Deep Canvassing with Dave Fleischer
Studying Happiness with Dr. Liz Dunn
Moral Language with Morteza Dehghani
"Disgusted" with Dr. Yoel Inbar
Hype with Michael F. Schein
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@oldpondfrog788 3 күн бұрын
Perhaps i should have searched isolation.
@BloomerOdelia-e5n 4 күн бұрын
Harris Melissa Anderson Jason Miller Jeffrey
@BloomerOdelia-e5n 4 күн бұрын
Williams Timothy Rodriguez Maria Thomas Carol
@BloomerOdelia-e5n 4 күн бұрын
Martin Matthew Harris Michael Lee Deborah
@mommy2zs 5 күн бұрын
We always have a choice We may not like the options But we always have a choice. We could choose to just sit there instead of writing the essay. The choices being Refusal to write the essay and displaying ambivalence toward leaving
@remnant1018 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for posting this video. One of my textbooks mentions it, but I don’t think it went into as much detail as your video has.
@madselena3111 6 күн бұрын
I was praised for my intelligence as a child + I was ashamed for the times I had bad results, therefore I was conditioned, or trained, that hard work is not acknowledged all the time and that only the results matter. I'm an adult now looking to overwrite this. I don't have and never had the will or however you want to call it, to put in the hard work or effort to improve myself. And here I talk about having a correct posture, avoiding sedentarism, going to the gym etc. Yes, I have a job that I do for money. But outside of that, all that is personal development suffers because of this. If you have any ideas for how to overwrite this, I'm open to listen. Please share.
@scooterss2112 8 күн бұрын
A good example is a Christian thinking abortion is OK.
@dallshaw9403 10 күн бұрын
An 11 year old shouldn't experience PTSD.
@jetsensantoso7807 14 күн бұрын
This is the best KZbin channel I have ever found. I love the way you explain things. It is really the explanation I have been looking for. Thanks a lot!!
@AndyLuttrellPsych 12 күн бұрын
Glad you found it!
@whogivesacrapaboutastupidc2313 18 күн бұрын
Thug culture is promoted in media and music, young black men who emulate that behavior are largely rewarded for it by being allowed to get away with it - the justice system offers plea bargains which benefit guilty defendants and earns them credibility while also proving that the consequences of thug behavior are socially beneficial, so recidivism is higher than it would likely be if black men weren't treated with kid gloves. It's the racism of low expectations that trades accountability for a victim mentality, which serves to encourage more criminal behavior. It's not the objectively corrupt legal system that puts black men in prison, or the intimidated jury - it's the actions of black men that are promoted and encouraged by the culture at large. The courts are corrupt & the juries are uninformed, but you can reduce your chances of getting caught up in the system if you don't model your entire culture around violence and criminal behavior. If Miss Thang doesn't understand this, she's not a serious person and I would recommend against taking anything she says seriously.
@IcedLun 19 күн бұрын
Every twitter user should watch this
@Dachshundcrazy 19 күн бұрын
What about when you have the exact opposite opinion of the majority of people around you, yet you still hold an EXTREMELY opposing opinion. Of which NOBODY has ever been able to persuade you out of?
@eastindiaV 22 күн бұрын
So, people think that things that are new are scary, because they won't understand it. So, I can build and text my technologies far away from people like that, and if they learn about it and bleat out uncontrollably, They get blacklisted and all the technologies I made get blocked from their view. We don't need terrorists telling lies about things. Honesty is always your best policy, and if you can't understand, you're a dishonest person with ulterior motives. Which is why I keep all this stuff classified. Normal people put out brainwaves that are literally physically damaging to me When they say "you can't do that" After I did that.
@Rieah-y3u 23 күн бұрын
That's literally me. No matter what I do how good I do for people I'm still left out. It's always 3rd person between me and my friend. I'm tired of being like this. When will people understand I'm very sensitive?
@uToobeD 23 күн бұрын
It's funny because straight away I was like "Bad example with smoking". And very interestingly so did everyone else haha
@falco8204 26 күн бұрын
Everything was good till @falco8204 hated it at all! Unbelievable!!! Hat er nicht gesagt!
@falco8204 26 күн бұрын
Sir, yes, Sir!!!! Tank Kuh for my experience with your mom!
