X-Men (2024) #1 - Fresh-Faced SOLOS
The High Republic SPECTACULAR! - R2-BD
the aftershow
Ай бұрын
@Newt5996 9 сағат бұрын
It’s going to be so weird in a couple of months to jump on this book when the crossover happens
@blooddonutstudios 11 сағат бұрын
If you enjoyed this be sure to hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 11 сағат бұрын
If you enjoyed this make sure to hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 3 күн бұрын
Make sure to hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@Newt5996 4 күн бұрын
This one was actually pretty good. Especially after last week having an episode where it’s just good fun was kind of what I needed. The conclusion is a bit silly but the cast is having a lot of fun with it.
@blooddonutstudios 4 күн бұрын
Halfway through TAS Season 2! Hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 8 күн бұрын
The lateness of this video reflects the lateness of the issue's release. It's thematic or something...Anyway be sure to hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 9 күн бұрын
Continuing Tom King's Batman, no controversial opinions here! Just like button hitting and channel subscribing
@blooddonutstudios 9 күн бұрын
End of event hype! Show some love by hitting that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBING to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 9 күн бұрын
Show some Bem hate by hitting that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBING to the channel!
@chrisdaily2077 10 күн бұрын
While Waller's characterization leaves something to be desired, I love this event more making the DC Universe feel more interconnected. It's like going through a toybox and seeing all the neat items you can use.
@Newt5996 11 күн бұрын
Okay is this the worst episode of The Animated Series? It’s either this or The Ambergris Element. Like I have no idea what this was going for because there’s like two plots and neither of them are compelling.
@blooddonutstudios 14 күн бұрын
Because I needed MORE work, here's this! So much X-Men hype on the channel, show some love by hitting that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBING to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 16 күн бұрын
New podcast episode talking about The Button and a bunch of other Batman stories coming out next Monday!
@sasamichan 18 күн бұрын
reacting to star trek parody could be fun. Ranking on a list might be easier.
@Newt5996 18 күн бұрын
Ugh this one was so bland. Theres maybe a bit of a good idea here but I really cannot get into whatever it’s doing. I also just don’t know why it’s pronounced because someone really should have corrected them.
@visionaryventures12 18 күн бұрын
If you want to experience the movies as the audience had, stop at movie number four. Begin watching Star Trek: TNG. Watch two seasons of it. ST V came out the summer after season two. Watch up to the first half of season five of ST: TNG. Watch ST: VI, then continue watching the rest of TNG. Halfway through season six, Deep Space Nine premiered in January 1993. Watch TNG and DS9 in parallel. TNG concludes but continue watching DS9. Continue by watching ST: Generations (7th movie).
@CMWaters 18 күн бұрын
I would say you should keep the airing order of things, and do movies 5 and 6 when they aired during TNG's run. But as you've probably already recorded them by now, might be too late.
@blooddonutstudios 18 күн бұрын
TAS Season 2 time babyyyy! If you enjoyed this and are looking forward to MORE Star Trek videos from us be sure to hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@Newt5996 19 күн бұрын
Oh look an R2BD that I can mostly listen to.
@blooddonutstudios 19 күн бұрын
So obviously this was recorded before The Acolyte was canceled, but still show that Acolyte and High Republic love by hitting the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBING to the channel!
@blooddonutstudios 22 күн бұрын
If you enjoyed this and are looking forward to MORE Absolute Power coverage be sure to hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
@genesisofandrozani7313 23 күн бұрын
Thor fucks.
@Newt5996 23 күн бұрын
A lot.
@Newt5996 23 күн бұрын
This one despite the title was decent, it probably could have been given a different title and you’d not have the problem. I think it’s used here because Dune is very popular in 1973. It’s also a quest episode which is nice, though again for me nothing too amazing here.
@zakjaggs9761 24 күн бұрын
hi, commenting on a very old video, but I own this comic and I'm wondering if its one that can be read without much previous exposure to Batman comics?
@blooddonutstudios 23 күн бұрын
@@zakjaggs9761 Yeah, I'd say so! A general knowledge of major Batman events is helpful, but I remember reading this without much context the first time around! (But also I would *highly* recommend Jeph Loeb's other Batman books)
@blooddonutstudios 24 күн бұрын
If you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel! 😁
@sasamichan 25 күн бұрын
I some times get interesting observations , if you want to know the future, say so in a video
@blooddonutstudios 25 күн бұрын
Hey friends! This thing is probably going to get buried because of the title of the episode, so if you can leave a like, a comment, share it around if you can, and while you're at it you may as well subscribe :)
@lanceknightmare 25 күн бұрын
I do not think Death wanted to meet Franklin for a drink. Franklin is going to the beyond, SOON.
@Newt5996 Ай бұрын
I don’t want to be reductionist and call this one just The Cage again, but it kind of is. Like I once again am struggling to write my review because I don’t have too much to actually say about this one. I like the creature designs and the discovering a species with a higher sense of intelligence and being unable to communicate, but even then I don’t think it sustains itself.
@blacksnk Ай бұрын
“Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” is my favorite. Seeing Frank Gorshin and Willian Shatner trying to out act each other is sheer magic!
@ElMISTERIOSO2.0 Ай бұрын
Creo que es homenaje a urusei yatsura.
