@LanceBerylDev Күн бұрын
I really enjoy all your previous devlogs and have previously subscribed, so not sure why this video wasn't pushed into my feed.. Anyways, just wanted to say game as always is looking great, lots of compelling updates. The magic system obviously is the most interesting take away, very evocative of the "song" mechanic in Ocarina of Time, while offering a unique spin in how your knowledge of spells carrying between playthoughs. They also open up opportunity for some interesting puzzle design, while also reducing the humber of individual items or animations needed to perform each ability, all within a simple intuitive system, very well done. As for the new hoverboard, in design it looks great and the lore about it being a fragment from the floating castle adds some fun texture to it as an item/ability. If I _had_ to come up with any suggestions, hmm, ..maybe a light trail could help accentuate speed and direction? ..or perhaps the board/obolisk hums a sort of tune as you glide along; like it hums a runic "song" for air/sky. The animations of the character are also a featured improvement, i too know the struggle of walk/running cycles. Reading through the comments I notice a lot folk reminisce for the original placeholder character, or at least have some preference for it over the new design. Personally I think the current character in principle falls well in line with the world you're creating, ..but I believe facets like the silhouette could be stronger, and that may be a reason behind people's preference for the placeholder character. (--This is probably the only field I have some confidence in exploring.) If I had to suggest any improvements; giving the current character an ankle length black cloak; lore wise could be a "cloak of shadow," would drastically improve the character's sollouette in contrast with the bright white ember-like hair. I'd probably have a easier time drawing it out but imagining something like a sigil etched over the chest, shoulder, or back as well could do a lot, and potentially reduce need for finessing animation of the arms and legs while running/jumping, etc. Another potential detail could be magical runes or tattoos along the arms/hands which are normally obscured by the cloak, adding more of that contrast and opertunity for intrigue. --anyway yeah, that's all I got. Very interested in this project and where its going, will continue to keep a close eye on it and see how it evolves!
@ProjectYellowHound 2 күн бұрын
Great job dude, I really dig the overall vibe of the game, IDK why but it feels really nostalgic to me, maybe becouse of all the old unity games I played in my childhood
@Wildjustwild69 5 күн бұрын
Honestly the mc isn’t really good the look is really not nice the lighting in him feel so weird and less lovable to control and makes everything more complicated, the old player was easy to read and cute and more interesting
@BackstreetBorz 20 күн бұрын
Make the hover thingy a card, that changes size. The character pulls it out from their belt or pocket, and it scales up.
@archreq 21 күн бұрын
i adore your devlogs and editing. This game looks absolutely amazing and if it ever does release in the future, I'll be sure to play it. The atmosphere that you made makes me feel like I'm in the Dark Souls universe or Shadow of the Colossus. Also, seeing the hoverboard come to life as the Curio fascinates me so much. It makes me think of its connection to the Inverted Castle and I keep thinking: What if the Curio begins to malfunction or distort when below the castle before it even becomes visible? It could be a huge foreshadowing for the castle and there could even be small fragments of the castle on the ground, which the Curio reacts to in some way.
@mlt_sk 22 күн бұрын
the colors and vibe reminds me of SoTC
@f11bot 23 күн бұрын
the physics of that moving carpet look so satisfying!!
@f11bot 23 күн бұрын
Keep it up, the progress and workflow looks awesome!! Never forget to enjoy the process, I'm so curious how it will turn out. (I'm also a solo dev working on an open world project) Btw I recommend researching and testing how memory management works in Unity, it's a bit of a mess imo, not really made for seamless open worlds without stutters, Addressables seem the only viable way but it's not easy to use, requires a bit of custom assets management! Anyways best of luck! It's gonna be awesome!!
@kazzinga9605 24 күн бұрын
for the animation the pelvis should rotate a bit when moving legs. If the right leg goes forward the pelvis should rotate to help that movement. just a bit, otherwise it seems like the head of a chicken that remain in the same position with every movement.
@ChristianJulesCruto-bp6fe 28 күн бұрын
Add euphoria physics or writing your own dynamic motion and thesis algorithm
@nemisisbeta 29 күн бұрын
inspiring to see, im working on my own IP and seeing other people's success in getting a running playable is superb
@PPblitto Ай бұрын
Cara, pelo que vi, você é brasileiro (suspeitei pelo sotaque e uns comentários aqui hahaha). Queria deixar aqui minhas palavras de incentivo e de admiração. Este vídeo e a sua jornada são inspiradores pra mim na minha busca de criar um jogo. Você me parece um rapaz muito criativo, dedicado e talentoso, por isso, espero que vc atinja seus objetivos e sinta a alegria e satisfação de ver seus projetos completos. De verdade, mano, meus parabéns!