@SauravGarlay 29 күн бұрын
i live in boys hostel and my roommates who are my classmates too, they hardly consider me when they go out i feel bad and i also feel bad for feeling bad on this because i understand not everyone is going to like me 😢
@Hitori_XD 29 күн бұрын
The fact that my best friend felt the need to lie to me saying that he wasn't celebrating his birthday because he was busy but instead messaged privately to my other friends to attend his party I thought of him as a best friend but it seems he didn't I've even prepared a present for him months in advance but the fact that he lied to my face meant that I failed him
@curiouscat98 Ай бұрын
I have been excluded all my life. Not just that but I have always found it hard to make friends. I especially would feel hurt and bewildered when I would invite people over for my birthday and they would either never come or would come and never invite me to their birthdays. One wild experience I had was a “friend” was planning her birthday party and told me that she was not going to invite me because she didn’t want to take the chance that I run into people I had tinder matched with. Like implying that I was a slut for Hsiang dating apps.y response to her was; “even if you invited me I would not come to your paty”. Which upset her. But like the audacity. She could have had her party in secret but decided to tell me directly that she didn’t want me to be there and then got upset when I said I didn’t even want to be there.
@forsuregamers9486 Ай бұрын
my twin left me out, i feel so worse right now. I am 24 and I'm crying like a child.
@kao8598 Ай бұрын
Why we being excluded as example my friend got scholarship through sending and email while i didn’t get any response from anyone no matter how hard i try and i have no friends in real life or even in social media and here
@ericdebord Ай бұрын
I thought it was when people willfully ignore the contradiction or misrepresent the contradiction to avoid it and then maintain the truth with their facts are different than your facts. And your both right from each others point of view nonsense.
@BlueBeeMCMLXI Ай бұрын
Anything that can be dissected in under 7 minutes is dubious "knowledge" at best. Go away, little pretenders ... get real jobs and work hard to help others.
@mikesmith6594 Ай бұрын
Hurts being excluded it's like a form of bullying I feel leftout. I get ignored and silent treatment especially from group activities especially since experiencing being depressed I feel even more depressed after.
@Warhawk__UK Ай бұрын
Thank you
@BarsPompey Ай бұрын
Nobody. And i mean NOBODY. is as good at anything crash course than Paul Walker and Dale Senior.
@TylerVibes07 Ай бұрын
God, I hate this feeling and anxiety. I just wanna be free and talk/act normally.
@fatherburning358 Ай бұрын
Good explanation 👏
@stevethea5250 Ай бұрын
@AuqeriaLeon Ай бұрын
I Hate Life, I'm really not sure about myself, I am not Mature and intelligent I'm a boy and with depression since 2023 it's still hurtful when I think of my past and stuff I did that are very bad stuff That might disappoint my Allah Thankfully I'm trying to repent and ask for forgiveness. you See back In school last year, A girl was assigned to sit next to me but she didn't like me and hated me So she screamed at the teacher and asked him for another seat since she doesn't like me, I had to watch her Just telling bad things about me... It is very painful I was holding back tears In class And thinking of suicide and bad things. like sometimes I even try to ask my teacher to go to the bathroom and Stay there until class is over So I can go home And see my parents and taIk to them about my problem but whenever I go home I always have another problem because I have to go to madrasha and whenever I go there, the boys always try to fight me and I always try to act with them so I can try to be like them But I always get embarassed by other's since I am very dumb and stupid A girl even called me a baby today because My teacher was explaining something but it didn't match my book and I was so confused , Yet I don't blame her because I know she would tell the teacher with her Friends to gang up on Me, Now I wouldn't known what to do because i don't have friends And it's only the fake ones that come up to you and then the next day they hang out with other people, I always stay alone eating chips and stuff just looking at others and thinking how it would be if I was them and had friends.... Honestly I'm Not sure when Will this suffering end ❤🙏
@hp2546 Ай бұрын
On the contrary, it sounds more like the girl in your class hated life more then you hated life. The reason why you felt discouraged is because that girl was bullying you and would use the teacher to blame you. That girl knew the teacher will support her and will join in and be part of the bullying system. She have no reason to blame you. When you go to church to repent, you are not there to learn how to please your enemy. Do you think god expects you to put up with bullying? Don't make it your job to fix those that bully you. Deep down, that girl in your class is depressed and so she covered up her misery by bullying you. That girl wanted to hurt you to make herself feel better about herself. That right there is a sin for her. God is not going to teach you to go down that road. Don't feel bad. Think about this. That girl looks for an excuse to be far away from you because she is paranoid. So all you can do is don't chase her. She wants to evidence of you being a stalker so bad so if you keep trying to please her, you give her what she wants. Don't feed her ego.