@Newt5996 Ай бұрын
From one of the worst to one of the best. Larry Niven is a great world builder, Ringworld’s a classic both Brian and I have read and it’s decent (the world building is amazing but the plot leaves a lot to be desired). This episode just makes me wish for even less Shatner because it’s so good to get Takei and Nichols as leads
@GetRidOfCivilAssetForfeiture Ай бұрын
I remember watching this episode when it originally aired.
@Newt5996 Ай бұрын
Wow this one was bad. Like I think it’s trying to draw on Atlantis and The Shadow Over Innsmouth but that also might just be me grasping at something because what even is this episode trying to say? Maybe something about generation gaps? It also did not help that I watched The Underwater Menace this morning and all three of us had Anneke Wills’ delivery stuck on the brain.
@Newt5996 Ай бұрын
So this was not great. I might dislike it more than The Survivor if I’m being honest. There isn’t enough focus and so much of the human/Klingon conflict is a rehash of earlier episodes when it should be pushing the species closer to harmony. It also might be an uncredited (and potentially stolen) adaptation of a Star Trek comic from a year earlier written by Len Wein?
@tiranmelkor6348 Ай бұрын
The voice of Sandmand must sound unnatural, that's why the difernt kind of ballons
@bryanat87 Ай бұрын
Did you guys go through it? I so How many iterations have you seen?
@Newt5996 2 ай бұрын
This one was great. A science fiction staple to be sure but honestly another chance for the animators to get really creative and play around with scale and fun devices. Plus another really fun alien planet design even if it’s only on screen in the final act. The one thing stopping this for me is Shatner’s performance being kind of boring and the audio mix of the episode seemed really variable.
@CMWaters 2 ай бұрын
I think if it hasn't been explained yet they explain in one episode that their uniforms are made of a fungus or algea or something hence they're more biological based, hence why they shrank with the crew (in story). Interestingly, and I don't think think that this is much a spoiler, this is only one of two times where crewmembers of a ship on Trek shrink. You won't get to the next one for quite a while though.
@user-j_6 2 ай бұрын
Spoilers Panini did come out with the batman comic issues 1980’s to 90's ( advice watching a caverna do morcego for more information). I find it really interesting where it is just him at school as Jason and not as robin, the fight against darksied, the one where batman millennium we're Jason shoots robot commissioner Gordon, batman second chance's, batman 410-411, 414&421&422 the dumpster slasher, 416, 418-420 ten nights of the beast, batman 424 the diplomats son, batman 425 consequences and finally death in the family.
@arthurchallat8530 2 ай бұрын
Taya sounds like Karen Gillan, I really had the impression that it was Amy Pond
@sasamichan 2 ай бұрын
next Gen reacting to Mudd would be interesting. since Data exists, how would he react to other androids? How would Mudd react to Data? Or maybe future Mudd would be the android? and bonus Mudd meets the Ferengi. it would be fun. On an other topic, I just learned Lenord Nemoy commonly did brown face. Thought of you when I learned it.
@Newt5996 2 ай бұрын
This one was probably the best of the three Harry Mudd episodes, because it was short and Roger Carmel is a delight. It’s kind of an inverse of Mudd’s Women which feels like an attempt at commenting on the awful politics of that episodes.
@Newt5996 2 ай бұрын
I just realized you got the title of the film wrong.
@blooddonutstudios 2 ай бұрын
@@Newt5996 Oh shit, that's probably because I used the "reuse details" feature and must've forgotten to add the Returns part lmao. Fixed now
@hehu4025 2 ай бұрын
35:18 "She killed Barriss." Well... Absolutely no one confirms this death. Even the actress said something like: "There's a lot to tell before she was stabed and tons after. You know, we don't know if she died." This is an absurd scene. Sorry, but instead of feeling sad, I was genuinely pissed off that Barriss got 3 shorts and died in the most anticlimactic way. Sorry, but 3 shorts for Lyn are not enough and she is a noname because I don't know anything about this character. (Additionally, I would say something about favoritism and the return of a dead character in other series, but I won't.) After a few minutes I start to connect the facts and realize that she was a healer and a very good one, which makes this scene make even less sense. She should just heal herself. This leaves me and many fans confused because we don't even know whether it was supposed to be an absurd form of ending for some reason or a preparation for something bigger. If this is actually death, I have two immediate questions: Why has it been said for years that there are plans for this character? And why did this character die after 3 shorts? What was the point? Why does this death leave fans speculating, with no answers? All they had to do was add, for example, a funeral scene. But if I ignore this scene, I really liked it. Especially episode 4. There's a real depth to each character there.
@Newt5996 2 ай бұрын
I thought this one was fine. I already wasn’t that big a fan of Shore Leave as an episode and this was doing a bit too much of it. Though it could also be because I don’t love having the plot where the computer keeps calling Uhura a slave and honestly I wish Kirk just stayed on the Enterprise and let someone else have a go at the resolution.
@sirjedisentinel 2 ай бұрын
Re-watching this, one thing I'm noticing about this movie that the later 3 kinda suffer on, is this movie has spectacular lighting design. The opening scenes. Jack, Bob, & Eckhardt in the alley. The surgery scene. "Wait til they get a load of me." This has such creative lighting that the other movies just don't.
@Newt5996 2 ай бұрын
I think for me the time slot is the issue in terms of writing. This is an episode that really understands how to fill 25 minutes while others have really struggled, though it also helps that it is utterly insane as well.
@missboozehound 2 ай бұрын
I loved Yara! It was her first time in the invisible 🫥 jet 🛩️. She hates airports as well. See Future State WW #1