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Valeu querido! Espero que você possa iniciar sua jornada também :)
@NewtsMana Ай бұрын
Hover board = Magic Carpet ?
@juleswombat5309 Ай бұрын
If you are developing an Open World Game, then Unreal is really the only choice. Unity is a long way behind delivering compelling world experiences. I speak as a Unity fan, its great for simple, mobile and unique new games, but it takes a lot of effort to generate the kind of out of the box worlds that come with Unreal.
@nothingbutfootprints932 Күн бұрын
Gaia/Gena help with big open world enviroments tbh.
@SillyandgoofyAnim8or Ай бұрын
in the first opening shots you could see the grass texture tile. there are a lot of ways to reduce tiling in images but i recommend blending 2 or more grass textures together using procedural Perlin noise, also if you rotate the grass textures relative to each other that will also help. adding hue saturation and lightness variation with a similar Perlin noise texture would also probably not be too difficult and help it look more seamless when looking from far away.
@joaquinkoretzky10 Ай бұрын
You can already make 3-D models and music with AI
@fattcoke4705 Ай бұрын
12:43 I'm getting "Dear oh dear, what was it? The hunt, the blood, or the horrible dream? Oh, it doesn't matter. It always comes down to the hunter's helper to clean up after these sorts of messes. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt." kind-of vibes from this place and it scares me. Great devlog though.
@Robiertateistearonamientó Ай бұрын
So will there be giant bosses I’ve been searching so hard to find games in development with giant bosses. Also that shot of the first level was breathtaking. You earned a subscriber with that shot.
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Yes! There will be giant bosses!
@Robiertateistearonamientó Ай бұрын
You have no idea how happy this information makes me!
@Assumptionist Ай бұрын
your voice makes me think i'm gonna sit down and watch two minute papers
@hawkman2988 Ай бұрын
Maybe you should randomize the magic so players can't just google them. But it's only randomized when you first launch the game, that way they can still use them in later playthroughs as well.
@TheJaniFucka Ай бұрын
This looks amazing, best of lucks with the rest of the development! May I ask what technique did you use to get such a good performance in the floral field? I've been trying different things to add dense grass to my game but I always get significant fps drops..
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Thanks! At first, I tried using 3D models, but this quickly caused a drop in performance. So, I found some alternatives: - Use shaders to draw the grass on the GPU. This way, you avoid the poor performance of Unity's terrain grass system. - Use billboard grass (I opted for this one, it has good performance). And always make sure not to make the grass render shadows!! Most games avoid having grass cast shadows on the ground because it costs A LOT. Best of luck with your project :)
@TheJaniFucka 28 күн бұрын
@@TaleSun My testing workflow went basically exactly in the order you described hahah. Seems like my issue is being determined to use shadows, never tested the performance without them so thanks for opening my eyes on that. "See" you in your next video! ✌️
@Meatyio Ай бұрын
I see the walking animation a little bit too smooth at the end, he slides a litttle bit at the end.
@TheUselessTurtle Ай бұрын
this looks amazing and you are inspiring me to start working on my own game, so thank you. here are some suggestions that you might find useful: - The grass texture looks off from afar as the tiling becomes very obvious, and to fix that, you can overlay a noise texture and use it as mask to some other texture like dirt to break the tilling, or maybe use some other de-tiling technique to hide it as much as possible. - One way to not lose too much details on further away objects like trees is to use an imposter as part of the LOD system - The walking still looks off to me, so I would advise you to use some premade animations from mixamo or any other provider as it saves money, time and effort and last, this is more of a personal idea. How about trying to apply some cel shader :)
@avio1381 Ай бұрын
Amazing game you are creating. I really love developers like you and what you're doing :) My advice would be to use caution with regards to the mechanic that the player can use everything since the beginning because it can be easily exploited. Imagine if there's a cheat sheet online created by the first players. Then new players will be able to just check how to cast each spell and not bother with exploring and trying to learn the spells.
@VanillaBee3743 Ай бұрын
You could add caves, which have loot in them
@EUaintAVAILABLE Ай бұрын
Your accent it's familliar to me. But I can't quite guess where you might be from, if it's ok to ask, where are you from?
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
@EUaintAVAILABLE Ай бұрын
@@TaleSun :O LESGOOOOOOOOOO É NACIONAL!!!!!! Kkkkkk eu já tinha minhas duvidas que você era brasileiro, até fui procurar na descrição do canal se tinha algo dizendo que era br, muito legal saber que esse projetão é nacional.🔥Desejo tudo de bom com o jogo irmão, quero muito jogar ele.