@hp2546 Ай бұрын
So what you can do is let that girl run and leave her alone. She is going to regret getting rid of you while you did nothing wrong. You need to start by defending your solitude life. It is clear the teacher is corrupted. Don't be a people pleaser. Being a people pleaser is what made you go into guilt trip in the 1st place. If you feel bad now, this is how you invite that girl to take advantage of you. When you go to church, god will tell you the same thing. What do you think god will tell you? God will tell you not to please a devil. So in your case, do not please anyone who wants to mistreat you. Bad people can even manipulate you into doing bad things.
@jerryliu7731 Ай бұрын
Very Underrated Podcast.. throwing gems of wisdom casually completely loved it
@MapleBar777 Ай бұрын
A universal innate need for alignment with truth. That’ll preach: Romans 1:20-21 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
@harshitmadan8761 Ай бұрын
So cognitive dissonance is just hypocrisy 😂😂😂😂
@michaels4255 Ай бұрын
This video, like most social science theorizing, dances around the elephant in the living room, which is evolutionary adaptiveness: why did the propensity to identify with ingroups evolve? What was the genetic mechanism? What makes it adaptive (since if it were not adaptive, it would have been selected out)?
@christmas10023 Ай бұрын
@RyanWeaver-fp5kq Ай бұрын
Meaning…. Does not make abuse ok… yet, purpose helps. A lot of combining of theories over time and neural diversity helps some.
@RyanWeaver-fp5kq Ай бұрын
Veracity and also using these concepts to gain compliance is also a real hazard… yet, uncovering trauma and understanding risk management upon service and very real needs of getting work done.
@RyanWeaver-fp5kq Ай бұрын
Lock systems… local and larger contexts… diversity and trauma and various iterations of Jing, Frankl, Freud and well beyond…
@RyanWeaver-fp5kq Ай бұрын
I didn’t watch the sopranos much… but gangsters in therapy or odd manifestations of disconnected pie charts… this is an important concept to understand personally and group dynamics and larger contexts of connections and also… the basement projections of pointing at and labeling. Breathe ya’ll…. #LoveEVICTShate
@kerenking5279 Ай бұрын
I used to have a group of friends that would hang with me and my sister our sleepovers used to be fun but every time they come over I’m just sitting there and they’re having fun with my sister and they don’t even ask me if I wanna do something with them. I try to join in but I was just there
@carflexee Ай бұрын
Trump is a good Christian news. Trump had an affair with an adult actress. It must just be fake news.
@hatchet8209 2 ай бұрын
Probably helps to expect it so it doesn't hurt so much
@glitcharcing 2 ай бұрын
Love that
@Gforcebond 2 ай бұрын
I will say that the studies that prove that people try to make friends when they do feel excluded isn't always the case in fact I would argue that most 50% or more don't try to make friends b/c why would they ? They just been rejected they don't want to feel that again and to say they conform to be apart of the group isn't always the case.
@nicres 2 ай бұрын
The MAGA movement is a great example of cognitive dissonance
@michaelgarrow3239 2 ай бұрын
So are the other guys… 😹
@mrandmrsminhas8522 2 ай бұрын
I will share my life story .. I am very genuine super mature person.. i am funny , reliable, empathetic and super loyal .. In my entire life i only had like 2 friends now they are also gone as they moved to different countries. I never cheated, always gave respect to other people opinions, a good listener with good heart. And mind it i take loyalty very seriously. Now coming to this groups formed in university i always felt leftout as these people never included me in their plans.. even though i was the one who formed that group.. suddenly i am a third wheel even if i am there or not it doesn't make a sense.. so in order to protect my self respect i part my ways .. i never understood where did it went wrong.. what i have done .. I really need a good friend for lifetime whom i can trust snd he or she can expect the same out of me.. i don't know when i will meet that person but i am 100% sure i will meet them .. rest if anyone wants to talk yo me can reply to this ..
@michelleburkholder2547 2 ай бұрын
Manipulation how to make people do what you want them to do. I'd rather be by myself, and that's why. Real honest relationships don't matter. It's all about how to use others to gain advantage. 😢
@michelleburkholder2547 2 ай бұрын
I don't want more useless crap. I want community, doing fun stuff, making a connection with people.