donreinke5863 2 ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife Thank you. While Im not often barefoot I wear sport sandals whenever its warm enough and have for 30 years despite a big toe amputation when I was 16 .For me, regular shoes just arent comfortable. My feet (at least the right one) look better than most people my age who always wear regular shoes and I have no issues other than those caused by my amputation.
@HRacer52 2 ай бұрын
Super impressive. I am more of a sim racing guy, but I struggle with the truck simulators even with a full racing rig. I think I just dont have the patience for it haha. Awesome vid mate!
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
I prefer slower items like trucks and farming. Thanks for the comment!
@jessicacox1580 2 ай бұрын
Still blurry
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
Can you please check something? When you're watching, move your mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen (near the full screen button). You'll see a gear that says settings, click on it. A box will appear with the bottom item saying quality. Click on it and make sure it says 720p, should be the top option. If that doesn't help or make sense, let me know.
@jessicacox1580 2 ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife That helped - Thanks so much
@jessicacox1580 2 ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife That helped - Thanks so much
@jessicacox1580 2 ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife That helped - Thanks so much
@GraywolfStacker 2 ай бұрын
Awesome video thanks for sharing
@TheQuadLife 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@jessicacox1580 3 ай бұрын
Great video but it's blurry.
@TheQuadLife 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting me know. It's okay on my screen, but not everyone is the same. Unfortunately, my computer's web cam can't record in HD. If it continues, please let me know.
@jessicacox1580 3 ай бұрын
@@TheQuadLife ok thank you
@jonathananderson6057 3 ай бұрын
Another option for computer control you can look into is eye gaze
@TheQuadLife 3 ай бұрын
That is an option as well as a mouse called the quad joy. For now, I'm trying the easiest solution possible. I hope to keep mainly using the stick if I can.
@huijuanwee3432 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for putting a smile on my face Joel, congrats on 1000 subscribers!
@TheQuadLife 3 ай бұрын
My pleasure!
@jrv8590 3 ай бұрын
You can do it 🎉
@Matowix 3 ай бұрын
How does the spinal injury prevent temperature regulation
@TheQuadLife 3 ай бұрын
Temp regulation is part of the function of the upper spinal cord. It makes it so that I'm unable to sweat for cooling or move around for warming.