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
@@EUaintAVAILABLE kkkkkkkkk valeu querido! fico feliz que tenha gostado, futuramente espero que você possa jogar :) o plano é mostrar mais pra comunidade br no futuro, mas por hora vou divulgando ele aqui
@RegularStudio Ай бұрын
yooooo touch wall gang!!!!!
@0hyama Ай бұрын
the run animation should lean forward slightly
@craftedterrains3036 Ай бұрын
a suggestion, in the field of flowers, allow the character to run their hand through the flowers as they are walking
@миииц Ай бұрын
You said that mc is a soul? Maybe you can make it a translucent shader, like in Sims 2 or 3, and also apply this 4:20 fluid modification? 🤔 By the way, why can't a hoverboard float in the air? I mean.. not only above the plane Um... did you hear about "Blade and soul" when it was on the 3rd Unreal? :D in 2016-2017 this was the perfect game, lol. I think you would like the visuals and controls, so you could try a pirate server ("free bns"(older version) and "bns pvp" (somewhere from what was said earlier a year, judging by the classes, but I'm not sure if there is a map there, and not just a pvp arena)), which is with an older version, but will convey the atmosphere. Now a version with different graphics is supported on 5 Unreal, but many people do not like it, but you can try it for. Although I advise you to at least look at the official videos from NCSoft with old graphics xD The mechanics with spells are brilliant. I think that before the word itself it is worth making an “action” (even inaction) that will allow you to enter the word
@миииц Ай бұрын
Water just godlike
@AhviMa Ай бұрын
Cool looking game man! Goodluck, hope to see more devlogs. Here are some running animation tips! Put the feet closer to each other, make the pelvis rotate on all 3 axis, when running (even walking) the person should be leaning forward. The knees are too high because the foot aren't forward enough when reaching for the next step.
@TheRealJackArthur Ай бұрын
Top tier stuff here. Excited to be following along!
@mckinneym.2743 Ай бұрын
The Curio looks and sounds amazing! I will say personally I feel like the character design feels a bit off? It's very simplistic in contrast with the environment, and I think that can be very cool; it shows an alien-like quality, a sense of unbelonging, or just a supernatural quality. But the figure feels a bit too literal, I guess? In stories, there are these discusions of things that take human form (perhaps to replicate what they once were), but I always felt hair is very typically more abstract where in this case it feels more litteral plus the glow feel strange. Im no design expert, but I'd say that if you're trying to show a soul of shadow with light pushing through, then I would push that in a slightly more fantastical direction. Perhaps the light is wispy/ tendril-like and is mimicking a more wild hair style while also looking like smoke? (I could also see it being long and draping down), then I'd give light body patterns, maybe shifting patterns like Damascus? Alternatively, the light could be explosive,sharp, and violent, the hair replicating god rays or more punk hair cuts with body patterns suggesting light cracking through the shadows? (This, I think, wouldn't fit the mood nearly as well, especially if you're going for that SOTC feel). Alternatively, if you wanted to bring it in line with the guardians and checkpoints you showed, perhaps they are armored and with light peaking out from under it (this could suggest restraint by the armor, I would argue it would be better with the protag and souls in general contrasted the environment more than they replicated it, however I thought I'd through the suggestion your way). Obviously, these are just suggestions, and you may feel that the current design is perfect. I just thought I'd throw in my two cents! Amazing project wishing the best of luck :)
@shieldeddragon7828 Ай бұрын
I know you said you don’t want the game to be combat focused, but there are so many cool elements here. Like with the shipwrecks, those could be little angry pirate ghosts, the castle have little spirited knights and stuff. Overall I really love the project though, it’s just so fun
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
There will be boss encounters around the map (similar to Shadow of the Colossus), but I won't spoil the surprise for now.
@shieldeddragon7828 Ай бұрын
@@TaleSun I like what you’re cooking so far, keep up the wonderful work
@Program-g5x Ай бұрын
I'm not lying but when I looked at the thumbnail I thought it was roblox. 😂
@louisveran2439 Ай бұрын
10:20 is this a music for the game???
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
It's actually "St. Trina (with Vocals) - Theophany Remix," a remix of one of the OSTs from Elden Ring. I listed all the music used in the description. :)
@thedefaultcube1218 Ай бұрын
That texture tiling though kzbin.info/www/bejne/fGi4qYidpNxnr8ksi=O0Hq87KJJvUSTiVX Bens shader tutorials. This dude is awesome. I think you'll like him
@rionhunter Ай бұрын
a little trick I've learnt to get rid of any repeating patterns in noise textures is to plug another noise texture of a different scale into the first noise's scale, tweaking both for best results
@TheKuroWithin Ай бұрын
12:45 that looks a lot like sekiro the final boss isshin
@wellingtonm8362 Ай бұрын
Very nice 🎉
@pepsiboydystopia Ай бұрын
By the way, the art direction of your game is amazing. As someone who loves Shadow of the Colossus, and connects with the feeling you're trying to convey, it's clear you have a very clear vision for what you're trying to make. The way you explain the choices you made to enhance the worldbuilding and create a living, breathing world makes me confident you understand what you're making. I look forward to seeing the future of the game.
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Thanks again! For a long time, in my naivety, I wanted a spiritual successor to Shadow of the Colossus and thought 'big giant = SOTC 2.' Obviously, SOTC isn't only about that. We've seen some attempts at making a spiritual successor, but for me, they didn’t quite capture the feeling. I'm happy you grasped what I’m trying to achieve here, it's a great reassurance coming from another Shadow of the Colossus lover!
@pepsiboydystopia Ай бұрын
@@TaleSun Honestly, your game has been living rent free in my head for a bit now. I actually ended up getting a PS2 so I could replay SOTC. Genuinely awesome seeing your progress. If you need someone to help with playtesting later on, I'd love to help.
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
@@pepsiboydystopia That's so cool to hear! I wish I had a PS2 around here to replay SOTC. As for the playtesting: SURE! My game will require a LOT of playtesting, so I'm happy to have some help with that in the future.
@frinno2319 Ай бұрын
@@TaleSun Talking about SOTC, there are some of these realy cool "game analysis" that try to explain how the game feel the way it does when playing. I realy recomend checking out this kind of content. For example, the feeling of imencity is partialy created by the fact that you first explore by foot, making you feel the distance before being able to travel faster in an even vaster landscape. By the way, I realy admire the fact that, even if your were primarely inspired by SOTC, you were able to create a unique game with it's own soul. You're on th right way!💪
@pepsiboydystopia Ай бұрын
This is a brilliant mechanic, and I like it. It's really clever, but the downside is it would kill any replayability of the game, specially if you want the world to have this air of mystery and loneliness. If you figure out everything about the world the first time (specially if you're using these spells to lock the player our of new things, like you did with the thorns) playing it again would necessarily feel like a New Game plus even on a fresh save. I suppose there's something philosophical about that, and it would make the game essentially open world, but still.
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Thanks! Yeah, one of my first thoughts was that this could reduce replayability a lot. But my game is already heading in that direction, the main drive for player engagement in the storyline will be curiosity (which would fade by the end of the first playthrough). Also, some of the best games I’ve played are experiences that can’t be fully relived (like SOTC and Outer Wilds). I like the idea of having one truly immersive playthrough that can’t be repeated, almost like a real adventure.
@Rowan-g5n Ай бұрын
Do you think you could try and add some more fog in some of the more lower areas and in patches over the ocean. I love the fog and the atmosphere it brings.
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
I also love the fog! I tried not to overdo it and even toned it down a bit. I will play around with more settings for the fog (maybe some animated textures to add more variability).
@shado_7382 Ай бұрын
Loving it man!
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Rowan-g5n Ай бұрын
I LOVE your devlogs!
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
@BudgetUnicornStudios Ай бұрын
The new animation looks good on high speeds, but it looks slippery on low speeds. You might want to use root motion, I tried in the past for my game and worked great!
@Dr.Infin8ty3810 Ай бұрын
All the dev logs you have done so far are beautifully made Going over the whispering echo it could be that the spells and combinations spell out the God based on that action , eg to remove plants blocking your path you are spelling out the Godess of nature in the ancient language Also could be that the whispering echoes are the fragmented memories of the Gods and their ways of living that were not erased from the world Or The whispering echoes could be the Gods language in which allows one to control the world around them and the knowledge of this language was scattered around on the death/disappearance of the Gods
@TaleSun Ай бұрын
Awesome insights! I’ve thought about expanding the rune/symbol system, but as it stands, there are only 4 types (one button for each). Adding more symbols would exponentially increase the complexity of player input, making it almost like writing entire sentences (similar to a game called Dunes of Sataar, quite good!). One alternative is to stick with just 4 runes for the magic system, but still branch out by using them to write on surfaces in the environment, like walls, ancient tomes, and so on.
@itsafish4600 Ай бұрын
I've had so many similar ideas as you
@orinel-croll2064 Ай бұрын
This mechanic is so cool!! Can't wait to play it❤